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You smile and let her know that you’re more than fine with her having a package. If
anything, you’re anticipating the change. The idea of the vixen sporting a nice, thick cock
to tease along with her vagina is eminently pleasing. “Really?” Penny smiles, though her
hand is shaking. “I guess... there’s no time like the present then.” Typing one handed, she
powers off her workstation and seals the doors in short order. “Just, unlock the doors and
call for help if anything goes wrong, okay mate?” You nod. Penny exhales, “Okay.” She
gingerly sets the expensive, barely-legal drug on her desk and unbuttons her pants with a
grunt of irritation, lifting up her cute little bottom so she can slide the stifling garment down
to the floor. A pair of white panties with a noticeable dark patch at the gusset follow it,
exposing Penny’s glistening-wet sex to your eyes. She leans back, spreading her legs to
give you a better view, her vulva engorging with every breath she takes. Grabbing hold of
the vial, Penny pops the plastic guard off the needle and gulps. “This is it,” she says to
herself, “the moment of truth.” The shaking vial slowly descends toward her pubic mound
clasped as it is in the fennec’s quaking fingers. It stops perhaps a millimeter above her
exposed skin, just above her slit but below the line where her tawny fur begins. She
whimpers, glances at you for support, and without another word, she plunges the needle
into herself. Startled, Penny gasps, “It didn’t hurt at all! The anesthetic coating on these
needles is perfect!” She depresses the plunger with one firm push, her previous worries
forgotten. There’s no change at first. Penny glances up at you with a worried look while
she works the needle free and places it on her desk. “Was it a d... dud?” she wonders.
One of her eyes starts to dilate, and then the other. Her tongue doesn’t even make it the
whole way back into her mouth. It just kind of flops out to the side and twitches slightly. “F-
feeling it aowww...” she slurs, her breaths coming hard and fast. Her left nipple and then
her right pop out, sticking out through her wraps as lust overwhelms her. At the same time,
her pussy lips clench and then relax, opening as wide as that orifice can, leaking clear,
feminine fuck-slime onto her chair. The insensate fennec slams her hand down onto her
pussy hard enough to splatter her lubricants onto her desk, three fingers immediately
buried to the knuckle in her simmering slot. Her hips lift and grind against her hand, and a
lazy, ecstatic grin spreads across her face as she masturbates. “Sho good,” she babbles
while fucking herself. “So hot... so hot!” Her movements grow jerky, and an ugly-looking
lump begins to rise at the injection site, discolored and red. Penny doesn’t seem to care
about the growth in the slightest. She’s worked a fourth finger into her twat and is so busily
fucking herself that she looks about ready to start fisting any moment now. Meanwhile, the
red lump is nearly an inch tall. Veins rise on the surface, visibly expanding with each pump
of heated blood, seeming to fill the object as it rises higher. Around the border of the
protrusion, her skin bunches up, folds stacking upon folds into something not dissimilar
from foreskin or an animal’s sheath. Penny’s fur spreads down as it thickens, confirming
that it is a sheath, which means the red bulge is... her cock. It’s risen up to a full two inches
in height already, and the rate of its growth is only accelerating. Blinking as she starts to
fist-fuck herself, Penny seems to suddenly become aware of the new, growing organ. Her
free hand wraps around it, and she gasps. A narrow tip peeks through her fingers while the
base thickens, fed by the spiderwebs of fresh veins that feed further engorgement. Her
cock swells further, slowly straining her tightly-clasped fingers apart to reveal a bulging
knot. At the same time, a tiny slit appears at the tip and begins to weep white droplets of
liquid lust. The lust-drugged vixen throws her head back and moans in orgasmic bliss
while her expanding fox-cock flexes in her grip, just in time to launch long ropes of jism up
onto its owner’s tits. Again and again, sticky semen is sprayed up onto the underside of
Penny’s breasts. Some falls on her belly after a few moments, losing momentum as the
drug’s potential is expended. Slouching into her chair, Penny shudders and sighs, pulling
her hand free of her momentarily-gaped snatch with a lewd-sounding pop.

The newly-minted hermaphrodite uncurls her fingers from around her prized possession,
gazing on it with a sense of wonder. It’s definitely a dog-dick; it has a clearly visible but
shrinking knot at its base. The new-grown tool looks to stand about six inches tall when
hard, but it’s already starting to retract into its fleshy sheath. Penny has a cock! She
doesn’t have balls, but from her description of the drug, she’s liable to get some if you give
her more. Penny interrupts your speculations with a ringing endorsement, “Oh god, it’s
perfect! It’s just like I always imagined.” She flutters her lashes in your direction, letting her
eyebrows sink low as she says, “And it felt better than I ever expected. I can’t wait to try it
out with you!” In confirmation of her statement, her sheath spreads to expose an inch of
the pointed tip, sliding out to point accusingly in your direction. She idly gathers some of
her cum off her chest to taste, each swallow aiding another inch of erection in slipping free.
By the time she’s cleaned, her cock is out and throbbing again. Penny purrs, “Oh, it wants
to go again!” The fox-girl’s libido has definitely jumped up a notch - she’s probably always
going to be lusting after you now. Hell, the way she’s eyeing you up, you wouldn’t be
surprised if she leapt across the desk right now. She shows some restraint, luckily, and
instead slides her bottoms back up. Though, she does leave the fly undone so that her
new addition can breathe. “Maybe later though, little guy. I’ve got work to do.” Her smile
turns your way. “Thanks again, mate. I’m gonna get things cleaned up and work, but come
back as soon as you have time for a little prison fun, okay?” You’ll have to be careful not to
drop the soap around her from now on.
Penny cheers, “I knew you would!” in between strokes on her knotty cock. Tearing into a
drawer one-handed, she comes up with another vial of Throbb. This one looks exactly like
the last - a syringe filled with transparent, pale blue fluid. She bites the plastic cap off the
needle and casually spits it aside, spinning the injector in her fingers until she has it aimed
point-down at herself. Breathing in anxious puffs, she declares, “I’m going to have a hard
time hiding this, Bitz...” The lusty prick-vixen jams her chosen enlargement method into her
sheath with alarming suddenness. Pushing in the plunger, she yanks out the spent syringe
to toss aside, forgotten by the time it hits her desk. Instead, the fox is bent down to look at
her dick as she masturbates, sliding her hand slowly across every spot of exposed
erection. Like the last time, there are a scant few seconds where nothing happens, but
then, the fox-girl begins to drool. At first, only strings of saliva escape her open maw, but
all too soon, she’s dripping all over her dick while she jacks off. At the same time, Penny’s
vulpine shaft visibly swells, starting inside the sheath, stretching her fur-lined orifice wide.
The tremors of growth pass up the shaft, compressed as it is in her hand, and force her
fingers apart with newfound girth. Last, the fennec’s canine crown blooms with fresh size
before elongating upward, stretching with new length. The cock quivers and pulses as it
builds higher, passing eight inches of height with ease. As it hits ten, the lust-doped fox-girl
whimpers, and a flow of white begins to flow from her tip in languid spurts. Penny bends
low, her tongue hanging down to catch her pointed cock-head’s juices, tasting herself as
her cock inexorably reaches towards her mouth. You estimate her pointed prick to be
about eleven inches long when the fox-girl’s lips touch down. The contact between the two
must feel exquisitely good, because you actually see her urethra bulge with a heavy load,
and the tip surges up into the vixen’s hungry maw in time to spray the cum straight into her
throat. Her cheeks bulge from the spunky volume, pressurized to their limit. Penny goes
straight into swallowing while her eyes roll back from bliss. Her body is running on
automatic at this point, stroking, licking, and swallowing on the altar of her swelling phallus
until it becomes satisfied. Mid-orgasm, the flesh between Penny’s fox-dick and pink slit
bulges out, her skin ballooning slowly, coming to rest flat and empty upon her quivering
folds. A second later, something squeezes out of the fox-girl and into the sack of pink skin.
It’s a rounded, egg-shaped little bulge that you identify as a testicle almost immediately. A
second falls into the other side, and both bounce happily in their new home as they grow,
swelling up to the size of golf balls before stopping. Fine amber hairs sprout all over the
pouch a moment later, blending in with the sheath above and the fur to either side. Penny
grew a ballsack! Gulping noisily, the now-hung hermaphrodite works to keep up with her
prodigious alabaster flow. Her vixen-prick seems to have finished the worst of its growth
and appears content to serve as a sperm highway straight into Penny’s belly. Her taut
tummy bulges slightly with hastily-swallowed, liquid weight, distending under the size of
the drug-born load. Still, even such ludicrous orgasms have to come to an end, and
Penny’s tapers down to an unsubtle white-leaking drip. You watch the fennec come down
from her orgasmic high with a bit of uncertainty. She’s gotten pretty big, and you can’t even
see the whole size of her member with it buried in her throat. Penny answers your
unasked questions a moment later by pulling off and gasping for breath. Her cock has
grown to somewhere just under twelve inches, maybe eleven and a half. The tip is still
leaking white, but it does begin to recede into the vixen’s enlarged sheath. Her balls have
nowhere to go, and she comments, “I guess I better be careful how I sit from now on....
That felt better than last time!” You cock your head to the side. “Seriously! Last time, it was
like I was supremely horny and HAD to bring myself off right now,” Penny explains. “This
time, it’s like I was getting more and more aroused with each passing second. I didn’t have
to touch myself, I knew I’d be coming in ten or fifteen seconds, I just touched myself
because I wanted it to feel even better, and boy did it ever! When it started growing, it was
like I was having this beautiful, perfect, slow orgasm, and then when it went into my mouth,
I started cumming all over again! I got off on jizzing into my own throat and I came forever!
I can still feel it sloshing inside of me...” She cradles her belly, but her shaft has apparently
re-engorged, ready to go again. Slapping at it, the fox giggles, “Not now... but maybe we
can take a break in an hour to drain you.” She adjusts herself to be half presentable before
turning back to thank you. “You’re the best, my mate. I never would have done something
like this, and let me tell you that I’m having a hard time trying not to mount you right now. I
mean... your butt is just... wow.” She covers her mouth and swivels back to her computer
to work, but you overhear her whisper, “Okay, maybe a break in five minutes...” Her
enhanced tentpole twitches in agreement.
“Ohgod, you want me to get bigger, don’t you?” Penny asks with a full-body shudder. She
wraps one hand around her beefy, feral prick and begins to languidly stroke it, barely
caring that the door is unlocked. Her male endowment is big enough to be visible over the
edge of her desk. “Nnnngh, it’ll feel so good! I... uh... don’t know how I’ll fit in my pants.
Fuck, my sheath will probably bulge through even when I’m not horny.” The lust-drunk
vixen giggles as she bends double to slurp a drop of pre-cum off her pointed cock-head.
“Yeaaaah, let’s give me a real monster!” To say that Penny is enthused by the prospect of
a bigger member and a heightened libido would be an understatement. She’s jubilant at
the prospect and nearly beyond reason with lust from at the prospect of taking more. With
her self-control obviously slipping, do you give her the okay to take another dose?

Penny’s only response to your decree is to eagerly slam her face down on her animal-
phallus, wrapping her lips around the bright red animal-phallus into a vacuum tight seal.
Holding that position, she reaches into her drawer, fumbling around a little while before she
comes up with the object she sought: a small injector filled with bluish fluid. The fennec
pops off her spit-slicked rod, but only long enough to say, “Are you ready, my mate? Ready
to see my cock get so huge that I don’t even have to lean over to self-suck anymore?” She
shivers with uncontained anticipation. “It’s gonna get sooooo big.” Your mouth splits into a
slight grin as you nod to her. You’re definitely ready to see this. “Okay thenmrph!” she
gurgles as she slurps down her narrow glans once more. The vial of cyan drug has its
plastic safety sheath removed by Penny’s practiced fingertips, and it’s unceremoniously
jammed needle-first into her sheath. The fox-girl barely whimpers at this. She didn’t even
miss a stroke; her hand is pumping as fast and ready as before. At the same time, she
pumps in a whole other way, depressing the plunger to inject the chemical into herself,
tossing the empty syringe away as soon as it’s completed its mission inside her genitals.
Penny lazily looks at you as she slurps upon her foot-long rod, popping off long enough to
say, “Here it comes, Bitz. Watch closely.” The first difference you notice is actually Penny’s
tail. It had been waving back and forth until now, but it’s stopped and fallen limp behind
her. Next, a full-body shiver works its way through the fennec’s form, starting at her
footpaws before traveling the whole way up to her head. That actually interrupts the vixen’s
autofellative masturbation, at least for a few seconds. She goes right back into sucking her
bestial member like a horny gutterslut the moment the involuntary twitches cease. You
watch this with a lusty smile, grinning wider when you see her ears begin to lazily droop
backwards. At the same time, her cock pulsates powerfully, throbbing so mightily that
you’re reminded briefly of someone inflating a toy. You shake your head to cast off the idle
thoughts and watch, noticing the way Penny’s sheath has begun to swell first. The fleshy
lips of it are thickening nicely while the orifice opens wider. Stranger still, that entrance (or
is it an exit?) migrates further up the fox-woman’s groin as it deepens in order to handle
the soon-to-be swelling organ, surely immense in its flaccid state. The nicely formed sack
below Penny’s animalistic dick abruptly begins to tighten as its contents swell with fresh
virility, practically sloshing against each other as they fill the rapidly stretching pouch. That
pouch gets larger and larger before your very eyes, and the vixen’s seed-producing organs
become more perfectly spherical as they enlarge, the only flaw in their perfect, rounded
shapes visible in the way their bottoms compress flat against Penny’s seat under their own
weight. Her balls have grown to the size of grapefruits! Change arrives at the vixen’s prick
at last, starting at the knot, which blooms into a full, girthy, six-inch, orgasmicly enlarged
sphere well ahead of the rest of the organ. Penny’s cheeks abruptly fill with what must be
a momentous amount of seed, forcing her to gulp and swallow to keep up. Meanwhile, the
shape of her phallus is stretching lengthwise, thickening to keep it proportional. Her
urethra pulsates and jumps with each hot load of jism that it’s forcing into the fox-girl’s
mouth, stretching larger with each shot in order to handle the growing copiousness of her
ejaculations. Penny’s lips stretch a little bit around the thickening tip, but the true
entertainment lies in watching it reach deeper into her throat. The fox soon reaches her
limit, and you get to watch her slowly be pushed up out of her own groin and into a more
upright position. Her meaty fuck-piston is actually lifting her into a proper, upright sitting
stance by the force of its multiplying erectile tissues. Not long after that, cum starts to pour
out around the corners of her mouth, and she pulls off with a gagging cough, spewing
unswallowed jism over her tits while her growing cock dumps a load of the stuff across her
mohawk. With her cock acting as a spooge geyser, Penny can do naught but lie back and
try to clear her throat while she showers herself in more. You’re certain she’s at least
fifteen or sixteen inches long by this point, and still growing. Heck, even her balls look
swollen; they’re currently as big as cantaloupes, but they do look to be shrinking a little
with each blast of warm goo. The hugely endowed prick-vixen jacks herself off through the
next few sordid splatters, gasping out a sigh when the blasts of seed trail off into a steady
flow of dribbling white. She uses that as lubricant for a few lazy strokes, but after that
orgasm, Penny seems completely wiped out. Her cock is standing up a proud eighteen
inches, rock hard. The white-painted fox gasps, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” and lets her head hang
back limply over the back of her chair, cum dripping off her to splatter onto the dozens of
puddles on the floor around her. The corners of her mouth are twisted into an ecstatic
smile, and she is soon back to properly stroking herself once more. “Bitz, you gotta try this.
It feels so good. I just came but like, I know if I just keep stroking it I won’t get very soft. I
can feel it in my balls. I’ll be able to cum again real soon. I’ll be able to cum so often!” She
shudders as she cups one of her engorged nuts. “Damn, it sucks that I have to work!” You
chuckle and point out that she’s got quite a bit of cleaning to do before she can even do
that. “You’re right...” Penny drawls with a lazy stroke of her sperm-soaked phallus. “I’ll get
this cleaned right up, and then I can take care of myself in the shower!” Her cock pulsates
powerfully along with that last statement, giving you a clear picture of exactly what she
plans to do in the shower.
“MMmoooore?” Penny moans as she starts to masturbate in front of you. Her hand can’t
even close around her girth at this point, and the tip is so tall that it smacks her in the chin
whenever she gets careless. She grabs hold of it with both hands, one sliding over the half
facing you while the other cradles her balls. Her womanly folds are almost entirely
forgotten as she babbles, “I think I want more, Bitz.... I mean, I remember not wanting to
turn myself into a hyper-dicked freak, but now... I kind of want to see how big it can get.
Each time it feels better!” She slurps at her tip as you consider the situation. “Umph! So
good! Come on, give me a monster cock! I promise I won’t split you in half with it!”
Thinking about it for a moment, you realize that Penny probably wouldn’t be able to handle
any more of the drug. Her lust seems to be stoked to a high degree already, and giving her
more Throbb would certainly lead to her losing her post. That said, she’s very pliable at the
moment, so if you wanted to turn her into an obedient, sex-addicted pet you could
probably quite easily work her up into embracing her new assets a little more
enthusiastically. Chances are it would still impact on her ability to work, but not as
irreversibly as pumping her full of drugs. Teasing her into being more of a orgasm-addicted
love pet still wouldn’t exactly be nice, but at least she’d be able to control herself and do
work when she absolutely had to. So, what do you want to do?

“No, you can’t have any more,” you tell her. “But you don’t need any more, do you?” Penny
looks at you, confused. “I... I don’t?” Walking behind her, you lean in close, whispering in
her ear, “You haven’t earned a bigger dick yet, seeing as you’re not even properly using
the one you have now.” She reddens, her eyes flicking away from you and onto her bestial
member, still straining upwards and pressing between her breasts. “I’m... I’m not? But...”
Before she can finish her sentence, you casually place one hand on the back of her head
and push her forwards. She doesn’t resist, and before long her furred muzzle is pointed
downwards, resting directly against her moist canine crown. “There,” you say, “doesn’t that
feel better?” Unable to move away, Penny shudders slightly at the heat and urgency of her
slick tool resting against her face. “Mm-mhmmm...” is all she can manage to say. Leaning
down further, you bring your face level with hers. “Goodness, you’re drooling, aren’t you?”
She is, her tongue darting involuntarily from her mouth to briefly taste herself, almost
intoxicated by the scent of pre-cum dripping from her cock. She can’t manage to form a
proper response, only a wordless whimper making it past her lips. “It’s okay,” you coo
encouragingly. “Don’t hold back” Slowly, inevitably, Penny’s tongue slips out of her mouth
and begins sweeping around the tip of her impressive shaft. She moans in pleasure, her
lips sliding upwards into a blissful smile. “Good girl...” you whisper. “There’s a good girl.
Doesn’t it feel good, having your own cock in your mouth like this?” She nods, the motion
soon turning into her head bobbing down over her shaft. It’s a struggle, but with effort - and
your hand helpfully pushing behind her - she manages to get her mouth over at least the
tip. You spin her around, pointing her away from her desk to give yourself space. She
flinches slightly at the sudden movement, but doesn’t for a second pause in her oral
ministrations. Smiling in approval, you kneel down in front of her, taking each of her hands
in yours and moving them gently onto her animalistic shaft. “It’s time you earned these
extra modifications,” you say as you start rubbing her hands against her straining shaft,
smiling further as she picks up the motion herself almost instantly. With that you’re free to
return to her sensitive ears, making her shudder as you whisper directly into them.
“Doesn’t that feel right? Having a cock in your mouth, letting you lick up all the delicious
cum? More than that, having your own cock in your mouth, showing how utterly addicted
you are to pleasuring yourself?” Penny’s only response is to increase the speed of her
hands against herself, too overwhelmed to even attempt to speak. “You’re a lovely little
cumslut, aren’t you? You’re hooked on it so badly that you can’t help yourself; you can’t
keep your cock out of your mouth, you need the taste of cum so desperately.” Penny
whimpers, her movements becoming faster, her body starting to tense before the
inevitable climax. Before it comes, however, you shift your position to grab her fiercely,
pulling her head up and away from her cock before she can react. “Not yet,” you say, as
Penny splutters helplessly. “First, you have to tell me how much you want it. You have to
admit that you’re addicted to your own cum, and that you’re going to make sure that you
stuff your mouth with your own cock as much as possible from now on.” After several
moments of breathless gasping, Penny manages to corral her tongue enough to attempt
speech, although her hands not letting up their movements for a moment doesn’t make
that easy. “I... mmmrrowwmm... I... oh fuck, Bitz I need it soOOohhhwmmm bad! Ple-ah!
Please! Please let me suu-uhk! Suck my dick!” You grin at her, but refuse to let her head
sink back down as she so urgently needs. “You have to admit it,” you hiss fiercely. Penny’s
tongue is stretching down to reach the tip of cock-head, desperately straining to coat itself
in the thick moistness dripping from her. “Pl-please!” she manages eventually. “Please let
me swallow my cum!” Playfully, you look down at her, still holding her back, and ask, “And
why should I do that, exactly?” “Because I need it!” she all but howls in response. She
makes eye contact with you directly for a moment, treating you to a wide-eyed, pleading
expression as the words tumble out of her uncontrollably. “I’ve been an absolute slut for
my cum ever since you first gave me a cock! I’ve been licking it off my fur, off my desk -
I’ve been spending half of my time filling my mouth with that wonderful taste!” You take her
chin in your hand, forcing her to look back at you before she can break away to turn back
to her throbbing cock. “Well, that’s not right, is it?” Locked submissively into your eyes, she
can barely respond. “Muh-uhh?” “No,” you continue, “that should take up all of your time.”
Penny shudders dramatically, her body tensing up as she clearly comes close to orgasm
just at the thought of that. “Ah-ahh!” she gasps. Her eyes threaten to roll back in her head,
but your firm hand makes sure she stays looking at you instead. “That’s what you want,
isn’t it? To spend all your time filling yourself with your own cum, like the cum-addicted fox-
slut you are?” Penny thrusts her hips without thinking as her monster shaft orgasms
weakly. Still only a prelude to the main event, it’s enough that the underside of her chin
gets painted white as her body involuntarily betrays her approval. She looks at you with a
pleading expression as she spurts repeatedly against her fur, but aside from shifting your
grip forwards to avoid getting hit yourself you keep her held firmly in the same position.
“Tell me you’re my little cumslut pet. Promise you’ll keep yourself slick and full even when
I’m not around...” you tighten your grip, and Penny shudders with a more powerful orgasm
in response, “and I’ll let you act like one.” She struggles to speak against the constant
waves of quivering pleasure running through her, and only eventually manages to through
sheer force of will. “Buh-buh! But what about- uhhh! What about other people see-uh!
Seeing me?” She raises a good point. She works in a public position after all - if she
spends almost all of her time with her cock in her mouth people are going to notice. What
do you tell her to do when someone walks in on her? (L: +28)
“Let them watch,” you say simply. Penny squirms in response, blushing even more than
before at the instruction. “What?” you tease her. “Are you too shy for that? Doesn’t the
thought of everyone seeing you desperately sucking your own dick turn you on?”
“Muhhmmmm!” she answers, leaving you unsure as to whether she’s struggling to speak
further or break free from your grip and resume servicing herself. Finally she manages to
make a more coherent response, whimpering, “But... how will they respect m-” You cut her
off by forcing her face suddenly down against her cock, her speech soon stopping as her
lips switch effortlessly to sweeping over her slick narrow glans. “Now now,” you answer.
“What’s more important? Respect? Or being able to lick your dick clean at any moment?”
Penny moans wordlessly, unable to stop herself from doing exactly that. “Theeere you go,”
you say approvingly, forcing her head slowly downwards until she’s taken as much of her
cock inside her mouth as possible and is limited to blissfully fucking her own face. “Doesn’t
that feel better? Isn’t it just so much nicer not to worry about what anyone can see, or what
anyone thinks; and instead just focus on feeding your wonderful addiction?” Her eyes roll
slowly back in her head as she starts to inexorably lose herself in the sensation of
swallowing her swollen, bestial member. “In fact,” you continue, moving around to stand
beside her and whispering directly into her ear, “you want people to see this, don’t you?
You want people to see how you’re hooked on drinking your own cum, how you can’t stop
putting your dick in your mouth and working it over again, and again, and again.” Penny’s
movements are becoming jerky and erratic, her whole body shuddering as she
approaches what is clearly an unstoppable orgasm. Seizing the moment, you grab her
fiercely and hiss, “You’re a cumslut, aren’t you? You’re addicted to the taste of your own
cum, and don’t care if the whole town watches you milk yourself.” She manages to look up
at you, her blushing face and the look of pleading desperation in her eyes conveying her
hesitance, but even as she does her dick starts surging involuntarily, and soon burst after
burst is splashing against the back of her throat, and all she can do is slurp it down
greedily. Her resistance melts as she sinks into it, her eyes sliding closed and her blush
fading as all her reservations are overcome by just how good this feels. Seeing her
adjusting, you shift to crouch directly in front of her, watching approvingly as she gulps
down her seemingly never-ending load. “Good girl,” you say encouragingly. “Don’t you
enjoy putting on a good show like this?” Even muffled as she is, Penny manages to give
out a slightly more concerted moan to attempt to express her approval. You grin in
response. “Of course you do. So much better than letting your silly little shyness get in the
way of enjoying your wonderful cock you went so out of your way to get. But remember...”
Without warning you slide three fingers inside her dripping slit, the sudden shock of which
causes her cock to bulge with a startlingly intense orgasm, almost forcing it out of her
mouth with the sheer volume of cum she produces in that one instant. “Everyone can
watch, but only I get to enjoy you.” That last emphatic orgasm seems to have wrung most
of it out of her, and within moments Penny is left leaning exhausted back in her chair, while
her swollen, bestial fox-cock slides slowly out of her mouth to rest between her breasts.
After spending a moment appraising the impressive amount of mess she left on your
fingers you casually place them next to her mouth, and reflexively she leans forward and
begins to eagerly lick them clean. “What a good girl,” you coo, before turning and walking
out of the room, leaving the near-incoherent Penny to recover behind you. As you step
outside you see a citizen of the town wandering by, and with a smirk you tell them that
Penny has something to show them in her office, and they should let the rest of the town
know. After all, it wouldn’t do to let her talents go to waste by letting her shows go unseen.
(L: +10)


Penny looks up at you as you come close, the edges of her lips curling upwards in a smile
before she turns back to focus on her cock. Giving herself an abrupt jerk from under the
table, you watch as her massive shaft shudders, her cock head pulsing as she blasts a
fresh load down her throat. After simply sucking dreamily at it for a few moments her
tongue springs into well-practiced action, sweeping up any of the missed cum quickly and
expertly. When she’s finally done she looks back up at you, smacking her lips softly to
separate the thick strands of drool that still connected her to her cock. “Sorry for the fast
finish,” she purrs, “but I didn’t want to try talking to you with my mouth full.” She settles
back in her chair, which you only notice now is sitting high enough that it keeps her entirely
above the desk, so that now as she relaxes her entirely-unrestrained cock simply settles
down on top of it. It seems she’s reorganized her work space so that she’s completely on
display, whether she’s actively masturbating or not. Noticing you taking that in, Penny
smiles. “Like the new set up?” she asks. “I sure do.” She gives her shaft a long lazy stroke
as she looks up at you. “So lover, what do you want to do?” It looks like she’s up for just
about anything - including being under control enough to just talk, if you’d prefer. That said,
despite how much you’ve worked her into being a nice little submissive, from the look in
her eyes she’d be just as comfortable going back to being on top. If you let her, of course.
“Hide it,” you say simply. “Even if you’ve just given yourself a mouthful of cum - even if
you’re orgasming right at the moment someone knocks at the door - you have to make
yourself look respectable.” Penny moans, clearly turned on by the thought of trying to be a
secret slut. The threat of getting caught would be intense, given that there’s no way she
could easily hide everything in time, but by her reaction that seems like it only makes
things hotter for her. You picture her trying to resolve a dispute in her office, quivering as
her monster cock unloads again and again onto the underside of her desk, trying to keep
herself together enough to continue a conversation. It’d be a good look for her, and a
natural evolution - going from being so shy about wanting a cock in the first place to being
so addicted to it she can’t stop playing with it even when she has to hide it from other
people in the room. Still making sure you have a strong enough of a grip to keep her away
from her cock, you shift one of your hands to scratch lightly against the base of her ears.
“You’re mine, aren’t you pet?” you whisper to her. “Mine, not for anybody else.” Penny
looks up at you, absolute blissful submission in her eyes. “Yes, Bitz,” she answers
dreamily. “I’m your pet.” Her muzzle screws up briefly into a grimace as her hands quicken
their pace against her straining shaft. She panted deliriously. “Please master! Please let
me suck my cock! It’s been so long since I tasted my cum, I -mmhhuhh! I can’t stand it!”
With a smile you lower her head back down, and when her mouth finally makes contact
again with her dripping wet pointed cock-head a shudder of pleasure runs through her
entire body, quickly turning into a series of frantic twitches as she begins to finally climax.
You can see her shaft pulse as she pumps load after load into herself, her mouth fighting
to keep a tight seal while she frantically tries to swallow as much as possible. It’s a
hopeless struggle however, and within moments thick strands of cum leak out from
between her lips. If Penny notices she makes no sign; her eyes rolling back as she finally
feeds her addiction, the only thought in her head seemingly that each thrust of her hips
means another blast of the cum she so craves and any other consideration is utterly
secondary. When her flow begins to slacken she plunges one hand into her neglected slit
without hesitation, and the other fondles her churning balls, desperate to wring as many
orgasms out of herself as her drug-enhanced constitution allows. Finally, after one last
emphatic shudder, Penny’s body goes blissfully limp, lying back in the hazy afterglow. Her
knotty cock slips from her mouth as it begins to soften, thick strands of cum connecting it
to her lips as it slides down to rest against her breasts. She licks her lips dreamily, then
starts slowly dragging her hands up her slick shaft, scooping up what she’d missed to slurp
it contentedly from her fingers. “Mhmmm,” she says between mouthfuls, “I guess I’m going
to have to start drinking a lot of protein shakes if I’m going to keep this up.” She looks up at
you with a grin, but that playfulness freezes on her face as you move in close to her again.
Reaching out with one finger you draw it slowly across the underside of her chin, gathering
up a morsel of the cum she’d sprayed herself with earlier. Bringing it up level with her face
you say simply, “Yes. You will.” Penny fights it for just a moment, her eyes flicking between
yours and her cum in front of herself, unsure about still being so submissive now that the
heat of the moment is passed. In seconds though her resolve melts, and she leans forward
to clean her cum off you eagerly with her tongue. “Mine,” you say firmly, and Penny nods in
response, happily accepting her role as your cumslut pet. She whimpers softly as you turn
and leave, but soon loses focus as her attention shifts to her rapidly re-hardening cock.
Just as you disappear around the corner you knock sharply on her door, smirking at the
sudden gasp from Penny as she jumps to hide her urgent erection. (L: +10)


You approach the desk Penny normally works at, but she herself is nowhere to be seen.
Before you wonder too long about what is happening however you hear her voice emerge
from underneath. “Just a minute!” she calls. “I just, uh, dropped something down here!”
Bending yourself down, you catch sight of her snout peaking out from under her desk to
sneak a look at you. You wave with a joking politeness, and she responds with a sigh of
relief. “Oh, thank goodness it’s you, Bitz. Hold on a bit - I just had to blow a load down here
when someone else just refused to leave. Give me a minute to clean it all up.” You tell her
to take her time, and accordingly you soon hear a series of lewd slurping noises as she
proceeds to lap up all her spent cum. Despite her claims of only needing a minute, it’s
actually more like three by the time she finally works herself back up onto her chair with a
contented grin on her face. “Now, Bitz,” Penny says happily, “what can I do for you?” After
locking eyes with you for a moment you hear the familiar thump of flesh contacting wood
beneath the desk. “After all,” Penny continues seamlessly, “it seems like you’re already
doing something for me...” It looks like she’s up for just about anything - including being
under control enough to just talk, if you’d prefer. That said, despite how much you’ve
worked her into being a nice little submissive, from the look in her eyes she’d be just as
comfortable going back to being on top. If you let her, of course.
“What should you do if other people come in?” you repeat. “I don’t think that’s up to you, is
it?” Penny’s brow furrows, confusion showing on her features even despite her distraction.
Before she can speak, however, you continue. “No, I don’t think it’s up to you what people
choose to do with you. After all, you’ll be too busy sucking on your own cock to bother with
thinking about what they do.” She blushes deeply, and seeing this you lower yourself down
in front of her, staring at her directly while still keeping one arm on her chin to keep her
from servicing herself. “Actually, I think it’s more than that. I think you want to be as much
of a slut as possible. Don’t you?” “Muh-muuhhhh,” Penny mumbles incoherently, unable to
form actual words in response. You can see from her labored breaths and straining
erection though that you seem to have hit the mark. “That’s it, isn’t it? All this shyness
about your cock - secretly, don’t you think it would be thrilling to be completely open with
it? And not just that, but to let yourself sink into the role of the town cumdump?” She
shudders, breaking eye contact with you and looking away as much as possible. “N-no,”
she manages to say. “I have to... to keep it together. Be r... responsible. I can’t,” she pants,
“I can’t, I can’t. Have to... pay my debts....” “But you want to, don’t you?” You lean in closer,
enjoying the shiver that runs through her as you whisper directly into her sensitive ears.
“You want to let go and feel what it would be like to have the cum of six different people
sticking to your fur, while you happily lick your own jizz off your shaft in front of a seventh.
Doesn’t that sound good?” Penny’s response is barely audible, coming as it does between
frantic pants. “Yes...” she whispers. “Embrace it,” you answer softly. “You’re addicted to
cum now, aren’t you? You don’t feel right without the sensation of it sticking to you, the
thickness of it sliding down your throat, the smell of it filling up your nose.”
“Mmmuhhhhh....” Penny can’t bring herself to speak; only capable of wordlessly moaning
as her eyes drift backwards in bliss. Even without being allowed to stimulate herself she
looks like she’s only moments away from orgasm. Moving back in front of her, you grip her
head in both hands. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? Just admit it, and embrace it, and then
you can be the happy little cumslut you deserve to be.” It’s as though something inside her
breaks. She looks up at you suddenly; her eyes snapping open wide and locking with
yours. “Please!” she gasps. “Please, I need cum on me! Please, I have to be marked as a
cumslut! I need to be coated so people can see and know and coat me more and I can
have enough to cover myself with and lick off and be dripping and please please please
uhUHHhhhhh I need cum on me, Bitz!” Well, you can hardly turn down an invitation like
that. How do you respond? (L: +10)
Wordlessly, you move your hands to her trembling shaft, settling into a rhythm without any
further foreplay. Penny moans in response, her head lolling forwards now that you finally
let her indulge, lapping eagerly at the tip of her cock. With how much you’ve worked her up
already it doesn’t take long until she trembles and stiffens, her cock surging as wave after
wave of cum spurts out. Casually you move her shaft out of her mouth - Penny herself is
too overcome with pleasure to resist - aiming her cock as best you can so that her stream
of cum coats her face. Fortunately your task is made easier by the sheer volume that
Penny produces; even with it going everywhere there is still more than enough to paint her
face white. On top of that, Penny seemingly instinctively joins in - rolling her head around
happily to ensure that every part of it is coated with her own cum. When she finally
finishes, Penny spends several long moments simply breathing deeply, blissfully taking in
the scent of sex filling her nostrils. She licks her lips once, then opens her eyes slowly.
“Fuck, Bitz, you’re right. I’m going to have to do that a lot more often.” She wipes one
finger along the worst of it, gathering up the sticky whiteness and slipping them happily
inside her mouth. She keeps on like that - leisurely licking at loose strands rather than
making an effort to clean herself up properly. It looks like she really has taken your lesson
to heart, preferring to leave herself visibly marked as a cumslut than enjoy the pleasure of
cleaning herself off. You turn to leave while she’s still pleasantly self-absorbed, her eager
slurping noises following you as you step out of her office. You imagine that her new
predilections will make doing her job considerably harder, but, you add to yourself with a
grin, considerably more enjoyable for all involved. (L: +20)

“Well,” you say softly to her, “what are you waiting for? Your fur isn’t going to coat itself in
cum.” Penny looks up at you blankly. “Mm-uhh?” she moans in confusion. Moving behind
her, you give her a firm push on the back, eventually coaxing her to stand. “It’s time to go
out and serve the public, don’t you think?” you add. “Let them all see the new you, and get
used to your new... requirements.” For the briefest of moments she resists, clearly having
a flash of her previous shyness about being seen with her new ‘equipment’. But then she
shudders, the scent of her own dripping cock filling her nose, and one hand drops down to
brush against her achingly wet slit. Without any further hesitation she launches herself
forward, her breasts and cock still completely exposed as she darts outside. You grin as
you hear shocked gasps outside melt into pleasured moans, then collect yourself and walk
nonchalantly out the door. As you leave you catch sight of a tangled knot of people in an
alley out of the corner of your eye, and while you smirk to yourself you refrain from
heading over. You’re sure Penny will be nice and ready for you once the others have
broken her in, and it looks like she’s got enough playmates to keep herself sated for the
moment. (L: +20)

You genuinely consider waiting, but given that you don’t live here you just don’t have the
time, and at this rate it seems like you’d never be able to see Penny again. You apologize
profusely to the person getting up to head in next, saying it’s important, and thank them
heartily when they let you go in ahead of them. Inside you find Penny sitting happily naked
at her desk, her fur positively dripping with dozens of different colors of cum. She’s
absorbed in sweeping up the biggest concentrations of it while you approach, scooping it
eagerly into her mouth and then blissfully licking her hands clean. It’s only when you’re
right next to the desk that she actually notices you, her face breaking into a satisfied smile.
“Bitz!” she cries happily. “I hope you didn’t wait long, I’ll make sure to let folks know to
always let you pass when you arrive in the future. What do you think of the new set up
though?” She indicates the foyer with a wave of one hand, her other still preoccupied with
gathering up the spunk she’s coated with and feeding it into her mouth. “I - mfmm - I
figured that if I was going to get myself coated with cum, I might as well be organized
about it. Plus, crime is way down. Turns out people are confessing to pretty much anything
just to have an excuse to come in here. Or they were at first, anyway, before they realized
that wasn’t necessary. Even so, just having this communal stress relief seems to have
done a world of good.” She pauses for a moment as nods her head down towards her
massive cock, sitting entirely exposed on top of her desk. “Of course, it also helps that
people know about this big guy here, so they know I can dish it out as good as I can take it
if needs be.” She gives a predatory grin, shuddering as she rubs one hand slowly along
the length of her shaft. “Let me just wash all this off quickly - it wouldn’t do to mix your cum
in with all the rest here.” Before you can respond she launches herself out of her chair and
disappears into her back room, where you hear the sudden noise of a high-pressure
shower system starting up. She must have had that hooked up specially for when she
needed to look presentable in a hurry, you figure. In a surprisingly brief amount of time she
re-emerges, having gone through an equally fast blow-dry to emerge clean and fluffy. If not
for the way her massive cock drips with pre-cum as she absently strokes it, you’d be hard-
pressed to connect this cute fennec with the cum-hungry slut that was sitting here
moments ago. Noticing your stare, Penny gives a sly grin. “Would you like to corrupt this
poor, innocent little fox with your delicious cum?” she teases. “Or do you have something
else in mind?” It looks like she’s up for just about anything - including being under control
enough to just talk, if you’d prefer. That said, despite how much you’ve worked her into
being a nice little submissive, from the look in her eyes she’d be just as comfortable going
back to being on top. If you let her, of course.
Penny looks up at you as you come close, the edges of her lips curling upwards in a smile
before she breaks contact with her cock, jizz and spit snapping as pulls back. “Bitz,” calls
after swallowing what must be a cocktail of saliva and dickjuice. “Just the sexy girl I was
hoping to see!” Somehow, her bestial member seems to get ever stiffer at the sight of you.
You note that it’s covered with so much fennec spunk that it practically gleams white.
Penny uses it as lube, stroking herself off while reaching for a desk drawer. “I’ve got a
present for you.” She licks her own pointed cock-head, momentarily distracted by the
pulsing hardness so close at hand. You hear a latch open and the gravelly sound of poorly
lubricated rollers giving way. Triumphantly, Penny pulls a pair of functional blue panties - or
what were functional blue panties once, long ago. A thick hole was clearly cut in the center
of the gusset, then reinforced by an amateur seamstress’ hand. She lays them out across
the tip of her pre-oozing cock and sighs. “They didn’t fit right after all the Throbb, and after
a while, I couldn’t get them to stop smelling like cum. I even tried soaking them in my
pussy while I jerked off, and it didn’t help.” You arch an eyebrow, “Did you try washing
them?” Penny points her cock your way, allowing you to see the center of the fabric
beginning to darken with her pre-cum. “Of course! What kind of cum-addled sexpot do you
think I am?” She giggles inanely and bends down to suck some of her pre-cum out of the
moistening panties. “Mmmm... once they get all spunky, I usually just throw them out so I
can break in a new pair, but these ones are special.” This close, you’ve got to admit, they
smell a lot like the dick they’re mounted on... and a little like very wet pussy. “How’s that?”
you barely remember to ask. “They’re the ones I was wearing when you talked me into
growing that dick. The first ones that ever got soaked in pre-cum from how horny I got or
were used to wipe up all the gooey spunk I shot.” Penny moans, and more of the fabric
darkens, wicking the lusty prick-vixen’s pre-cum up. You snatch them off her pole before
she soaks them, having no desire to carry around a pair of cum-soaked panties. Penny’s
dick snaps back up to full attention, and the spermy fox-girl grabs it in both hands,
feverishly pumping it, jerking her hips upward with each thrust. Her mouth manages to seal
around the head just before it begins to unload, stretching obscenely to allow such a large
object to push into her throat. You can actually hear her belly gurgling as those urethra-
distending bulges fire off into her stomach, one after another. You look down at the
dampened panties in your hand, your trophy for helping unleash the fennec-girl’s inner
jizz-queen. You’ve acquired Penny’s panties! Penny pants, licking a few stray droplets
from her seemingly always erect dick. “I know you can’t always come here to use me, but
maybe when you’re out there a planet away, you can jerk off with them, and you’ll think of
me, moaning and cumming for you.” (L: +13)
“Got a sex-toy for your new toy?” you ask. Stammering, Penny goes wide eyed and
nervous. After a moment, her confidence returns, and she admits, “I might. Why? I thought
we were going to fuck.” Her ears twist the side apprehensively. You lean over her desk,
putting your hands down on either side of the fox’s, and you gamely look straight down at
her bulging erection. “I want to play with that.” One handed, you give the knotty cock a
slow stroke. It twitches happily. “I want to watch this bounce while I jerk you off with a fake
pussy.” You give it a firm squeeze, and it pulses in your hand. “A horny girl like you has
one, right?” The fennec groans and slumps back in her chair a bit. “Ahhh, I do.... Let me...
mmmm... let me get the doors closed first, and you can use it on me, okay?” Somewhat
reluctantly, you release the prick-vixen’s swollen boner. “Be my guest.” Penny doesn’t
waste a second. She busily types on her computer to finish what she’s doing. Every now
and again, she flicks her eyes up to you and gives an eager smile before resuming her
feverish work upon the keys. At last, the door locks click into place, and Penny’s computer
powers down. She spins around in her chair, throws herself up onto her feet, and hops
over to an equipment locker, cock slapping awkwardly against her belly as she goes. The
compartment rattles noisily as it opens. Rotating around, the foxy policewoman presents
her faux pussy and a nanofiber condom. “I got it off the extranet, even before I got a cock.
There’s this company called Naughty Wyvern that I ordered it from. They make all kinds of
specialty toys, but I went with a plain ol’ onahole.” She hands it to you. “What a weird
name for a sex toy, huh? Its interior is self-lubricating, so long as I keep it maintained.”
Putting the condom on, she explains, “We wouldn’t want to make a mess out of my office,
would we? Besides, these suckers are so thin that it feels like you’re wearing nothing at
all.” Stupid sexy Flanders. You examine the onahole for a moment. It’s big, pink, and
transparent. The inside is filled with concentric rings of varying sizes that look quite
pleasing to your eye. Sticking a finger inside it, you find the lubrication instantly soaks your
digit in pleasing slickness. When you remove it, the moisture that clings to your skin
silently evaporates. The whole process takes perhaps twenty or thirty seconds, but when
it’s complete it’s as if nothing at all had happened. Penny is going to enjoy this. Stepping
over to her chair, you seat yourself on it, gesturing for Penny to rest on your lap. She
gleefully snugs her tush right up against your exposed loins, wiggling back and forth
excitedly. “Like this?” Yes, just like that. You reach around the fennec, holding her tight,
feeling the press of the warm fur on her bottom against you. One hand quickly finds her
mammoth dick while the other explores her boobs through her wrappings. The small
bumps of her nipples are concealed from your questing fingers just yet, but a simple
kneading motion swiftly remedies that. Popping up against the layers of fabric, Penny’s
perky buds strain to be seen, and more importantly, felt. You tweak one while getting the
pink toy lined up with her pointed cock-head. The vixen’s panting breaths along with the
way she squirms whenever you squeeze her make proper alignment difficult, but you
manage. “Mmmm,” Penny moans, “Push it down!” She grabs hold of your legs for support
while the tip of her condom is lubricated by the faux fuckhole. She throbs powerfully under
your affections, but you hold back for now, getting in a good, long feel up top before you
progress. This leaves the fox with nothing to do but squirm against you. Her body is getting
warmer and warmer as she gets turned on, and the steaming heat emanating from her
female sex seems a few degrees hotter than the rest of her. There’s enough moisture
leaking from her slit that you can feel a touch of dampness condensing on your own skin.
The horny little futa fox has waited long enough, you decide, and you gently begin to push
the device down her over-sized length. Inch after inch of cock slides down the squishy
toy’s passage. Lubricated as it is, the onahole must feel wonderfully slick on Penny’s
throbbing phallus. Indeed, she’s quietly whining, almost inaudibly, while the toy smoothly
glides down to surround more and more of her. You push it down until the narrow glans
and a half-dozen inches of dick have thrust out the opposite end to lewdly bob in the air.
The reservoir at the tip is clearly exposed and slowly filling up with pre-seed before your
very eyes. She’s clearly enjoying the attention. You nip at one of Penny’s ears to get her
attention. Instead, she winds up closing her eyes and lifting her hips hard against the
onahole’s entrance, mashing herself as firmly into it as she can. Her tongue spills out of
her mouth, and her eyelashes flutter. Bestial groans filter out of her throat, intermingled
with feminine pants of need. With her so lost to passion already, you settle for enjoying the
weight of her teats in your hand, openly pinching and tugging on her nipples through the
wraps and bra between you. The fabric soon grows bothersome, and you wriggle your
hand underneath her coverings to get a better grip on things. The pebbly texture of the
nipple you locate is exquisite, and you delight in playing with it, tugging and pinching to
watch the way it changes Penny’s lascivious mask. The vixen is all too happy to let you
have your way with her. Her body is responding with the eagerness of an aphrodisiac-
dosed animal in heat. You reward her by giving her what she wants: long slow strokes
along her mammoth, feral prick. The toy’s slippery fluids cause it to noisily slurp and
squelch along the shaft as it goes. Through the transparent surface, you can see the folds
compressing around Penny’s penis, clinging to each ridge and vein briefly before slipping
past the obstruction. Her feral prick is rock-hard. You can feel it even through the squishy-
soft onahole. “Faster,” the fox-girl pants. “More!” You give her exactly what she wants. A
quick pump here, a fast thrust there, and before you know it, you’re sliding the pleasure
tool along her shaft so quickly that it seems a blur. Penny blurts, “Fuuuuck! I love my cock!
I love you, Bitz! I love cumming! Make my cock cum, please, mate!” Her balls are quaking
just below your busy hand. It won’t be long now. Tweaking her nipple, you nuzzle at the
edge of her ear and whisper, “Cum whenever you want, Penny. I want to see you fill that
condom for me. I want my horny, futanari fox girl-friend to jizz herself silly from a cheap
sex-toy!” “Oh god,” she whimpers in reply. You go a little faster while your hand locates the
other unmolested nipple. “That’s right, I want to watch you make me the fattest, sloppiest
jizz balloon possible,” you say. The prick vixen’s body tenses, balls quaking, and her
monstrously thick, animalistic dick begins to violently spasm in your insulated grip. Her
urethra expands to its full size a moment before the condom-sheathed cumslit dilates with
the first batch of fox-cum. The filthy flow bursts into the reservoir in an explosion of white,
stretching it almost four whole inches out from Penny’s bestial member before it snaps
back into a bubble of obscene white. You keep going, twisting back and forth around the
foxy girl’s load-spewing meat to wring out every drop. Ballooning bigger by the second, the
bubble at the top grows from the size of a dime to the size of an orange in a single pulse. It
doesn’t stop there, though the bigger the bubble gets, the more it weighs on Penny’s cock,
dragging it partway down by weight alone. It soon passes the size of a melon, tugging the
sheath taut. It wobbles dangerously with each fresh pulse, swelling to rest on the fox-girl’s
thighs like a spermy watermelon. Seemingly spent, Penny sags back against you with a
smile. Her tongue is still hanging out of her mouth to drool all over her tits, of course, but
she’s moved beyond the body-seizing orgasm that claimed her. “That was just what I
needed, mate,” Penny confesses. You smile and respond, “Well we aren’t done yet. I bet
you can do it again!” Penny’s tongue is back up in her mouth in a moment, and she growls,
“It’s too soon!” You answer by resuming stroking her, this time at a leisurely pace in order
to rest your arm. Throwing back her head, the fox-girl redoubles her grip on your legs and
futilely kicks for a second. Her oversensitive shaft is clearly not quite ready to feel the bliss
of a tight, wet fuck-tunnel like this one. She gradually relaxes as her body adjusts to the
sensations. The cock inside your grip is softer than it was before, partially turgid after
spewing so hefty a load. You keep at it, pumping, twisting, and sometimes squeezing
through the soft toy to give Penny the best possible experience. Slowly, life comes back to
her partly sagging boner. The first sign is a twitch that you can feel even through the
onahole. The second is the way Penny’s eyelashes lower again. The third and final sign is
a gradual increases in the firmness between your fingers. Encouraged by this, you stroke
her faster, the groping of her breasts forgotten momentarily as you enjoy the sight of your
foxy lover’s thickening fuckstick. When her tongue rolls back out and she begins to pant
and gasp anew, you know you’re going to be able to pull this off. Throughout this entire
time, Penny’s captured load has been hanging there, bobbing in the science-toughened
material’s encapsulating transparency. “Naughty fox,” you comment, “Buying such
perverted toys and setting herself up to be milked by lusty offworlders.” You squeeze her
through the onahole. “You probably bought this just so something like this could happen,
didn’t you?” Penny surprises you by meekly nodding and throbbing all at once. You begin
to move slightly faster and far more firmly, smashing the onahole down against the fox-
girl’s sheath with greater vigor than before. “Are you gonna give me another big load?” The
vixen nods. You keep the stroking motions going as you tickle at Penny’s ears with your
lips. “I bet I could make you do this all day, couldn’t I?” Extracting your hand from under
her bra, you reach down to cup and squeeze her balls. “I could have you sitting here
squirming for me in this chair until your jizz-balloon is as big as you, couldn’t I?” Penny
blurts, “Yes! Milk my cock whenever you want! I’m so horny all the time ever since I got it...
I- ahhh... I’m always thinking of naughty things I could do with it to you. You’ve made me
such a horny herm fuck-slut that I can barely do my job and I love it!” Her hips twitch
violently against you. She’s close! You squeeze your palm a bit to tighten your grip. The
extra stimulation should push her the rest of the way to orgasm, and if that doesn’t
speeding up will. Faster and faster, you give Penny’s swollen, bestial member the stroking
of a lifetime. You’re jacking her off with some toy she got off the internet, and she’s just
letting you! The horny vixen loves it, and she says as much when she finally climaxes.
“C-cumming for you, mate!” Penny babbles, “I’m giving you so much dickmilk, Bitz! I’m
cumming it all out for you!” True to her words, the balloon on the tip is swelling faster than
before. It’s rounding out deliciously, as big as a beach ball. Penny’s hips continue to lurch,
firing fountainous ropes of spunk. Each volley distends the opposite side of the bubble with
the force of its ejaculation before allowing it to settle back down into a bottom-heavy barrel
of liquid lust. Spooge pours into the condom until it completely swallows the fox’s thighs,
threatening to rip free at any moment. Penny goes limp in your arms, her eyes drifting
almost entirely closed as she lets out a satisfied sigh. Her voice pipes up after to breathily
ask, “Did I cum enough?” You yank the toy off of her, squeezing the bloated, spermy
bubble through the well-used passage before you can fully extricate it from the
hermaphrodite vixen. She shudders at the friction but otherwise holds still until you can
heft both her packages. You carefully weigh the balloon in your hand while you decide
what to do with it. You could tie it off to throw away. Then again, if you bit it, you could get a
huge facial to wear like some kind of slut. Or you could always make Penny drink her milk.
(L: +10)
Easing the sagging fox into her chair as you stretch, you admire the way she looks right
now: sexually spent at your hands and still delectable. You have no doubt that she’d be up
for another round if you phrased it right, but as you eye the bobbing present that hangs
from the end of her panty-destroying member, you know exactly what you want to do. You
heft the enormous sphere with both hands, wiggling it back and forth to pull the condom
free of the prick-vixen’s half-deflated tool. It takes a little work to tag the last of the material
free, but you manage to do so without spilling a drop. Penny doesn’t react at all aside from
watching you with a lazy smile. “Open up,” you command with a grin of your own. “I got
you a present.” The fennec obeys without a second thought, too tired and conditioned by
pleasure to care what you do to her at this point. Her sharp teeth glint in the light as you
feed one end of the narrow tube between them. Then, you put a curled finger under her
chin and tip her head back as you squeeze her sphere of condensed love. Salty girl-jizz
runs into the fox’s mouth in a rush as gravity asserts itself, bulging her cheeks and forcing
her throat to work. Her eyes open wide, looking accusingly at you, but she doesn’t stop. If
anything she chugs harder, gulping her spunk down like a true pro. For nearly thirty
seconds straight, she drinks her cum. When the stuffed fox dribbles and coughs spunk all
over herself, you pull it out and look at Penny, seeing the lakes of white on her tits and the
way her once-taut middle is bulged with spermy satisfaction. She lazily belches before
patting her middle. “I guess that’s one way to clean up my mess.” She glances around a
little nervously. “I... could get used to that taste, honestly.” She goes on to thank you for the
fun but admits she needs to get to work. “Just give me a yell if you need anything.
Knowing this thing, I’ll be good to go in a minute.”
You tell Penny that you think it’s time for her to be feeding, and her mouth hangs open
eagerly in response. “Oh fuck yes, Bitz, you have no idea how much I’ve been needing
this. Please, please...” She’s all but babbling incoherently, the thought of receiving a fresh
coating of your cum instantly flipping her into an all but mindless desire. “Please shower
me with your delicious cum!” Grinning, you hurriedly get your equipment out of the way,
leaving the both of you completely naked. Penny by now is simply drooling, her mind so
addled by lust she doesn’t even think to suck her own cock. Instead she’s merely waiting
passively to be used, and you have every intention of obliging her. You position yourself
carefully, then work your feral prick over eagerly. It’s not long before you feel your body
begin to respond - you came in intending to give her a fresh coat of paint, and her
performance so far has done more than enough to put you in the mood, while her absolute
lust for this easily served to spur you on even further. Within moments you feel your body
tensing, your hips thrusting reflexively as your bright red, bestial cock spasms, your white
cum spurting out to land on her face. When you finally finish, Penny spends several long
moments simply breathing deeply, blissfully taking in the scent of sex filling her nostrils.
She licks her lips once, then opens her eyes slowly. “Fuck, Bitz, I have to thank you again
for this. I don’t think I ever feel so good as when I’m coated with cum. Especially yours, of
course.” She wipes one finger along the worst of it, gathering up the white strands and
slipping them happily inside her mouth, but makes no effort to clean herself up further. It
looks like she’s intending to leave herself visibly marked as a cumslut rather than enjoying
the pleasure of cleaning herself off. That said, she’s hardly helpless to enjoy the taste of
more cum - with a satisfied moan her head moves forward, filling her muzzle with her own
massive cock and thrusting dreamily into herself. You graciously decide to let her keep
going, figuring that she’s earned the release. You turn to leave while she’s still pleasantly
self-absorbed, her eager slurping noises following you as you step out of her office.
“How about I suck you off?” You lick your lips, thinking of that delicious cock throbbing in
her pants, eager to sink itself into a warm, wet hole. “I don’t think I’ll be able to help with
security with a pair of lips wrapped around my cock, but I’d love to try,” Penny murrs
seductively before standing up, her zipper down and her dick raring to go. She rounds the
desk stopping in front of you, poking you with her erection. “But we’re doing this my way.”
Before you can react Penny pulls your arms behind your back and with a telltale click, she
cuffs you. “I need you to drink all of my cummies,” she whimpers in a lustful tone. Not
giving you time to protest, Penny manhandles you under her desk before sitting down, her
enormous, vulpine cock poking at your lips. With your hands cuffed behind your back and
a cock in your face, you don’t have much of a choice, not that you would have it any other
way. Before Penny has a chance to get impatient you take the tip of her member into your
mouth, earning an eager moan from Penny. You hear the tapping of her codex above you
as she watches the security feeds in an effort to endure your fervent sucking. You breathe
deep before plunging deeper on her cock, not stopping before you’ve reached her knot. If
you had access to your arms, you would stroke the rest of her dick and fondle her balls,
but as is you can’t do anything but bob along her length, which you do with gusto. Despite
your sucking of her monstrously thick, bright red cock she’s still diligently working. How the
lusty fox girl can still work is beyond you, but you’re going to change that. Even more
determined than before you start sucking even harder, hollowing your cheeks and
descending on her cock again, before drawing back. The fennec girl can’t take this any
longer, moaning and flexing her thighs on either side of your head. You push further, taking
her shaft all the way into your throat. You splutter, gag, and struggle to fit all of her dick into
your throat. But in the end, your gag reflex can’t stand against your will and the amount of
dick trying to make its way into the tight confines of your throat. When your lips touch
Penny’s sheath, she can’t take it anymore. Her hands fly down to grab hold of your head.
She pulls out of your throat before sinking back in. Quickly, she starts fucking your throat
like her personal sex toy. Thankfully, she doesn’t last long; it takes only a few minutes of
her sheath beating against your lips before she moans out loud, and her seed starts
spilling down your throat and into your stomach. Eventually, Penny’s output dies down, and
she pulls her hulking fox-shaft out of your throat. You stare at the cum-covered girl-cock
that just recently was plunging in and out of your throat. You’re about to start licking the
spunk covering her member, but you hear an order from above you. “Lick up my delicious
jizz, but don’t swallow.” You think know what Penny has in mind and you like it. Giving
Penny’s member long drags with your tongue, you gather up all of the salty Penny-cum
that is covering her cock, making sure not to swallow. Penny pulls you up from under the
table straight into her lap. She grabs a hold of your neck, kissing you straight on your lips.
Forcing your mouth open with her tongue, she savors the taste of her own jizz inside your
mouth before scooping it into her own mouth and swallowing. “You’re too good at that,
mate. I almost misfiled a police report,” she laughingly whispers into your ear. She lets you
get back onto your own two feet, before sending you away with a soft slap on your butt. “If
you ever want me to return the favor, just let me know.” She winks at you before turning
her attention back to her work.
You tell Penny to seal the room; you want to take her right here. She looks curiously in
your direction, but does as you say. Typing something into her keyboard, she finishes with
a single button press, and the door seals behind her. The busty fox springs out of her chair
and turns around to undress, teasingly looking over her shoulder to say, “No peeking!” Her
vest slides down her arms, and you choose that moment to act. Crossing the room in a
flash, you grab hold of the garment as it falls to her wrists and twist. The fabric goes taut,
turning from clothing to improvised handcuffs. Penny stumbles in your grip, but you hold
her in place. “W-what are you doing?” she grunts, not really fighting back just yet. “I can’t
take you like this!”

You grab hold of the hem of her pants, digging your fingers into the back of her panties as
well, and yank. Strong-arming her over the edge of her desk at the same time, you marvel
at the expanse of tush laid out before you. A peach-colored slit divides the two amber-
furred globes into a pair of nice-looking handholds, but that isn’t what you’re here for. You
growl, “I’m taking you this time, Penny,” as you free your knotted tool from your gear and
handle the thickening tool you plan to use on her. “And you, my dear, are going to sit there
and take it.” You push the fox-girl down the rest of the way against the table, compressing
her tits so that they bulge outlandishly. The avalanche of titty flesh sends her pens and
papers flying off the side and onto the floor. Squirming against you, Penny starts to twist
and turn, but she’s small and has no leverage. The panties around her knees do a good
job of preventing her from using any martial arts to counter your dominant position. In a
nutshell, she’s helpless - bound, exposed, and presenting her pretty pink pussy for
inspection. You bend low over her back, taking your hand away from your hard-on long
enough to grip her neck and immobilise her. She let her guard down, and there’s nothing
she can do to stop you from doing whatever you want to her. You lick against the lobe of
the pinned vixen’s ear and let her writhe beneath you. Your voice comes out in a hot
exhalation, “Shall I continue?” The end of your question is marked by a lick along the outer
edge of her dish-like ears. Shivering, Penny whimpers. It’s a weak, whining sound, like an
animal caught in a trap. She speaks as soon as your tongue separates from her ears,
“Ahhh... yes please, you... you ravenous beast. You caught me.” Atta girl. You knew she’d
be up for a little role reversal after the way she came last time. Letting go of her neck, you
split two of your fingers into a V and position them to either side of her mohawk, tracing
them along the edge of where her ears join with her skull. The sentivity of her aural organs
is immediately apparent from the way she begins to thrash anew against your restraining
grip. This time it isn’t an attempt at escape, but a simple combination of extreme arousal
combined with a surprisingly sensitive erogenous zone. Feeling moisture against your foot,
you glance down in irritation. That irritation turns into irrepressible excitement when you
realize that the fennec has transformed from a prim police-girl into a leaky faucet. Her pink
nethers have grown flush and wet with arousal. The lips have a visible shine so thick that it
looks like painted-on gloss, and a single bead of moisture hangs from them, waiting to fall
after its sister. You gingerly insert a finger to test the waters, surprised when it vanishes
into her greedy slit in a single swallow. Her pussy is practically pulling you inside of it!
Reluctantly, you remove your soaked digit and turn your attention back to the fox’s upper
half. “You got my finger wet. Here, clean it up,” you say as you wag your soiled fingertip in
front of the fennec’s face. Penny whines, “Fuck meeeeee,” but she does not do as you
asked. You wipe her feminine juices across her nose, making her sneeze. “Clean it up,”
you command again, “Hurry up if you want to get fucked.” Twisting as far as she can,
Penny wrenches her body to the side to swallow your finger, not stopping until her lips are
kissing the knuckle joint. Her tongue swirls around and around with single-minded
attention. Sometimes, it draws deeper into her maw, and you hear her swallowing her own
sexual juices. “Lewd little fox, aren’t you?” you comment as you take your freshly cleaned
finger away. There is an audible pop when the tip is pulled free. Penny gasps, “Yes... I’m a
lewd little fuck-hungry fox! A dirty dripping fennec whose pussy gushes when she’s tied
down. Fuck me, predator! Claim your right!” Well, that’s a little dirtier than usually, but you
want to key her up a bit more before you fuck her. Holding back is difficult as hard as you
are. Particularly since your knotted tool is twitchingly, aching erect and ready to go,
sapping your will with potent physical need in a way that must mirror what Penny is
experiencing. You battle with your baser instincts for a second until self control wins out...
for now. “Not yet,” you announce. Curious about how far you can push her with her ears
alone, you resume fondling her immense auditory sensors, tracing a finger along the outer
edge of one of them. Penny bites her lip to stifle a moan, but you hear it all the same. She
can’t hold it all in, and by muffling it, she just makes it more clear how completely and
totally she’s being aroused by this. When you reach the bottom edge, you take your finger
back up alongside her mohawk, watching her squirm. This time, the dripping-wet vixen
doesn’t even remember to try to suppress herself. “Fuuuuuuckit’sgood!” Her gash drips,
and she actually shifts to press herself against you, rubbing her plump labia against your
leg. Your hand pulls away from her ears long enough to smack hard upon her upraised
bottom. Penny yelps and pulls away, just in time for your digits to return to their previous
occupation, caressing and touching every part of her sensitive ears. At first, they flicked
this way and that. The fennec was trying to keep them away from you. But now, her ears
are leaning back into your touches, and Penny’s thighs are trembling with need. “Oh dear,”
you comment, “I think you might actually get off from this, little fox.” Penny gasps, “More!”
Her statement is simple, passionate, and followed by another, “Please!” The way her body
is writhing has changed. It’s become less uncontrolled... more focused. You idly play with
the very tips of her ears as you figure it out. Her motions are sliding her breasts across the
desk, making a mess but likely causing her to receive some stimulation even through her
bra. You twist her to the side to lift one of the orbs and see your suspicions confirmed
when the outline of a large, prominent nipple becomes visible. Pushing her back down,
even harder than before, you really grind her chest against the desk. At the same time, you
spread your fingers wide around her mohawk and begin to stroke madly back and forth
across both her ears and the top of her skull, making sure to hit every spot that made her
squirm and drip earlier. “Ohhh, g-g-g-g-od!” Penny cries. Her legs are straining against her
pants and panties so hard that you can see the muscles clearly outlined under her fur. The
sounds of tearing seams reach your ears, but not before you deliver the coup de grace to
hers: a fluttering series of strokes from tip to base. Penny’s voice moans its way into a
high-pitched scream, covering at least two octaves in the process. Her pants shred, and
her legs begin to thrash so hard that you have to twist to avoid being kicked. Penny’s leaky
pussy drools so much moisture that the fur on the inside of her thighs is being coated in
waves of shining girlcum. Her fox-cock twitches against the side of the desk, thickening
noticeably. A second later, cum launches from it so forcefully that it audibly splatters off the
floor, liberally coating the items that fell before, and that was just the first jet. Each
successive blast seems more voluminous and decadent than the last. Penny’s prostate is
working harder than you’ve ever seen it. Getting shriller by the minute, her blissful
screeches climb to the point where you worry that someone will hear. Then, the wind goes
out of her sails and she slumps down, limp. Her legs do still twitch, but now they move with
lame little spasms. Their owner’s voice gibbers,
“Fuckmpleasebeastmasterfuckfuckfuckme....” Seeing no reason to not to oblige the lady’s
request, you lift your lengthy, generously-proportioned beast-dick up to the drooling slit and
press inside. Her tunnel is so slick that you slide in without a second of hesitation. The
walls are still trembling with the aftershocks of Penny’s explosive orgasm, and at your
touch, they ripple and squeeze delightfully around your girth. Her juices run unchecked
over your scrotum, painting it in the same clear moisture that’s now threatening to overtake
the fennec-girl’s knees. You’ve never seen her this wet. Penny starts moaning again, and
in a surprising show of coherence, she blubbers, “Ohhhh, fuck me, Bitz! Fuck me raw! Use
my juicy, dripping prey-cunt as your personal cock-sheath!” She whimpers at that last
exclamation and lets her legs wrap around you, exerting gentle pressure whenever you
slide too far out. She wants you inside her.... No, she wants you deep inside her, buried to
the hilt and spewing a hot, thick load directly into her orgasmically contracting twat. You
give her exactly what she wants. Your dick plows her pussy wide open as you ram it in to
the hilt, not pausing at all before it yanks back out, ready to start all over again. The desk
creaks with each ass-slapping impact, and you feel a terrible pressure rising in your
baseball-sized nuts each time they clap against the fennec’s own. After so much foreplay,
you are primed and ready to go. You can actually feel the pre-cum pouring out of your
urethra and into the swampy snatch. There, it mixes into a lewd, sexual slush. You let go of
her arms, finally, grab hold of her hips with both hands and bury yourself inside with one
last, bone-jarring impact, leaning over the dominated girl to bite her ear as you feel your
breeding fluids flow. The submissive fox’s sordid snatch devours your white cum with
aplomb. Each jet disappears deep inside her furthest recesses, nestled firmly inside. Only
after your bright red, bestial member is empty and softening do you pull free to admire the
white creampie. It’s small, all things considered, but Penny’s cunt seemed to have a
powerful thirst. You spend the next minute cooling off and helping Penny out of her ruined
clothes. At first, she lets you do it with a dopey smile and eyes that look half-vacant, but as
time passes, more of her fucked-out personality seems to return. “Ohhhh, god damn that
was hot!” she giggles. “You know, you’re a great mate, right? The absolute best.” After that
uninhibited declaration, she staggers up onto her feet, slipping and sliding around the
accumulated juices. “Fuck! Bitz, help me out here. We’ve got to get a mop and bucket!”
You watch the bow-legged fox’s shapely rump as she wobbles and let her words sink in.
Oh, right! You happily help her to a supply closet where the two of you can gear up for a bit
a cleaning. Two bodies make it go twice as fast!
Penny sighs with relief as you walk over, shifting to let her massive cock press up through
her breasts. “Thank goodness it’s you Bitz,” she says, “I was worried this was going to be
some sort of official police business that would get in the way of me getting some quality
cocksucking in.” There’s a pause as you consider what you’re here to do, the silence filled
only by the slick noises Penny makes as she presses her cock between her lips. “You
know what?” you say with a shrug, I don’t think I need a big discussion to be confident this
is going to go well.” You point the raygun at Penny, and given that her head is down and
her attention is elsewhere she doesn’t notice your movement until, with a audible ‘click’,
you pull the trigger. You were expecting some bolt of energy, some shining white laser to
shoot out and hit her, but instead it’s almost like turning on a flashlight, except the beam it
puts out is a suitably bright pink color. It seems... slow, somehow, almost lazy, so it feels
kinda like a portable fan you’re holding over someone, except instead of pushing air it’s
projecting this slow, thick, pink light. On top of that, given that you’re standing pretty close
to her you can clearly see that the cone it’s projecting doesn’t have time to spread out to
cover all of her, instead it’s landing in a small circle centered, quite accidentally, right on
her chest. “Oh!” she gasps, sliding her cock out of her mouth with a slick slurp, “what is
that? It feels... uhnnn...” She trails off, but the fact that she leans back in the chair to
provide a better target for the beam completes the thought for her. You’re happy to go
along with her suggestion and keep your aim steady, and it doesn’t take much longer
before there’s a reaction as her breasts slowly begin to noticeably swell. Previously they
weren’t exactly small, but they weren’t especially large either - at least not compared to
some people you’ve encountered - but with each passing second it seems like they’re
filling up to another cup size. The sensation is clearly pleasureable too, as Penny confirms
as she gives out a quiet earnest moan. She’s sprawled back in her chair, her legs splayed
as wide as possible as she relaxes completely into the gentle massaging of the warm pink
beam. Well, she’s almost completely relaxed, even though her eyes are closed and her
head thrown back in bliss her hands have started moving, one of them sliding down her
body to wrap slowly around the heft of her shaft, while the other curls lovingly around her
thick balls. By now her tits have attained a quite impressive size - easily as big as some
particularly impressive watermelons, looking cutely out of place on her generally trim and
toned frame, so given that you apparently have some control over this process you decide
to follow her suggestion and shift your focus. You redirect the beam downwards, causing
her eyes to shoot open as you target her cock and balls directly. Surprisingly, the beam
doesn’t seem to cause an increase in size there. It’s probably for the best - she’s already
got far too much to hide without great effort, anything more and she might have difficulty
walking around. Still, that’s not to say there’s no effect - quite the opposite. Her cock visibly
throbs, and you can practically hear her balls churn from where you’re standing. The chair
skitters out from beneath her as she desperately shifts herself, only stopping from toppling
over forwards by catching the edge of the desk with her flailing claws. “Gh-ahhmm! Ahh!
Ahhhhhmmmm!” she cries, her whole body twitching and spasming jerkily as a veritable
stream of slick pre-cum starts to pour from her cock. You can see her balls pulsing and
surging, but... it doesn’t seem like they’re getting any smaller. Just to be sure you turn off
the raygun, but although the intensity of Penny’s moans seem to die down as the beam
disappears, the slow-bubbling stream of white does not. With a smile, you make your way
around the desk, sitting down right next to her. “Well well,” you say softly, “I am impressed.
Dr. Badger did her homework well, it seems.” Roused through the haze of lust and
sensation, Penny manages to open one eye to look at you. “H- uh?” “Oh, did I not tell you?
That’s the name of your benefactor - the person who gave me this wonderful little device.”
Before you continue, you reach one hand around behind Penny’s head, gripping it firmly
and pulling it forwards, forcing her to look down at herself. Her new tits get in her way
somewhat, but she still has a clear enough view of her cock to see what’s going on. “Don’t
you see? This is you now. You were a cumslut before, and a good one, but now - now
you’re made for it. Now you’ll always be cumming.” You shift your grip, holding her with
one finger at the bottom of her chin to lift her back up to face you, smiling at her as her
hips jerk helplessly, sending a brief spurt of cum onto the ground at the thought. “Now let’s
finish you off, shall we?” She cums again at that, but you’re already standing back up,
aiming raygun at her once again. You start with her ass, the beam rounding it out into a
juicy bubble butt in seconds, perfect for being gripped and fucked and filled. The task there
complete you shift it upwards, letting the soft pink light fall on her face and head. In
response you see her lips plump up too, becoming deliciously full and perfect for sucking
an endless amount of cocks. Her long low moans are soon interspersed with chirpy
giggles, and with each happy shake of her head her short red mohawk stretches outwards,
changing color as it grows until she’s left with a long luxurious mane of bright blonde hair.
And with that, it looks like she’s done. Well, physically, at least. Setting the raygun down,
you lean in over the panting girl. “So,” you ask, “how do you feel?” It takes her a few
moments to answer, clearly having to work to control her breathing enough to talk.
Eventually she says, “Like, really good. Wow like, really really good.” You frown. Is that...
it? When you gave her that cock in the first place she was a mess, and now she just feels
good? You’re about to say something, but she beats you to it. Letting go of the desk she
falls backwards, her ass cushioning her fall as she lands flat on her back. You think for a
second that she might be hurt or in trouble, but when you see the ecstatic look on her face
it’s clear that something else is going on. “Holy shit Bitz!” she gasps. “Have you seen this
cock?” You smile, but the ongoing silence soon makes it clear that she’s expecting an
answer. “Uh, yeah,” you say, “I convinced you to get it.” Penny pouts. It’s an expression
she can pull off pretty well now. “Yeah well duh, but like, have you seen it now?” “I have,
yes. That... that was me too.” “Well, thanks!” she answers brightly, clearly missing your
bemused tone. “I love it!” The conversation stops as she wraps both hands around her
shaft and works at it happily for a few moments, each stroke rewarding her with a burst of
thick cum that she catches eagerly in her open mouth. “Oh holy crap, this is, like, amazing!
I’m never going to have to not be covered in cum ever again, am I? Please, tell me I’m
not!” Her expression as she looks up at you is surprisingly earnest, as though she really
does need you to confirm that she’s as much of a bimbo slut as she hopes she is. “No,”
you answer confidently, “I’m pretty sure you’re not.” It’s that, that last moment of
confirmation that finally tips Penny over the edge properly. One hand clenches tightly
around her cock, while the other spends one wild second flailing urgently until it finds its
way around her balls, squeezing them needfully to better milk herself for sweet cum. The
resulting orgasm is climactic, a veritable fountain of thick cum pouring out from her cock,
arching up over her body and landing on her face and chest. After several seconds of
urgent, productive thrusts she shifts to push her cock up through her tits, slickly coating its
path the whole way, before eventually she manages to wrap her plump lips around its still-
spasming tip. And then she just... doesn’t stop. Her blissful cocksucking goes on for
several minutes, and even when you quietly but insistently lift her head back up to talk with
her she still keeps cumming quietly, her cock creating an ever-growing pool of whiteness
on her dull brown fur. She looks at you attentively while you hold her, but it’s clear that the
second you go she’ll go right back to either sucking her cock directly or coating herself with
it and then licking up the results. “So, if someone came in here talking to you, trying to
report Dr. Badger for being a ‘wanted criminal’,” you ask innocently, complete with air
quotes, “how would you feel about that?” you ask her innocently. She looks almost hurt,
the first time since you zapped her that you’ve seen her expression look anything other
than blissful. “Why on earth would anyone want to report her? She’s like, magic! Have you
seen my cock? It’s cumming forever. You don’t lock up someone who can do something
like that!” Well, looks like mission accomplished - Dr. Badger doesn’t have anything to
worry about here. Penny seems happy too, and you suspect that in a place like this a
police officer whose first resort is to fuck any problems into submission will probably do
pretty well. You can have fun with this new version of Penny later, but for now you’ve got a
payment to collect. (L: +12)
Scene By: Abe E. Seedy
“Ready for some fun?” you ask as you strip off your virgin-slayer sweater and plain briefs,
exposing your cock as it quickly gets hard. “For sure!” she answers happily, standing up so
quickly that she knocks her chair over, making it fall to the ground with a clatter behind her.
She doesn’t seem to be put off by that at all, leaning forward over her desk and wiggling her
already naked butt with a happy giggle. Beneath the desk, Flahne is clearly sad to have
Penny taken away from her, but seems to be happy enough to just lie back and digest the
cum she’d already received instead of trying to join in. You take up your position behind her,
moving her bushy tail to the side to give yourself access and enjoying the way she shivers
with pleasure as you do. “You are a good girl, aren’t you?” you whisper into her ears, leaning
commandingly over her and grabbing at her big full booty. “Making you into a cute, slutty
bimbo pet to fuck was definitely the right choice, wasn’t it?” Penny’s first answer is just a
happy little moan, pushing back onto your cock ever so slightly but still waiting for you to
make the first move. “I know, right?” she says eventually. “It’s like, I can remember that there
was a point where I was all shy and unsure about wanting a big ol’ cock, but like, now it all just
seems so dumb!” She reaches down, taking her dick in her hands and putting it up on the
desk in front of her before starting to eagerly jerk herself off. “I mean, come on! How could I
be unsure about this! It’s the best! I get to cum and cum and... fuck and be coated in... cum...” You
realize that she’s just about to get herself off just from her hands and from thinking about
how much of a cum slut she’s become, so with a grin you press your cock into her waiting
slit before she finishes without you. She cries out in pleasure as you do, her hands quickly
moving off her shaft to steady herself against the desk. Taking that as encouragement you
settle into a pounding rhythm, pushing her forwards again and again as she eagerly takes
your length inside her. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she gasps with each thrust, rocking back into you to
heighten the sensations. “I... I need... more!” Reaching down beneath herself, she once again
wraps one of her hands around her thick shaft. You’re fucking her hard, but clearly she
wants even more, wants to make sure she takes advantage of every part of the body you’ve
given her. Pressing her cock up between her swaying tits she starts losing herself, letting go
and eagerly embracing the urges and needs you’ve brought out in her. Her canine muzzle
kisses at the tip of her cock every time one of your powerful thrusts pushes it towards her,
her long tongue mixing drool with her dripping pre-cum. It doesn’t take long of this to make
her cum, her knees locking forwards against the desk as her hips tremble, her cock spurting
again and again all over her face. She’s quickly left with a dripping puddle to happily slather
herself with, licking up as much as she can even as more slick whiteness pulses from her
churning balls. It’s a good sight, and you’re not far from cumming yourself, but suddenly
notices your body starting to tense up and turns around to look at you, eyes wide. “N- wait!”
she gasps urgently. Pulling forwards she drags your cock out of herself, and before you can
react she flips over, sliding forwards onto her knees and looking up at you. “Please,” she
begs, “cum on my face. Don’t make me have to walk around all day waiting for all of your yummy
cum to drip from my pussy - let me... let... I need, please...” Penny trails off, too busy drooling
and licking her lips now that your stiff cock is right up next to her face. Closing her eyes, she
takes one long, deep breath, savoring your scent as it reaches inside her sensitive nose and
flips all the right switches in her brain, making her tail wag unthinkingly behind her. Then
she opens her eyes again, and when she looks up at you you see that same flash of power
and passion she had when you first met her, but now so eagerly and willingly redirected.
She falls on you, a mess of flailing limbs and her wild, drooling tongue. After a few seconds
of confusion she manages to come up with a plan, and, raising herself up slightly, she
pushes her tits together with her hands and then slides your bestial shaft between then.
“Yessss...” she moans happily as she quickly settles into a rhythm. “Yes, fuck me... fuck every
part of me, just let- let me have- CUM!” On that last word she thrusts herself forwards
powerfully, and it’s more than enough to bring you over the edge. You fall against her, hands
gripping at her head as you almost fold over, your body far more focussed on filling her
request than on things like ‘standing up’. Penny gets her reward though, your cock pulsing as
a blast of your cum washes over her. She leans back, freeing you from between her tits to
better let you coat as much of her as possible. Her tongue chases down several mouthfuls
for her to savor, but for the most part she’s happy to just close her eyes and lie back,
enjoying the feeling of your cum landing all over her. She opens her eyes again when you’re
finally done, licking her lips with a smile. “Mmmmm, that feels so right, having my whole body
all nice and sticky with your cum and mine. Can I just live like this always? Maybe I should just
come with you and be your nice, dripping cumslut assistant that you can have all the aliens you
fight fuck when you can’t be bothered fighting them yourself?” You’re not sure what to make of
that, but she giggles before you can respond. “Nah, don’t worry, I’m just kidding. That’d be fun,
but there’s all like, reasons why it’s not likely to happen.” She sighs. “Well, I guess for now I’d
better make the most of you when you’re around.” She picks her chair up off the ground and
sits down, wiping her clawed fingers slowly along her sticky fur and sucking it clean after
every swipe. “Let me know when you’re good to go again!” she says in between mouthfuls.
Scene By: Abe E. Seedy
Smiling, you make your way over to Penny’s desk, saying, “I think it’s time to put that cock of
yours to use...” Penny giggles happily in response, springing up from her chair and running
over to you. “You bet!” she says simply. “That sounds good to me!” Beneath the desk, Flahne is
clearly sad to have Penny taken away from her, but seems to be happy enough to just lie
back and digest the cum she’d already received instead of trying to join in. You shed your
virgin-slayer sweater, plain bra and plain briefs, leaning forwards and giving Penny a nice
view. “Well then, what are you waiting for?” Penny is caught off-guard for a moment, clearly
expecting a little more teasing or foreplay, but she’s more than happy to roll with it if you
just want something quick and dirty. “Oh! Sorry!” she says, but before you can tell her you
were only kidding she grabs you firmly from behind, lining her thick cock up with your pure
and unspoiled cunt. “You want me to like, go all at it then?” “Uh, yeah, of course. Why else would
I have made you a super horny bimbo slut with a nice big cock if I didn’t want you to fuck me with
it?”, you answer, wiggling your rump to drive the point home and hopefully give her all the
encouragement she could need. It works. Penny doesn’t even bother answering with words,
instead just spearing herself into you, filling you up all nice and tight. She’s big, slick and
hard, and you know for a fact that she’s ready and willing any time you want her to be.
Settling quickly into a powerful rhythm, she’s soon fucking you like a pro, her clawed hands
gripping you tightly as she puts every muscle in her body to work. Your hymen is torn,
robbing you of your vaginal virginity. Your honeypot is a little more used to insertions.
“Mhmmm, that’s good girl,” you sigh happily. “You’re good at this, aren’t you?” “Yes, yes, yes,” she
pants, each word in time with her thrusts. You lean back into it, savoring the feeling of her
thick cock pushing so deep inside you. “That’s what you’re for, isn’t it girl? Being always ready
to fuck, whenever I want...” “Yes... yes... yes...” She’s having trouble concentrating enough to
speak, only managing to get words out once every few thrusts, and the rest of the time her
long tongue simply hangs needfully from her muzzle. “This is what you are now; an eager,
bimbo slut, and doesn’t it feel good?” Her answer is mostly just a long, low growl. “YYyess...
yhrrrrssss... grhhhhh... yesss” “You’re my little fuckpet, aren’t you? My cum addict slut, always
dripping, always ready, always-” You’re not sure what it was, but something you said pushes
Penny over the edge. Whatever restraint she had breaks, and suddenly she’s just fucking
you like a wild creature. There’s no rhythm, no technique, just a wild, unstoppable need to
have as much of herself in as much of you as possible, over and over and over again. Her
claws dig into you almost enough to draw blood, she leans down over you enough to start
licking madly at your back with her long tongue, and you can feel her balls trembling as she
builds up unstoppably. Smiling, you let her have her way with you for a few moments, until
eventually you push back against her and say a single, commanding word: “CUM!” “Gh-
ahhhrhhhh!” Penny answers, her whole body tensing up as she obeys your command. You
feel her cock thicken inside you, her shaft pulsing as wave after wave of her cum surges
through her. Her warm, wet slickness floods your slit, blissful satisfaction pooling out inside
you. You close your eyes and smile, content to lock your hips to hers and enjoy her
trembling, eager tribute. It takes some time before she’s finally done, and then with a sigh
you pull yourself away. She whines as you slowly release her slick member, but that quickly
turns into a shocked gasp as she sees substantial slick mess that comes pouring out of you
as she withdraws. “I- mhm!” she whimpers, but before she can form a complete sentence
she simply drops to her knees, overcome by her urges. “Need!” she adds in another quick
gasp, then she presses her muzzle to the floor and begins to lap at her leftover cum.
“Awww,” you tease, scritching her lightly behind her ears, “you just couldn’t hold yourself back,
could you girl?” She answers with a pout, or at least as much of one as she can manage with
her face down in a puddle of her own cum. “It’s cum,” she whines, as though that were all
the answer that was needed, and, thinking about it, that probably is. “I know girl. Can’t let
that go to waste now, can you?” She shakes her head, but doesn’t bother to answer any more
than that. It looks like she’ll be busy cleaning up for some time, so you collect your things
and get ready to resume your adventures.


Scene By: Abe E. Seedy
“I think it’s time to put those bimbo lips of yours to use servicing me,” you say in a sultry
whisper, sitting down on the edge of her desk. “Oh yeah?” Penny giggles, “they’re pretty
great, aren’t they?” Instead of answering you just grab her by the head, pulling her in as you
bring your legs up, spinning around on the desk and sweeping aside her terminal until you’re
straddling her and her head is level with your crotch. Penny doesn’t need any more
encouragement than that. She falls forward eagerly, sliding her lips down the length of your
bestial cock. Her eyes roll up in her head in bliss - clearly, this is exactly what she loves to
do. It feels pretty great on your side too, she is good at this. Her lips are so soft and plump
that they feel like they’re designed to wrap perfectly around any and all cocks (and, knowing
Dr. Badger, they probably are). Her tongue works your narrow glans lovingly, scooping up
your white pre-cum and shivering in pleasure every time she swallows a fresh batch.
Despite all the ways she’s changed physically, the hottest thing about might be the fact that
she so clearly needs this. You don’t think she even eats or drinks anything else any more,
she’s just a perfect, needy, eager cumslut, all day, every day. You did that. You took this
fierce, dedicated policewoman, and fucked her and changed her until she had a big, dripping
cock, until her tits were so large they can barely fit in her uniform when she can be
bothered to wear it, until all she wants to do is lie back on the ground and cover herself with
cum again and again so that she can get to lick it all up. And she’s so happy with the results
that she’ll eagerly service you in whatever way you ask every time you ask because it’s the
only way she can think of to say thank you. Although, to be fair, that’s also how she says
‘hello’ now. You corrupted her. You fixed her. You made her yours. And she’ll beg you to use
her every bit as much as you could possibly want to, because you made her need it too. You
can see why Dr. Badger went full mad scientist over this. With all of that going through your
head, and with Penny doing such good work on you, it isn’t long before you finally orgasm.
You grab her close, pumping blast after blast of ivory cum down her throat. She cums too,
so blissfully happy to have successfully been of service, her thick cock spurting again and
again down beneath the desk - straight into Flahne’s welcoming mouth. Eventually you push
Penny back, and she licks her lips happily to savor the last of your flavor as you pull apart.
“Thanks Bitz!” she says perkily, straightening back up as you get off her desk, “I super needed
that.”. She bites her lip, pouting a little bit as she adds. “Let- let me know if you want to do
anything else, please? I could always go for another round...”


Scene By: Abe E. Seedy
Looking down at Penny, so cute and pent-up, gives you an idea. “Come with me,” you say
simply, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her away from her desk. She looks confused, but
follows along obediently, only stopping for a second to flick a button that sets turns on an
“Out” sign outside and locks the front door. Then with a light-hearted giggle, she happily lets
you pull her away. To her surprise, you lead her not to a bed, but to a large, empty bath.
“Oh! Do you want to like... fuck in the bath? Or take a bath together?” “Something like that...” you
answer, leaning down to turn off the drain in the bath and then turning towards her. She’s
already naked from the waist down - putting a desk between her and anyone else coming in
to see her being about as much as she can manage for modesty - so it’s a simple matter for
you to grab her cock and start sliding your hand back and forth along the length of it. “A-
ahmm! Oh Miss Steele!” she gasps, trembling as her eager balls can’t help but give off a quick
spurt of cum. “That’s... ah! Oh... ohhhhhh...” You settle into a steady rhythm, smiling at the
way she can’t help but bite her lip as you wring more and more cum out of her cock, aiming
it all into the bath.“I was just thinking...” you tease her softly, even as you keep working her
over unstoppably, “I made it so you make all this cum, so shouldn’t I get to enjoy it all too? So,
here we are...” Her hands grip at the edge of the bath, and you can see know that she knows
what’s going on she’s clearly getting into it. “Ohhh! Yes, Bitz, use me... uhnnn! Use me like your
- uhrnmmm! - nice little cum slut!” “That’s right girl,” you say, “you’re made to be used for cum,
aren’t you?” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she pants desperately, each short happy bark accompanied by
another thick blast of cum into the tub. “Yesss I’m your... little! Fox! Cum! Slut!” You lean back,
and the second you move your hands she takes their place, wrapping one of her paws
around her slick shaft and pumping away while her other one slips into her pussy to try and
make sure she wrings out every bit of pleasure she is capable of. Her efforts have paid off,
and by now even though it hasn’t been that long the bath is already around a quarter full.
Of course, that’s not nearly enough. Stroking her hair softly, you lean in and whisper right in
her cute fluffy ears, “That’s right girl. Doesn’t it feel so good to let yourself be what you should
be?” By now Penny can barely talk. Her tongue is hanging out of her muzzle, and something
between a low growl and a needy whine is rising in her throat, but it’s all mixed together
with a constant, panting chant of just “Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!” You let this go on for a few
moments, stroking her tenderly as she works herself over and fills up the tub. Despite the
pretty constant stream of cum pouring out of her, her expression makes it look like she’s
edging - clearly enjoying herself, but just on the edge of something so much more. Looking
down, you see the bath is now about half full. “What are you for?” you ask her simply. “Cum!
Cum! Cum!” she answers instantly. “And what do you need?” She’s barely able to respond.
Thick strands of drool run down from her lips, and her eyes are wide as she stares with
naked desire at the pool in front of her. “C-cum! Cu-uummm! CUM!” Moving around behind
her, you give her fluffy tail a quick swipe, smiling as you see that even now that still stops
her in her tracks. Taking advantage of her brief pause, you put one hand squarely on her
back and say, “Then go get it.” Then you push. She falls forwards eagerly, bringing up her
arms enough to break her fall but not enough to keep her from sliding beneath the surface
of all her wonderful cum. As soon as she hits the bottom of the bath she flips over, lying on
her back so that she can keep jerking herself off, her cock still standing stiffly out above her.
She barely needs to touch it to bring herself to a final, climactic orgasm, clearly just the feel
and the scent of being so completely soaked in her own liquid slickness is enough to make
her cum like some sort of perverted fountain. She quickly adds so much more that she’s
soon in danger of submerging herself completely, but she just manages to keep up by
hurriedly lapping up as much cum as she can. It takes a while, but eventually her needful
thrusts and arching jets of white cum die down enough that she can stop focussing her
tongue on licking up as much cum as possible, at least for long enough to say quickly “Care
to join me then, Bitz?”

Scene By: Fenoxo Fenfennec
You ask Penny what she thinks about ditching this lame desk job to fuck her way across the
stars. She wouldn’t have to wait around here for your next visit, struggling to work a lame,
dead-end job. You and her could fuck at any time, on any day, no matter what part of the
galaxy you’re in. At first, the avalanche of words appears to bore Penny. She slumps further
into her chair, idly tugging at one of her nipples until the sensuous import of what you’re
saying finally manages to lodge itself into the fuck-saturated sludge Penny calls a brain.
“Hu-wha?” She sits bolt upright in her chair, tail wagging excitedly. “Sorry! You started talking
about space and stuff, and I just like, couldn’t stop thinking about how fuckable the space
between my tits is, and... well, you know?” Penny arches her back to better present the
pillowy, often cum-slick mounds she calls her breasts. Grabbing them in hand, she pulls
them open to reveal the silk-furred inner expanse of her heaving bosom, offering a prime
opportunity for motorboating. You’re too taken off guard to respond. “Yeah,” the vixen slyly
drawls, “you know.” She licks her lips, “But you were saying something more compli... c-comp...
uh... cum-placiated than than a nice, long tit-fuck. You were talking about taking me with you!
And fucking!” Her eyelids drift halfway down until the fox wears the sort of half-asleep
bedroom gaze you’d expect to see after a long bedroom romp or intense sexual fantasy,
“And making it so I never have to go to bed without smelling your cum in the sheets. You’d always
have the wettest, hottest fox-slut at your beck and call. I’d never say no. Never stop being horny.
Never do anything but make you hard and happy.” Penny muffles herself by stuffing her dick
deep into her maw, sucking hard enough to make her eyes roll back with the raw eroticism
of it all. You gently stroke your fingers through Penny’s mohawk, ruffling the soft red hair
between your fingertips. “So you’ll come with me?” You pull the bimbo’s head back, slowly
dragging her pulsating length out of her plump maw to give the hypersexual hermaphrodite
an opportunity to answer. “You’ll be my shipboard slut?” Penny gasps for breath, blinking
dazedly. “I uh... yeah. But... but... Flahne says I still have tons of debts to pay off! I wanna so bad,
Bitz! I want you to use me on every square inch of your ship. I want you to slap me and spank me
and use me till you can make me squirt just by giving my tail a yank.” Thick bubbles of cum roll
out of her dick - not quite an orgasm but a potent sign of her overclocked libido’s complete
agreement. “What do I do, Bitz? If I don’t pay it off, somebody’ll take me away from you, and I’ll
have to be somebody else’s dick-addicted cum-slut! I don’t wanna! I wanna be your dumb, happy
little spunk-slave!” Her pout is heartbreaking, but not enough to stop Penny from cupping
her heaving balls and groaning with pleasure. Maybe there’s another way a girl like Penny
could pay off her debts - camming on the internet isn’t usually the most lucrative career, but
most cam-girls don’t have an inexhaustible libido and perpetually ready-to-blow balls. They
don’t have out-of-this-world proportions and a mind almost completely filled with thoughts
of raw, bareback fucking. You have no doubt that your bimbolicious little prick-vixen could
easily match her old salary, maybe even surpass it if she caught the right exposure. Do you
suggest cam-whoring as an alternative or back off for now?
Scene By: Fenoxo McFurTrash
“You could be a camwhore,” you explain. Penny blinks, chewing on an obscenely inflated lip
as she tries to think. “Ummm, what?” “A camwhore,” you repeat. “You know, a girl that
masturbates for a camera, and horny guys and girls give her money to watch.” Comprehension
spreads across Penny’s furry face like the morning sun’s light. “I can make money for
masturbating?” She grabs her cock in both hands, pumping happily. “It’s the perfect job, miss
big brain smarty-mate! All I have to do is be a dumb, giggly fuck-toy - your giggly fuck-toy - and
do it on camera, and it’ll pay off my debt-stuff?” There’s no need to go into the specifics with
her. She wouldn’t care. For now, she has the gist of it. You nod. “That’s sooooo cool!” Penny
enthusiastically wrings a syrupy blob of pre out of her beastly bimbo-dick. Lifting one hand
up, she gently presses her palm against it, allowing the juicy cock-lube to wick into her fur,
sponge-like, before putting her sopping mit to work. The fox-girl greases the whole of her
shaft in one ecstatic stroke. When she hits her knot, she lets her tongue fall out, drooling
spittle, and leans back to look you in the eyes. “And so fucking hot! All those eyes on me,
watching me... Oh, mate! It’s so fucking hot!” “So you’ll do it? You’ll join my crew and jerk off on
camera?” You caress the outer rim of one of Penny’s enormous ears, knowing just how wild
it’ll drive her. “You’ll be an eager, flirty vixen for your audience?” Penny nods so vigorously that
her puffed-up lips bump against her lust-fattened tip, slobbering spit and pre everywhere.
She mouths a hasty, “Yes!” before plunging herself down to plug the leak with her pink,
sloppily licking tongue. Her muzzle slides opened to swallow, then closes. Ink-black lips
vacuum-seal around the turgid, drooling rod in a display of succubus-like thirst. Her palm,
still slicker than ausar-cunt in heat, pumps up and down along the her prized, meaty length,
squeezing bulb-shaped distinctions of fluid up her urethra to burst in mouth like ambrosial
bombs. “You’ll be my onboard cum-slut? My own personal jizz-fountain?” You tweak the tip of
her ear, prompting Penny’s eyes to roll back. Both her aural appendages twitch before going
limp. The one in your hand curls over your fingers. The other flops back flat against the fox-
woman’s skull in pure, sensuous submission. “You’ll be my fuzzy little spunk-mop?” You can’t
help but unsheath your dog-cock and flop it onto Penny’s forehead. “I have so much cum,
and so few tongues to lick me clean after I climax...” She shivers when she feels you stroke and
moans into her own insatiable rod the moment your first droplet of pre baptizes her crown.
You watch Penny cum. The signs are subtle: thicker bulges racing through her flexing,
straining beast-dick, audible gurgles in the back of her throat, and sudden reappearance of
her pupils, crossed brainlessly for a glimpse of your huge, knotted tool. Twin jets of excess
seed rocket from the creased corners of the cop-turned-cumslut’s vulpine muzzle, lancing
out in straight lines that wane into drooping, splattering arcs only to rhythmically surge back
to full intensity a heartbeat later. It’s fucking hot watching Penny’s mind shut down from
raw pleasure, the last few lights of her consciousness washed out by sunbursts of obscene
animal need. You grab her slippery palm and reposition it to hold your bestial cock, and she
strokes it automatically and unthinkingly. Jerking and sucking come as easily to her as eating
or breathing. Her slick-furred paw caresses you all through her seemingly endless orgasm,
hitting all your most sensitive spots in sequence until you can’t help but join her in erupting,
in shooting sticky webs of cum over her hair, face and ears. Your bestial cock claims Penny
in that moment by right of the mask of white she now wears. Letting go of her own still-
jizzing prick, Penny audibly gurgles as the narrow tip slips out of her cock-sucking lips and
graces them with a layer of animalistic jism for their trouble. She gulps heavily, absently
wiping a trickle of pearlescent goo from one nostril. She’s not even looking at you, not even
when you dribble the last of your own contribution onto the center of her muzzle. The slut-
fox’s eyes are far away, mostly vacant as returns to idly stroking herself, squeegeeing off
waves of gooey excess. Head to toe, Penny is an absolute mess of spit and cum. You wipe
your cock off on the underside of the vixen’s chin and stroke her ear one last time. “Let
Flahne know where you’re going... after you clean up, okay, pet?” That, at last, rouses the fennec
from her spooge-drunk stupor. “Uhh... like yeah!” She licks her chops and giggles in delight.
“I’m gonna get to be your cummy whore! Or uh, camwhore! Yay! Soooo, uh... what do I do again?”
She leans down to ease the tip of her dick into her mouth once more, lazily tonguing in wide
circles around the pointed cock-head. She can barely talk around it. “After this load.” You
gently explain to her that she should say goodbye to Flahne, and let her know she’s leaving
to be your personal camwhore. The town will get a new cop, and Penny will get to make the
entire universe orgasm along with her. That does the trick. The fox’s eyes light up as she
sinks a few more inches down, slurping ecstatically. Penny’s going to be your personal cum-
dump crew-mate (and camwhore)! (Penny has joined your crew!)
Scene By: Fenoxo
Penny is waiting for you the moment you step onto your ship. For once she isn’t defiled by a
single droplet of cum - that’s been contained by orange-sized condom full of pre that
dangles from her bell-end as she squirms in place. Her hips bear bigger, tied-off ‘snacks’ for
later no doubt. Her fluffy tail waves happily at the sight of you. “Bitz! It’s a good thing you told
me to talk to Flahnie! I had no idea which ship was yours!” She pouts and folds her arms across
her expanded chest, causing dangerous levels of jiggle. “They should really like, just have Bitz
in big letters on the side. Naming them other stuff is like, wayyy dumb.” Smiling at the silly herm,
you walk her up the boarding ramp, delighting in the way she squirms against you with
every step. When your hand falls on her ass, her tail wraps around it. When the door closes
behind her, she pushes you against the wall with the force of her kiss. The wobbling weight
of her slowly-filling condom bounces against your leg. “Bitz,” Penny pants, “I am so ready for
this... but I really, really, really... really need to cum.” She whines, brazenly grinding into you
while she talks. “I can’t stop thinking about having people watching me jerk off. Boys and girls
and herms and weird aliens I can’t even imagine making their toes curl because of how hot I am
now.” Her tongue dives into your mouth for a moment, leaving you breathless when it finally
retracts. “And it’s all thanks to you.” You escort the wobbling bimbo-fox the rest of the way to
her quarters, casually groping her ass as you go. When the door to her bedroom opens, you
spin her around and push her back onto her bed. Penny’s enhanced member rebounds off
her tits, the condom slipping off from the impact to discharge onto her face. Her cock
springs up, rock-hard and ready to go. Grabbing onto it with both hands, Penny sets right
into stroking, sucking the condom’s end into her plump lips to harvest the creamy leftovers.
She barely notices you setting up the cam software or tuning the wall display to show an
image preview of her stream and the chatlog alongside it. Viewers find their way in almost
immediately. “OMG lookat the tits on dis fox-bitch!” “Balls like a kui-tan!” “OwO *notices her
bulge*” ...You’ll leave her to settle in for now.
Scene By: Fenoxo
“But Penny,” you explain, shedding your clothing to bare your beast-dick, “you’d split in half.
My cock is too large for your pussy, no matter how badly you want to feel it inside.” The fox-girl
licks her lips and stares greedily at the pillar of pulsing vixen-bait. Crawling forward, her tail
wags as merrily as the happiest as ausars. “That’s okay.” She edges closer. “I don’t mind.” Her
head cranes up and down from your narrow glans to your balls and back again. “I still love it -
love you. I meant love you. And your cock.” She’s so close that you can feel her words babbling
out as puffs of breathy adulation. “Stars, this fucking cock! I see it in my dreams.” Her tongue
slips out taste a particularly bulgy vein, earning her an approving throb from your pillar-like
shaft. “Mmmm...” “Do you?” you gasp in pleasure. “Yes,” the cock-licking peacekeeper slut
purrs. “When I close my eyes and especially when I stroke the one you gave me, mate. I get so
hot thinking about rubbing my dick against yours, whimpering as a single whiff of you puts me
into heat, puddling pussy-juice in my chair... mmmrm!” She closes her eyes and grabs you with
a two-handed grip, a necessity given just how little of your bestial cock her tiny paws can
handle. “Let me make you cum. Please?” Not waiting for an answer, she plies you with long,
worshipful strokes. “I wanna make you cum. Want to bathe in the scent of it. Soak it into my fur
so the whole town knows I’m yours when we get back.” She gasps and pumps faster, lost in
fantasy. “So everyone can see how hard I make you cum, how worthy I am to be yours.” You nod
your assent, but she doesn’t notice it. Instead, you run your fingers through her mohawk-
trimmed mane, pulling her a little closer. “Yesh,” Penny mouths, planting a warm, wet kiss
just beneath the pointed cock-head. “You don’t have to do anything. Just let me...” Warm,
vulpine slobber races down the bulging cumvein. “Let me do this for you.” Her tongue smears
bubbling globules around as she revels in the salty taste of your god-sized breeding tool.
“You saved me... and got so hard for me.” She blinks a few times and looks up at you in pure
adulation. “I love you, Bitz.” She whimpers at the admission, her cock rubbing past your knot,
slippery with a curtain of musky pre. “And I’m such a worthless little cum-dump of a mate that
all I can think about is making this beautiful dick spurt.” Groaning whorishly, she rubs her
thumbs in little circles against the sides of your full urethra, coaxing you to twitch. A bubble
of pre-cum races out of your canine crown to dribble in Penny’s hair. Gasping ecstatically,
the vixen says, “I’m all cock-brained. I sucked her titties in that pod, Bitz. I couldn’t help it. Now
I’m all wobbly, and this... this fat fucking dick is all I can think about, and I love it, and I love you.
And I’m going to make you so horny and feel so stupid good that you won’t be able to do
anything but love me back and fuck me to pieces.” She growls possessively. “I’m going to
worship your dick until you pop a boner when you see my face.” She strokes faster. “I’m going to
make you cum so hard that you’ll split open your pants the moment you hear my voice.” Penny
moans low in the back of her throat, and spurts salty cum against your jumbo-sized,
expectant belly. Torrid squelches of gushing pussy-juice splatter the cave floor as she cums
hands-free. “I’m so fucked up for you.” Unable to control yourself, you let your hips jerk
forwards - just once. You catch yourself after, but the damage is done. Your shaft plows
right between Penny’s ziltrap-drenched tits, sending shockwaves through the fox’s pillowy
melons and absolutely shaming them for size. She could never properly tit-fuck you, not
without a crash course in breast-enlarging drugs, but her sweet little sweater-kits can still
feel wonderful as they slide through the fox-girl’s slobber. The tips of her oh-so-rigid nipples
are two points blissful contact in the middle of a sea of slick-furred delight. Penny meets
your thrust by leaning into it. She moves her hands to the top half of your mast and pulls it
harder against her chest. You can feel her heartbeat thumping into your seam-shredding,
bestial shaft, fluttering in the throes of passion. She’s so slick that when she wraps her arms
tight, you can glide through the middle, using her hug as a silk-furred vice. Her clenched
biceps are like the muscles in the sides of a virginal pussy, begging you to dump the thickest,
most virile cum-shot possible into its womb, and Penny’s dopey, wide-open maw is that
womb. You drool an appetizer of potent pre onto her waiting tongue, and the fox nearly
cums on the spot. Her eyes cross to watch it roll out, and her pulse quickens. She slurps it
down with a merry hum of enjoyment, then rolls her feisty oral organ back against your
canine crown to beg for more. “Please,” she slurs, barely able to speak with the central
groove of her tongue welded to your bulging, leaking urethra. “Please. Cum.” She writhes her
belly against you. Her arms pump up and down, dragging her tits with them. Milk dribbles
freely out of her nipples, probably another effect of the ziltrap’s drugs. “I’m so fucking close! I
just need... I just need to make you cum.” She whines in delirious arousal. “Please! Don’t worry
about where it hits me. Just do it. Put it in my mouth or on my face or in my hair or my sl-sl-slutty
little cum-dump pussy! Bitz, cum! Cum!” You boil over with pleasure - not just from your
writhing, ecstatic lover but from the raw lusty depravity of her words. Penny’s voice feels
like it’s in your testicles, stirring the bubbling cum-factories to brew more jism than they
could ever hold. An opal droplet appears at your apex as your knot inflates obscenely.
Penny’s legs automatically scissor around it in a tight squeeze, giving the bestial endowment
exactly what it needs to spew its entire bitch-impregnating load. The first spurt flies out,
and Penny is there to catch it in her waiting mouth, uncaring that it bulges her cheeks or
dribbles out the sides. She revels in your cum. The fox-woman pulls you tight a sympathetic
climax rips through her. She wriggles and squirms, tits jiggling from how the bulges racing
up your urethra slap past them. Each ejaculation is married to a muffled moan of delight and
hurried attempts to drink down as much of the fragrant seed as possible. Her cum splashes
along your belly and breasts as she wantonly frots the side of your bigger tool. Your nuts
empty everything you have into the fox. She’s squeezing you too tightly for anything else.
Even when your orgasm winds down, she continues to vibrate in so much feverish ecstasy
that you can’t help but squeeze out the last drop of sperm-infused fluid directly onto her
nose, which immediately flares to drink in the brazenly sexual odor of it all. “Cummy,” Penny
moans, losing what’s left of her motor control and flopping onto her back to ride out the
end of her squirting drug-trip. Her nipples fountain milk once more, but in thinner flows this
time. With the chemical’s influence fading, the surprise lactation she experienced seems to
be fading... though this pussy-wringing squirt appears even wetter than the last. You
stumble back onto your soft, heart-shaped butt. Your swollen, canine cock pulsates in
powerful approval, refusing to soft quite yet, perhaps approving of what you’ve done to
your mate. “Bitz,” Penny whimpers, “you goddess... you fucking...” She rolls over, slowly
crawling into your lap to snuggle a cum-stained cheek against your dog-cock. “Love you.” She
pats your thigh and smiles, tongue lapping a bit of juice from her nose. “Want you to knock
me up sometime... after the rush.” Her eyes drift closed. “Make me have lots of kits sometime,
okay?” You’re both snoring soon after.

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