Tits Randoms

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Saying nothing, you advance on the endowed woman. Before she can get out of her chair, you pull
it away from the desk, leaning over and resting your own hands on her damp armrests to pin the
secretary in her seat. “Getting a good look?” she teases. The buxom gel pushes her chest even
farther, almost touching yours. Keeping your plan in mind, you slip a hand up to touch her areolae,
distracting her as you slowly turn the chair around until you’re between your quivering lover and
the desk. Your arms draw back, pulling the chair forward and its occupant into you, and you savor
the closeness of your lover as it drives her bouncy melons into your pale skin.

Crouching, you slide under the desk, then pull the secretary’s legs in after you, concealing your
presence. “Bitz, what in the hell are you doing?” she asks, clearly perplexed by your hide-and-seek.
Instead of replying, you push her knees apart and slip two fingers into her wet snatch, leaning in to
slide your tongue halfway up her erect, dribbling ovipositor. “Woah, hold up!” the woman gasps.
“Someone might come in! Let me go so I can lock the doors!” “Why?” you counter. “It’s not like
anyone can see me, and you did say you could get a lot of work done during sex if you didn’t have
to focus on your partner.” “Did I say anything like that? Oh dear...” Flahne moans, open-mouthed
with arousal. “Fine, have it your way.” She scoots forward vigorously, and her body is positioned so
closely that you can see her belly being creased inward by the edge of the desk. Obviously, she does
not want to get caught screwing around on the job. The smell of sugar hits you a second later,
carried from the sodden slit that lies squarely ahead. Up close and personal, you can see that her
glossy amber snatch is covered with beads of moisture, and the clit has transformed into a half-
floppy prong that would make a whore blush. It’s about twelve inches long now and thick like an
over-stuffed sausage. Whitish pre-cum oozes out of her opening already. Unlike a human’s penis,
the urethra is perched on a secondary bump atop her glans. You’re just starting to run your
fingertips up her thighs, tracing gentle touches across the increasingly sensitive flesh, when you
hear one of the doors open. Even from down here, you can see Flahne’s skin turn orange with
embarrassment, but much to her credit she shows no other reaction. “How may I help you, ma’am?”
Flahne asks with a fairly level voice. Damn, she’s good. You accelerate your pace, pushing a finger
back into her honeyed folds. Flahne starts to groan in response, but she turns it into a cough. Her
companion does not seem to notice. The neglected ovipositor jerks, dropping a fat wad of pre onto
your face, almost spiteful for being ignored thus far. From down here, you could eat her out or
polish her rod.
You squeeze her shaft right around the base to remind it who’s boss before taking pity on it,
relaxing your grip and arching it down to be properly tended to. It wouldn’t do to have her burst all
over the bottom of her desk, creating a rain of white that would completely cover you. Well, that
might not be too bad, but you’re not gonna let that happen today. Flahne’s flexible boner is easy to
wrangle up to your mouth. It even drips a few strands of white onto your lips, growing a bit fatter in
your hand as you hold it. Its owner shudders slightly, sending a ripple through her luxurious thighs
all the way down to her feet, shifting position so that her wet gash hangs just over the edge of the
seat, its golden lips still expanding with lust. You rub her twat with one hand while slowly
beginning to pump her cock-like ovipositor with the other, testing the gel-woman’s self-control as
well as you can. Throughout this, she’s still carrying on a conversation with an unnamed woman,
though the first stroke along her dick causes her to pause for a deep breath of air. “...yes, just fill out
these uhm, forms and send them back to me for review...” The last word trickles away into nothing,
and you get the idea that Flahne’s eyes must have drifted partway closed during that statement,
relaxing as you masturbate her. You’ve yet to actually put her ovipositor into your mouth at all,
instead watching her drip whilst manipulating her genitals, collecting it in the palm of your hand for
lubrication. Jacking her off like that does make audible squishing noise that you hope isn’t too loud
up above... but then again, who cares? You squeeze her tool a little more firmly and gently guide the
tip up to your lips, puckering up as it presses against you for a wet, messy cock-kiss. Flahne’s latest
customer can be heard walking over to another chair, seating herself and humming softly to herself
as she clicks away. You let your mouth part into a tiny ‘o’ as you accept part of your gel-girl lover’s
cock into your mouth. “Oooohhhh,” Flahne groans. You can almost picture the woman across the
room looking up as she asks, “Flahne, was it? Are you okay? Do I need to find a nurse droid?” “I’ll
be... I’ll be okay,” Flahne mutters, aiming a light kick at you. Her leg is so soft and squishy that it
doesn’t really do much but cause the parts of her cock you’ve swallowed to halfway escape. You
lunge back down far enough to suitably engulf it again, which predictably causes Flahne to quietly
whimper once more. “Are you sure you’re okay?” the mystery person asks. Her chair creaks when
she rises, obviously standing up You slide two fingers into her slit and begin to rub your palm
across her entrance, curling your digits to press against her walls. “I-I’m tuh... totally... f-fine!”
Flahne protests while rocking her hips closer, pushing another inch of cock into your mouth. “Just...
ohhh, uh... fine. Feeling a little faint is all.” You flatten your tongue, pushing it back and forth along
the underside of six inches or so you’ve taken inside you. Your other hand continues to work the
remaining ten inches of shaft, though with less area to work with, you’re forced to make shorter,
faster motions. Pre-cum is running almost continually from her tip at this point, forcing you to
swallow and gulp to avoid letting it flood down your throat. The female voice asserts, “Look, I’ve
met a couple rahn before, and what’s going on here isn’t normal. You’re a loo’rahn, right? You’re
very flushed, and quite frankly, it sounds like you’re about to pass out. Come on, let’s get you to the
doctor. I’ll finish the forms while I wait on you, okay?” “N-n-noooo,” Flahne stutters as her thighs
spread wider of their own accord. “Just, fill out t-the formmmm... uh.” You slip a third finger inside
her vagina while moving your other hand even faster. Her member is getting thicker and bobbing
every second or two, while her slit squeezes down around your fingers like a nicely-padded vise.
She’s just about to pop. Footsteps begin coming closer. With each percussive step, Flahne’s body
becomes more tense, and her phallic organ grows thicker, though it remains softer and pudgier than
you would have thought. It’s now or never. You slip your pinky inside her and slide your tongue
from side to side, starting to gently suck on it, trying to draw the cum out of her by using your
mouth like some kind of spunky vacuum cleaner. Flahne groans. The other woman isn’t far away.
Maybe two or three steps. You hear her heels click alongside the desk. “You aren’t oka...” The
words trail into nothingness. Flahne is looking right at her, but you see the rahn’s eyes suddenly
flutter closed. She lurches her hips powerfully, ramming an extra two inches into you, pushing
straight into your throat. At the same time, the base swells, and hot globules of jizz pass through it,
coming out in one huge, throat-filling surge of spooge. You try not to gag while she pumps into you,
swallowing as fast as you can, dimly aware of a cute alien peering around the edge of the desk to
watch you suck cock. Somehow, you keep your movements going, stroking her off to keep the cum
coming. “I... I’ll come back later,” comes the embarrassed voice. Flahne loses it at that point and
grabs your head, pulling you down to the base, her dick easily deforming to slide the whole way
down your throat. She moans loudly, and you hear the sound of retreating footsteps. Cum pours into
your belly in an unrelenting tide, sugary and sweet, practically making your head swim with the
sheer amount of energy forced into your digestive system. “Oh, OH FUCK YES! Swallow it! Drink
that cum!” Flahne cries as she slowly throat-fucks you, spending nearly twenty seconds filling you
with eggs. Immediately after, her ovipositor yanks out, stringing long syrupy strands behind it as it
dwindles down to the size of a clit. You swallow the leftovers and gasp for your breath. Flahne is so
orange that she’s nearly red and hyperventilating, slowly fingering her pussy as she moans
incoherently to herself. Her eyes are half-rolled back, but when you climb out from under the desk,
she shudders and glances your way with a pout. “Okay, maybe I exaggerated my abilities a little.”
“A little?” you ask. Flahne rolls her skirt back down, barely caring that the bottom of it is as soaked
as her seat. She shivers and answers, “Well, maybe we just need to practice a little more?” Maybe...

I know something fun,” you tease, sliding a finger down Flahne’s straining cleavage. “But you
should probably lock the doors unless you don’t mind more people joining in.” Flahne colors a bit
as her hand slides between her breasts to cup yours. “Oh nooo, that would be awful. I’m a one-
woman rahn, through and through,” she giggles, answering in a sing-song voice that drips with
insincerity. She pulls your finger free and licks it salaciously, then releases you and steps over to the
door. With a click, she locks each one via the panel, and then returns to you. “I’m all yours, you
greedy girl.”
You reach around the wonderfully soft gel secretary rubbing against you and grasp her plushy butt
with both hands. Her ovipositor pokes your stomach as you gently lift her to sit on her desk. The
translucent amber shaft oozes slightly at the tip, letting you know that it’s ready and raring to go.
You don’t really feel like making use of the magnificent member yourself, but an interesting idea
stirs on your mind. You strip out of your dress clothes, plain bra and plain briefs, revealing your
pointed prick and grinning at the prone beauty. “Did you want me to put my ovipositor away?”
Flahne asks you with a curious look. She rubs the pulsing ovi-cock, causing a dollop of pre to leak
out and trickle down to her waiting fingers. With a sly smile, you brush a finger from its tip down to
the base, then push it between her enormous tits. The gold-hued girl shivers and grins with delight,
stroking it to free her first secretions as she unbuttons her shirt, then parting her legs to reveal her
lust-inflamed pussy. You move up to the desk and lean in close, helping to undo the last few buttons
on the gel girl’s top. As soon as you finish the last straining one, the massive globes fall free. Your
first hand catches one of the breasts as it falls, sinking into the heavenly soft mass, while the other
slides down to her waiting slit. The soft flesh parts easily as you trace your fingers around the
entrance to her vagina; her slick juices coat them and you can smell the sugars permeating the air
around the two of you.
Flahne moans as you rub in circles around the base of her clit-dick. You move the hand that was
caressing her tit-flesh, tugging on the nipple before moving to hold her hip and line your wide,
animalistic shaft up with her waiting slit. Rubbing around the edges, you make sure her sugary lube
coats you for the coming penetration. Flahne’s breathing has become heavy, and she tightly grips
her own member, squeezing the squishy prick and slowly sliding her hands up and down. You lean
back and line your mastiff-sized, canine cock up with the entrance to her depths. The head pushes
apart her labia and rubs at the hole. “Miss -ahh- Steele, stop teasing and stick it in already,” the gel
girl whimpers, spreading her legs wider. You grin at her and sink both of your hands into her plush
assflesh, pulling yourself into her. Her pussy yields as you sink into it; the slick juices lining her
walls make it easy to push as far as you want. As you sink deeper, you begin to rock your hips,
sliding in and out of the tightening hole. Flahne begins to moan, increasing in volume as you
continue. Her ovipositor is now leaking a steady stream of pre, causing her hands to slide faster and
faster as time passes. After a few more thrusts it seems her hands alone aren’t enough, and Flahne
slips the tip of her ovipositor into her mouth to catch the sweet liquids before they escape. Her
amber rod muffles her moans, but you can feel the vibrations of her voice traveling through her
jiggling body. Whenever her mouth slides up to wring out the candy-flavored precum her pussy
tightens in unison. The juices from her gash drip, wasted, onto the desk and permeate the air with
her sweet smelling fragrance. You quickly move some important-looking papers away from the
expanding puddle of gel fluids as you continue to plumb Flahne’s deepest parts. With every thrust
your slim hips slap against Flahne’s jiggling butt, causing small splashes to coat your legs, and with
every outward pull the entrance of her vagina sucks at you, wringing your beefy cock for all it’s
worth. On the way back in, her insides wrap your member in velvety softness. Every few moments
you see Flahne’s long tongue snake into the translucent golden shaft and return with a glob of its
pearly liquids. The gel secretary removes her hands from her ovipositor in favor of sliding more of
it into her mouth. Her lips form a suction hold on her shaft that you imagine feels much like the one
her vagina is giving yours. Flahne’s arms transition to holding her legs up and apart while you
squeeze her plush ass harder. You increase the speed of your thrusts, sliding into the gel-pussy with
fervor, and slide your hands slowly across the gel girl’s squooshy alien flesh, savoring the feeling
against your pale skin as you make your way toward her chest. You inch your hands up and around
her tantalizingly soft breasts, squeezing them as she bobs up and down from her blowjob and your
pounding. Brushing the sides with your fingers, you eventually reach the squishy nipples. With a
soft tug her G-cups fluff around and encase her shaft completely. You begin to rub them up and
down against the twitching ovi-cock. Flahne’s eyes begin to lose focus as her massive tits engulf her
equally massive member, and the flow of juices issuing from her nethers increases even further. In
short time, you feel the pressure welling up in your baseball-sized testicles and thrust as deep into
Flahne’s jelly-like box as you can muster. Your dick explodes inside her lining her walls with your
alabaster jizz. The butterscotch beauty’s rod erupts like a volcano in her throat. Her eyes roll back in
her head as she swallows as much as she can, but despite her best efforts, some of the gooey rahn
cum spills out of her mouth and drips down her cock. Your knot engorges within the snug ring of
her sex, preventing you from pulling out. Every time you attempt it a little more of your jizz spurts
into Flahne’s belly, causing aftershocks to travel up her ovipositor and down her throat. You spin
around for better leverage, moving the swivel chair beneath the two of you. Flahne slides off her
desk when you pull and lands on the seat cushion. Your knot pops out of the amber-colored girl with
a loud, wet sucking sound. She lifts her head as soon as the flow from her ovipositor stops, and it
droops to one side. Insatiable, her lips wrap around your canine shaft to suck out any remaining
jism. “Mmmm, your cum’s much better than a sucker, Bitz. You’d better be back soon,” she says.
Flahne pulls a new skirt and a small towel out of a drawer in her desk; you take the towel and mop
up as much of the fluid-stained desk as you can while Flahne changes into her new skirt.
Standing in the hall is a chestnut-colored centauress, wearing a worried look on her face. As soon as
she spots you, her tawny eyes light up and she canters over, her hooves clip-clopping against the
hard thoroughfare surface. “H-hi! Sorry, I’m kind of approaching you out of nowhere, even though
you’re a stranger... but, uh, I’ve got a problem only a stranger can fix. Can you help me out?” she
asks, clasping her pale hands against her chest. She’s definitely not a Leithan; modded, perhaps?
Her human half is covered in a champagne-colored sweater and a cream linen skirt, the hem falling
down to her horse-like knees. It utterly fails to cover up her tauric body, though, or her bristly horse
tail. Her honey-blonde hair is tied back in a far less literal ponytail, secured with a lace ribbon.
“...What’s the favor?” you warmly ask. “Uumm, it’s kind of hard to explain,” the ponytailed
centauress replies. She quickly looks around. “Particularly here in the open where my neighbours
are listening. Can we go inside?” Now that you’re standing close to her, you swear you can smell a
potent, feminine musk. With each flick of her tail, it becomes that much more intense. It hotly
surges through your veins and down into your loins, making your bestial cock pointedly stiffen.
What do you do? (L: +10)
The chestnut-covered centauress claps her hands together. There’s a bright, relieved smile on her
face, and her equine ears flicker. “Thank you! I’m sorry to just ask you out of nowhere, but I’m
really in a bind here,” she answers. “Oh - I’m Aina, by the way! Sorry, I forgot to introduce
myself.” “Bitz,” you reply following her inside her apartment. Once inside the two big barn-like
doors, you’re surprised at how classy and spacious it is. It’s full of tastefully selected pot plants and
paintings, not to mention centaur-friendly couches. She gallops over to a coffee table and gestures
to it. Her cheeks are visibly flushed. “...Um, I dropped something under here. Well, more to the
point, it fell and rolled under. I can’t reach it, it’s too low...” Aina explains, squirming on the spot.
Whatever it is, it seems important. Since the task is incredibly easy for you, you bend down and fish
around for whatever this object is. You feel your fingers make contact. Pulling it out, you blink at
the large mechanical object in your hands. From its dome-like head and the words ‘Levi-wand’ on
the side, it’s safe to assume it’s a sex toy. You offer it up, and the blonde-haired centauress takes it
off your hands. Her face is several shades redder than it was before. “S-sorry, it’s that time of the
month; I’m in estrus, so I REALLY need this. That’s why I wanted to ask a stranger, not someone I
knew...” She flicks the ‘On’ switch a few times, but nothing happens. “Oooohh no... don’t tell me
this is happening. Come ooonnn!” “What’s the matter?” “I KNEW I should have gone down to the
merchant deck, but I was too embarrassed; I bought this on the extranet, and it’s a dud!” Aina
whimpers, clutching the defective toy to her cardigan-clad chest. “...It only ran for five minutes,
then cut out!” The centauress looks like she’s about to cry. Her equine tail flicks and once more
you’re hit with a whumping wave of her musky mare-scent. As you breathe deeply, your mind is
subsumed with arousal, drawing you into a scent-induced haze. Suddenly her equine rump is
looking really attractive, even though you’re not a taur! (L: +25)

You suggest a ‘hands-on’ approach to relieving her tensions, stripping off your dress clothes and
plain bra and striding up behind her lovely, large rump. Reaching out, you hold your hand in front
of her dusky equine slit. Her radiant warmth warms your palm, particularly with each whumphing
flare of her moist hind-lips. “O-oh, what um, exactly did you have in mind?” the honey-blonde
centauress asks. She blushingly glances over her shoulder, straining to see what you’re going to do
with her rump. You grin and slide your hand down and out of her sight. Slowly and sensually, you
trail your fingertips up her lush lower lips. Aina trembles against your tracing hand, her horse-tail
excitedly swishing about. Reaching down, you pointedly rub her thumb-sized clit. As soon as you
do, her front knees buckle, and she presses her human-half against the couch, her gigantic equine
butt in the air. Her flanks are trembling, and she’s whinnying in delight. “So, you like that?” you
ask, rubbing her womanly bud. It’s a rhetorical question; streams of slippery mare juice are drooling
out of her swollen black-lipped sex, wetting the ground beneath her quaking thighs. “Y-yes!” Aina
whimpers, needily pressing her pussy back against your caressing fingers. You up the ante, sliding
your fingers into her sloppy slit. There’s so little resistance that your whole hand is quickly
swallowed up inside of her. God, she’s so fiercely hot and wet inside! Not only that, her walls are
velvety soft and welcoming. They tease your trapped digits with their slippery soft feel, squeezing
them with relish. If she thinks that feels good, the centauress has seen nothing yet. Making a fist,
you thrust your whole arm inside of her. There’s a slight resistance, then a sudden give, and the
virgin centauress gives a tiny squeal. As you slide into her unsullied depths right up to the elbow
she gives a shivering moan, her cherry now taken! She whinnies with delight as you rigorously
piston her with it like a stallion’s cock. Sloppy wetness streams out from her pummeled pussy,
providing more than enough lubricant for her fisting, and allowing you to get all the way inside her
up to your shoulder. Stretching out your fingers, you tentatively caress her cervix, and she quakes
and quivers in delight. “Whuh-what is that?! I-I feel!” She doesn’t finish her sentence, instead
abruptly cumming all over you! Streams of sloppy girl-spunk spray out all over your breasts and
face. Your arm is clenched and trapped as you’re utterly showered in her transparent lady juice.
When she finally lets go, you’re soaked from head to toe, utterly reeking like a musky mare! “M-
my first time... I never knew proper mating could be so amazing,” Aina blushes, absentmindedly
tucking a messed-up lock behind her ear. “I, um, I’m still feeling kind of lightheaded. Kind of
floaty, even. Oh, the mess! Did I really leak out that much?!” Looking thoroughly embarrassed, the
centauress grabs a vacuu-mop. “Um, thank you so much. I really needed that. I-If you’re ever in the
Res Deck again, maybe look me up? I’d be more than willing to fit you in... um, I mean have you
over!” You grin and grab your things, leaving Aina to clean up. Given how wet she was, you
imagine it’s going to take quite a while. (L: +17)
Well, you may as well take the bait. You ask her about her breasts. Jade smirks, running one pawed
finger up and down the length of her expansive assets, shivering slightly at the sensation. “I was
hoping you’d ask.” She squeezes one and pants, “They’re my favorite part of the transformation.
Whoever designed the splice made it with human expectations in mind, and humans expect, big,
luxurious busts to go with a curvy figure.” She gives a twirl and a shake, basking in your attention
like a cat in the sun. “It’s a shame it didn’t give me proper nipples. I compensated another way, and
it worked out better than I could have ever imagined....” “What’d you do?” you ask, your curiosity
overwhelming you. Leaning back on the countertop, the plush panda smiles. “Well, nipples are
supposed to be incredibly sensitive, right?” You nod. “I decided, if I don’t have the nipples
themselves, why not just make my breasts have nerves as densely packed as nipples? The tech is out
there, though it’s often used for other purposes. It took a year’s worth of profits to afford the neuron
growth serums and have them applied, but it was worth every penny!” Jade rubs a breast once more,
tongue lolling in obvious pleasure. “You can... can see how successful it was....” She shudders, and
for a second, her tongue lolls out in a display of wanton enjoyment. “The doctors... umm... said I
responded better to the treatments than I- ooohhh... should have.” The curvaceous shopkeep slides
back behind her countertop, her thighs clenching tightly together. “You can probably guess why I
don’t wear a top now. All that fabric sliding and grinding and squeezing on my girls would drive me
nuts with need. I’d probably wind up trying to proposition every customer that came in instead of
selling them splices, and while that might be fun, I’m not sure I’m the right type of girl for that
occupation.” One of her hands drifts lazily towards her top before being stopped by Jade’s glare.
She lowers her arm with a deep, regretful sigh. “As it is, I’m a hairsbreadth away from vaulting
over this counter and forcing you to spend the next two hours motorboating me.” Jade smiles
lopsidedly, eyes cast low and lewd. “With some regret, I’m going to have to ask you to give me a
moment to get under control, I’ll be right back.” She pirouettes away, rump swaying back and forth
with pendulous momentum, thighs kept so close together that you can hear the swish of fur on fur
with each step. Her display of willpower does little to hide the reflective sheen trailing down one
flexing leg, nor does it conceal the fragrant trail of droplets that have accumulated on the rug behind
her, filling her shop with her own feminine odor. Perhaps she pushed herself a little closer to the
brink than she meant to. Her shop certainly didn’t seem layered with the smell of a woman in need
when you arrived. From behind a ‘staff only’ door, you hear surprisingly unmuffled moans, at first
soft, like their creator is trying to stay quiet, but with gradually increasing enthusiasm. Soon, you’re
wondering if passersby can hear her dulcet whimpers and cries. You certainly can, and they’re
making your own heart beat a little faster in response, but just as you’re considering trying the door
yourself, Jade’s ardor peaks. She cries out, thumping against something... perhaps the walls or the
floor. You can’t be sure which. There’s some breathy panting, and then Jade emerges, practically
glowing. Her skirt looks as perfect as when she left.... Did she masturbate without even touching
herself down there? “Bitz, I’m up here.” Jade’s downy fingertips catch you under the chin and lift
your eyes to hers, forcibly pulling your gaze away from her crotch. She chuckles to herself. “Sorry,
I got a little too excited there. Was there something else you wanted to talk about, or did you want
to buy something?” (L: +20)
“Yes? What about them?” she asks politely, giving you a curious look. You explain that you were
wondering what she thinks about getting nipples of her own. No pressure, you’re just curious.
“Getting nipples of my own?” she asks slowly, then smiles. “Truth be told? As much as I love my
tits and their super-sensitivity, I’ve always wanted to get nipples to go with them. I mean, they just
don’t quite look right without them... plus, if my boobs feel this good to touch now, then what will
happen if I have nipples to play with too?” She lets out a luxuriant purr at the thought, actually
daring to caress the spot where a nipple would be with her finger, sending a pleasure-sparked
quaking jiggle through her mighty cleavage. If she knows of something, then you’re willing to help
her secure some of it. “Oh, but it’s so expensive - I can’t afford to buy a pack for myself, even with
the profits this shop makes,” Jade laments, shaking her head at the thought of it. “How much?” you
ask her. “It costs 4500 credits,” she replies. She then blinks in surprise. “Oh, Bitz, you’re not
suggesting you want to...? I couldn’t ask you for that!” she protests.

The two of you tumble back into a couch in the narrow back-room, hands roaming over one
another’s body with little shame or restraint. Your own gropes, squeezes, and caresses rarely if ever
leave her sumptuous breasts. They’re a feast for your fingers: soft, well-rounded, and oh-so
squeezable. You have a hard time not just sitting there and rubbing them, feeling and fondling their
expansive, plush... heavenly... mmmm.... Every touch makes Jade whimper and squirm. Every
stroke earns a pleasured twitch. Panting madly, the plump panda-woman’s own explorations of your
body rapidly die off. Her eyes drift partway closed, and her plush, black lips slowly part into a
wanton ‘o’. You can practically see the pleasure from her tits colliding with her brain and sending
her synapses into misfires of thought-obliterating ecstasy. A pleasant-sounding coo slips out of her
maw as she relaxes into the chair, slowly sinking into more gradual expressions of physical
excitement the longer you massage her sensitive mammaries.

You take one hand-overflowing boob in each palm and shake them, squeezing them together and
then apart before clapping them back together to set off a boobquake of epic proportions. The way
her breasts jiggle and shake, you could film them and make a disaster holo out of it. Jade’s bosom,
while big and bouncy, still sits fairly high on her body for all its size and weight. You suppose she
hasn’t had them long enough for them to sag; she’s got tits that could shame a teenager for pertness
and a surgically-altered cougar for size. In short, they’re a boob-lover’s dream, and they’re yours to
play with as much as you like. From the way Jade is moaning, eyes rolled back and vacant, she’s
not going to stop you. You lean down to press your face into her cushions, letting them wrap around
to your anubis-like ears, your hands holding them against you on either side. The silky softness of
her fur is everywhere, completely surrounding you, wrapping you in a blanket of warm goodness.
You twist back and forth, rubbing your face against one then the other, luxuriating in her plushness
for a moment. Switching your focus, you let your hands resume groping their twin prizes. The
overly-sensitive panda-girl immediately moans, though it sounds almost like a purr from how
throatily it emerges from her mouth. You feel something wet against your leg and reluctantly pull
out of her smothering breasts to investigate. Jade’s emerald-toned skirt is plastered to her crotch like
a second skin, made so transparent by her copious lubricants that the dusky lips of her sex are on
full display. Her button-like clit protrudes upward, sheathed in a condom of green fabric, and a dark
discoloration is slowly spreading through the couch below. You give her breasts a firm squeeze.
Jade groans, her thighs quivering nervelessly, and her ebony netherlips visibly part, releasing a
torrent of pheromonally-charged girl-cum. The room is getting increasingly thick with her scent.
Has she been cumming this hard the whole time? You briefly consider asking her, but a quick look
at her drool-slick lips and empty eyes tells you it would be a wasted effort. Instead, you go back to
kneading Jade’s tits. Her gushing cunny enthusiastically declares the panda’s desire to continue, and
you’re certainly having fun seeing just how much pleasure you can wring from her hand-
swallowing titties. You grab one and squeeze it hard enough that it’s probably a little painful, letting
your fingers completely vanish from view, lost in her silky fur. Jade gives an ear-shattering screech
as every muscle in her body locks at once and begins to violently buck beneath you, throwing her
hips up with enough force that you’re nearly sent flying. If it wasn’t for the tight grip on her bosom,
you would’ve been bucked into the slick puddle that’s formed on the floor, accumulated from the
rivulets of girl-honey that have been leaking down the furniture the past few moments. Her skirt is
completely drenched by her violent orgasm, so much so that even the fur on her legs is plastered
down by sticky secretions. Inspired, you reach under the drenched fabric and run your fingers
across her quivering nether-lips, collecting a palmful of slick juice for your efforts, then bring it up
to her heaving bosom. She’s gasping for breath, breasts quivering beautifully with every lungful of
air she sucks in. You smile and rub her tits down with her own juice. In response, Jade’s tongue
lolls, and her hips resume rocking, this time at a much more sedate pace. It seems that firmness
earns violent, thrashing orgasms while gentler gropes and massages earn whimpering drools of
feminine bliss. You give Jade’s sensitive bosom a slow massage to make up for your roughness
earlier, fingers slipping and sliding through her cleavage with such ease that you can’t help but
wonder why you didn’t decide to titfuck her today. She’s a natural for it. You watch her gasping
through climax after climax until her well-tended mammaries dry, reeking of cunt, each time going
a little slower and gentler, giving her a slow, cummy come-down. Eventually, Jade starts lazily
blinking, and she wipes the drool from the side of her maw on her shoulder. She seems to have
trouble focusing at first. Her eyes lazily roam around the room while one of her paws instinctively
cradles her sensitive chest, making her moan all over again. Slowly, she finds her way back to you,
gracing you with an exhausted smile, not caring that her thighs are splayed out or that her cummed-
out cunt is on full display. The panda-girl appears to be floating on an orgasm-induced cloud of
euphoria. She slurs, “C’mere,” and pulls you back into her tits, not for a sensuous grope-fuck but
for a affectionate, if slippery hug. She holds you there, snuggling with you as her climax-lagged
brain slowly boots back up. “You... uhm... again?” She suddenly kisses you. “I wasn’t sure it would
be as intense after the first few times, but ugh... it’s hard to think right now. Everything just feels
so... so... good!” Jade kisses you again, longer and slower this time, luxuriating in it, letting her
short, thick tongue press between your lips to tangle with your own. A minute later, when she pulls
back, you’re both smiling, but she speaks first. “All right, go on and get up, Bitz. You made me
soak the couch again, so I’ve got some cleaning to do.” She slowly peels the skirt off, wrinkling her
nose at how absolutely inundated with her pleasure-juices it is. “A lot of cleaning....” You stick
around a while to help, not leaving until you’re both presentable and ready to step back out into her
shop. (L: +39)

“How about a titfuck?” you suggest with an encouraging smile. A tightness in your dress clothes
and plain briefs signals your distended, bright red beast-cock’s willingness to participate in such a
plan. There’s no use trying to hide the ready engorgement of your crotch from the cute panda-girl,
so you don’t even try. Jade’s shiny black lips open in surprise, covered by her hand as she stares in
shock. “Wow, you’re big! I mean, with all the splices out there, I’ve seen some whoppers, but this...
I bet you could ram the whole thing into my tits and bop me in the chin! I could smother you in tit
and still take the time to polish your narrow glans.” She slowly pulls her alabaster-furred hand away
from her mouth to reveal a greedy smile. “I’ve actually never done this before. Usually guys just
stick it in and grope me while they fuck. I guess pussy is a motivator that crosses most species’
bounds.” Dropping to her knees, the breast-obsessed panda beckons you closer. She’s already naked
and on display, luring you in with her exposed cleavage, her arms crossed beneath her bust to
maximize the lurid display. “Come on then, let’s do this.” She squeezes her breasts once more for
encouragement before stretching behind her and coming up with a liter-sized bottle of lubricant.
Upending it and drizzling her chest with slipperiness, Jade purrs, “Come on then, I’m ready for
you.” Maintaining a steady pace instead of rushing headlong takes every bit of your willpower.
There’s nothing you’d like more than to slam your knotty dog-cock right into her mammaries’
embrace, but you manage to swagger up and gently lay it into the welcoming, sensuous crevice with
a degree of restraint. Your eagerness shows plainly in your eyes as you gaze down at Jade. She
doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, her smile broadens at the first contact of your cock on her teats. “Just
make yourself at home and let me take care of you. It’ll feel like you’re fucking heaven itself.” With
the kind of goofy smile one inevitably gets when her dick is about to be wrapped in tits, you give an
excited nod, awaiting the panda’s pleasure.

Jade carefully grabs her chest and presses her mammoth chest inward, compressing her boobs
around your length, making most of your doggie-dong vanish into what feels like a sea of heaving,
slick breasts, its cock-head sticking out of the top and pulsating happily. She gives you a sultry
wink, smiling broadly as she slides down to your base. The sound of her soaked tits slipping and
sliding against your hermhood is more than a little audible, squelching noisily as she starts to work
on you, nearly drowning out the pleasured gasp you release at her naturally gifted cock-massage.
“Atta girl,” Jade moans back at you, visibly shuddering from the friction. “You like this, doncha?”
She kisses and slurps at your cock-head, polishing you with long, wet licks, laying them on you
with every downward slide she takes. Emerging from your cum-slit like a precious pearl, the first
droplet of pre-jizz leaks from your enjoyment inundated system. It rolls down the bottom of your
manhood, sped along by the shining moisture you’ve accumulated. She’s happy to catch it in her tits
and bounce a little harder... and a little faster, making you that much firmer and that much more
eager. You cannot remain passive any longer. Your heart is beating like crazy. Your canine cock is
absolutely demanding you sate your pent-up need. Lurching forward, your slim hips respond to
your subconscious desires to fuck the bosomy pussy wrapped around your wide animal-endowment.
Jade’s velvety breasts wobble from the sudden thrust, practically vibrating around you from the
hard fuck. You grab hold of them for stabilization and slide out, but only momentarily. You slam
back in a second later, hilting yourself in supple titflesh, throbbing and dripping all over the ivory
pillows, kneading them with your fingers to press them more firmly against your canine shaft.
Perhaps because of your hungry, frenzied pounding, you miss out on the beginning of Jade’s
orgasm. It isn’t until her voice has been moaning huskily for the better part of a minute that you
realize what you’ve done. The panda-girl’s cushiony lips are pursed into an outspread ‘O’ of delight.
You make sure to slide your tip past her parted cock-pillows and into her mouth with each thrust.
Her spittle hangs in thick strings when you pull back, falling into her slick cleavage as additional
lubrication. With her thighs quivering, Jade struggles to stay upright. Her pussy has gushed out a
puddle of liquid satisfaction below, and it’s still trickling out one long string of sticky girl-goo. You
feverishly hump against Jade’s bountiful bosom, making noisy squishing sounds with each
pounding thrust, enjoying the velvet-soft embrace to its fullest. Your pre-drooling bitch-boner
throbs powerfully in the squishy embrace, languishing in the wonderful warmth. Yet, in spite of the
pleasure, you feel the powerful need to cum rising up from inside of you, driving you to squeeze the
twin orbs responsible for your pressure and fuck them with all your might. Jade, practically
bubbling over with bliss, dopily smiles and manages to say, “Cum on my tits, Bitz! Give it to me!”
before trailing back off into blissful mewls. One of her hands finds its way to your baseball-sized
balls to give a reassuring squeeze. Your scrotum clenches tight, starting the process of releasing
your load. You can feel the magma-like warmth spreading through you as your slim hips
automatically lurch forward, burying your bright red beast-dick as deeply as possible into the
quaking cleavage. Jade’s voice moans into a slowly crescendoing howl of pleasure herself, happy to
be used as your cock milker for the night. Your cum spurts out in nice, thick ropes. Each one hangs
precipitously in the air for a moment before splattering down across Jade’s face, painting her into a
white mask with a matching pearl necklace. She revels in it, opening her mouth to let you fill her
mouth. Trickles of the stuff run down the nape of her neck to puddle in her cleavage, some leaking
out the bottom to stain her belly. She finds the sense to curl one arm underneath her dampening
cleavage and squeeze it together, maximizing your enjoyment until you finally sag with relief. Jade
lets you slip out of her soaked mammaries with a gasp of surprise, and together, the two of you take
a tumble backwards onto a well-used couch. It’s comfortable and soft - the perfect place for two
sexually sated individuals to come down on. The panda-woman doesn’t let you stay long. She
seems keen to wash up, so you let her go with a quick kiss. Making yourself presentable, you gather
up your dress clothes and dress before heading out into public. Jade follows not longer after,
looking radiant and smelling vaguely of your tryst.
The interior of this shop is difficult to make out thanks to a combination of dim lighting and a
smoky haze that smells vaguely of walnuts. Looking around, you manage to locate the source of the
illumination - four custom glowbulbs pumping out an unnatural-looking blue-black aura. The walls
are covered in shelves with dozens of perverted-looking nicknames, many of them demonic in
theme, and the lone counter in the back of the store is similarly decorated. A ceramic trinket shaped
like two fornicating imps goes flying by your shoulder to shatter above the doorframe, exploding
into a storm of shimmering fragments. You duck aside of the debris and come up, eyes alert and
searching. There’s a demon in this shop! ...And she’s naked? She’s standing between you and the
counter, one clawed hand empty while the other hurls a vase into the back wall. The motion makes
her tits sway pendulously. A half-erect phallus swings free between the tainted female’s thighs,
nicely framing her visible netherlips. A complicated glowing harness encircles her form, shaping
and curving her body into a classical hourglass form. “That fat... fucking... furry... WHORE!” she
screams, spinning to regard you. Her eyes are like pools of onyx around glowing amber orbs.
Somehow, she manages to look threatening as she stalks forward on six-inch heels, a spaded tail
whipping back and forth behind her. Nails that seem more like two inch claws close over your
shoulders as she grabs hold of you. “SHE STOLE MY SALE!” You do your best to disentangle
yourself without upsetting this creature any further. The last thing you need is to be assaulted by a
creature out of fantasy. Turning away, the demon kicks her way past a half-dozen other broken
knick-knacks to get to her counter. She slumps down on her countertop and exhales, drumming her
fingers. “Look, I’m sure you don’t care about any of that. Is there a mod you want? A big fat dick?
Maybe some titties that the boys... or girls... will love?” The fickle woman grins. “The name’s Sera,
and this is my shop: The Dark Chrysalis.” You make a mental note not to steal any of her sales.
What will you do in Sera’s shop?

Sera looks like a six-foot, one inch tall demon more than anything else. A set of ridged horns,
glowing with phosphorescent luminescence, curl outwards from her forehead. Additionally, her skin
is a mild purple that only serves to further her unholy air. Black sclera ring her golden, glowing
irises, split by lizard-like pupils. Above them, a row of gleaming, metal piercings line her brow. Her
slightly upturned nose is unremarkable, aside from the single stud in her left nostril. Pale blue hair
cascades around her visage like fine silk tapestries arranged to tastefully frame her face. A choker of
black-lined, blue-glowing conduits rings her neck, matched on her torso by a sable corset dotted by
hard metal and glowing, technological baubles. Pentagonal plates have grown out of her shoulders,
though you cannot tell if they exist as armor or ornamentation. Matching, blue-glowing bracers and
armbands complete her ensemble, but your eyes spend little time looking at her outfit when it
frames her other assets so beautifully. Big breasts that would easily fill an EE-cup bra and then
some sit high and proud on her chest, obviously the result of some kind of artificial or biological
enhancement. They’re nicely rounded and capped with a pair of cerulean nipples that are ever so
slightly pebbled in the air-conditioned station air. They’re the kind of boobs that just beg to be
fondled, and Sera’s open display of them shows just how much she knows it. A foot-long cock,
maybe a bit longer, dangles down between her toned thighs, backed up by a pair of balls that sit on
the upper end of the terran norm when it comes to size. Sera’s ass is nothing to sneeze at either; it’s
large, nicely rounded, and crowned with a prehensile, spaded tail. She spanks a cheek with it when
she catches you looking, sending a kinetic ripple across her crack. At the same time, the spade at the
end seems a little bigger and bulgier, perhaps engorged by the contact. Strappy thigh-highs and
garters join her technological-looking corset to her shapely legs. Her feet are perched upon toe-
covering, six-inch platform heels, but she walks in them as if it were the most natural thing in the
world, perhaps counterbalanced by the tail you noticed earlier. All in all, Sera appears to be the kind
of woman who enjoys everything sexuality has to offer and pursues it aggressively.

You gulp noisily, about to speak when Sera rounds the desk to press her body against you. The
coolness of her armor contrasts palpably with the warmth of her exposed breasts and tumescent,
girthy tool. Her hand unabashedly roams across your petite tush, squeezing a cheek with an easy
grope, pushing you against her just a little bit more firmly. “You wanna fuck, meat?” Sera asks,
grabbing hold of you by the crotch. “I don’t mind, but if we fuck, you’re on the bottom. I like to
screw hard, fast, and wet. I don’t have a problem riding you into the dirt, but you better be willing
to bark when I say bark and spread ‘em on command. Got it?”
You nod. “Good, get your ass on the floor behind the counter,” Sera says, pointing to direct you.
What? Your incredulity must be painted on your face, because Sera smirks right back at you. “I’m
not gonna tell you again. If you want some of this,” she gestures up and down her body, “then you
had better get naked and on the floor. Otherwise, you can go spank it somewhere else.” The purple-
hued woman makes crude, jacking motions with her hand while she waits to see how you react.
Well, if the price for getting ridden cow-girl is having to obediently stretch out on the floor, so be it.
You strip out of your dress clothes, plain bra and plain briefs without any concern and walk to
where she’s indicated and sit down. The floor is cold on your ass. You barely manage to suppress an
involuntary shiver before forcing yourself to lay out on the frigid deckplates. You’d think she could
at least spring for some carpet if she was planning to fuck potential clients on the floor. Sera appears
almost oblivious to your discomfort. She’s smiling down at you, licking her lips as her heels click
and clack closer to you. She laughs and admits, “You know, I wasn’t sure you’d do that right here
and now. What if someone walked in? You’d be laying there shivering while I haggle over mods
with them. Maybe if you were lucky, I might have given you a few rubs with my heel. Gotta keep
my meat warm.” She smiles. “Let’s get to your training then, shall we?” You color shamefully at her
stinging words, and then she’s standing astride you, her cock and balls dangling but not so far that
you can’t see her moist cleft. A single, pearl-like droplet of feminine lubricant slides down the
backside of her sack, hanging there as she regards you. She looks almost regal from what you can
see of her; her horns are like a curling, twisted crown, and her eyes, they glow with a powerful inner
light. You lay hard and helpless before her, waiting for her to take you and do what she will with
your body. Sera’s own member balloons as she looks at you. It’s difficult to tell exactly what she’s
thinking, but by the way her mouth is crooked with amusement, you imagine it’s something
debased. Her cerulean nipples perk up with her dick until all three are like hard points of arousal
that jut from her body, proudly displacing her rapacious libido to you. She nonchalantly squats.
Your eyes stick to what you can see of her ass and thighs like glue, so eager to feel her velvet cunt
on your bestial member that you don’t even blink. Just as you’re about to slip inside her simmering
slit, she stops. You can feel the moist heat boiling off of her. The tangy scent of her moisture clearly
reaches your nose, and you have to struggle not to thrust. You’re sure that if you did, the fickle,
demonic shopkeeper would simply stand up and order you away. No, you grit your teeth and hold
tight. She’ll fuck you soon. “Ohhh, I like this.... I haven’t even had to give you the order, and you’re
already obeying me,” Sera gloats. “Look at you, muscles straining, jaw clenched, and close enough
that you can feel the droplets falling on your crown, but... you just... can’t... move.... You know that
I wouldn’t fuck you if I did - that I wouldn’t give your cock what it desires.” She grabs your length
with her hand and angles it down, away from the silken entrance that was just an inch away. “But
you can’t fuck me just yet.” You gasp, “Why!?” “Why? Because I have something you want. I have
a slippery, gene-modded twat that will feel soooo good. I have the one thing that lets me flip the
switch in your brain from ‘well-intentioned individual’ to ‘obedient tool.’ If I wanted to, I could
probably get you to lick the dirt from my heel, provided I was willing to touch you,” Sera explains.
“Lucky for you, I do want to touch you, very much so in fact.” She dabs a finger at her cleft then
extends it to you, holding the glistening digit against your lips. “See? Now be a dear and clean it,
my horny little pet.” You open your mouth and gently take Mistress’ finger into your mouth. There’s
no other word for her at the moment - you’re underneath her, doing everything she commands you
to do, all for the slim hope of coming sexual gratification. You may not have anticipated her being
this assertive in her lovemaking, but you’ve come this far. No point in turning back when you’re
this close to getting a good fuck. Besides, her flavor tastes rather nice on your tongue. Maybe your
arousal is coloring your perceptions, but who cares so long as you’re enjoying it. You slurp at it
until the only moisture left on her intruding digit is your saliva. Sera uncharistically giggles. “That’s
a good pet. Perhaps I’ll be able to train you into something worthwhile after all.” Pride at the praise
wars with anger at the dehumanizing disdain, but ultimately, neither wins out. Instead, it’s pleasure
that wins - pleasure that radiates from your fat, canine cock as she sits down, straddling it. The
knobby bump of her clit digs in, just below your canine crown, and a surge of blood fills you until
you feel beyond hard. It’s so hard that the Old Spice Guy would tell you to look away. Your dick is
now diamonds. Her twat is hot and wet. In your mind’s eye, it’s the most gorgeous, desirable slit
you’ve ever seen, but that’s clearly just denial and need mixing together into submissive pleasure. “I
take it you approve then? You want me to tease your dick until it jumps when I say jump, right?”
Sera asks. Her eyes glitter with mirth. With your hands balled into fists, you nod. It’s the only way
you’re going to get her to go any further. Her hips rock forward, dragging the sopping lips up your
length before reversing direction. She’s working you with rhythmic, steady strokes, her fluids
dripping down the sides of your need-swollen boner. A droplet of pre-cum rolls out of your fat,
bestial cock, closely followed by one from Mistress’ member. Hers is noticeably bigger than yours,
and when it falls, it practically devours yours. They’re followed after by more like them as you two
of you enjoy yourselves. You pant happily, smiling up at Sera. She slaps your cheek, hard. “Eyes
down while you’re getting your treat, slut. If you can’t show deference, you can go stroke in the
corner while you thank me for the lube.” You turn your reddening cheek down and look away.
“Yes.” She slaps the other side. “Yes what?” “Yes, Mistress.” The words feel like defeat, but her
gyrations come a little faster. Humiliatingly, you bite your lip and moan. It’s too hot not to. Sera
grabs you by the neck and bends over so that her swaying, heavy tits brush against your own. With
one hand, she covers your eyes. With the other, she firms her grip on your throat. Her lips meet
yours hard enough that you nearly cut the insides of yours on your teeth, and then her long snake-
like tongue is twirling over your gums. Her slit slides further up, her hips shift, and suddenly, your
tip isn’t just warm but hot, wreathed in wet folds. She glides down you while kissing you, her grip
as tight as her twat and the tongue-kiss. She breaks away, her lips still wet with mixed spit. You feel
her come down to the hilt, soaked and clinging. Another moan rises off, but it’s a choked, weak
little thing. Her grip on your neck is just tight enough to make it hard to talk but not enough to
actually stop your breathing. Sera straightens to start fucking you, the steady rise and fall of her hips
feeling like heaven to your over-focused consciousness. If she started choking you now, you
probably wouldn’t resist. Her pussy feels too good to interrupt. “You like this, don’t you? If you
didn’t before, you sure do now.” Sera moves faster, tits jiggling above you. You can only see them
out of the corner of your eyes; you’re dutifully keeping your gaze averted, lest you draw her ire. It
leaves you with nothing to focus on but the feelings and your own submission. You pant, breathing
hard, gently nodding as much as her hand will allow. Sera’s free hand moves to your hand-filling
jugs and grabs a erect nipple, twisting cruelly. When her finger disappears into the middle of it, she
just thrusts a finger inside and pinches you from the inside-out. “You fucking love this, don’t you,
you masochistic bitch?” You gurgle in the affirmative, your slim hips jerking. “Good bitch,” the
demoness coos, picking up the pace until she’s bouncing her well-rounded ass off your crotch with
reckless abandon. Her shop is filled with the wet slapping sounds of a lusty fuck, and her cock is
absolutely oozing with need of its own. Neither of you is that far from release. You just hope that
she cums first. A premature ejaculation on your part could make for a sore come-down. Sera howls,
“That’s it slut!” She slaps your face once more, grinning cruelly. “Lie there and take it!” She twists
at your nipple. “How much are you willing to endure to blow in my cunt?” She moans. “Will you
do anything to be my adoring fuck-slave?” For a moment, you try to hold out, hoping she’ll cum
before you have to answer, but like before, you give in. You shout, “Anything, Mistress!” She slaps
you one more time and doubles her pace, screaming, “Then cum for your Mistress, bitch! Cream
her twat!” She cracks her tail against your balls, whiplike. “Cum.” As if you could resist. Your nuts
unload the whole of your pent-up lust in one gigantic surge of pleasure, causing your eyes to roll
back as her hand pinches tighter, cutting off your airflow. Your body thrashes wildly underneath her,
barely registering the heat of her cum falling across your nice mounds and face. Through your
middle, your muscles spasm, pouring every drop of your lust into her, swelling your knot inside her
as large as it’s ever been. Shortly after you go dry, her alabaster ejaculations slow, and Sera
shudders, smiling. Her voice, surprisingly tender, coos, “That’s a very, very good boy.” Then,
without another word, she attempts to rise, catching on your knot. Giving you a baleful look, she
sighs. It’s at least five minutes before she finally manages to pop it out. You’ve nicely creampied
Sera, and with a glance down at yourself, you realize she’s done a fabulous job marking you as
well. You stand up on wobbly legs, dripping wet with mixed juices. Sera is already in the process of
throwing away a small towel, all evidence of the tryst already removed. Seeing you look at her, she
rolls her eyes. “Fine, you can have a towel.” She hands one to you with condescending pat on the
head. “That’s a good bitch.” Your animalistic shaft twitches in response. Luckily, she doesn’t see.
After you’re both suitably presentable, you walk back around the corner. Sera mirthfully asks, “Is
there anything I can do for you, pet?” You flush as you consider your options.
The way that purple alien cock dangles between Aliss’ legs makes your mouth water. There’s
something about the fresh pre-cum glistening across its length that seems so mesmerizing. As you
watch, the alien gathers another dollop of pre-cum and smears it along the shaft. “You seem quite
fixated on this... perhaps you’d like a taste?” she asks, a devilish smile creeping over her face. You
nod absently. Aliss steps forward suddenly, slipping a hand underneath your chin while leaning in
for a kiss. Her lips are soft, tasting of fresh strawberries. Aliss presses closer, draping one arm over
your shoulder and sliding it up the back of your head, her fingers running through your hair. You
return her kisses passionately, pulling her closer to you, your hands running down her lush sides to
cup her supple, pert ass. Aliss’ slick member presses against your groin, sandwiched between your
bodies. You can feel it pulse as blood flows through it. You drop a hand, plunging it between you
and Aliss, to fondle that large, purple horsecock, feeling it pulse under your touch. Its smooth skin
is slick with pre-cum, and your fingers want to glide along it effortlessly. Aliss moans into your
mouth as you lightly grip her member. “Mmph, can’t wait for the main attraction, huh?” she giggles
girlishly, pulling away from the kiss. “Well all right, I’m happy to oblige such an eager cumslut.”
The alien woman gives you one last, deep kiss, sucking one of your petite lips into her mouth to
lightly nibble on for a moment, before breaking away. She sits down and spreads her legs invitingly.
The purple rod betwixt them gleams and beckons you closer. You feel your face flush as you kneel,
your gaze locked on that cock. Aliss’ fingers lightly wrap around it, giving it a few, shallow strokes.
Precum oozes out the slit on the end and your mouth waters. “Come on then, my little cockslut,”
she says, a coy smile on her face. “Give it a lick.” You nod absently and lean forward, your tongue
extending. You lap at the long trail of precum dribbling down her length, sucking it up into your
mouth and savoring its salty-sweet taste. You lick up and down her shaft, tracing every vein and
paying close attention to the slight flare around her cockhead. Aliss moans quietly, leaning back on
the bench while you work. Soon the sheen of precum has been replaced by a sheen of saliva. Your
mouth still watering, you take a deep breath and pull the tip of her cock into your mouth. Aliss
moans appreciatively. Her eyes meet yours and without saying a word she urges you to continue.
You work your tongue around her head, flicking it along the tender underside as well as the slender
cumslit. You bob your head down slightly, sucking more of the sweet, hot rod into your mouth with
every motion. You alternate between sucking on the tip and licking her length. Each time you take it
into your mouth, you take it a bit deeper. You wrap one hand around her manhood, gripping her
tight before slowly pumping it as you blow her. Aliss bites her lip and sinks lower on the bench. Her
groans grow louder with every passing minute. You’d smile to yourself right now, but it’s kind of
difficult to do so when you have a mouth filled with dick. Working your tongue around her shaft
you find her responding more actively to certain areas... the area just behind the flare, and right on
the slit. Aliss squirms in her seat as you concentrate there momentarily. She practically squeals
when you simply focus on flicking your tongue over her cumslit for a whole minute. As fun as it
would be to have her blow her load right now, showering you with her hot, gooey cum, you force
yourself to focus elsewhere. You pull back to get your breath, and then delve back down onto that
cock in one fell swoop. Were she an average, or hell, even above average human male, you’d have
taken her to the hilt. But as an above average ovir male, you find your mouth and even some of your
throat filled, with several inches yet to go. You pull back up and bob back down, quickly finding a
rhythm. With every downward movement your throat gets filled a little more. Aliss’ eyelids flutter
half-closed. One of her hands finds its way to a dark, chocolatey nipple while the other reaches for
you, her fingers running through your hair before hooking around at the base of your skull, pulling
you down further onto her cock. Minutes pass of this intensely arousing throat fucking, and you
only have to pause for air once or twice. Aliss’ tail finds its way to you, wrapping around your torso
in feverish abandon. The lizard-like alien’s cries grow ever louder, so much so you’re certain the
entire store can hear what’s going on. That doesn’t seem to stop her, however. Her hips gyrate as
you blow her, stuffing your mouth even more. With every thrust she gives, her body seems to tense
up a little more.... She’s almost ready to pop. The question is, where do you want her sweet, creamy
cum to go? (L: +15)

You quickly make the decision to swallow every last drop of her cum. As she’s tensing up you make
sure she’s buried as far into your mouth as possible. Aliss bites her lip, and you can feel her body
tensing up. The tail wrapped around your midsection constricts, though not painfully. Aliss bucks
her hips as the cock within your throat suddenly grows rigid. An unearthly cry escapes from the
lizard-girl’s throat, filling the little changing room, and most certainly echoing throughout the rest
of the store. A sudden flood of warmth envelops your body as Aliss’ seed is pumped directly into
your stomach. You pull the cock out slightly so that jet after jet of cum goes straight into your
mouth. You gulp it down greedily, your mind in too much of a haze right now to think properly. You
swirl the cum around in your mouth, luxuriating in its taste. With every gulp of cum you feel your
body growing warmer... more aroused with every mouthful. Sighing softly, Aliss slumps back on
the bench happily. “You are a mighty fine cocksucker,” she giggles. “Anyone ever tell you that?”
You smile back at her and dutifully clean her softening cock with your tongue. After a few minutes
Aliss pulls you close and kisses you once again. You get the taste of cum and strawberries, a
decidedly marvelous combination. She doesn’t seem to mind the traces of cum on your lips and
mouth. Quite the contrary, she kisses you deep, her tongue intermingling with your own, and when
she pulls back she says, “Hmm, I taste good.” Nodding, you agree, and share another kiss. After a
moment Aliss sits back up. “All right, mi amour, I’ll handle the clean up, why don’t you get your
sexy ass back outside before people think we’re having a sex marathon in here?” You smile, get
dressed and head back out into the store. All eyes are on you, until Aliss rejoins you a few minutes
later. (L: +10)

A mischievous thought crosses your mind. As much as you’d like the cum... you think Aliss might
like a taste of her own medicine. As her body tenses and the cock inside your throat grows rigid,
you pull your mouth away. You grip it firmly and point it, not at yourself, but at the lizard-like
woman in the throes of passion. Her cumvein thickens and suddenly a burst of pearlescent white
cum erupts from the cock, splattering against her own face. Her eyes widen in surprise, but there’s
nothing she can do about it as another jet blasts against her face, then another against her breasts.
Blast after blast covers her from face to stomach in creamy goo. You can’t help but giggle as she
gulps down any that falls into her mouth. She licks her lips and actually scoops up some more seed
with two fingers, letting that dribble into her mouth. Aliss slips forward on the bench, pulling you
into a sloppy, salty kiss. Her lips taste of strawberries and cum this time, an altogether not
unpleasant taste. Her tongue breaches your mouth, carrying globules of sticky jizz, which you are
all too happy to swallow. She breaks the kiss and bites her lip, suddenly looking coy. “Well, dear, I
certainly wasn’t expecting that, but I must say... I taste damn good. Perhaps next time you’ll have to
get your own full taste.” She laughs and the two of your share another messy kiss. After a minute,
Aliss retrieves some moist wipes. “Let’s get cleaned up, shall we? Don’t want to look like we were
just assaulted by some kind of ghost that left ectoplasm everywhere.” The two of you clean up, get
dressed and return to the store proper. (L: +10)

You tell Aliss what you want. “Really?” Aliss twirls a pair of panties around her fingertip, a slow
smile spreading across her scaled features. “I didn’t take you for that type, Mi Amour.” Hesitance
forgotten, the cock-toting ovir steps closer, the slight scent of her lingering body soap warring with
potent hint of sexuality that wafts from the engorging shaft between her thighs. She leans forward,
presenting you with the sight of her ample bosom. Her breasts heave with lascivious excitement. “I
didn’t think my little show would... coerce you into such depravity.” You do not resist as her nimble
fingers come to rest on your mammaries, nor when they pause to fondle one nipple. The whispering
sigh that slips your lips is tacit admission of just how turned on you are - so turned on that when
you slide to the floor, all you’re aware of is how hard you’re throbbing. Your animalistic shaft juts
upward in rigid declaration of your ovir-inspired ardor. It quivers with unbridled anticipation,
though judging by the dangling panties, its bridle is about to be affixed. Aliss smiles sweetly, easing
one thigh over legs at a time. Her own prick, you note, is equally erect, almost distended with the
force of the passion coursing through it. It bobs and dips to the beat of her heart. When she shifts a
little closer, that heaving, blunt-headed monster rubs against your own, lighting off starbursts of
pleasure all over the formerly untouched length. “Oh myyy,” the ovir husks. “I needed this.”
Twirling a pair of panties around one finger, she leans down low for you to feel her breath on your
neck. Her slitted eyes search your own. “We both did.” You agree wholeheartedly. When the
sensuous shopkeep deftly wraps the silky underthings against your paired pricks, you find yourself
immensely grateful to her, not just for the pleasure but for the way she muffles your resulting gasp
with a fierce kiss. Her inhuman tongue slides over your lips one at a time before sliding through to
wrestle your own. As the muscles writhe together in passionate embrace, slender digits dance
around your dong, surrounding it in layer after layer of satiny binding. Her cock no longer simply
brushes against your own. It’s practically welded to it such that you are acutely aware of how very
pleasantly her every throb is transmitted through your sparking, over-eager nerves, and your phallic
flesh quivers right back. Both dicks strain and squeeze against one another, flooding the inside of
the swaddling underthings with heat and intensely virile musk. When Aliss spins the last free strap
around one more time to tie into a delicate-looking bow, you moan into her mouth in pure, panty-
bound pleasure. Breaking the kiss, Aliss says only, “Wow.” Her cheeks flush purple. Inside the cloth
cocoon, the panty-vendor’s prick shifts slightly against your own, leaving a patch of warm slickness
in its wake for you to slip through. The resulting spike of pleasure sends blissful spasms through
your animalistic shaft, driving you to slide through the moist patch and dive headlong into an even
slipperier spot. Aliss’s blunt-tipped member leaks more pre-cum by the second, saturating not just
the fabric wrapping but your dickskin as well. Her phallic lubrication seeps everywhere,
transforming the taut pouch of tied panties into a slick heaven for your pre-glazed schlongs. “Mi
Amour!” Aliss cries, beginning to scissor her hips back and forth, exposing the pre-glossed surface
of her base a moment before slamming it back into the increasingly wet garment. “You kinky
beast!” She giggles, her tail curling around to stroke your cheek. “Talking me into soiling my
inventory... and I don’t regret it at all.” She’s openly frotting now, fucking the panties as much as
grinding against your dick. After her first few strokes, she grabs the sticky mess with both hands
and humps harder, focused entirely on the pleasure this unique activity can provide. You join the
rutting ovir without conscious thought. Lifting your compact rear end off the ground with the force
of your strokes, you answer hump for hump, accelerating the pace at which the turgid, veiny flesh
slides past. Your matching lengths make it easy to slide into a steady rhythm with the giggling
shopkeeper. Squelches and excited pants fill the air as you pump away at each other, fully saturating
the garment in prickscent and pre alike. Words seem unnecessary by this point. Looking Aliss in the
eyes, you moan back as the gyrations and slick, hot, tunnel work to overwhelm you with pleasure.
There’s no resisting something that feels this good. You cum a second after gasping a warning. Your
phallic flesh strains. Alabaster cum spurts and sputters into sweltering bindings, making them
slicker and hotter on your skin. Aliss must feel it, because a moment after releasing your own load,
she joins you in erupting, disgorging inhumanly thick pulsations of virile alien cream all over your
prick. It feels like she’s drowning you in cum, slowly but surely bathing your entire length in the
heat of her now-released orgasm. Sighing in delight and shuddering with aftershocks of sensation,
Aliss slowly - and very, very carefully - withdraws her white-stained dick free of the ruined
undergarment. Dribbles of excess hang from her still-flared tip, and as you watch, her urethra
opens, leaking one last, pearly drop. “Ohh, Mi Amour...” Aliss murmurs, peeling what’s left of the
underwear from your orgasm-sensitized member. It’s a flimsy mess, and unwrapping it releases the
combined scents of fifteen minutes worth of solid fucking. “They’re ruined.” She flings the sticky
mess into a bin and fetches a towel to mop the worst from her scales. “But I can’t say it wasn’t
worth it. I just can’t let you talk me into this too often, or you’ll put me out of business. Won’t
you?” One well-thrown towel hits you in the face when you go to nod, and by the time you pull it
off and start to wipe off, Aliss has already seen herself out.
You can’t see it yet, but you know enough about the galaxy to guess that this curvaceous dragon-
woman has a lush cock hidden under that tunic. She’s already all but tearing herself out of her
skimpy top anyway; you just lean down and give it a yank, exposing a pair of positively plump
breasts, each a perfect dark mountain capped with a golden stud that projects a hardlight ring. Your
eyes wander down, though, over a soft stomach and to vast thighs, between which you see a band of
glowing yellow light - hardlight panties, projecting from a ring wrapped tight around the base of a
veiny red dick, tapered from a narrow tip and growing fatter towards a knot-like bulbed base. She’s
hard, straining against her own projected garment, throbbing in her nakedness so desperately that
before you can even reach down to grab her, her erection becomes so turgid that it snaps through the
hologram and shorts it out - her dick jumps straight up, bobbing with its own erect weight. The
gryvain blushes furiously, pawing at her own nipple-rings as you crouch down over her, taking your
time in discarding your dress clothes, plain bra and plain briefs. She watches with marked interest
as your canine cock slips free, swinging just a few inches from her face, but you have your heart set
on giving her another kind of experience today. You wrap a hand around her cock, slowly running
your fingers from the plump base to the narrow tip. She’s maybe seven inches long, a little small for
a woman of her towering height and otherwise voluptuousness, but you can work with it. The
gryvain’s cock sits proudly above a dark-lipped slit, the origin of a delta of slickness that’s running
down her thighs as you position yourself on top of her. “Ohhh,” she murmurs, looking you up and
down. “Sweet thing, if I knew you were this much of a buttslut, I’d have skipped the foreplay and
just waggled my dick at you to start with.” You scowl down at her - she’s the one that started this,
after all - but it’s hard to stay mad at a milf whose cock is brushing up your thigh. She throbs,
smearing a little pre across your skin, and her eyes look at you imploringly. She wants you bad, that
much is painfully obvious. And your tight backdoor is craving that draconic dick, too. You run your
hands up the curvy dragon’s middle, cupping her heaving breasts and slipping your thumbs through
her rings. As your fingers sink into the gryvain’s massive mommy milkers, you take the opportunity
to steady yourself, leaning into her as your hips push down on her slender red pride. Your narrow
asshole kisses her crown, and you feel the heat radiating off her, the slickness of her pre smearing
your rim, and then she’s inside you. (L: +50)
"Oh! Sweetie, you’ve got such a lush ass!" the gryvain moans, chest heaving up in your hands as
your tush slides down into her lap. The fat knot at the base of her cock presses into your ring but
doesn’t quite enter you, just stretching you out enough to remind you there’s more to come. For
now, though, you’re content to just enjoy the feeling of fullness — of having a rock-hard cock
spreading your narrow asshole open. The defeated dragoness clearly enjoys it, too. A blush has
spread over her dusky cheeks, and you can feel her heart hammering beneath her breasts. She throbs
inside you, needily leaking pre while you calmly settle in on her lap. Slowly, teasingly, you start to
rock your hips, wiggling your half-hard dick over the gryvain’s soft belly. Your former foe flushes
even darker, wrapping her hands over yours and curling her wings up around your legs, holding you
tight to her — but ultimately she’s powerless to resist you. Hands tightening on her matronly chest,
you start to lift your narrow hips. It’s hard not to moan as every inch of crimson cockflesh slips
back through your dark ring, coming back to taste the stale, cool air of the station as you reach the
apex — and then vanishing again as you slide down into her lap once again. "Ohhh baby, just like
that," the gryvain murmurs, giving you her most sultry look while you’re busy spearing yourself to
the hilt on her. "You’re a natural! Just like one of my wives already..." "Don’t get ahead of
yourself," you laugh. Barely a day out on this quest and already beautiful women are trying to take
advantage... Before this milfy dragon can keep mouthing off, you lean in and kiss her, silencing her
with your lips while your hands heft up those mountainous milkers and tease her nipples. She’s a
moaning, leaking mess beneath you before long, melting into your embrace. The way her cock
throbs inside you, stretching out your inner walls, you think for sure she’s about to cum... (L: +46)
You grin at the moaning milf trapped beneath your thighs and tell her she can cum if she wants to -
you aren’t going to stop riding her until you’re satisfied either way. You’ve barely gotten the words
out before the dusky dragoness arches her back off the deck, flapping her wings in futile little
spasms as she tries - and fails - to hold herself back. A gasp tears its way from your lips as the first
streak of wet heat blossoms in your bowels, shooting so wonderfully deep you nearly join her in
orgasm. But the threat’s only there a moment, waffling on the edge, before you finally make up
your mind and push yourself down on the gryvain’s fat knot. Now that makes her howl, screaming
to her goddess about how great your ass is while you’re knotting yourself on her. Cum floods into
your narrow anus in nova-hot spurts, spreading her heat all through your loins, while her hands grab
desperately at your melons. The gryvain’s eyes have rolled closed by now, lips hanging open as she
whorishly moans her climax for all to hear. But in the end, you’re not much better: your own bright
red, animalistic dick escalate from flopping half-limp on her belly to a drooling mess in the blink of
an eye; you almost see yourself cumming before you feel it! Cum erupts all over the dragon-milf’s
plump middle, pooling into her navel and streaking all the way up to her underboob. She just smiles
and moans, still pumping your narrow ass full while it clenches hard around her. You can’t but
swoon a little atop her, feeling all that warmth settling inside you; to her credit, the gryvain’s hands
latch themselves onto your waist, holding you steady while your orgasm’s passing, and your knees
have gone weak. She keeps you upright until you’ve gotten your breath back, enough to sit back in
her lap and set your weight on her lap instead. “That was fun,” the milfy dragoness murmurs, slitted
eyes wandering all over your naked, sweat-slicked body. “Not every day a beatiful half-ausar crawls
up on momma’s dick and assfucks herself like my first husband would! Whew, you really know
how to spoil a girl.” She laughs, patting your flanks. You try to dismount, but find yourself quite
thoroughly stuck to the dusky dragon’s fist-sized knot. Uh-oh. She grins, flicking her tongue over
her black-painted lips. “Oh, going somewhere? Mmmhhm, not for a while, sweet thing. Gonna have
to wait for me to calm down. I like to think of it as a built-in incentive to cuddle after...” Is that
right? Well, what’s the harm... Though you can’t help but realize the real purpose of such an
adaptation is to make sure all the sperm sloshing around in your belly takes. Pretty good chance
she’s not kidding about a daughter coming from this union. Too late for second thoughts now. You
lean forward into the gryvain’s arms, letting those ample breasts of hers press into your breasts
while you go in for a kiss. The older woman’s wings flutter as she practically melts into your arms,
content to kiss and cuddle until she’s deflated inside you, and you’re able to get going on your way.

A girl doesn’t wear a top like that with tits like that unless she’s making a statement — a statement
that her heaving chest would feel heavenly in your hands. She’s already halfway torn out of her top.
A one-finger yank finishes the job, baring her bouncing beauties to the world. Two luscious swells
heave with her rapid breaths, sweat-glossed skin shining hypnotically across its vast expanse.
Golden studs rise and fall on her nipples, wreathing the tender buds in glowing hardlight rings that
just beg you to grab and give them a gentle tug. Between them lies a valley of incomprehensible
cleavage so deep you feel like you could lose yourself inside it. And you intend to. You whip out
your puppy-prick without another word, loving the way shock gives way to curiosity, then lust in
the space of seconds. You give it a tug, and the gryvain’s slitted eyes follow your hand’s movements
as obediently a dog on a leash, never straying, never faltering, and never looking any less thirsty for
your urgently throbbing meat. She licks her lips, clearly struggling with her own thoughts as your
turgid pole sways a scant few feet away, teasing apart any concerns she might have one stroke at a
time. "Goddess, that looks good." Propping herself up with her tail, the gryvain techie leans closer,
so close that her heaving mounds jostle mere inches from your pointed cock-head. "Go ahead. I
won’t mind." She wraps her arms under the titanic swells, not just compressing her cleavage but
presenting it, practically spilling it into her own straining lap. You hear the sizzling fizz of her
hardlight thong failing, but you have eyes only for the divine beauty of her breasts, not the pointless
draconic prong below. You don’t stop her tail from curling around into her lap, not when her fingers
are so powerfully presenting you with acres of tantalizing tit. "Fuck mommy’s tits. Show me you’re
a queen instead of a space-rat." You grin like a kid on Christmas morning and thrust your distended
beast-cock straight into her cleavage, burying the entire bulging length so deeply into that haven of
silky pleasure that your narrow glans bursts free just shy of her collarbone. You cannot endure such
ecstasy for long. Just putting yourself in there, indulging in that slippery vice, has you throbbing
like a virgin on prom night, leaking dollops of eager pre with hedonistic abandon. But you don’t
need to last long. As you sink your own palms into the gryvain’s celestial bodies, fingertips all but
disappearing in the dragon-girl’s marshmallow heaven, you give yourself over to the unrepentant
passion of the moment, allowing your hips to do as they will. Like an animal, your body starts to
jackhammer the tight, wet hole it has found itself inside. You aren’t making love, you’re using her
tits, thoughtlessly trying to breed her pillowy chest. A soft moan of pleasure escapes you with every
few pumps, and the gryvain’s voice soon joins in, whimpering sounds of encouragement
intermingled with gloriously lusty gasps. Below, you hear the dragon-woman’s tail-strokes growing
wetter, sloppier. Her tongue lolls out, and you feel something warm splatter next to your foot, but
knowing that she just jizzed all over herself from your pounding makes it that much hotter. It almost
seems like your pre is sizzling against your skin as you pump your puppy-pecker through the
increasingly drenched canyon of cleavage, too hot to endure and yet just right. Then you feel your
canine crown brush her tongue, just long enough to press against the moistened red carpet at the
apex of your humps and drag along it on the way out. You thrust harder as a result, desperate to feel
the gryvain’s licks, wobbling on your feet when she stretches back to meet you. Throbs race through
your length. You’re right at the edge, about to blow any second, your tip so swollen it hurts.
Encouraging eyes look up at you, bleary from orgasm but clearing by the moment. They want you
to cum, right here, right now. They want every creamy drop pumped straight into her mouth, and
you deliver. It’s impossible not to slam yourself further further, pushing the gryvain into the wall in
the heat of your passion, her lips parted by your straining cock-head’s sudden intrusion. The corners
curl upward with delight. You cum with incredible intensity, baseball-sized nuts clenching with the
effort of disgorging your seed. The suckling dragon-slut swallows happily, her gulps just loud
enough to reach your ears as she devours your load with gusto. When you finish, she decouples
from your climax-sensitized length with an affection, smooching ‘mwah’. You stagger back panting
for breath. The gryvain, licking the excess from her lips, stretches like a cat in the sun. "Hmmm,
definitely not a space rat. More of a space queen." A dopey grin spreads across her face, failing to
hide the presence of her tiny fangs as she offers, "Sure you don’t want to join my harem? I could
use someone to dote on my tits in between jobs." Tempting as the offer is, you have an adventure to
start. "Maybe another time." "Suit yourself, ‘hon. Just be careful not to bump into too many of my
coworkers if you wanna stay, you know, free."

Scene By: Savin
You grab your bright red, canine cock, the rapidly hardening length mere inches from Anno’s
bliss-etched face. She doesn’t react at all as your possessions clatter to the ground behind
you; the only sign she gives that she’s even aware of you anymore is the slight raise of her
tail, the tell-tale gesture of an ausar ready to play. You let your dong drop onto her cheek,
13 inches of hard, hot meat suddenly caressing her cheek is enough to break Anno from her
reverie, her big, blue eyes fluttering open, wandering over your naked form. Flashing you a
grin, the ausar whispers, “You could have bought me dinner first.” She nuzzles against your
animalistic shaft, licking her lips and reaching back to cup your swollen balls, feeling the heft
of them as she goes. You give your canine friend a little push, just enough to roll her over as
you bark the command aloud; she giggles and complies, flipping onto her back with her
head hanging over the edge of the counter, at just the perfect angle to give you easy access
to her throat. “Think you deserve a treat?” you tease, scratching at one of her perky white
ears. Anno giggles, answering, “Maaaaybeeee,” as she reaches back to stroke your thigh, a
soft, furred pair of hands slipping between them to cup and caress your baseball-sized, cum-
engorged balls, squeezing just enough to make your shiver with pleasure as you guide your
narrow hips forward toward the welcoming warmth of Anno’s mouth. She opens wide for
you, tongue guiding your narrow glans in with a quiet slurp, cheeks bulging as your member
slides into her inviting hole. Hot and humid breath courses around your canine shaft as it
enters her, finding a nice, hot holster that conforms to your prick’s girth and length with
aplomb, tight where it needs to be, but loose enough that you don’t have much trouble
pushing in enough dick meat to have your cock start distending her throat, which proves to
be quite elastic as it stretches around your hefty member. This girl’s got some mastery over
her gag reflexes! Sated with your first foray between Anno’s lips, you take a moment to
enjoy the tight, wet feeling of your new favorite cock-cozy around your member, the
muscles of her mouth and throat rhythmically contracting and shifting around your dick
with the precisions you’d expect from a well-fucked whore. For her part, the dog-slut beams
up at you from beneath your throbbing cock, clearly enjoying herself. Anno’s head bobs
slightly, reaching up to plant her lips on your base before withdrawing the few inches her
neck can reach from her position bent over the counter. You’re going to need a little bit
more than that if you want to get off, and a quick look between the two of you gains your
lover’s assent. You lean in, grabbing the edge of the counter for balance as you shift most of
your weight over Anno. At this new angle, it’s a simple matter to pull your hips back,
withdrawing your prick from her mouth until your crown is all that’s left, Anno’s lips planted
on it like a lover’s kiss before you push back. You go slow at first, easing yourself into her,
giving her a chance to adjust to the new position. A few steady strokes, and you feel her
throat relaxing around your shaft, her gag reflex utterly suppressed, leaving her mouth open
and defenseless against your invading manhood. An opportunity you’d be a fool to waste.
You move faster, hips bucking into her face as you slam your prick home into the welcoming
embrace of your lover’s lips. She lets out a soft, strained moan as you pick up the pace,
breathing coming quicker, more shallow, as she’s forcefully face-fucked into the counter.
Between your powerful thrusts, Anno works her hands up the sheer surface of her catsuit
uniform, white-furred fingers tugging at the zipper. She pulls it down around her ample pair
of sweater-puppies, letting them free from their confines to taste the musky air, her nipples
both as hard as rocks. You shift your hands to grab her breasts, squeezing them roughly;
they’re putty in your hands, so soft and forgiving, flesh flowing around your fingers until you
can barely resist the urge to turn this into a titfucking. But the feeling of your cock
pounding their owners’ face, her chest heaving with every thrust, dissuades you. Content to
fondle and squeeze, you let your thumbs run across the stiff, pink peaks of her nipples,
rolling their rounded points under your digits in slow, wide circles, one full rotation for every
half-dozen pumps of your pointed prick. Anno moans, her back arching at your touch as her
breath catches between mouthfuls of cock. Still, her fingers travel down, pulling open her
uniform straight down her belly to the crotch, where her hand quickly disappears. You
thought she was moaning before... Her voice breaks into a high-pitched whine as her fingers
delve into her sex, her cries only stifled when your knotty dog-cock is occupying her throat.
You fuck faster, hips hammering to the beat of her wrist’s movements, reciprocating her
every movement with one of your own. Soon, your voice joins hers, quiet moans turning
into bestial grunts as your hips batter her face, her oh-so-skilled tongue, mouth, and throat
working in concert to milk every inch of cockflesh that comes their way. Between the lewd
show of your lover jilling off and your own oral-induced pleasure, you find yourself hurtling
toward climax. You have just enough time to warn Anno before, with a grunt and a balls-
deep thrust, you flood her mouth with white spunk. Anno gasps, eyes widening as your hot
load goes straight down her throat. Your slim hips piston forward again and again, using her
throat like a cockmilker to squeeze out every last drop your can, thrusting and cumming
until creamy seed is drooling down her cheeks. Finally, you stumble back, catching yourself
on a junk-laden shelf as your prick pops wetly out of Anno’s mouth, trailing trickles of seed
across her cheek and onto the floor. She coughs and flops back onto her belly, spitting up a
thick wad of white spunk onto the floor as she does so. She gives a deep, husky sigh, tail
swaying happily as she beams at you, cum still dripping down her chin. “That sure was a
treat, boss... but about you throw me a bone, huh?” she says with a wolfish grin, her bushy
white tail raising invitingly over her arched back.

Scene By: Savin

Time to put this cybernetic goo-girl’s endurance to the test. You shuck your virgin-slayer
sweater, plain bra and hardlight thong and approach the defeated goo. Seeing your bared
canine cock hanging half-hard between your legs, she quickly reforms into the ultra-busty
babe she attacked you as, big lips pursed in a curious expression as you loom over her.
“Oooh, that’s a nice animal-endowment you’ve got there,” the silver goo giggles to herself, her
gray eyes locked on your stiffening shaft, crossing each other as you present it to her lips for
a sucking. “Y-you want me to... but... why’d you fight me? I was gonna make you feel good
anyway!” You scowl down at the goo and thrust your hips forward, prodding her lips open
around the narrow glans of your prick. She tries to speak, but her words are quickly muffled
around the head of your cock as you take the opportunity to thrust into her open mouth;
her throat is as stretchy as you might imagine, easily taking every inch you can offer the
insatiable goo before you can blink. Her voice breaks into a sultry moan as your baseball-
sized balls slap her chin, your knotted tool stuffed all the way in, making her throat bulge
visibly to accommodate your girth. “That’s more like it,” you laugh, patting the slimy slut on
the head. “Now start sucking.” Her big, solid eyes look up at you as the defeated goo starts to
fulfill your command, head bobbing up and down the length of your shaft, dragging it
through the tight, squirming vice of her slimy throat, just like a well-lubed onahole. Your
fingers slip through her solid mass of hair, penetrating the girl’s viscous head to get a grip on
her; she gives a startled little yelp, but doesn’t seem to mind beyond that as you force her
head down your impressive dog-cock until her puffy lips are pressed against the base of
your dick, her long tongue rolling out to slurp hungrily at the meaty swell of your nuts. Not
bad. But you could get a blowjob anywhere; it’s time to put this goo’s unique characteristics
to use. You have the goo get you nice and hard, letting her spit-shine your bestial cock until
it glistens with every bob of her head before moving on to the main course. You give her a
little push, just enough to pop her vacuum-like mouth off your slick schlong. Giggling, the
goo-girl slips down onto her back and spreads her legs, revealing the drooling delta of her
sex, ripe for penetration, begging you to fuck her with the cute, needy look in her eyes. Not
quite what you had in mind, but you play along for the moment, slipping between the goo’s
legs, hefting them over your shoulders to give you unimpeded access to her crotch, her
bubble butt lifting an inch off the ground to accommodate you. Rather than sliding right into
that inviting womanhood, though, your thrusting hips bring your foot-long, distended
puppy-prick to flop onto the girl’s belly, throbbing hungrily atop her slick, cool flesh. The
goo looks up at you with questioning eyes, casting glances down at the dick so close to her
sex. Indeed, her pulsing, sex-engorged delta is drooling with wanton anticipation, all but
begging for a stiff, thick cock to spear it. One you aren’t supplying. You grin down at her,
hands moving up to grope at the big, bouncy breasts on her chest, and whisper, “You’ll have
to work for it, slut.” The goo stares at you, uncomprehending for a long moment before her
lips turn up into a wide, hungry grin, and her hand slips down to your knotted tool. You only
just stifle a gasp as her cool, gooey hand wraps around your length, fingers almost melting
at the burning heat coursing through your loins as she starts to jerk you off. Her wrist
moves with inhuman speed, pumping your prick like the machine she is as her other hand
slips into her own sex, fingers dipping into the sweet slit between her legs. And from that
slit, she draws forth a cock of her own. The googirl shudders from head to toe as her big
clitty transforms into a thick, hard imitation of your own distended dog-cock, flopping
beside its twin on her belly. Her wrist shifts ever so slightly to keep jacking, masturbating
her cock and yours at once. “You like it?” she teases, laughing hard enough to get her tits
bouncing again. You grin and shift ever so slightly, bringing your bright red, canine cock to
rest atop its gooey brother; to your surprise, rather than wrapping her hands around the
twin shafts, the goo gives her hips a little shake, and you soon find your prick sinking into a
tight squirming, wet embrace of a million writhing microbots. The sudden rush of pleasure
through your sensitive skin nearly sends you into an instant orgasm - only with every fiber
of your willpower are you able to hold back as your mastiff-sized, animalistic shaft is utterly
encased in the giggling googirl. “You definitely like it!” she giggles, reaching down and
grabbing her cock-encompassing prick with both hands - which has the added effect of
squeezing her massive tits together oh-so-enticingly. You struggle to nod as her long,
surprisingly strong fingers take hold of your manhood through the thin membrane of her
own, giving you both an experimental tug that sends shivers of ecstasy through both your
bodies. Biting her lip, the goo starts to move her hand a bit more quickly, sliding her fingers
easily along the slippery length of your paired pricks. The feeling of your more sensitive
parts being encased in the gently shifting, flowing bond of the goo’s cock is heavenly. You
barely have the willpower to stay upright, looming over the giggling goo only long enough
to target in on one of her big, dark teats before diving in, lips wrapping around its stiff point
as you curl up against her. As you move, her legs shift around your shoulders, wrapping
themselves around your slim hips and urging you onward, driving your wide, pointed prick
further into hers. Now it’s the goo whose fingers brush through your hair, leaving a thin,
slimy trail as she strokes you comfortingly, gently pushing your face into the soft embrace of
her breast. You answer with a flick of your tongue, teasing the prominent point at its center
to the beat of her wrist’s quickening jerks on your animalistic dick. It’s getting harder and
harder to hold back your now-inevitable orgasm, but as you orally assault the goo’s tits, you
can hear her breath quickening, chest heaving as the pleasure starts to get to the cybernetic
girl as well. Just a little longer.... You moan with pleasure into the breast at your mouth as
the goo-girl switches to slower, firmer strokes, milking your cock. “Go ahead, blow your load
all inside me,” she coos, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “Don’t hold anything back!”
Try as you might, with an invitation like that your body’s natural instincts take over. Arching
your back with head thrown back, you let out a primal grunt of pleasure as a thick wad of
cum shoots through your shaft towards sweet release. The goo gasps as your nut busts in
her silver-sheened cock, and you both watch in rapture as her gooey flesh turns a brighter
shade of gray as your alabaster spunk shoots into it, filling the tight milker of her faux-
phallus. Her sheathe goes wild as it’s filled with white cum, the sea of microbots
surrounding your cock moving madly across your sensitive skin, lapping up every drop of
seed they can find, which only serves to coerce more and more from your spasming schlong.
Both her hands sweep down to grab your cock, pumping hard and fast, letting her insides
suck and squeeze to draw your orgasm out, leaving you a moaning, panting, gasping lump of
pleasure atop her, barely able to move by the time you think your animalistic dick has finally
given its last hurrah. Not that you’d want to; the micromachines that make up the sheath
around your member are still wiggling around, eagerly massaging your twitching prick even
in the afterglow, sending shockwaves of sensation up your spine. Wrapped in the goo’s
tender embrace, you all but lose track of time, too enthralled with the wondrous pleasure
her willing body’s able to provide. You’re aware of another orgasm pending, but do nothing
but lie atop her and let it wash over you, fat prick erupting inside its gooey prison once
again... and again... each time leaving you more and more addled by the sexual pleasure. The
ceaseless sensation threatens to overwhelm you, orgasm after orgasm eroding at your
already fleeting desire to leave. Thankfully, even your reservoirs of cum are not infinite.
With a lurch and a moan, you shudder through another orgasm, shooting a slim load into
the now cum-swollen sack of her schlong, itself bulbous and heavy with the sheer load of
your many orgasms. Your cock is now surrounded by a shifting, roiling sea of spunk and goo,
constantly massaged and caressed by the sticky, smooth fluids. But with no more to give
her, the goo-girl tsks her tongue and props herself up on her elbows, causing your head to
finally roll from her bust, rousing you from your sexual reverie. “Aww, no more? Well, thanks
for all the cum! It was a blast!” She giggles, gently rolling you off her. Your feral prick slips out
of its gooey twin with an audible POP, trickles of goo and seed smearing on your thighs and
the red dirt as your member’s set free. Giving a contented sigh, the gray goo slithers up to
her feet to stroke your head with surprising affection before departing, leaving you a
helpless, sexually exhausted heap on the ground. You’re gonna be sore in the morning.

Scene By: Fenoxo
Keeping your bearings down here, surrounded on all sides by endless rock, is a challenge.
Doing it while your belly does backflips from the lack of gravity is a trial. Luckily you’re
anchored to the metal platform by electromagnetic forces, at least as long as the batteries in
the kit you picked up from the elevator last. More pressing is the bomb a few feet away. It’s
not nearly as big as you would have expected a doomsday device to be, about as big as a
bucket and equally visually appealing. Then again, all it has to do is destabilize this station’s
links to let the half planets’ gravitational forces tear each other apart. The sharp report of a
slug-thrower being fired stops you cold in your tracks. A flurry of sparks erupts from the
deckplates a scant few inches ahead of you. Whoever took that shot could’ve hit you if they
wanted to. Not that it would matter with your shields operational. It’ll take more than a
primitive powder-blaster to drop you. You finger your flamethrower while looking around
for the source of fire, only to have the shooter reveal herself. Holy hell, does she reveal
herself! The alien woman that strides out from behind one of larger crates is packing heat,
and not just from the oversized machine gun she’s toting. A strapping, seven inch member
dangles from her groin, laying flaccid atop a pair of lemon-sized balls that you couldn’t miss
under the smooth, shining skin of her sack. The pirate is ostensibly clothed, wearing
stockings, armored leg plates, and a corset that only serve to make the lack of garments for
her crotch that much more noticeable. Your Codex beeps something about her being a
“dzaan,” but you’re hard-pressed to pay attention. The hermaphrodite’s (you have to assume
- it’s hard to see past that swollen pouch) height and distinctive posture keep your gaze
from lingering too long on the rest of her impressive assets. The double-barreled gun she’s
hefting one-handed is bigger than her leg, and by the looks of it, it’s a combination slug-gun
and laser weapon. The bottom barrel has a small drum magazine, and power indicators
along the top indicate that it’s fully charged. “I can’t believe you took out the Captain,” the
newcomer says wonderingly. “Not that it matters. I’m twice the woman she was, and I’ve got
the balls to back it up!” You... wait... what? Seeing, your look of incredulity, the well-endowed
pirate snorts, “Oh, sod off. You’re dealing with Kaska Beamfury, first mate of the Tarasque, and
it’s time a piece of jetsam like you learned her place.” She levels her impressive weapon in your
direction. There’s no getting out of it. You’ll have to fight!
Scene By: Fenoxo
Kaska doubles over, dropping to her knees and cradling a myriad of injuries. She looks
hatefully in your direction, scowling as she produces a vial with a glittering, silver liquid. “I
really should’ve kept some of this unaltered...” She pops the cork. “Bottoms up!” You lunge
forward to stop her from drinking the mystery fluid, but it’s too late. She’s already
swallowed it, and the vial and cork are floating harmlessly away. Kaska groans, “Last time I
premix repair microsurgeons with love-toxin.” A bleeding wound on her cheek closes, good as
new. “This stuff was meant to save some nubile cutey!” Another wound closes. Kaska licks her
lips, humming softly, “It isn’t so bad.” She bats one of her hands away from her tits and
smiles, her dick surging to full erectness while you watch. “You ARE kind of a cutey.” The
pirate can barely manage to keep her hands off herself, and after a few more seconds
admiring you, she begins brazenly stroking herself to the sight of you, alleviating any
concerns that that vial might lead to more fighting. Kaska crawls over to you, repeatedly
licking her lips and groping herself all over while she masturbates, ignorant of the fact that
the detonator on her hip is on full display. You take the device in case you need it to disarm
the bomb and consider your options. She didn’t seem to be worried about the bomb going
off any time soon. Maybe she would like a chance to slake your lusts.
Scene By: Fenoxo
Opening up your virgin-slayer sweater and hardlight thong, you select your bestial member
and draw it out, waggling it in front of the tugging pirate. Her eyes widen lustily. “See
something you like?” you ask while inching closer, eventually letting it slap against her cheek.
“Why don’t you get me warmed up?” You don’t have to ask twice. The pirate twists her neck
to put her lips against the underside of your rod with her nose against your knot and
presses her tongue out to taste you. She runs it up to your pointed cock-head before
parting her lips and letting it inside. She’s warm, wet and eager. In large part, her fervor for
cocksucking could be attributed to her own overwhelming lust, turning an onerous favor
into fuel for her own masturbation. As long as your dick is getting sucked, you’re fine with it.
Kaska noisily gasps for air in between her slurps. She doesn’t look up or acknowledge you,
and you get the impression that she must not do this very often. Grabbing hold of her hair,
you yank her back up to your tip and tip her head back, forcing her to look you eye to eye. A
spark of defiance glows in her eyes but gutters and dies a second later. She may not like to
take orders, yet she knows when she’s beaten. There isn’t even token resistance when you
push her back and forth, coating most of your rod with an even coat of pirate spit. After a
few minutes of this, Kaska’s technique improves, and you start to get dangerously hard. It’d
be easy to forget her earlier reluctance with the way her tongue wraps around the midpoint
of your shaft, sliding up and down in sync with her lips. You’re forced to push her off, lest
you blow your load early, leaving Kaska breathing heavily while pre-cum runs unhindered
from her cock, rolling across her knuckles on the way. “Please, let me fuck you,” she begs.
Sweat beads on her brow. “I need it. My balls are so full!” You smile and hook your hands
under her armpits, lifting her up to her feet. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get off too.” “No...
I’m... an alpha...” Kaska weakly protests as you bend her over a crate. Her dick, still leaking, is
pointed straight down, pinned between her balls and the cool metal, and you get a good,
long look at her pussy, for once not obscured by her troublesome maleness. It’s clear she’s a
stranger to the feminine pleasures her body could enjoy, but that doesn’t stop her from
being dripping wet, her lips slightly parted invitingly. The pirate’s pussy is just asking for a
hard fucking. You don’t keep it waiting. Pushing your pointed cock-head against her sodden
entrance, you marvel at the silky texture of her spreading labia, slowing your push to give
you time to drag yourself all over the exterior of her sex. The alien hermaphrodite may have
styled herself as something of a masculine breeder, but when it comes down to it, her cunt
is desperate to be fucked and used. Kaska gasps, “W-why does it feel this good?” Her legs
wobble dangerously. “No... I’m... I’m not supposed to like this...” She whimpers and goes slack,
legs spreading, finally giving in to the sensation of you plumbing the first few inches of her
passage. “Yesssss....” You almost don’t hear the quiet admission of pleasure, but it’s there all
the same. You’d never guess her so vaginally inexperienced after slipping inside of her
oozing slut-tunnel. The muscles inside squeeze and stroke at you with greater levels of
excitement after each new inch you feed it. Your bright red, animalistic dick trembles under
the caresses. They are at the same time both foreign and familiar; Kaska’s race’s anatomy is
just different enough that the muscles squeezing at you from inside her pussy do so in
unexpected ways, feeling distinctly alien yet all too pleasurable. When your baseball-sized
gonads slap against her own, you’re almost saddened. You would’ve been content to slide
into her forever. “M-more...” Kaska stutters in between pants. “Don’t stop!” She’s looking over
her shoulder at you imploringly, red eyes flicking back and forth as she searches for the
words to spur you onwards. They gleam with fiery intensity when she finds them. “Fuck me!
Fuck me... make me your slut!” The last half is uttered with more than a little trepidation. As
you pull back to line up your second stroke, you ponder her words, wondering if those are
the kinds of things she likes girls to say to her. Kaska bubbles, “Fuck me!” again when you
thrust home. There’s no need to take it slow with how wet she is. Juices dribble out of her
thighs with every piston-like pump into her hips, and her voice is all too happy to release
high-pitched squeals of intermingled ecstasy and excitement. You let her have it and
commence drilling her gushing honeypot in earnest, watching her plush ass and luscious tits
jiggle and quake from the force of the pounding. Kaska cums almost immediately. You’d
almost miss it if you were listening to her increasingly out of control wails. They’re a
nonstop mix of babbled pleasure and ecstatic moans. Her pussy communicates her pleasure
instead, clamping down about your length in one, long convulsive squeeze. The moment it
relaxes, a squirt of girlcum hits your leg, and her folds go wild, independently quivering as
they lose all control, nervelessly spasming against your doggie-dong. The uncoordinated
strokes do exactly what dzaan genetics designed them to do: overwhelm with a hundred
threads of pleasure, all contesting for your attention. You thrust in, bottoming out. Your
mind may not know what to do with the avalanche of sensory data, but your body responds
on autopilot. Your baseball-sized balls clench. Your fat cock grows as hard as an iron bar,
visibly swelling with every beat of your hammering heart. The warm contractions of your
release build in your mid-section, and in one glorious moment, you explode, spurting a few
meager drops from your wide, knotty dog-cock into Kaska’s spunk-holster. You hold her in
place, sealing every drop inside thanks to the way your inhuman tool swells at its base,
wondering if this little tryst will have your pirate bitch bred. Eventually calming down, you
pull out with an audible pop to examine your work. The once-mighty pirate is a blubbering
wreck, still quivering in the aftershocks of her pleasure. She glistens with sweat and pants
for breath, reduced to a quivering puddle of sex. Slowly drifting up, her limp body floats in
the zero-G atmosphere. The spunk she had been shooting, unnoticed until now, bubbles
and swirls around her, though a residue of white lines the box she had been pressed against.
It seems you both managed to cream two boxes today. Now that you can think a little more
clearly, it’s time to deal with that bomb. You defeated Kaska! 7.422 XP gained! Maximum
XP attained! You need to level up to continue to progress. She had 987 credits loaded on
an anonymous credit chit that you appropriate.
Scene By: Doots
She spends some time thinking what to do; seemingly, she didn’t think ahead. After roughly
a minute she pipes up. “I think you should put those pretty lips of yours to good use. As in
wrapping them around my cock.” She sits back, spreading her legs to give you full view and
access to her crotch. The narrow tip of her canine dick is slightly poking from her sheath,
beckoning you towards it. Seems that she lost her erection in the time that it took her to
decide what to do. You crawl towards her on your hands and knees, plopping your ass
between her legs. You give her tip a kiss before licking the sensitive flesh inside her sheath,
earning a shudder from Verusha and inches of dick flesh pouring into your mouth for your
effort. You rub her sheath, encouraging more of her member out from her sheath, working
over her balls with your other hand. When she’s fully out of her sheath and throbbing
impatiently, she pushes some breathing room between you and her dick. “Just saying to
wrap your lips around my cock is just enough, is it? Yeah, you seem like the kind of girl that sucks
cock for fun.” She slaps you in the face a couple of times with her erect length. You catch her
tapered head into your mouth on a down swing, quickly enveloping multiple inches of her
dick with your lips. Before you can swallow more of her prick she yanks it away, out of your
reach. “Oops, almost forgot something.” She climbs out of bed, going over to rummage
through her stuff. She takes something from her pants’ pocket before walking back to the
bed with a confident grin, a chrome cylinder in one hand and a tablet in other. Sitting back
down, she sets the tablet aside for now. Taking the chrome cylinder in hand, she pulls your
head back with her free hand before popping the cap off from the cylinder with her thumb
and twists it. It’s a tube of dark blue lipstick. “Purse your lips dear.” She strokes your cheek.
You do as she tells you, pursing your lips in such a way that she can apply the lipstick easily.
She steadily applies the cerulean make-up onto your lips. Once she’s done with prettying up
your lips, she quickly caps off the makeup before chucking it away. “I’m sure you don’t mind
me prettying up your lips.” With your lips to her perverse standards, she gets back to what
she came here for: her canine dick between your lips. She grabs the back of your head,
pulling you towards her towering erection. You purse your lips softly, giving her a perfect
hole to thrust into. She does so with great relish, spreading your lips around her cock. She
keeps pushing into your throat, feeding you inch after inch of her dick. She doesn’t slow
down despite your occasional gags, steadily pushing through any resistance your throat
instinctively puts up. Once her balls bump against your jaw, she relents and lets out a sigh
of content. Looking down at you, she rubs her sheath against your nose, the fur itching
against your face.
With her eyes laden over with lust, she starts to pull out of your mouth, only reversing the
direction halfway and starting to push back in, building up a steady rhythm. As she pulls out,
you cross your eyes to look at her dick and see what kind of job the lipstick has done: her
cock is coated in blue, and there’s a more noticeable ring of it at the top of her knot.
Wherever your lips have stopped is a ring of cyan, contrasting the dark, black color of her
cock meat. She’s leaking pre into your mouth and throat, lubricating the way for rougher
thrusting that she’s doubtlessly going to get to. You take her balls into your hand, fondling
over them. It’s somewhat difficult to hold her balls in one hand, her sack spilling over the
both sides of your hand. Your other hand has more pressing matters on hand – no pun
intended – mainly her leaking cunt behind her balls. You stroke her lips with two fingers
before spreading them slightly. You get a murmuring of appreciation while her metallic hand
bobs you up and down her length. Her slit has leaked enough of her feminine lubricant onto
your fingers for you to be confident that she’s ready to take your fingers into her folds. You
slowly push them inside her black cunt while thumbing her clit. An fiendish idea crosses
your mind: maybe she has a nice, big prostate to go with her big dick that you could give a
nice massage to. If she’s going to pleasure herself using your mouth, you might as well have
some fun yourself. With how slick your fingers are with her feminine fluids, you decide to
sneak a finger into her ass. Pulling your fingers from her cunt sends no alarm bells through
her head, but you decide to rather be safe than sorry. You fondle her balls just that much
more lovingly, softly squeezing and rubbing them. You suckle on her tip and circle her head
with your tongue, occasionally plunging her prick deep into your throat, licking her knot
with your tongue. She moans out loud, grasping the back of your head tightly. Your amazing
blowjob skills have her completely lost in pleasure, so you bring your still slick fingers to her
pucker. Without a warning you thrust two fingers into her ass, burying them up to the
knuckle. You would yell surprise, but your mouth is so stuffed with dick that you can’t. She
yelps in surprise, her asshole clenching tightly around your exploring digits. She looks down
at you with the kind of look that makes you think that she’s plotting some kind of revenge.
That might have been a mistake, but it’s too late to pull out now. Her pucker quickly relaxes
around your fingers, allowing you to start thrusting into her ass. At least she seems to enjoy
it, so hopefully her revenge won’t be too harsh.
Scene By: Doots
You try to mellow her out by focusing on her shaft again, bobbing up and down its length
and dragging your tongue against her studded cum vein. She growls softly when you cease
your ball-squeezing, until you squeeze her still uninflated knot, stimulating the bulk of flesh
and nerves in between swallowing more of her meat. You can’t forget about her prostate
since you already are knuckle deep in her ass. You wiggle your fingers, searching for her
prostate. Your fingers bump into something firm and round, and her dick surges and shoots
pre down your throat in response. Seems you found her prostate. You press down on the
dense bundle of nerves, earning more pre-cum down your throat. Her knot starts to swell,
and she grabs the back of your head with both hands. You look up at her to find out that
she’s not even looking at you anymore: her head is thrown back and her tongue is hanging
out the side of her muzzle, and she’s panting heavily. She slams her member down your
throat, pushing her knot against your lips before withdrawing and slamming back down your
throat. Her balls repeatedly slap against your chin as she keeps fucking your throat without
another thought. You grasp your huge, bestial member, gathering some of the pre that it has
been leaking during its negligence. You run your hand up and down its length, and it doesn’t
take long to speed towards the edge since you have been aroused for so long. Her knot
swells more and her whole dick throbs powerfully, more of her pre-shooting in your mouth
and down your throat. She tightens her grip on your head and pulls you against her knot,
mashing the meaty bulb against your lips. Her balls pulling against your jaw tells you that
she’s about to cum. You thrust your fingers hard into her prostate hard before she does so,
hoping to milk her for as much cum as she can shoot. She puts one hand on the bed and the
other on your head and pushes her hips into your face, shoving her knot into your maw,
stretching your jaw open. Once the entirety of her knot is inside your mouth and she’s tied
with you, her cock pulses and throbs, and her cum vein bloats, spreading your lips just a bit
more before a torrent of cum rushes down your throat. Even if you wanted to get a taste of
her cum, you couldn’t since it’s ending up straight into your stomach. You moan into the
cock in your throat and your eyes roll into the back of your head as the sweet sensation of
orgasm washes over you. Your bestial shaft shoots its load onto the bed, ropes of cum
landing wetly on the sheets. Your legs twitch and shake as your pussy sprays your clear girl-
cum down your thighs. Her knot doesn’t last as long as an ausar’s would, but you do have to
wait for it to go down. Being tied to her manhood forces you to breathe in the smell of her
musk, which reinvigorates your lust somewhat. Looking down she chuckles, patting your
head. “You look surprisingly appropriate like that. Your nose buried in my sheath, like a proper
whore.” She keeps up commenting on your state and you have no choice but to bear her
degrading remarks, not that they aren’t accurate with her meat as deep down your throat it
will go. After a few more minutes, her knot deflates to the degree that she can pull out of
your mouth. She pulls back, resting her tapered tip on your tongue, shooting the rest of her
plentiful load into your mouth, filling it with her salty cum. You have to swallow a mouthful
before her output stops, but she manages to fill your mouth so that your cheeks bulge a
little bit. After swallowing the last mouthful of her cum, you’re quite full, your stomach
bloated with her cum. She pulls her dick from your mouth, still smeared with cum and
lipstick, and she slaps it on your face, letting her cum smear your face and red hair. You
remember that she picked up the tablet, and you have an inkling of what she’s planning to
do with it. When she brings it above your head, she confirms what you thought. There is a
sound of a digital camera, but no flash. She turns the tablet to you and your thoughts are
confirmed. You’re staring at an immortalisation of your face with her spunk and lipstick-
smeared canine cock resting on it. “Wasn’t that nice? Yes, it was.” She softly strokes your hair
before bringing her softening member back to your lips. She’s expecting you to clean her up,
which you do, licking the remaining cum off her dick, gathering the remainings of her cum
with your tongue before bringing it into your mouth and swallowing it down, joining the rest
of her jizz in your stomach. “You don’t mind if I crash the night here, right? No, you don’t. You
should feel happy that you get to sleep with your mistress for the night.” She yawns before
smushing your nose into her furry sack. Well, you’re a bit tired yourself since you just came
and have her load sloshing around in your stomach, so you agree, starting to lift your head
and crawl next to her. When your nose leaves her balls, she wraps her metallic leg around
your neck. “You can stay right there,” she grunts. You roll your eyes but wiggle, trying to find a
comfortable position without having her tug you back to her balls. Once you settle into a
comfortable position, you eventually fall asleep.

Emmy gives you a saucy smile. “Just me, you, your cock, and a little satisfaction for someone who
has been so nice to me.” She prowls closer and lays her arm on your chest, delicately walking her
blunted claw-tips down your sternum. “Just keep... your hands... to yourself.” She nips just below
your ear, dozens of sharp teeth clacking noisily together, then nuzzles against the nape of your neck.
Her other hand strokes your hair. “This is about you.” Emmy forcibly pulls herself away, moments
before abandoning herself to grind against your leg. “I- I can wait.” “You sure?” You probe her with
a look while you try to ignore the heat building in your loins. Emmy presses a button, sealing the
door behind her, but her eyes are shining feverishly. “I’m sure... Bitz, I’ll just help you out a little
bit. It’s just my mouth - it’s not like I’ll be giving in to my overactive libido.” She favors you with a
wry smile. “Get naked and hop up on the countertop. Let me get a good look at it.” Why not? You
go ahead and climb up on. It’s cold under your firm ass, but the anticipation of what’s to come more
than makes up for any momentary discomfort. Your bright red, bestial cock flops free, snaking out
and up into the air, a turgid pillar rising up to meet the sable pucker of Emmy’s lips. Her tongue
glides around her puckered pillows, wet with salivation, polishing them until they gleam with the
dark promise of pleasure to come. The herm saunters up to you, her claws clicking against the
counter to either side of your slim hips. She leans over your offered length, lips pursed. Her eyes
flick up to bore into your own, then back down to your fat, pointed prick, crossing slightly as she
takes it all in. Her nose flares, drinking deeply of your cock-scent. Her tongue lolls to lap at the
underside of your canine crown. Emmy shivers at the contact, and her eyes drift half-closed and half
unfocused. “Mmmm,” the eager dick-girl hums. Her lips slobber drool across the tip, too
enthusiastic for any concerns of technique. Trickles of her salivary deluge wind their way across the
curvature of your scrotum just in time to meet the eager caresses of Emmy’s fingertips. “Ooh,” she
gasps, popping off your beefy, pointed prick with a lurid slurp. “I didn’t expect it to be so...
yummy.” One of her hands wraps around the gleaming length. She pumps you slowly at first,
lovingly caressing your veiny flesh, massaging you with a palm that feels slick enough to be sold as
a sex-toy. “Ahhh,” you groan in satisfaction, your head lolling back. You can feel yourself swelling
bigger in response to her wanton cocklust, your bestial shaft engorging until the whole thing thumps
angrily against her spit-greased hands with every wanton heartbeat. Emmy’s thumb brushes just
below your cock-head, the hard tip of her blunted nail barely grazing the underside. You shudder
and gasp; your entire length flexes powerfully in her grip, and the pre-cum that dribbles from you so
frequently doubles in quantity. Nuzzling back against it, the jackaless allows your liquid ardor to
soak into the fur of her muzzle. She giggles, “I’m going to smell like your cock for the rest of today,
you know that, right?” She swaps sides, inadvertently collecting a droplet of spunky enthusiasm just
above her nose. Joining both her hands to your beefy, bestial cock, Emmy picks up the pace of her
stroking, working you to a fever pitch with powerful strokes. Her eyes stare up at you from under
her obsidian locks, watching your reaction as she milks your ambrosia onto herself. Her tongue
slithers, snake-like, around the circumference of your canine crown, and you nearly nut from the
sight alone. Emmy knows, somehow. The corners of her cock-shining lips quirk upward in a
knowing smile. She’s still smiling when she opens her inky angel bows to wrap around you once
more. Using her elongated snout to her best advantage, the cock-sucking jackaless devours your
dick, accepting far more dong into her maw than any human ever could - at least not without a
completely suppressed gag reflex, and even then, there’s still the awkward bend at the back of the
mouth to contend with. You thank the heavens for furry sluts and alternate between stroking her hair
and murmuring encouragements. Sometimes you can’t even manage that much. The pleasant tingles
offered by her hot, wet mouth have your head swimming. It’s tough to keep your eyes open and
your body upright, let alone give voice to a single cogent thought. With so much of your foot-long,
animalistic shaft behind her lips’ lascivious embrace, Emmy’s hands are free to roam, to happily
fondle and squeeze at your baseball-sized nuts, rolling the cum-filled orbs in her hand until you
swear you can hear them sloshing. She sucks particularly deeply, feathering her tongue along your
underside, her cheeks hollowed from the effort, then pulls off, panting. “Don’t hold back for a
second, Bitz. If you need to cum, just do it, okay?” Smiling and licking her lips, the inflamed vixen
adds, “I know what a cock feels like when it’s about to blow. You don’t need to warn me.” She tugs
your animal-endowment up and plants wet smooches all over the sensitive spot below your pointed
cock-head. “I don’t mind the mess.” Emmy gobbles you right back up again as soon as she finishes
talking, swallowing inch after inch in one smooth traversal of your length. Her eyes glaze as she
focuses her attention. She pumps back and forth fast enough that foaming spittle drips from her
lower lip, and the fluid gulping of her self-induced face-fucking momentarily overwhelm the audio
from the automated displays. Your cock is buffeted by a vortex of ecstasy, held captive by sensuous
warmth, yoked to elemental pleasure incapable of yielding until you’re dragged to the very peak.
You do the only thing you can; you cum. Emmy’s ready for it, of course. She pulls back just far
enough to let you spill onto her waiting tongue, all before you fired the first drop, and her hands...
her hands never stop moving, never stop entreating you to have the hardest climax of your life. You
spray thick ropes of cum into her mouth, so voluminous that you must be thoroughly flooding her
palate with each ejaculation. The jackaless barely reacts. You hear her throat working to swallow
now and then, but she seems content to let you flood her cheeks with your reproductive deluge. It’s
only once you’ve finished and she’s pulled off that she shows you the product of your orgasmic

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