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Name: Trishia Mae T.

Peria Date: 07-11-2022

Course/Year/Section: BSN 3-A

NCM10- Laboratory
2nd Activity (INDIVIDUAL)

1. Do a web search about the information technology system used in the clinical and
community area that help to deliver quality and safe care to the clients.


1. Electronic Health Records (EHR)- Improves the quality of patient care as the same
information is shared across all departments, avoiding any medical errors; Increases
efficiency by eliminating paperwork and giving immediate access to patient’s data.

2. Telemedicine- Help reduce the barriers to care for people who live far away from
healthcare services and specialists, who have time or access restrictions, or who have
transportation or mobility issues; Good way to deliver care quickly in an emergency, such
as stroke; Allows doctors to monitor their patient’s chronic conditions. Telehealth is done
primarily online with internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

3. Medical Practice Management System- Automates routine clerical tasks which allows
the healthcare professional to concentrate more on the quality of patient care; Gives easy
access to healthcare data as the documents can be viewed online.

4. E-Prescribing Software- Allows medical providers to send prescriptions directly to

pharmacies, without the risk of getting misplaced; Gives quick and easy access to a
patient’s medication history with the help of a pharmacy’s database.

5. Remote Patient Monitoring- Helps monitor a patient’s glucose level or blood pressure
from anywhere across the world which results in improved patient care; Reduces the cost
of chronic disease and assists in post-discharge care as well.

6. Patient Portal- Allows patient to schedule appointments, view bills, and make payments
online; Facilitate patients to have a conversation with their healthcare professional;
Provides a platform where patients can access their health-related data – all the
information stored in an EHR, using any device.

7. Master Patient Index (MPI)- Creates an index of all medical records for a specific
patient which is easily accessible by all departments; Reduce duplication of patient
records; To avoid inaccuracy of information that can result in wrong treatment.
8. Urgent Care Applications- Increases patient’s satisfaction rate as urgent care app
provides quick service to them; Provides medical help 24/7 hours a day.

9. Medical Billing Software- Makes it easier by automatically generating medical bills and
handling the entire workflow; Also takes care of insurance claims and verification,
payment tracking, and processing; Sends out alerts for late payments or if there is any
pending bill from the hospital’s end.


1. Telehealth- brings specialty care and other services to rural and underserved areas.
These areas experience severe practitioner shortages. Additionally, wait time for
appointments can be long.

2. Community-based information system (CBIS)- involves the collecting, management,

and analysis of data on health services that exist in a community but are not provided by
health institutions. These services can be provided by community organizations,
nongovernmental organizations, faith-based organizations, and other groups working
alongside formal health services or in areas where health facilities do not available.

3. Routine health information systems (RHIS)- comprise data collected at health facilities
(public, private, and community-level), health programs, and institutions. These data give
a picture of health status, health services, and health resources provided in the formal
health sector.
2. Pick one information technology application and illustrate the flow of its use in
delivering safe quality healthcare to the client.

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