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NAME: Ashlee Bianey Romo Robles

GROUP: 5° TARH-A DATE: 07/12/22

TEACHER: Karen Elena Valles Saenz


In this project I will review and analyze DNA samples from Fruits such as banana, kiwi and
strawberries. Deviations from standardized procedures can generate errors that affect the sample
to such an extent that it does not allow its use for gene sequencing and finally prevents reaching a
diagnostic molecule.


- medio plátano - half banana

- un kiwi - a kiwi
- una fresa - a strawberry
- tres vasos con agua a la mitad - Three glasses of water in half
- una cucharada de sal (para cada uno) - one tablespoon of salt (for each)
- otros vasos para representar tubos de ensayo - other cups to represent test tubes
- jabón líquido (de trastes) - liquid soap (frets)
- botella o embudo - bottle or funnel
- servilletas - napkins
- cucharas - Spoons
- alcohol de 96% muy frio - 96% very cold alcohol


- First of all, put the alcohol in the refrigerator

- Peel the fruit and crush it well and add a little water, about a tablespoon
- Add four tablespoons of liquid soap and a tablespoon of salt to each glass of water
- stir gently avoiding foaming
- Add the soapy water solution and salt to the fruit mixture
- Stir gently for about three minutes
- To filter, the napkin should be placed on top of the funnel and pour the mixture.
- Then you have to let filter. (For this step you have to be patient)
- Since we have the filtered mixtures, we must remove the alcohol from the refrigerator
- Finally, you have to throw the alcohol very carefully helping us with a spoon so that the
alcohol goes down the walls of the glass
- After adding the alcohol, we will wait a few minutes for the filaments to precipitate, the
filaments are transparent similar to an egg white.
- You can take with a teaspoon the strand of DNA and RNA to analyze it.

¡¡ I want to clarify that this is not pure DNA but that it is mixed with RNA fragments!!

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