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GEN 145 – Source Identification Task 1 Student Name: _______________________

A) Planning the rhetorical situation:

1. Identification of the commodity or topic?

- What is the information you want the readers to learn about this commodity?
- What is the impact of this commodity on the environment, culture, society…?

- I want readers to learn about the working parents’ behavior towards their children demands
and make them able to answer does working parents say no to their children or give them
what they want?
- It has significant impact on the culture and society because children learn from their parents
and adopt the habits that they see in their parents. So, the impact can be both positive and
negative depending on what children are learning from the behavior and attitude of their

2. Identification of the audience

- Who do you want to persuade?
- Why do you want to address this group in particular?
- Consider the age, gender, language, culture, religion, level of education, economic class, geographic
location, and/or other circumstances of your audience.
- Is this audience hostile, sympathetic and/or neutral to your message? Why?
- If your audience is the consumer of this commodity, what cultural factors or belief systems are
fueling their demand for the commodity?
- How much does your audience already know about the commodity?

- I want to argue with the working parents.

- The reason I want to argue with the working parents is because thy mostly say yes to
their children on whatever their children demand from them because they believe that
they afford and they earn for their children so they must give them what their children
- My audience will be working parents with no discrimination on the basis of culture,
religion, level of education, and geographical location.
- The audience is neutral to my message because they also agree on same facts such as
unhealthy food and expensive video games on which they also think to say no to their
- The competition of social statuses and materialistic factors are fueling the demands for
the commodity.
- My audience is working parents and they know many things about the topic of concern
that will help me to engage them more efficiently.

3. Purpose
- What is your argument and position?
- What is the message you want to convey to this audience?
GEN 145 – Source Identification Task 1 Student Name: _______________________
- Why do you wish to convey this message? What do you hope will be achieved?

- My purpose for this study is to let working parents know about the impact of their
behavior and attitudes on their children future
- The message that I want to convey is to inform parents that their attitudes and
behavior play significant role in shaping the behavior of their children and they must
not fulfill all useless and unhealthy demands of their children.
- The reason I want to convey this message to my audience is because children are the
future generation that will play role in advancement but the attitudes and behavior
that they will adopt today can ruin the future (if negative).
- I hope that parents will understand my stance and will try to think before giving
everything to their children just for the sake of fulfilling their demands and maintain
social statuses instead they will consider the future consequences and decide

4. Strategy
- How do you plan to affect your audience emotionally?
- How do you plan to appeal to your audience’s sense of logic?
- Do you plan to use ethos? How?

- I plan to effect my audience emotionally by letting them realize that their little mistakes that
they will commit today just for short term happiness of their children can impact the long
term negatively
- I plan to appeal my audience’s sense of logic by giving them statistics and results of different
studies how the bad habits that children will adopt today can harm in their future and for
whole life such as eating unhealthy food and considering social status more important by
wasting money to show off instead of honesty and respecting money.
- No, I have no plans to use ethos.

5. Research
- List of academic sources that will inform your argument; at this point if you only have one article,
just provide the link of the article in the box below.
- For the conferences with your instructor, bring the articles/books that you have read with
highlighted sections you find relevant

GEN 145 – Source Identification Task 1 Student Name: _______________________'s_Behaviour

B. Write a tentative thesis statement in the box below:

- Working parents must not say yes to unhealthy ad unnecessary demands of their children
because it can shape the behavior and attitudes of their children negatively impacting their
whole life.

C. Task Annotated Summary of Source 1.

1. APA Citation (Write the full reference here in APA format).

Sarwar, Samiullah. (2016). Influence of Parenting Style on Children’s Behaviour. Journal of Education and
Educational Development. 3. 222-249. Doi: 10.22555/joeed.v3i2.1036.

2. Provide web link to your article in the box below:'s_Behaviour

3. Summarize the main ideas in the space provided.

Consider the following in your summary:

 What is the article about? Start with a topic sentence and extend your summary with the main
 Use your own words (i.e. paraphrase). Do not forget to add the in-text citation.

Parenting style plays an important role in shaping the children’s behavior and it depends on how parents deal with
the demands of their children and respond effectively when their answer in No. In the article “Influence of parenting
style on Children’s behavior”, Sarwar (2016) argued that parents must be critical when it comes to take decisions for
their children because the different parenting style shapes the behavior of their children accordingly. It is obvious that
children demand for several things from their parents in which not all are necessary and reliable. It depends on the
parenting style and the lass of the parents how they deal with their children. However, they must be very sensitive on
this because it has long term impact o their children and they should give what is good for their children and not all
things. The authoritarian parents cause problematic behavior for the children but authoritative style is efficient

GEN 145 – Source Identification Task 1 Student Name: _______________________
because in this style parents even when say no they give valid reason to their children.

4. What are some ideas in the article that can support your thesis statement? Where in your essay do you
plan to use them?
There are a lot of ideas in the article that support my thesis statement as I have mentioned that the behavior of the
children depends on how their parents treat them. I can use the stance of writer of different parenting styles and their
outcomes to strengthen my argument and to convince working parents to ensure moderate behavior and not say yes
to all demands of the children. Besides, I can use the examples in my body paragraphs to give reference what I will

Sample Annotated Summary

COMMODITY: Illegal fishing

Illegal fishing must be stopped because it affects human health, the economy of the countriesinvolved, and it
destroysmarine life.


1. APA Citation (Write the full reference here in APA format):

Beke, M., &Blomeyer, R. (2014). Illegal fishing, unreported and unregulated fishing: sanctions in the EU.
Brussels: European Parliament .

2. What is the article about? Summarize the main ideas here. Start with a one-sentence summary and
extend your summary with the main ideas. Use your own words (paraphrase). Do not forget to add
the in-text citation.

In the book “Illegal fishing, unreported and unregulated fishing: sanctions in the EU”, Beke&Blomeyer (2014)
write that the illegal fishing is a big problem that the world is suffering from and that there are a lot of fishing
boats that don’t have a licenses. These operate in the oceans such as the Indian and Atlantic Oceans .
Moreover, the fisheries who are practicing illegal fishing are using tools that are banned and they are using
these tools just because it is easy for them to get large amounts of fish in a short time without thinking about
the consequences and negative effects.

3. What are some ideas that can support your thesis statement? Where in your essay do you plan to
use them?
GEN 145 – Source Identification Task 1 Student Name: _______________________
There are a lot of ideas that can support the introduction in my essay in this source such us the meaning of
illegal fishing, the ways of it and what the places in the world that are suffering from illegal fishing are . On
the other hand, it also supports my thesis statement because the book includes some of the consequences
caused by illegal fishing that I can use it in the body paragraphs.

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