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1st Speaker Of Affirmative team:

I strongly believe that SMK is better than SMA. SMK is a school in Indonesia that focusing
on its major to create new freshmen that have both skills and knowlege in their majoring.
SMA is a school in Indonesia that focusing only in the knowlegde in their majoring.

So that is why SMK could get more easier job by their majoring basedon its peupose and
motto “SMK Bisa”. But SMA students need to continue their study to college level to
focusing on the majoring and than they could get the job by it. The implicative of SMK can
rechanged the new high and fastest level on education in reaching the best solution on jobless
in Indonesi.

1st Speaker Of Negative team:

I don’t agree with the motion that SMK is better than SMA. By seeing its quality of education
SMA has higher level on quality far from SMK. SMK is a new sistem program created by
goverment to make a ready-freshmen worker. But in fact, the its quality is opposite to their
misiion. But you can see the sistem of SMA in Indonesia. They focus on only knowledge, but
the school can create a good quality of its purpose so they take 85 person quotes in the
University level.

2nd Speaker Of Affirmative team:

Rebuttle: No, i don’t agrre with you. You thought and said that both sistem is different. But
then you said the its purpose was failed by seeing SMK point of view. You can’t compare the
persentages of the number of students that accepted in University with the persentage of
freshmen woker of SMK in knowledge. You must see how big the number of dreshmen from
SMK that being accepted to be employees in company!

I would like to delivered my sPeech from the effectiveness of SMK on creating qualified

SMK took an unique education sistem that they do acceleration on how student after
graduation from school can directly get a job and qualified. If you see that SMA, they need 4
years more to get a job after the graduation. It means that SMK get effective way on create
new qualified worker than SMA.

2nd Speaker Of Negative team:

Rebuttle: I dn’t agree with the material on delivering of 2nd speker of affirmative tem.
He doesn’t know how big freshmen from SMK who failed on applying a job. SMA also
can directly get a job after they graduate from high school. It means the effectiveness of
your delivery still non sense.

But seeing on my point of view, the SMA is a doubled degree of graduation.

You can easily continue to the university level easier than SMK and you can get a job as
you want. It means, if you failed from the examination of application on university and
you need a money. You can make a money to apply in the company.
So many company accepted from freshmen of SMA. So this proves to us that SMA is
better than SMK.

3rd Speaker of Affirmative team:

Rebuttles:All the materials that negative team talking about is silly and can not be
taken as fact. Thay don’t see why the goverment make the 60:60 SMK:SMA in the
future by 2008. It just because the SMK is the new hopes to Indonesia and applicable on
education to create a new freshmen and worker on company without taking first college
level degree.

So by seeing my team who delivered to you before adjudicator, we are take a red line on
how good SMK to get more easier job than SMA with their major they have. And my
second speaker said that the effetiveness of SMK student to be qualified worker. Let’s
us imagine that Student of SMK from automotive engineering can work as mechanic.
But the student from SMA cannot work as mechanic even just apply to the company by
its requirement. It means it is so effective.

3rd Speaker Of Negative team:

Rebuttle: If yes the SMK is better, why the image of good quality is taking by SMA
level. Does it proven you? So all the rebuttle of 3rd speaker is still can not prove their

The higher level is the higher qualified. So when SMA student took higher level on
college degree. They would have good qualified on working. So that is why the student
from SMK if work in the company just can be a low level position like mechanic, shop
keeper,etc. But ehen student of SMA graduate from University they applied to company
they work as manager of workshop (Leader of mechanic), and Manager of Shop (leader
of shop keeper). So this proves that SMA better than SMK.

 Speker 4 of Negative team:

By seeing my team’s point of view. We straightly go to the red line on how effective of
SMA levels on creating better freshmen. So for the adjudicator time is yours.

Speaker 4 of Affirmative team:

We still absolutely believe that SMK is better than SMA because of its sistem, how
effective to create qualified worker after graduation. So please win for us the

Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!

Contoh Teks Debat dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya – Teks debat berikut ini, memberikan
sebuah daftar argumen yang membahas mengenai apakah sebuah ponsel itu berbahaya atau
tidak. Yuk kita baca, semoga bisa menjadi referensi yang menarik bagi Anda. 🙂

Theme: is cell phone dangerous?

Speaker 1 positive team:

I believe that the use of mobile phones is very dangerous because the cell phone can cause
some problems and threats human life. Those threats are: mobile phones are harmful for the
safety of its users and social and family life.

Speaker 1 negative team:

I do not agree that the use of mobile phones is very dangerous. But instead the cell phone is
very useful for human life. I think cell phone users who do not have responsibility that causes
the phone can endanger their own lives and others.

Speaker 2 positive team:

No I don’t agree with you. I think cell phone that endangers the users. We can see nowadays,
cell phone is not only used by adults but almost every age have been using cell phones. Even
children who are still in school in kindergarten were already using the phone. These under
age users are the one that is very vulnerable to accept the impact of hazards from mobile
phones. We can see lot accidents happening in highway caused by cell phone are from
teenager. They are as if addicted to checking their phones anywhere, including on the
highway while they’re driving. This is what causes them lose concentration and result the
accident. That is why we must ban driver bring the cell phone while driving. So it will reduce
the number of deaths on the highway because of the phone.

Baca juga: 55 Contoh Kalimat Larangan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Speaker 2 negative team:

If you say that cell phone endanger the users. This is not fair because there are still many
people out there who can use it responsibly. Users who do not take responsibility are the
trouble maker because cell phone will not operate itself; it needs someone to operate them. In
the case of the car accident, the users who do not take responsibility are guilty because they
operate it in the wrong time. Responding to your idea about banning the driver for carrying a
cell phone is not appropriate. Precisely phones can be beneficial. For example when see
accident happen on the high way, other drivers can call the police or ambulance to help him.
The study also shows that cell phone is not the cause of the accident on the highway.
However, activities that disrupts the concentration which caused the accident. This means not
only using mobile phones, but also doing other things like makeup, combing hair or talking
while driving is also dangerous.

Baca juga: Nama Hari & Bulan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

Speaker 3 positive:

Not only endanger while driving, other evidence of cell phone that can be deadly is cell
phone disrupts their social life and family life. Currently cell phone is the one who closest to
the users. They prefer to interact with the phone rather than interact with the people around
them. This causes them to be indifferent or anti-social. Good things such as greeting, smile,
and ask the person they meet had been lost in their social life. They move to the use of social
media that can be accessed through mobile phones to interact so that it keeps them away from
the people around them. In family life, they become too individualistic. There is no thing
such as a family discussion, quality time with family like eating together, joking with family
and other things that can strengthen family relationships. Even today at home the whole
family are busy with their own phones.

Speaker 3 negative:

The loss of good norms in the family is not caused by cell phone. We do not agree with what
you have said. Good social life and harmony in the family depends on the personal qualities
and family itself. People are not going to be indifferent if they are more concerned about their
environment. Actually mobile phones can help their social relations by means of interacting
tools anywhere and anytime. In family relationships, harmony can be achieved by giving
more attention to others members of the family. In this case parents that should supervise
their children. If they care and prioritize the family discussion, their children will not hesitate
to share the problem to them. In this case the cell phone can create harmony in the family by
being a tool or a link between the families. For example, by using cell phone parents know
their family members’ condition wherever and whenever.
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Speaker 4 negative:

Based on the arguments which we have stated, once again we strongly disagree with the
statement that cell phone is very dangerous to human life. Cell phone can help by providing
or informing information quickly, helping users interact with each other and control their
family members wherever and whenever.

Speaker 4 positive:

Considering the arguments which we have expressed, we remain stand on our opinion that
the cell phone is very dangerous to human life. Cell phones can cause accidents on the
highway, disrupt social relationships and family of its users.



Pembicara 1 tim yang positif:

Saya percaya bahwa penggunaan ponsel sangat berbahaya karena ponsel dapat menyebabkan
beberapa masalah dan ancaman bagi kehidupan manusia. Ancaman tersebut adalah: ponsel
berbahaya bagi keselamatan pengguna dan kehidupan sosial dan keluarga.

Pembicara 1 tim negatif:

Saya tidak setuju bahwa penggunaan ponsel sangat berbahaya. Namun, sebaliknya ponsel
sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Menurut saya pengguna ponsel yang tidak
bertanggung jawablah yang menyebabkan ponsel dapat membahayakan kehidupan mereka
sendiri dan orang lain.
Pembicara 2 tim yang positif:

Saya pikir ponsellah yang membahayakan penggunanya. Kita bisa melihat saat ini, ponsel
tidak hanya digunakan oleh orang dewasa tapi hampir setiap umur telah menggunakan
ponsel. Bahkan anak-anak yang masih sekolah di TK sudah menggunakan ponsel. Pengguna
di bawah umur ini adalah salah satu yang sangat rentan untuk menerima dampak bahaya dari
ponsel. Kita bisa melihat kecelakaan banyak terjadi di jalan raya yang disebabkan oleh
ponsel. Mereka seakan kecanduan memeriksa ponsel mereka di mana saja, termasuk di jalan
raya saat mereka mengemudi. Inilah yang menyebabkan mereka kehilangan konsentrasi dan
hasilnya kecelakaan. Itulah sebabnya kita harus melarang pengemudi membawa ponsel saat
mengemudi. Sehingga akan mengurangi jumlah kematian di jalan raya karena ponsel.

Pembicara 2 tim yang negatif:

Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa ponsellah yang membahayakan pengguna. Ini tidak adil karena
masih banyak orang di luar sana yang dapat menggunakannya secara bertanggung jawab.
Pengguna yang tidak bertanggung jawab adalah pembuat masalah itu karena ponsel tidak
akan beroperasi sendiri; perlu seseorang untuk mengoperasikannya. Dalam kasus kecelakaan
mobil, pengguna yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang bersalah karena mereka
mengoperasikan ponsel di waktu yang salah. Menanggapi ide Anda tentang pelarangan
membawa ponsel bagi pengemudi tidaklah tepat. Justru ponsel dapat bermanfaat. Misalnya
ketika melihat kecelakaan terjadi, pengemudi lain dapat menghubungi polisi atau ambulans
untuk membantunya. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa ponsel bukanlah penyebab
kecelakaan di jalan raya. Namun, kegiatan yang mengganggu konsentrasilah yang
menyebabkan kecelakaan. Ini berarti tidak hanya menggunakan ponsel, tetapi juga
melakukan hal-hal lain seperti makeup, menyisir rambut atau berbicara juga berbahaya.

Pembicara 3 tim yang positif:

Tidak hanya membahayakan saat mengemudi, bukti lain dari ponsel berbahaya adalah ponsel
mengganggu kehidupan sosial dan kehidupan keluarga mereka. Saat ini ponsel adalah orang
yang paling terdekat dengan pengguna. Mereka lebih memilih untuk berinteraksi dengan
ponsel daripada berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan
mereka menjadi acuh tak acuh atau anti-sosial. Hal-hal baik seperti menyapa, senyum, dan
bertanya dengan orang yang baru mereka temui telah hilang di dalam kehidupan sosial
mereka. Mereka pindah ke penggunaan media sosial yang bisa diakses melalui ponsel untuk
berinteraksi sehingga membuat mereka menjauh dari orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Dalam
kehidupan keluarga, mereka menjadi terlalu individualistis. Tidak ada hal seperti diskusi
keluarga, waktu berkualitas dengan keluarga seperti makan bersama, bercanda dengan
keluarga dan hal-hal lain yang dapat memperkuat hubungan keluarga. Bahkan saat ini di
rumah seluruh keluarga sibuk dengan ponsel mereka sendiri.

Pembicara 3 tim yang negatif:

Hilangnya norma-norma yang baik dalam keluarga tidak disebabkan oleh ponsel. Kami tidak
setuju dengan apa yang Anda katakan. Kehidupan sosial yang baik dan harmonis dalam
keluarga tergantung pada kualitas pribadi dan keluarga itu sendiri. Orang-orang tidak akan
menjadi acuh jika mereka lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan mereka. Sebenarnya ponsel dapat
membantu hubungan sosial mereka dengan cara menjadi alat berinteraksi di mana saja dan
kapan saja. Dalam hubungan keluarga, keharmonisan dapat dicapai dengan memberikan
perhatian lebih kepada anggota lain dari keluarga. Dalam hal ini orang tua yang harus
mengawasi anak-anak mereka. Jika mereka peduli dan memprioritaskan diskusi keluarga,
anak-anak mereka tidak akan ragu-ragu untuk berbagi masalah mereka. Dalam hal ini ponsel
dapat menciptakan keharmonisan dalam keluarga dengan menjadi alat atau penghubung
antara satu sama lain dalam keluarga. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan ponsel orang tua bisa
mengetahui kondisi anggota keluarganya di mana pun dan kapan pun.

Pembicara 4 tim yang negatif:

Berdasarkan argument-argumen yang telah kita sampaikan, sekali lagi kami sangat tidak
setuju dengan pernyataan bahwa ponsel sangat berbahaya bagi kehidupan manusia. Ponsel
dapat membantu dengan memberikan atau menginformasikan informasi dengan cepat,
membantu pengguna berinteraksi satu sama lain dan mengontrol anggota keluarga mereka di
mana pun dan kapan pun.

Pembicara 4 tim yang positif:

Mempertimbangkan argument-argumen yang telah kami utarakan, kami tetap berdiri di atas
pendapat kami bahwa ponsel sangat berbahaya bagi kehidupan manusia. Ponsel dapat
menyebabkan kecelakaan di jalan raya, mengganggu hubungan sosial dan keluarga

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