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PgDip/MSc The Energy Programme/Drilling Technology Well Control Part 2

Well Control Part 2


This topic continues directly on from the previous one, and discusses well
shut-in procedures, calculations and the kill methods used in well control
(Drillers, Wait and Weight and Concurrent) and discusses their relative
merits. Special well control problems such as kicks in oil based mud or
directional boreholes and lost circulation during a kick are approached, as
are well control issues when drilling from a floating rig.

Well Shut-in Procedures

Shutting in the well means using the blowout preventers (BOP) to seal the well annulus.
This may require the use of the annular preventer or pipe rams (Details later).
Systematic, co-ordinated well control procedures are required at all times. Figures 12a
and 12b are recommended steps of different control procedures. There are two shut-in
procedures based on API specifications:
• Soft Shut in with the choke line open;
• Hard shut in with choke line closed.

In general, the soft shut in is the safest and most adopted method. Hard shut in can be
bad for well control. There is the risk of lost circulation due to pressure surge caused by
closing the annulus against mud flow.

Soft shut in for conventional rotary rigs involve the following:

1. Raise the kelly to clear the tool joint just above the rotary table;
2. Shut down the mud pumps;
3. Open the choke line valve with the adjustable choke open;
4. Close the BOP;
5. If surface pressure permits, slowly close the adjustable choke;

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Figure 12a. Well Control Procedures while Drilling.

IF Drilling Break, Pit

Level / Flow
Increase, Change in
Pump Rate /

Mud Loggers Notify Driller

Stop Drilling
Check for Flow

Well Stable Fluid Losses Fluid Gain

Resume Drilling Notify Toolpusher Apply Shut-in Procedure

Notify Toolpusher Pump in Fluid Notify Toolpusher
Wait on Orders

Monitor Shut-in Pressure

Make Control Calculations
Define Weighting and
Circulation Procedures
Proceed with Circulation

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Figure 12b. Well Control Procedures while Tripping.

IF Mud Volume
Displaced is not
Equal to Pipe

Mud Loggers Notify Driller

Stop Tripping
Set Inside BOP
Check for Flow

Well Stable Fluid Losses Fluid Gain

Retain Inside BOP Pump in Fluid at If Weak

If Strong or
Monitor Well Reduced Flow Flow
Keep Hole Full Rate via Annulus
Wait on Orders

Run-in-Hole as
Far as Possible
Monitor Gains

If No If Partial
Return Returns Apply Shut-in

Stop Pumping Continue Pumping via Monitor Shut-in Pressure

Run-in-Hole as Far as Annulus Make Control Calculations
Possible Retain Inside BOP Define Weighting and
Monitor Well RIH to Bottom Circulation Procedures
Wait on Orders Circulate and Wait on Proceed with Circulation
Be Ready for Shut-in Orders

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Observing Shut in Pressures and Kick Volume

After shut in, the influx pressure compresses the mud until the system reaches
THE TIME OF EQUILIBRIUM. It is the responsibility of the drilling crew with the Mud
logger to observe the pressure build-up in both drillpipe and annulus. The maximum
observation time should be 20 minutes in order to avoid the problem of stuck pipe or
uphole gas migration. For drillstrings with back pressure actuated float valve, there may
be no drillpipe pressure recorded increase. For such cases, the driller must pump slowly
against the drillpipe back pressure. The pressure necessary to open the valve is the
shut-in drillpipe pressure. If the influx is gas, a slow increase in surface pressure will
continue after the equilibrium point due to uphole gas migration.
At equilibrium, the driller records:
• Shut in drillpipe pressure (SIDPP) read at the choke panel drillpipe pressure
gauge or at standpipe;
• Shut-in casing pressure (SICP) read at the choke panel annulus pressure gauge
or at the choke manifold. Direct monitoring can also be carried out at the Mud
Loggers cubicle through automatic data gathering system.

In most kicks, the influx does not enter the drillpipe. Therefore, the SIDPP represents
the level by which the formation pressure exceeds the hydrostatic pressure of mud
column. The density of the invading fluid is lower than that of the mud, which reduces
the hydrostatic pressure in the annulus and therefore increasing the differential
pressure. Since the differential pressure is higher in the annulus than the drillstring, the
SICP will be higher than the SIDPP by the same amount (Figure 13).
Mud Loggers/drilling engineers must make accurate estimates of the kick volume as
this provides valuable estimate of influx height and density. The kick volume can be
determined from the increase in total volume or trip tank volume from the start of the
kick to shut in.

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Figure 13. Relationship between SIDPP and SICP at Shut in.

Kill Calculations

To make kill calculations, the following initial data must be available:

• Volume of influx;
• Initial mud weight.

Calculations required are:

• Formation or pore pressure;
• Bottom hole pressure to maintain well during killing operation;
• Kill mud density;
• Initial circulation pressure;
• Final circulation pressure;
• Volume of weighting material needed.

There is a variety of software that can be used on-site to carry out these calculations.
Nevertheless, many company men will feel comfortable with hand calculated values.
Recordings must also be made on the Kick control worksheet.

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Formation Pressure Computation

Equation 2
PH = Hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 × ρ m × D

Bottom Hole Pressure to Maintain While Killing the Well

This must be in excess of the formation pressure to prevent influx. This should include a
safety factor (SF) called trip margin to compensate for calculation errors and swabbing.
SF can be about 0.3 to 0.5 ppg equivalent. Another practice involves calculation based
on yield point of mud in use.
SF =
6 Dh − Dp ]
Dh = hole diameter, in
Equation 3 Dp = drillpipe O.D
YP = Yield point.
SF = Safety factor, ppge

Kill Mud Weight

This is the mud weight required to prevent further influx while circulating out the kick and
during later operations.
ρ KILL = + ρ m + SF
0.052 × D
Equation 4
SF = Safety factor, ppge

Initial Circulation Pressure

During circulation of influx, the choke operator controls bhp by varying the choke
opening or casing pressure. The choke operator monitors the bhp with the drillpipe
pressure gauge. The operator obtains the Initial Circulation Pressure (ICP) by opening
the choke and waiting for the driller to bring the pump to kill rate. The operator then
adjusts the choke to obtain the desired pressure on the drillpipe pressure gauge.
Equation 5
Pc is pressure loss for initial mud weight at the kill rate.

When the driller pumps higher mud weight into the hole, the hydrostatic pressure of the
mud increases in the drillpipe. This reduces differential pressure. As the new mud
travels down the pipe, the circulation pressure declines gradually until new mud reaches
the bit. At kill mud weight, the differential pressure should decline to zero. Thus the
circulation pressure should equal THE KILL RATE PRESSURE LOSS CORRECTED

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Final Circulation Pressure

Equation 6 FCP = Pc ×

To maintain proper bhp, the choke operator must know the required circulation pressure
at each point as the new mud travels to bottom. The ICP and FCP form the end points of
a plot that shows the required pressure at any point (Figure 14). This plot is called the
DRILLPIPE PRESSURE SCHEDULE, and is the guide for choke adjustments while
circulating. If there is no valid slow circulation rate data, then the ICP should be
computed as above. To determine the ICP without previous data, the following steps are
6. Note the SICP;
7. Choose a slow kill rate (about 1/3 to 1/2 of original drilling pump rate). Actual flow rate
not pump stroke should be used unless previously calibrated;
8. Bring pump to new kill rate. Adjust choke to hold casing pressure constant at new
9. Read the drillpipe pressure. This is the ICP to use for circulation.

This procedure ideally works at any point during the killing process as long as the mud
weight is constant.
Figure 14. Graph of Drillpipe Pressure as Kill Mud is Pumped.

Weighting Material Volume Estimation

The Company man determines the well control procedure and the number of circulations
necessary to bring the mud up to the kill weight. If the kick can be controlled in one
circulation cycle, then the control equipment spends less time under pressure. If the
amount of weighting material needed is greater than rig capacity to mix mud, well control
will require weighting up stages. These considerations require calculation of weighting
material volume requirement.

Total Circulating system volume, VS (barrels) =

Annular vol. + Drillstring I.D volume + Active pits volume.

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Barite requirement, Weight (API Tons) =

[ρ KILL − ρ M ]
Tw = 0.736 × Vs
[ρ W − ρ KILL ]

Equation 7 [Tw ] = API Tons

API Tons = 2000 Ibs.
1 sx Baryte = 100Ibs

Barite Volume Requirement, Vw = Tw x 2000/ ρw

Finally, rate of barite or weighting material addition is calculated.
1472 × qr × (ρ kill − ρ m )
Rate =
42(ρ w − ρ kill )
Equation 8
[Rate] = APItons / min [qr ] = strokes / min
Interpretation of Influx

A first step towards the control of influx after shut-in and data gathering is the
identification of the type and size of the influx, which will eventually guide the choice of
the appropriate control measures. The influx may be oil, water or gas or a combination
of the three. Water and oil do not show significant compressibility effects under typical
wellbore conditions but gas can be extremely difficult to handle because of its high
compressibility. Typical characteristics of a gas kick are that it will expand as it rises in
the hole because of the reduction in hydrostatic pressure especially close to the surface,
thus greatly affecting the pit volume gain to be handled. Gases also have much lower
densities than most drilling fluids, and therefore tend to rise up the annulus in the mud. If
the well remains shut in during migration, a gas influx will move up as a slug and will
retain its volume and pressure. Circulating out the influx through an adjustable choke
normally restricts gas expansion. This lead to surface pressure increase as the gas
moves up the annulus and it is highest when the gas influx reaches the surface. As the
gas bubble rises, the hydrostatic pressure of mud column pressing down the gas
becomes less, thus increasing the surface casing pressure. Thus, the greater the
migration the higher will be the surface pressure. It is imperative therefore that once
there is a kick especially if it is gas, circulation should start as soon as possible after the
If a weighted mud reaches the hole bottom before the top of a gas kick migrates up
the annulus and reaches the casing shoe, the pressure at the shoe will be less by a
height of the weighted mud in the annulus and the difference between the mud weights.
Effective quality control is essential to a successful killing process. The simpler the
control procedure is, the lower the chance of error. If time permits, it may usually be
simpler to circulate the kill mud and kill the influx at source. A second quality assurance
is that the chosen circulation method should not exceed the rig capacity to weight up

Computation of Kick Height, LK

The general assumptions in the calculations are:

• The influx behaves as a slug and does not mix with the wellbore fluid;
• The Pit gain is the kick volume;
• The hole diameter is to gauge;
• Hole is vertical.

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Assume the annular capacities in the regions of the drillpipe and collar are vadp (barrels
per foot or gallons per foot of hole length) and vadc respectively.
Given that the pit gain or kick volume = VK
The annular geometry is normally not uniform due to bottom hole assembly (BHA)
diameter being greater than drillpipe diameter. The first step in the calculation of kick
height therefore is to find out if the volume of kick is greater that the annular volume in
the region of the BHA.

The two conditions for influx height calculation are:

If VK < Vadc
where Vadc = vadc x Ldc and Ldc = Length of drillcollar
Equation 9 LK = VK Vadc
If VK > Vadc
Equation 10 LK = L dc + [VK − L dc × Vadc ] Vadp

Calculation of Kill Mud Density, ρK

Equation 11 ρ KILL = ρ m − [(SICP − SIDPP) / 0.025 × L K ]

If ρK > 8.3, then influx is water

If 7.6 ppg< ρK < 8.33 ppg, then influx is oil
If < 2.3 ppg, then influx is gas
If 2.3 < ρK < 7.6 ppg then influx is condensate, gas-cut oil or gas-cut water.
Different service companies have ‘Kick’ software for computing the kick densities and
can create so-called ‘bubble plot’ that indicates annular pressure changes as influx is
circulated up the hole.

Calculation of Annular Pressure Profile.

Strictly speaking, well control procedures do not require the calculation of annular
pressure profile for a kick, but this may be useful especially for gas kick.

The Pmax is calculated as: -

1029.42 × VK × D
Pmax (psi) = 0.052 × ρ kill
Equation 12
A s = Annular surface area at wellhead, in 2 ; D = TVD, ft.

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Kill Methods

There are three major kill methods usually adopted by industry for the control of influx
into the wellbore. These are:
• The Driller’s Method;
• Wait and Weight Method (Also called the Engineers Method);
• Concurrent Method.

There are also two quasi-control methods that do not require circulation through the
choke. These are:
• Top Kill Method;
• Volumetric Method;

Driller’s Method

In this method, the well is originally shut-in after the kick has occurred with the
appropriate shut in procedures followed. Thereafter, the influx is circulated out using the
original mud in the hole. Once the kick is out of the hole, the hole is subsequently filled
with the heavier kill mud. This control method therefore requires two circulation cycles.
Circulation 1 removes the influx and circulation 2 circulates the kill mud. Operators tend
to use the Driller’s method when they are certain the kick contains little or no gas. The
method requires the following steps:
10. Shut in the well in accordance with the prescribed procedure. Monitor and record
11. Calculate the Initial circulation pressure (ICP) from the SIDPP;
12. Calculate:
• Formation pressure;
• Bottom hole pressure to maintain during circulation;
• Mud weight necessary to kill the well. To include safety factor;
• Final circulation pressure.
13. Check calculations with those of other members of the control team
14. Construct a drillpipe plot, showing the change from initial to final circulation pressure
versus pump strokes from surface to bit. Retain the plot for use during the second
circulation cycle.
15. Set the adjustable choke. About 20% -25% open will be fine depending on the type of
16. Start mud pumps to break circulation (Break gel)
17. Bring the pumps to the kill rate. Maintain the kill rate through the first circulation cycle.
18. As the driller increases the pump speed to kill rate, the choke operator adjusts the
choke to maintain the casing pressure at or slightly above the SICP.
19. The choke operator must then turn his attention to the drillpipe pressure gauge.
When the pump reaches the kill rate, choke operator adjusts the choke, to obtain the
ICP determined by calculation.

Throughout the first circulation cycle, the choke operator adjusts the choke as necessary
to maintain the ICP, until the kick fluid is completely removed from the annulus. If the
kick fluid contains gas, the casing pressure will increase as the kick moves up the
annulus. The choke operator MUST NOT adjust the choke to compensate for the casing

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pressure increase. The choke must only be adjusted to maintain the correct drillpipe
20. When the kick is circulated out, shut the well and mix kill mud to required weight.
Although some operators prefer circulating the original mud while mixing the kill mud.
It serves no useful purpose except to further clean out cuttings.
21. If well is shut in, monitor the SIDPP and SICP while mixing the kill mud. This ensures
well is under initial primary control.
22. When kill mud is ready for pumping, reset the choke to about 25% open. Start pump
again to break gel.
23. Bring pump to kill rate. Maintain kill rate throughout the second circulation cycle.
24. As the rate increases to kill rate level, adjust choke to main constant casing pressure
slightly above the SICP. The drillpipe pressure should decrease as the kill mud
moves down the drillpipe. Plot actual drillpipe pressure versus the theoretical
pressure as pumping proceeds.
25. If no kick fluid remains in the hole at the start of the second circulation, no choke
adjustment should be necessary while the kill mud circulates to bottom. The drllpipe
pressure should be only the amount necessary to circulate the kill mud, ie, the Final
circulation pressure (FCP).
26. As the kill mud moves up the annulus, adjust the choke as necessary to maintain the
drillpipe pressure at FCP.
27. When the kill mud reaches surface, stop circulation, make a soft shut-in and monitor
the drillpipe and casing pressure gauges. They should read zero if the well is dead. If
there is still pressure, start again from step three after the preliminary calculations.

Merits of Driller’s Method

• Minimum circulation;
• Minimum idle time. No waiting;
• Minimum well information required.

Disadvantages of Drillers Method

• High annular pressures if kick contains gas;
• Maximum time with well under pressure;
• Maximum time spent controlling choke!

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Figure 15a. Driller’s Method U – Tube Analogy.

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Figure 15b. Driller’s Method Pressure Profile – First Circulation.

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Figure 15c. Driller’s Method Pressure Profile – Second Circulation.

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Wait and Weight Method (Engineer’s Method)

In this method, otherwise known as the Engineers Method, the influx is circulated out by
the kill mud in one cycle. This requires the manipulation of the choke to maintain
constant bottom hole pressure as the new mud moves from surface to bottom. The kill
may require several circulation cycles with mud density raised in stages.
The method requires the following steps:
1. Shut in the well in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
2. Monitor and record SIDPP and SICP.
3. Calculate the Initial circulation pressure (ICP) from the SIDPP.
4. Calculate:
• Formation pressure;
• Bottom hole pressure to maintain during circulation;
• Mud weight necessary to kill the well. To include safety factor;
• Final circulation pressure.
5. Check calculations with those of other members of the control team.
6. Start mixing the new kill mud. A large mud weight increase may require excessive
waiting time, allowing gas migration up the annulus. Alternatively then, mud weight
can be raised in two or three stages.
7. Construct a drillpipe plot, showing the change from initial to final circulation pressure
versus pump strokes from surface to bit. Retain the plot for use during the second
circulation cycle.

If the mud weight increase requires a stage kill, make separate drillpipe pressure plots
for each stage. The ICP and FCP depend on the initial and final mud weights for each
8. When the kill or intermediate mud is ready for pumping, set the adjustable choke.
About 20% -25% open will be fine depending on the type of influx.
9. Start mud pumps to break circulation (Break gel).
10. Bring the pumps to the kill rate. Maintain the kill rate through the circulation cycle.
11. As the driller increases the pump speed to kill rate, the choke operator adjusts the
choke to maintain the casing pressure at or slightly above the SICP.
12. The choke operator must then turn his attention to the drillpipe pressure gauge.
13. As the drillpipe fills with kill mud, adjust the choke as necessary to reduce drillpipe
pressure on the schedule determined by the drillpipe pressure plot. The pipe
pressure should decline as the kill mud fills the pipe. Plot the actual versus the
theoretical values as pumping proceeds.
14. When the kill mud reaches the bit, the pipe pressure should be equal to the final
circulation pressure.
15. As the kill mud moves up the annulus, adjust the choke if necessary to maintain the
pipe pressure at FCP.

If it is a gas kick, or it contains gas, the casing pressure will increase as the gas moves
up the annulus. The choke SHOULD NOT be adjusted to compensate for the increase in
casing pressure. Rather choke should be adjusted only to correct drillpipe pressure.
16. Continue to circulate until kill mud reaches surface.

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17. When the kill mud reaches surface, make a soft shut in and monitor SIDPP and
SICP. Both should be zero showing the well is dead. If there are pressure recordings,
recalculate kill and start again from step 5!

Advantages of the Engineers Method

• Lowest wellbore and surface pressure;
• Minimum time spent ‘on-choke’.

• Idle time weighting up with gas migration possible;
• Possibility of several circulation cycles if large mud weight increase is necessary.
Figure 16a. Weight and Wait Method U – Tube Analogy.

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Figure 16b. Weight and Wait Method - Pressure Profile during Circulation.

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Concurrent Method

This method mixes the features of the Driller and Engineer’s methods. It can be applied
in cases where the surface pressures need to be kept as low as possible and shut-in
time to a minimum. Circulation starts immediately after observing the shut-in pressures
using the current mud weight. Then the mud weight is increased in stages. As each
stage of increased mud weight reaches the bit, the driller starts pumping the next stage.
When the new mud reaches the kill mud weight, circulation continues until new mud
reaches the surface.
This method requires manipulation of the choke to maintain constant BHP just as in
the engineer’s method. However the mud weight increases determine the pipe pressure
schedule and the pump stroke from surface to bit. The pipe pressure schedule covers a
longer interval than the other two methods. The Concurrent method requires the
following steps:
1. Follow steps 1 to 5 as in the other methods
2. Determine the number of stages necessary to provide a smooth transition from initial
to kill mud weight. The number is minimum 2 and maximum greater than 5.
3. Construct a drillpipe plot, showing the end-to end changes in circulation pressure
versus pump strokes from surface to bit, for each stage.
4. Mix the mud to weight needed for the first stage.
5. Set the adjustable choke. About 20% -25% open will be fine depending on the type of
6. Start mud pumps to break circulation (Break gel)
7. Bring the pumps to the kill rate. Maintain the kill rate through the first circulation cycle.
8. As the driller increases the pump speed to kill rate, the choke operator adjusts the
choke to maintain the casing pressure at or slightly above the SICP.
9. The choke operator must then turn his attention to the drillpipe pressure gauge.
10. Adjust the choke as necessary to reduce the pipe pressure on the schedule
determined by the pipe pressure plot. This pipe pressure must follow a stepwise
decline as the kill mud moves down the drillpipe. Plot actual versus theoretical pipe
11. When new mud reaches the bit, start pumping mud for the next stage.
12. Repeat steps 10-11 for each stage of mud weight increase.

If the kick fluid contains gas, the casing pressure will increase as the kick moves up the
annulus. The choke operator MUST NOT adjust the choke to compensate for the casing
pressure increase. The choke must only be adjusted to maintain the correct drillpipe
13. When the kill mud reaches the bit, the pipe pressure should be equal to the FCP
14. As the kill mud moves up the annulus, adjust the choke if necessary to maintain pipe
pressure at the FCP.
15. Continue circulation at the kill rate until mud reaches the surface. If new mud is
intermediate mud then repeat the steps to step 12 until kill mud circulates to surface.
16. When the kill mud reaches surface, stop circulation, make a soft shut-in and monitor
the drillpipe and casing pressure gauges. They should read zero if the well is dead. If
there is still pressure, start again from step 2 after the preliminary calculations.

Advantages of the Concurrent Method

• Minimum idle time. Control starts immediately;
• Continuous, smooth adjustment of mud density.

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Main Disadvantages
• Slightly more complex calculations than the other two methods;
• Maximum time spent circulating under pressure.

Well Control Without Circulation

If the influx is gas, and the drillstring is plugged or completely out of the hole, then there
is no means of circulation. Without circulation, gas will rise in the annulus leading to
casing and bottom hole pressure increase. Excessive increase may cause damage at
surface or at weak point of casing shoe. In such cases the driller may use the Volumetric
Method to bleed off mud volume, allowing gas to expand as it migrates upward.
In the real sense of the word, Volumetric Method is not a kill method. Rather it involves
the bleedoff of the influx or kick pressure. The well control team must still eventually
circulate the kill mud to kill the well dead. This method is most effective when the kick
occurs due to swabbing. In most cases under this condition, the mud weight is probably
sufficient to prevent further influx before the circulation of weighted mud. However, if the
cause of kick is insufficient mud weight, then there is likely to be further influx when the
kick bleeds off at the surface.

Control Procedure for Volumetric Method

The procedure for the Volumetric Method of control is as follows:

1. Shut in the well according to defined procedure in well plan.
2. Monitor and record SICP. By definition, use of the SIDPP does not exist since there
can be no circulation through the drillpipe.
3. Calculate the bottom hole pressure to maintain while killing the well
4. If the SICP gradually rises after 10-20minutes of shut-in, the kick contains gas and
the well control team must apply the volumetric method.
5. Allow the SICP to rise by a convenient increment. About 5bar (75psi) or maximum
100psi is recommended. Make sure the rise does not exceed the MAASP.
6. Slowly open the manual choke and bleed off mud volume until the casing pressure
drops by the predefined increment. This allows the gas influx to expand slightly in the
7. Close the manual choke and note the new SICP. After bleed-off, the new SICP will be
higher than the original SICP.
8. Again allow the SICP to rise to predefined increment level.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 as needed until the kick reaches the surface. The bleed-off mud
volume required will increase as the gas expands, and the bleed-off volume may
become very large when gas nears surface.
10. As the gas reaches surface and bleeds off through the choke, slowly pump mud into
the hole via the kill line, to replace the lost fluid volume.
11. The control team can then ‘’strip or snub’’ the drill string into the hole to complete the

Stripping and Snubbing

Normally, kick control using balanced bottom hole pressure requires that the drillstring
be at or near bottom. If the drillstring is not on bottom at the time of shut-in, the driller
must run in hole under pressure. Stripping and snubbing are the two optional processes
normally adopted for running-in of drillpipe under pressure. The primary objective of
these processes is to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure while running-in the

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drillstring. This requires careful manipulation of a manually operated adjustable choke to

bleed off mud volume displaced by the pipe.
• Stripping in uses the travelling block to lower the pipe into the hole, through a
partially closed blowout preventer (BOP). The method is most practical when the
pipe weight is sufficient to overcome the upward force generated by well pressure
on the pipe cross section;
• Snubbing uses hydraulic or mechanical equipment to apply downward force to
the pipe. This way the snubbing process overcomes the excess upward force
generated by well pressure on the pipe cross-section.

For either process, the BOP must be closed against the pipe wall to maintain at least a
partial seal. The driller may choose to run the pipe in through:
• The annular preventer only or;
• Combination of annular or pipe ram preventers.

Stripping / Snubbing Operation Procedure

• Bleed off one unit of mud volume for every unit of pipe volume. Stripping /
snubbing requires an inside BOP installed in the drillstring. This means that the
pipe displaces both its steel volume and internal capacity as it goes in the hole;
• Use a manually operated choke to control mud volume bleedoff. Hydraulic
chokes operate with a delay system that makes it difficult to control the bleed-off
• Accurately measure the volume of mud displaced by the pipe. Displace the mud
into the trip tank for accurate measurement;
• Expect annular pressures to rise when the pipe begins to displace kick fluid -
Running the pipe into the kick fluid will increase the length of the kick fluid
column. The kick fluid is usually lower in density than the drilling mud.
Therefore, the longer kick fluid column usually reduces annular hydrostatic
pressure, thus increasing surface pressure;
• Allow for fluid leakage through the preventer sealing elements when measuring
the volume of mud displaced. Some leakage is necessary to lubricate the pipe
and reduce sealing element wear.

Measurement of mud lost via leakage through the BOP sealing elements by the control
team is essential.

The Top Kill Method

If the drillstring is off bottom, or out of the hole, and running in appears to be very risky,
then the top kill control technique can be adopted. Top kill methods include:
• Bullheading - This is a process involving the injection of mud into the closed
annulus to force invading fluids back into formation. It is a popular method
adopted for cleaning up the wellbore after a drill stem test especially in cased
hole. It is rare in kick control except in unusual circumstances where everything
else is not possible. The main disadvantage is that it risks failure of the casing
shoe and in a shallow hole may result in creation of fissures to the surface behind
the casing. Bullheading works mainly if the producing formation is isolated from
the rest of the wellbore;
• Setting barite or cement plugs

A barite plug is a slurry of barite and fresh water or alternatively barite and diesel,
spotted above the producing formation to bridge off the hole. Merits of this method are:
• The barite is fine enough to pump through the bit nozzles;

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• Setting a barite plug offers a reasonable chance of recovering the drillstring;

• The plug can be drilled out if necessary.

A major disadvantage however is that the barite may plug the drillstring if not fully
displaced into the annulus.
Examples of Barite plug requirements are:
• Possible slurry densities: 1.76 - 2.58 SG;
• Barite in fresh water: 485 – 1530 lbs / bbl (This may require thinning with
phosphates or lignosulfonates;
• Phosphate mixing requirements: 2.8lbs / bbl;
• Lignosulphonate mixing requirement: 0.4lbs /bbl;
• Barite in diesel: 570 - 1660 lbs / bbl.

The recommended volume of barite slug is about 10 barrels. Mixing/displacement must

be prompt to prevent barite sag and possible plugging of the drillstring. The use of the
cement pump may improve matters. The use of a cement plug however should be
regarded as a last option as this is tantamount to well abandonment including loss of
much of the drillstring.

Special Well Control Problems

Kicks in Oil-Based Mud

In oil-based muds, gas readily goes into solution, breaking out of the mud at shallower
depths than in water-based muds. This makes it difficult to detect gas kick in oil-based
mud especially as no significant pit gain or flow rate increase may occur until the kick
travels some distance up the wellbore. When the wellbore pressure falls below the
bubble point for the gas, a rapid increase in flow and high annulus pressure may result.
To avoid any problems it is best to:
• Shut-in if any kick occurs. No need for a flow check. However if that is strongly
suggested as part of well plan, extend the check period to about 30 minutes;
• Circulate bottoms up via the choke line, after a trip or if return flow changes
indicate a possible kick;
• Pay special attention to return flow rate and gas detection equipment when the
operator uses oil-based mud.

Kicks in Directional Boreholes

Generally, pressure and mud weight estimations are based on true vertical depths, not
measured depth. In horizontal wells, any influx deserves special attention because it has
the potential of large influx volume. This could result in extreme annulus pressures
during circulation if the kick is gas.

Lost Circulation during Kick

Lost circulation may occur at any time during kick circulation due to fracturing induced
by excessive annulus pressures. Losses may be total or partial, THEREFORE well must
be monitored for losses.
Indicators are:
• Decrease in pit level during circulation;

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• Decrease in drillpipe and casing pressures. Pressures may not respond to choke
adjustments. If losses are total, the pressures may approach zero.

For partial losses, the possible solutions are:

• Maintain pump rate and pipe pressure while adding enough mud to keep hole full;
• Reduce kill rate to reduce annular pressure losses. It is necessary to reduce
choke opening to maintain balanced bhp;
• Add loss control materials. This may however affect the choke performance;
• Pump heavy slug of mud into the annulus below the suspected loss zone. If
the well is killed through this process, then steps can thereafter be taken to
control the lost circulation before drilling ahead.

For total losses, the best option is to set cement or barite plug.

Kick with BHA in BOP Stack

Any kick while pulling or running in with drillcollars is dangerous because:

• The effect of the wellbore pressure on the drillstring cross-section may force the
drillcollars out of the hole;
• Likewise, a late kick detection may indicate that the influx is close to the surface
resulting in high annulus pressure at shut-in;
• Generally, the driller can only use the annular bop, which may not close enough
to prevent lifting of the drillcollars by the wellbore pressure. If there is no float
valve on the string, then there is no easy way to install an inside bop.

Solutions to the problem include:

• Best solution is to detect kick before drillcollars reach the BOP stack;
• Other options if kick occurs with only collars in the hole are:
o Shut in the annular BOP, add a crossover and inside BOP, then strip or
snub drillpipe into the hole. This can be dangerous, though;
o Drop the strings into the hole and shut in using the shear rams of BOP.

Kick with Casing in the Hole

Kicks while running casing require the same basic well control procedures as for drill
string. Many casing runs include a differential fillup valve near the shoe that will also
prevent influx fluid from entering the casing. Casing fillup while running in is essential to
prevent collapse from annular pressures.

Before running casing, the following precautions are essential:

• Change at least one set of pipe rams to the size required for the casing;
• Keep a circulating head ready for use;
• On floating rigs, keep a crossover casing to drillpipe, available so that the casing
string can be hung-off if necessary
• Know the annular volumes per depth increment;
• Maintain trip volume data based on metal displacement and internal capacity of
the casing.

During casing run, well control can be maintained by:

• Calculating annular volumes either manually or using the ‘kick’ program;

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• Computing the surge and swab pressures for the casing to be run;
• Following the trip displacement volumes and monitoring flow.


Hydrates are a mixture of frozen gas and water that can cause problems at surface
during well control operations. Hydrates may form if:
• The influx contains gas and free water;
• The gas temperature is below its dew point;
• Low surface temperature exist;
• The influx fluid is under high pressure.

In temperate/cold climates, hydrates can be a routine occurrence in drilling/production

operations. They do cause circulation problems by blocking or restricting flow in chokes
and valves and even flow lines.

The best treatment is prevention, which can include:

• Reducing free water content by using oil-based or salt saturated muds;
• Maintaining surface temperature as high as possible;
• Injecting methanol or glycol upstream of the choke and choke line valves.
Recommended rate is about 0.5 - 1gal / min.

Once formed, hydrates can best be removed by circulating hot brine.

Release of H2S at Surface

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a very toxic gas and containment planning should be part of
an overall well plan. The contingency containment plan normally includes:
• Information on the physical effects of exposure to hydrogen sulphide and sulphur
• Safety and training procedures/equipment at well site;
• Procedures for well operations when H2S exists at surface;
• Responsibilities and duties of wellsite personnel when operating under H2S
• Designation of briefing areas, evacuation plan, and agencies to be notified in
case of extreme emergency.

H2S promotes rapid corrosion and embrittlement of steel components. For prevention, it
is advisable to add scavenger chemicals to the circulating system.

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Well Control from a Floating Rig

A few conditions are rather unique to drilling from a floating rig, which can be a drillship,
semi-submersible or FPSO (Floating production and storage vessel). These can create
some level of complexity for well control operations. Such complexity may include:
• Rig movement or motion may cause pit level and flow variations that makes kicks
harder to detect;
• Offshore fracture gradients are lower than onshore especially in deepwater. This
increases the susceptibility to lost circulation during kick in a shallow hole;
• Loss of mud from a riser leak may reduce the hydrostatic pressure;
• The pressure drop in a long choke line increases annulus pressure during
• The annular BOP may fail if rig motion reciprocates the pipe through the BOP for
an extended period;
• Hanging off the drillstring and disconnecting riser from the BOP stack may be
difficult especially in bad weather;
• A riser filled with gas from a kick may collapse due to external water pressure;
• The increased complexity and remote location of the BOP stack increases BOP
response times and may decrease equipment reliability.

Mud Loggers need to pay particular attention to these for effective well control.

Rig Motion Effects

The floating rig motion can affect drastically the most positive early indicators of a kick,
which are:
• Pit level increase;
• Increase in return flow rate.

Movement of the slip joint at the top of a riser, upward heave movement of the rig
momentarily reduces return flow. Downward heave movement alternatively increases
return flow. Thus a kick caused increase in return flow may be difficult to see because of
these cyclical changes. No convenient solution exists. However, calibration of sensor
systems and provision of dampeners may help.
The main problem in measuring pit volume on a floating rig is that of mud surging from
one end of the pit to the other as the rig heaves and yaws. This is most noticeable in
drillships although motion compensators are provided. For accuracy, it is best to place
sensors as close as possible to the centre line. Some modern well control computer
programs do make compensation allowance for rig movement as well.

Low Offshore Fracture Gradients

In general, a given shallow casing seat offshore is weaker than its equivalent onshore.
This creates a greater chance of lost circulation in shallow wells. There is the likelihood
of fissures propagating all the way to the surface. Many a blowout occurs from this
phenomenon. To minimise this, many a shallow offshore drilling is done without riser or
with a diverter in place.

Loss of Hydrostatic Pressure in Riser

For whatever reason, a riser may detach from the wellhead during drilling. This may
cause seawater to enter and replace the mud column in the riser annulus. This leads to

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a reduction in the hydrostatic pressure in the hole since seawater has a lower density
than drilling mud generally. It is reasonable to include what is called Riser Margin in the
kick calculations when drilling from a floating rig. This margin is the mud weight required
to balance formation pressure if the riser should fail.
In relatively deep water, the mud weight needed for a riser margin may be higher than
the fracture gradient, which may cause lost circulation. It is therefore essential that mud
loggers should know the fracture pressure at the weakest point in the hole before
calculating and using a riser margin.

To calculate the riser margin, use the following equation:

PS = 0.052 × ρ S × D W

Equation 13 Ps = Sea water pressure, psi

D w = Water depth, ft
ρ s = Seawater density, ppg (Average value is 8.5ppg)

Next calculate the difference between riser mud and seawater pressure:
Pd = PF − PS
Equation 14
PF = formation pressure, psi

Finally, compute the mud weight without riser, Mud Weight Needed=:
ρ N = ρ D (Dbr × 0.052)

Equation 15
Dbr = depth below riser, ft .
Riser margin = ρ N - ρ KILL

Choke Line Pressure Losses

The general effect of annular pressure loss during circulation is to increase the pressure
exerted on formations in open hole. For onshore and shallow offshore drilling, annular
pressure losses are relatively small and do not strictly require inclusion in kick
calculations. During a kick, mud circulates from the annulus through the choke line. This
small choke line restricts flow which results in higher annular pressure losses compared
to when drilling. The line is generally short onshore or swamp rigs, but offshore, this line
may be several 100ft long. Therefore the choke line losses can be very high indeed.
This leads to excessive annular pressure losses while circulating out a kick.
Compensation for this requires proper preplanning in kick calculations.
Generally, the driller should circulate down the choke line (back up the riser) and
measure the pressure drop on the choke line pressure gauge. Many hydraulic software
programmes provide for this calculation by substituting choke line I.D and length for the
drillpipe values. If a kick occurs, the well control team can compensate for the choke line
pressure losses in one of two ways:
• As the driller brings the pumps to the kill rate, adjust the choke to maintain casing
pressure at the SICP value;
• If the kill line has a separate pressure gauge, close kill line downstream of the
gauge and use it to monitor casing pressure during circulation. Advantages of this
technique include:
o No choke pressure information is needed;
o The choke manifold pressure will decrease after the pumps come up to
kill rate by the amount equal to the choke line pressure losses;
o The control team can use the kill line pressure gauge to monitor pump
pressures and for problem analysis.

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Blowout Prevention and Control

When secondary control fails, then a blowout can result. This will be evidenced by the
massive influx into the wellbore and a ‘gusher’ at the surface. To control this, it may be
useful to close the blind rams before ‘abandoning ship’. Putting a blowout under full
control may require the drilling of a relief well through which can be pumped very heavy
mud or cement to plug off the well affected. In all cases, the control of blowout may
require the services of special blowout control teams.

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Figure 1. Examples of Kick Control Worksheets.

Well Control Pre-Kick Data Sheet (Subsea Only)

Name: Date: Level:

Measured Depth from RKB:_________ft True vertical Depth from RKB:___________ft

Measured Casing Shoe Depth

from RKB__________________ft Casing Shoe from RKB:________________ft

Water Depth:____________________ft Air Gap:_____________________________ft

Wt. Capacity x Length' = Volume

Drill String Data OD (in) ID (in) lb/ft bbl/ft (ft) bbls
Drill Pipe
Drill Collars
Check that Total Length = Measured Depth Total Length Total Drillstring

Capacity x Length = Volume

Annulus Data bbl/ft (ft) bbls
Choke Line Bit to Shoe
Drill Pipe in Casing Volume
Drill Pipe in Open Hole =
Drill Collars in Open Hole bbls
Note: Total Length may not equal Measured Total Length Total Annulus
Depth if Chokeline is longer than Riser

Total Drillstring Total Annulus Total System

(Surface to Bit) (Bit toSurface) Volume
bbls + bbls = bbls

Capacity x Length = Volume

bbl/ft (ft) bbls
Riser Volume

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Pump No. Pump Output



20 spm psi psi psi
30 spm psi psi psi
40 spm psi psi psi

Drillstring Data
Drillstring Volume Pump Output Bit to Shoe
(bbls) bbls/stk Strokes

Surface to Bit Slow Circulating Surface to Bit

Strokes Rate spm Time

Open Hole Data

Bit to Shoe Pump Output Bit to Skoe
Volume bbls bbl/stk Strokes

Bit to Shoe Slow Circulating Bit to Shoe

Strokes Rate spm Time

Annulus Data
Bit to Surface
Volume (via C.L.) Pump Output Bit to Surface
(bbls) bbl/stk Strokes

Bit to Surface Slow Circulating Bit to Surface

Strokes Rate spm Time

Riser Data
Pump Output BOP to Surface
Volume (bbl) bbl/stk Strokes

BOP to Surface Slow Circulating BOP to Surface

Strokes Rate spm Time

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Well Control Kick Sheet (Subsea Only)


Read and Record SIDPP, SICP and PIT GAIN


_______psi ________bbl _______psi

Day:____________ Date:____/___/____ Time:_________

Max. Mud wt.

Surface Casing TVD Leak Off Test Maximum

Leak Off Test from RKB Mud Weight Mud Weight
psi / ft / 0.052 + ppg = ppg

Formation Breakdown Maximum

Gradient Mud Weight
OR psi/ft / 0.052 = ppg

Max. Allowable
Maximum Driiling Casing TVD Annulus
Mud weight Mud Weight from RKB Surface Pressure
[ ppg - ppg ]x 0.052 x ft = psi

M.A.C.P. Safety Max. Allowable

Casing Yield Factor Surface Pressure
psi x 0.8 = psi

Kill Mud
TVD from Current
S.I.D.P.P. RKB Mud Weight Kill Mud
psi / ft / 0.052 + ppg = ppg

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Pressure Step Down Chart

1. Establish I.C.P. 2. Calculate F.C.P. 3. Calculate stepdown.

4. In the left hand column, record strokes in 100 stroke
intervals until final circulating pressure is reached.
5. Record I.C.P in right hand column and deduct P x 100 Strokes D.P.P.
pressure P until F.C.P. is reached. psi/100 stks 0 ____ ICP
6. Calculate adjusted choke line friction ( Kill Mud).
7. Calculate complete circulation, in strokes and time.

I.C.P. Initial Circulating

SCR Riser SIDPP Pressure
psi + psi = psi
Drilling Final Circulating
SCR Riser Kill Mud Mud Weight Pressure
psi x ppg / ppg = psi

P Surface to Bit Pressure

(ICP-FCP) Strokes Stepdown
- psi / = psi/stk

Adjusted Choke Line Friction

Choke Line Friction Kill Mud Original Mud P. CLF
psi x ppg / ppg = psi

Complete Circulation

Surface to Bit Bit to Surface Strokes to Kill

Strokes Strokes Well to surface
+ =
Surface to Bit Bit to Surface Time to Kill
Time Time Well to Surface
+ =
Riser Data
Riser Pump Riser
Volume Output Strokes
bbl / bbl/stk =
Riser Slow Circulating Time to
Strokes Rate Displace Riser
/ =

© The Robert Gordon University 2002 30

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