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Causal Models of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder: From Common Simple Deficits to Multiple

Developmental Pathways
Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke
Until recently, causal models of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have tended to focus on the role of common, simple,
core deficits. One such model highlights the role of executive dysfunction due to deficient inhibitory control resulting from disturbances
in the frontodorsal striatal circuit and associated mesocortical dopaminergic branches. An alternative model presents ADHD as
resulting from impaired signaling of delayed rewards arising from disturbances in motivational processes, involving frontoventral
striatal reward circuits and mesolimbic branches terminating in the ventral striatum, particularly the nucleus accumbens. In the
present article, these models are elaborated in two ways. First, they are each placed within their developmental context by consideration
of the role of person ⫻ environment correlation and interaction and individual adaptation to developmental constraint. Second, their
relationship to one another is reviewed in the light of recent data suggesting that delay aversion and executive functions might each
make distinctive contributions to the development of the disorder. This provides an impetus for theoretical models built around the idea
of multiple neurodevelopmental pathways. The possibility of neuropathologic heterogeneity in ADHD is likely to have important
implications for the clinical management of the condition, potentially impacting on both diagnostic strategies and treatment options.

Key Words: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, causal models, The Quest for Common Core Dysfunctions in the
executive function, delay aversion, development, dopamine Science of Psychopathology
Philosophers of science have observed that the practice and
ttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)1 is a debil-

A itating childhood psychiatric condition characterized by

severe and persistent impulsiveness, inattention, and
overactivity, resulting in significant long-term educational and
progress of science is shaped by the assumptions held by
scientists about the nature of the phenomena of interest (Sonuga-
Barke 1998). Although such assumptions are essential to science,
in that they provide a common set of meanings that allow
social disadvantage (Swanson et al 1998). Despite considerable communication between scientists themselves and with their
scientific interest regarding the underlying psychopathophysiol- audiences, they also constrain research by determining legitimate
ogy of the condition, ADHD remains poorly characterized in this scientific questions and acceptable ways of providing answers. In
sense. Traditionally, explanations of ADHD have been based this way, the classic disease model of mental disorders has been
around simple causal models of single, common core dysfunc- pivotal in shaping the scientific paradigm and defining the aims
tions. In this review, we begin by contrasting two such models and objectives of scientists in the field of child psychopathology
that have been influential: 1) executive dysfunction due to (Sonuga-Barke 1998). Implicit in this model is the assumption
deficient inhibitory control; and 2) impaired signaling of delayed that mental disorders are discrete disease entities, qualitatively
rewards arising from disturbances in motivational processes. We different from the normal range of functioning, which result from
highlight the potential limitations of these simple causal para- a dysfunction of neuropsychologic/biologic mechanisms within
digms and the need for them to be elaborated further if they are the patient. Indeed, DSM-IV translates the assumption of dys-
to provide full accounts of the clinical phenomenology of ADHD. function into a defining feature of mental disorders (American
One way to achieve this is to place them into a framework that Psychiatric Association 1994). Given this, it is not surprising that
highlights the role of the child’s social environment in shaping much scientific psychopathology seems motivated by a quest to
neurodevelopmental pathways to ADHD. Recent evidence of identify the site of the core dysfunctions that “cause” disorders.
neuropsychologic heterogeneity in ADHD supports the likeli-
hood that multiple neurodevelopmental pathways underpin this Common Core Dysfunction in Causal Models of ADHD
disorder and highlights the need for theoretical models of ADHD In the neuroscience of ADHD, this has meant that one
to combine motivational and cognitive elements. question above all has provided the ultimate challenge for
researchers: where, within the brain/mind of the ADHD child, is
the site of the common core dysfunction that “causes” ADHD
From the Developmental Brain-Behaviour Unit, School of Psychology, Uni- (Sonuga-Barke 1994)?
versity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; and the Child
Study Centre, Department of Psychiatry, New York University, New York,
A Cognitive Dysfunction Model of ADHD: The Mediating Role
New York. of Inhibitory-Based Executive Deficits
Address reprint requests to Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke, Ph.D., University of Figure 1 illustrates one version of what, until recently, has
Southampton, School of Psychology, Southampton S017 1BJ, United been considered the most useful (and is therefore the dominant)
Kingdom; E-mail: class of explanations of ADHD psychopathology (i.e., cognitive
Received May 26, 2004; revised August 30, 2004; accepted September 14, dysfunction models). This model is described with the notation
2004. of the developmental causal modeling framework proposed by
In this review, the term ADHD is used to indicate ADHD combined type, John Morton and Uta Frith (Morton and Frith 1995). Because this
so that the theoretical challenge is to account for co-occurring framework encourages us to think systematically about the
symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. causal processes underpinning disorders, it aides the comparison

0006-3223/05/$30.00 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238

doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2004.09.008 © 2004 Society of Biological Psychiatry
1232 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238 E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a simple cogni-

tive deficit model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
order (ADHD) (adapted from Barkley 1997) and a simpli-
fied account of associated frontostriatal circuitry
(adapted from Alexander et al 1990). B, C, and S repre-
sent biology, cognition, and symptoms, respectively
(Morton and Frith 1995). The slashed C represents cog-
nitive deficit. NE, norepinephrine; DA, dopamine;
DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

of the distinctive characteristics of, and therefore the specific alternative. It is regarded as a prerequisite for self-control (Mu-
predictions made by, different causal models of ADHD. At the raven and Baumeister 2000), emotional regulation (Eisenberg
same time, it must be recognized that the model is not theoret- 2002), and cognitive flexibility (Arbuthnott and Frank 2000). As a
ically neutral, in that it reflects certain metatheoretical assump- domain of competence, response inhibition seems to be fraction-
tions about the nature of disorder. These assumptions can be ated into conceptually related clusters of functions, with each
seen in the ground rules set out by Morton and Frith, which cluster sharing common elements but also having key distinctive
include the requirement to start at the neurobiologic level and features (Nigg 2001; Olson et al 2002; Winstanley et al 2004a).
proceed to build causal chains across intermediate cognitive or At a neurobiologic level, there is growing evidence that
neuropsychologic and behavioral levels of analysis (e.g., symp- inhibitory control and other executive functions are underpinned
toms of ADHD). Morton and Frith also emphasize the importance by one of a number of the functionally segregated but anatom-
of ensuring a full account of the disorder in question by ically proximate basal ganglia–thalamocortical circuits first pro-
explaining all core clinical characteristics. The particular cogni- posed by Alexander et al (1990; Christakou et al 2004). As shown
tive dysfunction model presented is adapted from Barkley’s in Figure 1, this executive circuit links the prefrontal cortex (Aron
unified theory of ADHD (Barkley 1997), in which symptoms of et al 2004a, 2004b) to the dorsal neostriatum (preferentially, the
the disorder are considered to be caused by the disruption of caudate nucleus; Eagle and Robbins 2003) via excitatory glu-
neurocognitive control systems, with brain– behavior relations taminergic cells. Reciprocal pathways pass via inhibitory connec-
fully mediated by deficits in inhibitory-based executive pro- tions through a complex of basal ganglia foci to the dorsomedial
cesses. Executive functions are higher-order, top-down, cogni- thalamus with excitatory glutaminergic cells connecting back to
tive processes that allow appropriate set maintenance and shift the prefrontal cortex (Heyder et al 2004). Data from structural
and that facilitate the flexible pursuit of future goals. Deficits on and functional neuroimaging studies support the hypothesis that
tasks thought to measure these processes are a frequently deficits in inhibitory-based executive functions in ADHD are
observed characteristic of children with ADHD (Barnett et al associated with disturbances in this circuit (Bush et al 1999;
2001; Bayliss and Roodenrys 2000; Clark et al 2000; Cornoldi et al Casey et al 2001; Castellanos 1997; Castellanos et al 2002;
1999; Pennington and Ozonoff 1996; Seidman et al 1997; Ser- Hesslinger et al 2001; Rubia et al 1999). Dopamine, which is
geant et al 2002), with the substantial amount of evidence implicated in ADHD on the basis of pharmacologic and genetic
implicating response inhibition deficits thought to be especially studies (Levy and Swanson 2001), is a key neuromodulator of
compelling (Nigg 2001). Problems with working memory, plan- this circuit (Nieoullon and Coquerel 2003). Two distinct branches
ning, and set shift have also been identified (Karatekin and seem to be involved. The mesocortical branch originates in the
Asarnow 1998; McLean et al 2004; Nigg et al 1998). Executive ventral tegmental area of the rostral portion of the brainstem and
dysfunction is also implicated in the processes involved in the terminates in the prefrontal cortex, whereas the second branch
distribution of cognitive– energetic resources (i.e., effort) to originates in the substantia nigra and terminates in the dorsal
activation and arousal systems that are required to meet the striatum.
changing demands of different situations and settings and that
seem to be disrupted in ADHD (Douglas 1983; Sergeant 2000; An Alternative Motivational Dysfunction Model: Disrupted
van der Meere 1996; van der Meere et al 1999). Barkley (1997) Signaling of Delayed Reward
argues that the general pattern of executive impairment associ- A number of motivation-based dysfunction models have been
ated with ADHD is grounded in more specific early-appearing proposed as alternatives to cognitive theories of ADHD. These
deficits in response inhibition (Nigg 2001; Oosterlaan et al 1998). models shift the focus from core deficits in inhibitory control to
Response inhibition refers to the ability to inhibit an inappropri- suboptimal reward processes, with the links between neurobio-
ate prepotent or ongoing response in favor of a more appropriate logic processes and ADHD symptoms being mediated by deficits
E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238 1233

Figure 2. Schematic representation of a simple motiva-

tional model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) (adapted from Sagvolden et al 1998) and a sim-
plified account of frontostriatal circuitry (adapted from
Alexander et al 1990). B, C, and S represent biology,
cognition, and symptoms, respectively (Morton and
Frith 1995). The slashed C represents cognitive deficit.
NE, norepinephrine; DA, dopamine.

in these mechanisms (Sagvolden 1991; Sagvolden et al 1998). Once again, dopamine is a key neuromodulator of the reward-
Figure 2 presents one such model, which builds on the general signaling function of this circuit (Schultz 1998, 2002; Wight-
ideas of Sagvolden and colleagues (see Sagvolden et al 1998). In man and Robinson 2002). On this occasion, however, it is the
this, ADHD is the outcome of neurobiologic impairment in the mesolimbic branch, originating in the ventral tegmental area
power and efficiency with which the contingency between and terminating in the nucleus accumbens and associated
present action and future rewards is signaled. This leads to a limbic foci, that seems to be of greatest importance. Studies
reduction in the control exerted by future rewards on current point to a specific role for this circuit in signaling rewards,
behavior, a diminution in their “value,” and an increase in the coding incentive value, and regulating other behavioral pro-
extent to which they are discounted (i.e., a steeper delay of cesses involved in the maintenance of responding under
reward gradient). This account is supported by the consistent conditions of delayed reward (Burk and Mair 2001; Richardson
finding that children with ADHD often display hypersensitivity to and Gratton 1998; Wade et al 2000). For instance, lesions in
delay and consequent difficulties in waiting for motivationally the core of the accumbens have been shown to reduce the
salient outcomes, as well as in working effectively over extended ability of rats to wait for large delayed rewards in a self-control
periods of time (Kuntsi et al 2001; Neef et al 2001; Schweitzer and paradigm (Cardinal et al 2001). Animal models of ADHD
Sulzer-Azaroff 1995; Sonuga-Barke et al 1996; Tripp and Alsop highlight the way in which alterations of dopamine activity (of
2001). This difficulty in waiting seems to be independent of either hypo- or hyperdopaminergic types; Russell 2002) might
inhibitory deficits associated with executive dysfunction (Solanto distort or reduce signals of delayed reward (Max et al 2002;
et al 2001; Sonuga-Barke et al 1994). A double dissociation Sadile 2000; Sagvolden 1991; Sagvolden et al 1998; Viggiano et
between inhibitory deficits and waiting for valued outcomes is al 2002). Research that directly examines the role of this circuit
suggested by the fact that children with ADHD can wait even in delayed reward signaling in patients with ADHD is now
when waiting involves inhibition, but they often choose not to required.
wait even when waiting does not involve inhibition (Sonuga-
Barke 1994). From Simple Causal Models to Complex Development
Interestingly, the neurobiology of impaired signaling of Pathways
delayed rewards and inhibitory-based executive deficits seem
to share some common elements. The ability to wait for In their ground rules of the causal modeling framework,
delayed rewards seems to be related to alterations in another Morton and Frith (1995) highlight the importance of providing a
of the dopamine-modulated thalamocortical– basal ganglia “full account” of the disorder under investigation. In this sense,
circuits mentioned previously (Alexander et al 1990), although causal models cannot be regarded as providing explanatory
in this context the motivational or affective circuit likely plays power unless they capture the broad essence of the disorder as
the dominant role (McClure et al 2004). This circuit links the it is manifest at the level of the individual child. To judge whether
ventral striatum (in particular, the nucleus accumbens; Zink et a model provides a full account, it is necessary to specify a
al 2004) to frontal regions (especially the anterior cingulate minimum set of characteristics that need to be explained. What
[Rogers et al 2004] and orbitofrontal cortex [Kringelbach and would constitute this minimum set in ADHD? As a starting point,
Rolls 2004]), connections that are reciprocated via the ventral models of combined-type ADHD need to account for the cardi-
pallidum and related structures through the thalamus (Robbins nal symptom domains of impulsiveness, inattention, and hyper-
and Everitt 1996). The amygdala seems also to be implicated activity; however, a number of other candidate-defining features
in this system, possibly playing a role in defining the motiva- clearly exist. For the purposes of the current analysis, everyday
tional significance of incentives (Winstanley et al 2004b). difficulties with what might be called behavioral self-regulation
1234 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238 E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke

(e.g., time management, ordering and organizing activities) will consequences of impulsiveness and delay aversion have been
be included in our minimum set of characteristics that need to be the focus of more recent revisions. These have focused on the
explained by a good causal model of ADHD. Although these are way in which the delay-averse motivational style of the child acts
currently not diagnostic elements, they seem to be common to constrain the normal acquisition of organizational skills, by
clinical manifestations (Abikoff et al 2003). reducing the demands for self-organization and limiting the
Do the two simple models of the psychopathophysiology of experience required for the development of such skills (Sonuga-
ADHD presented above satisfy the “full account” criteria with Barke 2003).
regard to this minimum set of characteristics? Although both Explanations of the development of delay aversion and
models have limitations, these might be most marked in the case associated deficits in self-organizational skills invoke three re-
of the simple motivational model. This model certainly provides lated developmental processes. The first is characterized by child
a coherent and empirically supported account of impulsiveness ⫻ environment correlation, whereby the developmentally ante-
in ADHD. Further elaboration is, however, required if the basic cedent impulsive response of the child shapes his or her social
dysfunction in signaling of delayed rewards is to provide a and family environment by, under certain circumstances, elicit-
convincing explanation for inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and ing a punitive or negative response from parents and siblings to
problems in behavioral self-regulation as they present in ADHD. his or her failure to engage effectively with, and operate effi-
One such elaboration has been proposed by Sagvolden et al (in ciently in, a delay-rich environment. Second are person ⫻
press), who have combined dysfunctional reinforcement and environment interactions, whereby the punitive social environ-
extinction processes with broad-based, dopamine-related defi- ment, partially created by the behavior of the child, moderates
cits in motor control and attention to provide a hybrid motiva- the links between underlying and early-appearing impulsiveness
tional model. and the emergence of a more generalized delay aversion: delay
An alternative thoroughgoing motivational approach to the settings acquire negative connotations and elicit a negative
problem is provided by the delay aversion hypothesis. This can affective response from which the child tries to escape. The final
be seen as extending the simple motivational model by placing developmental process is characterized by individual accommo-
the underlying disposition of certain children to discount delayed dation to the child’s underlying predisposition toward impulsive-
reward into its neurodevelopmental context (Sonuga-Barke et al ness and the constraints this imposes on learning opportunities.
1994). According to this hypothesis, delay aversion—a negative Figure 3 provides an overview of the delay aversion hypoth-
emotional reaction to the imposition of delay—is a developmen- esis as an extended and elaborated motivational account of the
tal consequence of the failure of an impulsive child to engage
development of ADHD. Five component processes of signifi-
effectively with delay-rich environments. This negative emo-
cance are proposed. First, alternations in neurobiologic reward
tional response is manifested behaviorally as attempts to avoid or
circuits impair the signaling of delayed rewards (as in the simple
escape delay, compounding the existing tendency of the child to
motivational model; Figure 2), leading to impulsiveness. Second,
choose impulsively in settings in which choices between imme-
impulsiveness leads to failures to effectively engage with, and
diate and delayed rewards are available. In other settings, in
operate in, delay-rich environments. Third, this failure to engage
which delay cannot actually be reduced by behaving in this way,
has the potential to elicit a negative/punitive response from a
attempts are made to “systematically” reduce the perception of
parent or other significant adult (e.g., teacher), which over time
time spent during delay. According to the model, this is achieved
leads to delay aversion. Fourth, the failure to engage also
by attending to interesting and absorbing aspects of the child’s
environment or by acting on that environment to make it more constrains the experience of managing delay and delay-demand-
interesting and absorbing. From a psychopathologic perspective, ing activities and so reduces the opportunities to develop the
such expressions of delay aversion would likely be characterized organizational skills and strategies required to do this. Finally,
as inattention and overactivity. In this way, the emergence of delay aversion is expressed both as a compounding of existing
delay aversion over time is hypothesized to lead to an elabora- impulsiveness and an elaboration of behavioral characteristics
tion of symptoms from impulsiveness to inattentiveness and into the domains of attention and activity combined with impov-
overactivity. Although additional research is required to distin- erished organizational skills. Over time, these processes rein-
guish this model of ADHD from the simple motivational model, force a pattern of persistent symptomatology and associated
evidence already exists that provides some support for it. For impairment. By this mechanism, a fundamentally motivational
example, results of a recent study in which the dot probe disorder acquires specific cognitive characteristics in the areas of
paradigm was used found cues of the imposition and escape everyday self-organizational skills. Although not explicitly refer-
from delay to selectively capture the attention of children with enced in Figure 3, two other component processes of likely
ADHD in the same way that motivationally salient stimuli (such significance should be mentioned here. The first relates to
as physical and social threat) have been shown to capture the negative parental responses elicited by the child’s disorder,
attention of other psychopathologic groups (e.g., anxious chil- placing the child at risk of developing oppositionality. The
dren) (Sonuga-Barke et al 2004). Furthermore, the tendency of second relates to the possibility that the child might accommo-
children with ADHD to choose small immediate over large date to the constraints imposed by his or her underlying predis-
delayed rewards or to behave impulsively in decision-making position to impulsiveness and delay aversion. For instance, it
tasks seems most marked when such behaviors reduce overall might be possible that ADHD children develop strategies to
delay and time on task rather than just increasing reward or exploit limited processing time more effectively. It is important to
response immediacy (Sonuga-Barke et al 1994). Children with note that children might become delay averse for a range of
ADHD also show an increase in activity and inattention during reasons other than those illustrated here. For instance, time might
delay periods (Antrop et al 2002). simply pass more slowly for delay-averse children, or they might
Whereas early versions of the delay aversion model focused have experienced uncertain and inconsistent environments in
on the impact of impulsiveness on the emergence of delay- which future promised rewards and events were not delivered,
related inattention and overactivity, the cognitive developmental so that over time delay comes to signal, not failure and associated
E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238 1235

Figure 3. Schematic representation of a

hypothetical motivational developmental
pathway for attention-deficit/hyperactiv-
ity disorder.

negativity (as in the case of the model proposed in Figure 3), but Cognitive and Motivational Models “Head to Head”
uncertainty and disappointment.
There is, of course, no reason to doubt that similar develop- In keeping with the idea that ADHD is a discrete disease
mental processes play a role in determining the outcome for resulting from a single core dysfunction, cognitive and motiva-
children with deficits in inhibitory-based executive dysfunction. tional models have traditionally been regarded as competitive
Figure 4 provides a schematic overview of a hypothetical devel- rather than complementary. To address this issue, it is necessary
opmental pathway model based on the simple cognitive model. to contrast the two models and identify distinctive elements that
In this case, failures to engage effectively with tasks and envi- could provide the basis for their comparative assessment. Al-
ronments that are demanding in terms of inhibitory-based exec- though the developmental pathways described in Figures 3 and
utive processes are hypothesized to have a dual impact on 4 both potentially provide a full account of ADHD in terms of the
motivational and cognitive development. On the one hand, minimum set of characteristics listed (inattention, impulsiveness,
negative/punitive responses might be elicited from significant hyperactivity, and difficulties in self-organization and regula-
adults, potentially resulting in “executive-task aversion,” which tion), they clearly have a number of distinctive elements. For
in turn could lead to attempts to escape or avoid settings instance, whereas inattentiveness and overactivity are likely to be
requiring executive effort and skills (e.g., task avoidance and fundamental features of ADHD in the executive model, in the
early premature disengagement). Reduced exposure to execu- motivational model one might expect inattentiveness to be
tive-type tasks might limit the opportunities to develop executive displayed only in delay-rich environments and among children
skills, thus compounding and elaborating basic underlying neu- of parents with high expectations about impulse control com-
robiologic executive deficits. At the same time, failure on exec- bined with a punitive parenting style (reflecting the outcome of
utive tasks might also reduce the extent to which tasks are gene ⫻ environment correlation and interaction). One might also
intrinsically motivating. This will in turn reduce task effort and expect a specific profile of cognitive problems according to the
engagement, perpetuating the above process. At present, these motivational model, with problems being particularly pro-
models are purely hypothetical and require systematic longitu- nounced in the area of self-organizational skills and strategies in
dinal research to explore the specific predictions that they make. delay-rich settings. At the most fundamental level, however, the

Figure 4. Schematic representation of a

hypothetical cognitive developmental
pathway for attention-deficit/hyperactiv-
ity disorder (ADHD).
1236 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2005;57:1231–1238 E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke

two models are most distinctive in terms of the presence of distinctiveness of delay aversion and executive deficits but
inhibitory deficits (the cognitive model) and impaired respond- also on the way that these characteristics combine to influence
ing to delay (the motivational model). These two elements outcome.
should therefore provide the most direct test between the two On the basis of data from such head-to-head trials, a dual
models. pathway hypothesis of the psychopathophysiology of ADHD has
A recent head-to-head study of the two models exploited been proposed (Sonuga-Barke 2002, 2003). This hypothesis
this distinctiveness in underlying processes (Solanto et al builds on the idea that alterations within the executive circuit
2001). School-aged children with a diagnosis of combined- modulated by mesocortical dopamine and the reward circuit
type ADHD performed the stop-signal task, in which a dom- modulated by mesolimbic dopamine constitute more or less
inant response already initiated is inhibited after a “stop” discrete neuropsychologic bases for dissociable psychological
signal, and a choice delay task, in which children had to processes leading to executive/inhibitory deficits and delay
choose between a small immediate and a large delayed aversion, respectively. Recently, Nigg et al (2004) proposed an
rewards. The results indicated no association between choices alternative multiple pathway model, in which an executive
of the small immediate reward (delay aversion) and stop- deficit pathway, associated with problems with effortful control,
signal reaction time (inhibitory failures), suggesting that in- was set alongside pathways associated with the problems with
hibitory deficits and delay aversion were somewhat indepen- positive and negative approach.
dent characteristics, overlapping at no more than chance Although initial results are suggestive of the existence of
levels. Furthermore, performance on both tasks was found to multiple independent pathways in ADHD, further study of the
be strongly and independently associated with ADHD. To- relationship between these processes is obviously required to
gether, the two measures allowed nearly 90% of children with properly test this hypothesis. To study these multiple pro-
ADHD to be correctly classified. This pattern of results has cesses, a paradigm shift is required in the neuroscientific study
also been demonstrated in preschool children with ADHD, of ADHD. Research should use multivariate approaches with
aged 3–5 years (Sonuga-Barke et al 2003). In this study, measures from across a range of candidate cognitive and
significant and independent associations were reported be- motivational domains (e.g., inhibitory-based executive pro-
tween ADHD and composite scores of executive dysfunction cesses and delay-related motivational processes) with large
(including scores for working memory, planning, set shifting, samples of children of different ages in longitudinal and
and impulse control) on the one hand and delay sensitivity on genetically and neurobiologically informative designs. This
the other. Interestingly, a study of the mediating pathways would allow continuities and discontinuities between motiva-
between hydrocephalus and hyperactivity also supports the tional and cognitive components of the disorder to be studied.
distinctive contribution of executive and motivational factors Research also should explore the interactions between moti-
(Stevenson and Cate 2004). vational and cognitive features of the disorder during devel-
opment and the possibility that children with ADHD might
develop compensatory skills and strategies. In this review we
From Single to Multiple Pathways
have not dealt with the issue of originating causes within
Results of such head-to-head trials provide a direct chal- causal pathways to ADHD; however, proper tests of the causal
lenge to the assumption of neuropsychologic homogeneity of models set out here will require that the distinctive contribu-
ADHD implicit in the current scientific paradigm. By suggest- tions of genetic and environmental factors (and their interac-
ing that two uncorrelated but theoretically coherent and tions) in determining pathways and the mediating role of the
neurobiologically plausible processes each make a distinctive different basal ganglia thalamocortical circuits be explored.
and valuable contribution to predicting disorder, these data Functional imaging studies, including executive control and
indicate that multiple pathway models might be needed to delayed-reward tasks within the same ADHD populations, and
fully explain the ADHD phenomena. Although multivariate studies with pharmacological probes of executive (e.g., spe-
head-to-head studies are the best way to test these sorts of cific dopamine 1 receptor agonists and norepinephrine trans-
ideas, results of studies testing single models also provide porter blockers) and reward circuits (e.g., specific dopamine 2
circumstantial evidence for the likelihood of multiple path- receptor agonists and dopamine transporter blockers) might
ways. For instance, although neuropsychological studies of represent fruitful strategies for distinguishing between the
executive dysfunction in ADHD consistently report an associ- neurobiological circuitry involved in the two pathways. Fur-
ation, these are at best moderate in size, with considerable thermore, because these factors might act more like additive
overlap between cases and controls. For instance, Nigg et al risks than distinct “insults,” it will be especially important to
(2005) have demonstrated in a combined analysis of more explore whether motivational and cognitive processes in
than 1000 ADHD cases that only approximately 50% of ADHD are best modeled as discrete categories or as continu-
children with ADHD show a deficit in inhibitory control as ous traits. General population samples rather than case–
measured on the stop-signal test when judged on the basis of control designs will be important for this.
a 90th percentile normal population cut-off. For many other As Nigg et al (2004) have suggested, a dual pathway account
executive-type problems, that proportion was lower still: might of course not be exhaustive, and other pathways might be
executive dysfunction seemed to be neither a necessary nor a hypothesized. For instance, other neuropsychologic mecha-
sufficient condition for the expression of the disorder. Inter- nisms, such as deficits in state-regulation (Sergeant 2005) and
estingly, when the same criteria were applied to the preschool alerting and orienting processes (Banaschewski et al 2003), with
study described above (Dalen et al 2004; Sonuga-Barke et al distinct neurobiologic origins, have been implicated in ADHD.
2003), 29% of ADHD-range children displayed both delay Research should therefore also explore the neurobiologic alter-
aversion and executive dysfunction, 27% delay aversion only, ations underpinning these pathways, the psychological pro-
15% executive dysfunction only, and 29% neither problem. It cesses by which they are mediated, and the environmental
will be important that future studies not only focus on the factors that moderate them.
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Clinical Implications Barnett R, Maruff P, Vance A, Luk ESL, Costin J, Wood C, et al (2001): Abnormal
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issues for the way that this disorder is identified and treated. First, hyperactivity disorder: An application of the supervisory attentional
system. Dev Neuropsychol 17:161–180.
it encourages clinicians to adopt procedures that allow the
Burk JA, Mair RG (2001): Effects of dorsal and ventral striatal lesions on
identification of different neuropsychologic subtypes of ADHD. delayed matching trained with retractable levers. Behav Brain Res 122:
This might force a move away from current phenomenological, 67–78.
symptom-based approaches to diagnosis toward more theoreti- Bush G, Frazier JA, Rauch SL, Seidman LJ, Whalen PJ, Jenike MA, et al (1999):
cally informed models. Information about the context for symp- Anterior cingulate cortex dysfunction in attention-deficit/hyperactivity
tom expression would become more significant, with diagnostic disorder revealed by fMRI and the Counting Stroop. Biol Psychiatry 45:
criteria making increasing reference to contextual factors to 1542–1552.
Cardinal RN, Pennicott DR, Sugathapala CL, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2001):
distinguish between children with delay-averse and disinhibited
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