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Good afternoon, Doc.

Good afternoon teachers

Im gonna send the link. Kindly see it on our chat box. Kindly click the link to join the quiz show. Thank you.
Allow me to present this one.
So the quiz composed of 3 item gen-ed , 3 item prof ed and 4 item major-English a total of 10 item questions. You have
30 seconds each item.
All you need to do is read and analyze carefully the questions and the given choices and choose the correct answer.

We have ---- participants here. How about the others? We will start this quiz show at exactly ----
Kindly join now teachers. Thank you.
We are waiting for --- participants.

So its already ---- let’s start

GEN-ED 1. What contained the concrete promise of the Americans to Filipinos independence “as soon as stable
government can be established”?
a. Preamble of the Jones Law
b. Fairfield Bill of 1924
c. Preamble of the Commonwealth Government
d. First 1919 Parliamentary Mission to the U.S.

Answer: A

Rationale: Jones Law was enacted by the 64th United States Congress on August 29, 1916 and contained the first
formal and official declaration of the United States Federal Government’s commitment to grant independence to the

GEN-ED 2. A company issues a 3-letter security code to each of its employees. How many distinct codes can be
generated if each letter can be used only once for each code?
b. 78
c. 15,600
d. 17,576

Answer: C

Rationale: There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet. By the multiplication rule, the number of security codes is 26 x
25 x 24 = 15,600.

GEN-ED 3. We feel warmer just before it rains because _________.

a. There is an increase relative humidity
b. Heat released by the evaporation of water
c. The clouds prevent heat from escaping the earth
d. Heat is released by the condensation of water vapor

Answer: D

Rationale: The weather is in its transition phase. It is due to moisture and humidity. Just before the rains, the
surrounding would become so hot that some amount of water vaporizes in the air itself without falling to the ground.
This water vapor contains the heat it has absorbed and when it combines with the air, the humidity increases thus
leads to the warm surrounding and at times it so hot which even makes us suffocate.

PROF-ED 4. Which of the following is not included in the principles of teaching?

a. Learning is a passive process
b. The more senses we use, the more effective studying is
c. An atmosphere that is non-threatening improves learning
d. A good teacher considers that learners have different learning styles

Answer: A

Rationale: The seven principles of teaching include: learning is an active (not passive) process; the more senses are
involved in learning, the more effective is the learning; a non- threatening atmosphere enhances learning; emotion
has the power to increase retention and learning; learning is meaningful when it is connected to students' everyday
life; good teaching goes beyond recall of information; and good teaching considers learner's varied learning style and
learner's multiple intelligence.

PROF-ED 5. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as "terrible two" because ____?
a. They are inquisitive
b. They are sickly
c. They are playful
d. They are assertive

Answer: D

Rationale: "Terrible two" according to Erikson denotes assertiveness of children at this age and one of our skills
during the "Terrible Two's" is our ability to use the powerful word "No!" It may be pain for parents, but it develops
the important skills of the will.

PROF-ED 6. A teacher rewards a child for doing things coy. This technique is called
a. Conditioning
b. Fading
c. Chaining
d. Reinforcement

Answer: D

Rationale: Reinforcement is any behavioral consequence that strengthens behavior. It increases the likelihood of the
recurrence of a particular type of response.

MAJOR-ENG 7. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound ___________.

a. Query
b. Decision
c. Change
d. Problem

Answer: B

Rationale: A sound decision is a smart, logical, reasonable decision which could be achieved by assessing several

MAJOR-ENG 8. If you want to be recognized, have a finger in the pie. The underlined phrase means
a. Dip finger in the pie
b. Take a share of the pie
c. Join a group
d. Take an active part in something
Answer: D

Rationale: Have a finger in the pie is an idiom meaning to have an interest in or be involved in everything.

MAJOR-ENG 9. Wise people can______ with frustrations.

a. Cope up
b. Cope on
c. Cope in
d. Cope

Answer: D
Rationale: "Cope" is an intransitive verb meaning to deal with something well, despite or in the face of some
difficulty. Synonyms are "contend with," "get by," "grapple with," "make do," and "manage."
"Cope up" is an interpretation that is sometimes used incorrectly in place of "keep up."

MAJOR-ENG 10. Loreto Paras Sulit’s Short story that revolves around the theme that beauty can be very dangerous titled
A. The Harvest
B. The Beautiful Stranger
C. Desire
D. Beautiful Liar

Answer: A.

Rationale: The answer is letter A “The Harvest”. Fidel and Vidal are brothers who both got attracted to Miss Francia,
and this attraction to Miss Francia led to heartaches of both brothers.

Let’s see the top 3 in our leaderboard.

Our 1st
2nd and 3rd

Let’s see the scores of the first 5 here in our leaderboard

Thank you so much teachers for your participation. And I hope you’ve learn something from this quiz show. Thank you
so much.
That’s all po Doc.

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