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Decide whether the sentences should be Conditional Type 1 or 2, then fill in the

verbs in the correct form.

1. If I (be) ____________ you, I (start) ____________ dieting to lose some weight

right now.

2. I (let) ____________ you wear my favourite dress unless you (promise)

____________ to dry-clean it before you return it.

3. Slow down! Grandma (fall) ____________ if you (make) ____________ her

walk this fast.

4. I am sure my friend (put) ____________ me up if she (have) ____________ a

spare bedroom.

5. If I (take) ____________ another part-time job, I (earn) ____________ enough

to pay for my holiday to Singapore in August.

6. If you (paint) ____________ the living room wall pink, Mum (ground)
____________ you for a year. So don’t even think about it.

7. I (take) ____________ you to see Buckingham Palace when you (come)

____________ to London for Jane’s wedding.

8. I (pay) ____________ your debt for you if I (have) ____________ a lot of

savings. But sorry, I am powerless to help!

9. If I (know) ____________ what they said, I (tell) ____________ you. I really

wish I knew.

10. Look how dirty your hands are! (wash) ____________ them properly with
sanitizing handwash before you (sit) ____________ down to eat!

11. I (send) ____________ her an invitation if I (find) ____________ her address,

but I don’t think anyone has her address.

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