Mia Bella Rodriguez - Pow 3

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POW #3 - Each highlighted part are the main aspects of how I figured everything out

Problem statement: We need to figure out how long it takes for the trees to grow out and completely
block out any view from the outside

Process: In order to find out how long it would take, I used the final area = (# of years) * rate of change
+ the initial area formula. I then needed to find the initial area. I used the formula; initial area = pi *
(initial radius) ^2. But first, I needed to find the initial radius by doing the equation 2.5 = 2 * pi * r which
turned out to be 0.4. Using 0.4, I was able to find the initial area which is 0.5. I then plugged it into the
final area = (# of years) * rate of change + the initial area formula. That made final area = (# of years) *
1.5 + 0.5 Even though we found the initial area, we now needed to find the final area. To do that, I looked
at the graph that was provided to us and found the angle of the triangle using SOH CAH TOA. The angle
that was found by using tangent was 1.15. I then plugged it into SIN in order to find the opposite/final
radius which was 0.02. I then had to convert it into inches which turned into 0.2. After, I multiplied 0.2 *
12 as there are 12 inches in one foot. The answer that I got was 2.4 inches and I then plugged it into the
area formula; A = pi * r^2 which turned into A = pi * 2.4^2. From there, I was able to determine that the
final area is 18. I plugged 18 into the final area = (# of years) * rate of change + the initial area formula
and was able to come to the conclusion that the answer is 11.73 or approximately 12.

Solution: It will take approximately 12 years for the trees to fully grow and block out any sight from the

Evaluation: At first, this problem was difficult for me to understand but once I got the one on one
learning with John, I was able to slowly understand it more. I didn’t have a lot of motivation to do this
problem mainly because I did not understand it but once I got into the zone of learning, it was very easy
for me to keep the work going. As soon as I figured out how to do the problem, I was then able to help out
other classmates which I thought was a big improvement from not being able to understand anything at

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