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Skier Vs.

Who is faster?
By Zoe and Zoell

● The Story:
○ There is a snowboarder and a skier racing to a shack at the
bottom of lift 3. They are both traveling at two different rates
and are two different distances away from the shack at points
(48,-82). The snowboarder is traveling at 35 miles per hour and
is at point (-45, 90). The skier is going 37 miles per hour and is
at points (62, 138). Their speed stays the same the entire race.
They will travel in a straight line in order to get to the shack.
Each unit is 5 feet. How far away are each of them from the
shack? How long will it take them to reach the shack? Who will
get to the shack first?

● The Question:
○ Who will be at the shack first? How far away are they
from the shack?

● Graph:
● How We Solved It?
○ Find how far away each of them is from the shack.
■ Skier - 220.445
■ Snowboarder- 195.532
○ Convert units into feet.
■ Skier- 1102.225 feet
■ Snowboarder-977.66 feet
○ See who has the lesser distance.
■ The snowboarder has the lesser distance.
○ Calculate how long it will take them based on their
speed and distance.
First we have to convert miles per hour to feet per hour, to find
that out we can use this formula- time*5280.
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 1102.225
■ Skier- 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
or 195360
or 0.00564202
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 977.66
■ Snowboarder- 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
or 184800 or 0.00529037
○ Determine the winner.
■ The snowboarder will be the winner because the
snowboarder gets to the shack first by a hair.
● What Equations Did We Use?
○ Distance Formula
■ Snowboarder
2 2
● d= (− 45 − 48) + (90 −− 82)
○ The distance from the skier to the shack is
195.532 units.
■ Skier
2 2
● d= (62 − 48) + (138 −− 82)
○ The distance from the snowboarder to the
shack is 220.445 units.
■ Skier
● Units*5= Final Distance in Feet
○ 220.445*5= 1102.225 Feet
● Miles per hour to Feet per hour
○ 37*5280= 195360 Feets per hour
● How fast are they traveling?
○ 1102.225/195360 feet per hour= 0.00564202
○ 0.00564202*60= 0.33852119 (to convert it to
■ It will take them 0.33852119 minutes to
get to the shack.
■ Snowboarder
● Units*5= Final Distance in Feet
○ 195.532*5= 977.66 Feet
● Miles per hour to Feet per hour
○ 35*5280= 184800 Feet per hour
● How fast are they traveling?
○ 977.66 feet/184800 feet per hour= 0.00529037
○ 0.00529037*60 (to convert it to minutes)
● It will take them 0.3174222 minutes to get to the

● Reflection On The Problem

○ When I was designing and working on this problem I really
enjoyed it. I found it to be quite interesting and practical to my
everyday life to find how fast and how long it can take you. I
also really liked how we got to design our own problems to
solve. We could do anything as long as it demonstrates a rate
of change. Which allowed for a lot of creativity with our
problems and personal interest. This problem relates to my
everyday life as a snow sport enthusiast. I could try to track my
personal speed and distance from things to apply this to my
everyday life. I also liked how many different layers and steps I
got to add to my problem.

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