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Question 1 Remarks (Answer Source) Correct answer

What is a leader’s job? CONFIRMED Example:
1) Control Remarks (Answer Source)
3) Lead
4) All of the listed choices
5) Organize

Question 2
Systemic and systematic are the same thing. True or false? Remarks (Answer Source) Hi all, all answers are 100% correct
1) True Textbook, page 59, Tip 7 Please do not change any answers
Regards, Michael
Question 3
What is a business case study? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Students must find what the case’s central concerns are Textbook pg 5
2) Used to train future executives and managers CONFIRMED
3) Describes a problem situation at work
4) All of the listed choices
5) Team preparation helps to avoid blind spots

Question 4
What is the first thing to do in modelling? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Get a good handle on the variables CONFIRMED
2) Talk with clients Textbook Page 59, Tip 8 - Shar
3) Taking systematic steps to do the right thing
4) Brainstorm among project team members
5) Check available reference documents

Question 5
The key lesson to learn in the Alex Processing exercise is Remarks (Answer Source)
1)None of the listed choices - Seem like answer should be 1? Or no? -Joanna
2)Forecast future demand read pg 2 - looks like it's 2 now
3)Calculate equipment productivity
4)Learn the TREND function CONFIRMED
5) How to use FILL

Question 6
What does one seek out in trade-off analysis? Remarks (Answer Source)
1)Maximum points Textbook, page 38
2)Optimum points 100% CONFIRMED
3)Minimum points
4)Breakeven points
5)All of the listed choices

Question 7
What are the challenges of computational modeling? Remarks (Answer Source)
I. Lack of timely and accurate data CONFIRMED
II.Lack of understanding of functional relationships among variables
III. Using debatable assumptions
1) I
2) I, II and III No. 2 :
3) II
4) I & II only
5) III

Question 8
What does LSG say are good teachers? Remarks (Answer Source)
1)People on the ground and work experience Leader and you book, 1st Chapter
2)Well-designed models CONFIRMED
3)Europe countries
4)University professors
5)Detailed spreadsheets

Question 9
Define the main purpose of learning spreadsheet modeling. The purpose is to: Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Apply it to solve real problems Textbook, first page of chapter 2
2) Finish homework assignments faster First para in
3)Multi-task many activities CONFIRMED
4) Show off how clever I am

Question 10
Which of the formulas below is not hardcoded? Remarks (Answer Source)
2) '=IF(E2=2,G1,G2)
3) '=A5*C3-2 Textbook, Page 25
4) '=2*B7*3.14

Question 11
Sensitivity analysis is about changing parameter values and not about varying Remarks (Answer Source)
2) False Page 39, Point 8- val

Question 12
What is spreadsheet most useful for? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Computing complex equations pg 37
2) Exploratory modeling of business concerns CONFIRMED
3) Plotting charts and diagrams
4) Organizing names of customers and their orders
5) Sending emails to clients

Question 13
Explain Process in SPRING's Business Excellence Framework. Which of the following(s) do(es) comprise 'Process'? Remarks (Answer Source)
I. Get optimal solutions CONFIRMED
II. Get innovative ideas for new products and services Page 21
III. Efforts to better manage and improve processes Page 40 of txtbook
1) III
2) I
3) III
4) I, II and III
5) II & III only

Question 14
What are the considerations before taking on any modeling assignment? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) All of the listed choices Textbook Page 59, Tip 6 - Shar
2) Is there more than one 'right way'? CONFIRMED
3) What is the right approach?
4) How would stakeholders respond?
5) Do you need a model?

Question 15
BUS100 is just a spreadsheet course, True or False? Remarks (Answer Source)
2) False
Question 16
Which one of these statements is false? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) None of the listed choices CONFIRMED
2) All forecasts are wrong
3) Targets should not be projected from past performance
4) The future is a continuation of the past
5) Using means, underestimation approximately balances overestimation

Question 17
What does analytical modeling involve? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) None of the listed choices
2) Mathematical methods CONFIRMED
3) Logic
4) Mathematical symbols and methods
5) Mathematical symbols

Question 18
Why should data be entered only once in a spreadsheet? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Data needs only to be amended at one cell if changed CONFIRMED
2) Easier to build the spreadsheet model Textbook, page 25
3) Spreadsheet model will run faster

Question 19
What does a good leader do? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Get things done The Leader Book, pg 151 Chpt 7 (Diana)
2) Help people be not afraid to try i think it's 4
3) All of the listed choices CONFIRMED
4) Manage people reach their potential
5) Have courage to try new things

Question 20
Which is not part of Leadership in SPRING's Business Excellence Framework? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Technical excellence Textbook, Page 40, point 10 - val
2) Developing ethics
3) Developing mission pg 11
4) Developing vision CONFIRMED
5) Cultivating values

Question 21
In modeling, the relationship between variables is often known, True or False? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) True Textbook page 38 Point 7

Question 22
Which one of these statements is false? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Unknown data can be estimated using relative values Textbook Page 3 Point 2 - Absolute numbers are only meaningful within their given contexts.
2) Absolute numbers are meaningful CONFIRMED
3) $800 per week is expressed in time context
4) 20% growth is in a dynamic context
5) Ratios and relative values allow us to generalize

Question 23
Modeling requires the use of complex mathematics, True or False? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) True

Question 24
Which one of these statements is false? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Programming codes are abstract pg 3, point 1
2)Algebra is abstract but flexible I think the answer is (3) - Lena
3) Computer modeling is not based on mathematics CONFIRMED
4) Simple modeling usually works with numbers
5) Algebra is abstract but flexible

Question 25
Which of the statements below is true? Remarks (Answer Source)
I. "Data, model, view" is not related to spreadsheet modeling Texbook, page 25 and 26
II. "Data, model, view" seeks to separate the three key elements of a spreadsheet pg 26 - There should be a clear separation between data, model and view elements in your spreadsheet
III. Data, model and view should be intermingled together CONFIRMED
IV. Data is more important than model, and model is more important than view
1) IV
2) II
3) III
4) None of the listed choices
5) I

Question 26
Experience comes from doing, True or False? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) True
2) False

Question 27
What experiments can be performed in exploratory modeling? Remarks (Answer Source)
1) Trade-off analysis
2) Validity analysis 2nd paragraph
3) What-if analysis
4) Sensitivity analysis Textbook, page 37
5) All of the listed choices CONFIRMED

Question 28
If the value of a variable can be found by searching the Internet, there is no need to
build a spreadsheet model to determine its value, True or False? Remarks (Answer Source)
2) False - If the data can be searched, either by calling upon people or surfing the internet, then there is no need to build a model.

Question 29
What does SPRING's Business Excellence Framework comprise? Remarks (Answer Source)
Drivers, system, and outcomes Textbook, Page 40, point 10 - val
Well-designed models CONFIRMED
Drivers, system, outcomes, and well-designed models
Systems and outcomes

Question 30
Which one of these statements is false? Remarks (Answer Source)
You should create the future and not just perpetuate the past Textbook Page 4, Point 4
None of the listed choices
At work, you have to come up with your own questions and data CONFIRMED
In school, you are evaluated by what you learnt
Business functional areas each tries to solve their own problems

Question 31
Why should data be entered only once in a spreadsheet?
Other users can more easily refer to the data
Data needs only to be amended at one cell if changed CONFIRMED
Easier to build the spreadsheet model
Spreadsheet model will run faster

Which is not part of Leadership in SPRING's Business Excellence Framework? Remarks

Developing vision CONFIRMED
Technical excellence
Developing mission
Developing ethics
Cultivating values

What is a leader's job?

All of the listed choices

What is the first thing to do in modeling?

Talk with clients CONFIRMED
Check available reference documents
Brainstorm among project team members
Get a good handle on the variables

What is the first thing to do in modeling? Remarks

Talk with clients CONFIRMED
Check available reference documents
Brainstorm among project team members
Get a good handle on the variables

Modeling requires the use of complex mathematics, True or False? FALSE

Which of these statements is false? Remarks

Unknown data can be estimated using relative values CONFIRMED
Ratios and relative values allow us to generalize
$800 per week is expressed in time context
Absolute numbers are meaningful
20% growth is in a dynamic context

If the value of a variable can be found by searching the Internet, there is no need to Remarks
build a spreadsheet model to determine its value, True or False? CONFIRMED

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