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Day 5: Does the Federal Government have too much power?

Name: Date:

Class Discussion
Do now:
Based on last night’s homework, reflect on what you have learned.
Write 2-3 points that stood out to you from the readings.

Guided Practice: Fishbowl Discussion

a) The people in the inner circle are the only people speaking, the people in the outer
circle are responsible for listening and jotting down comments in the following
b) The discussion will begin with the question: Does the Federal Government have
too much power?
c) When you are in the inner circle you do not need to raise your hand in order to
d) In the inner circle be sure to ask each other questions and answer one another's
e) Be respectful when your peers are participating
f) Use evidence from the reading to support your answers
g) Pose alternative points of views
h) Say I agree…. or disagree…. with your peer's answers
i) Each inner circle will have 10 minutes of discussion and then the inner group will
be switched with members that were in the outer circle
You will be answering these questions when you are in the outer circle of the discussion

Outer Circle Discussion Worksheet

A point or some points made by an inner Things that you disagree with
circle member that you need clarification on
Things that you feel should have been Questions that you would like answered based
addressed by the inner circle discussion on what was said in the initial discussions

Other (i.e any content of the discussion that

you found helpful, things you want do or
avoid doing in your own discussion)

Exit slip: What idea/comment did your peer say during the discussion that you found interesting?

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