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Vocabulary Set 12

Target Vocabulary:
Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler’’.

conduct: to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove

 yürütmek, yönetmek, idare etmek

 We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
 The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.

straight: 1. in a line or direction that is not curved or bent

 düz
 Terry was so tired he couldn’t walk straight.
 My sister has straight hair.

2. immediately, without delay, or without doing anything else first

 direkt, hemen
 I went straight up to bed.

3. informal; someone who is straight is attracted to people of the opposite sex

 dizi ve filmlerde sıklıkla duyarız; cinsel tercih

 heteroseksüel (karşı cinse ilgi duyan, bu yüzden ‘’düz’’.)
 Are you straight?

court: the place where a trial is held, or the people there, especially the judge and the jury who
examine the evidence and decide whether someone is guilty or not guilty

 mahkeme
 We will see about that in the court.
 She threatened to take the magazine to court (=take legal action against them) if they didn’t
publish an immediate apology.

passage: 1. a short part of a book, poem, speech, piece of music etc.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

 paragraf (bir kitaptan vs. bir bölüm anlamında)
 Read the passage and answer the questions accordingly.
 I have read tons of passages about the author, still I can’t find the reason of his death.

2. the movement of people or vehicles along a road or across an area of land

 geçiş, giriş, geçme, geçit

 He was guaranteed safe passage to the country.
 The passage was narrow and with full of dangers.

(in) vain: without success in spite of your efforts

 boşuna
 Police have spent hours searching in vain for the missing teenager.
 Altman swore that his son’s death would not be in vain.

relevant: directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered

 konuyla ilgili, bağlantılı

 We received all the relevant information.
 How is this relevant to the topic?

irrelevant: not useful or not relating to a particular situation, and therefore not important

 alakasız, ilgisiz, önemsiz

 Her comments seemed irrelevant to the real issue.

matter: 1. a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with.

 konu, mesele
 There are important matters we need to discuss.
 Could I talk to you about a personal matter?
 Allen denied any knowledge of the matter

2. a problem

 sorun, problem
 What’s the matter with you?

3. to be important, especially to be important to you, or to have an effect on what happens

 usually used in negative form

 önemli olmak

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

 A: Would you like to have tea or coffee? B: It doesn’t matter.
 It mattered a great deal to her what other people thought of her.
 All that matters is that you are safe.

A) Exercise: Öğren!

Fill in the blanks with the target words!

conduct straight court

matter passage (in) vain
relevant irrelevant

1. George, I think our daughter has a problem. She came home upset and went

________________ to her room without saying a word.

2. We’re focusing too much on ___________________ details.

3. I don't think your answers are ___________________to this discussion.

4. He read out a short ____________________ from the book.

5. Could I talk to you about a personal __________________?

6. I took the test but I couldn’t pass it. So all my efforts so far was _________________.

7. The two big companies had a disagreement. It will be solved in __________________ next

month if they can’t solve it themselves.

8. Turkey and Russia agreed on a free _________________ of 3 months for their people. So,

you don’t have to have visa to go to Russia.

9. They are __________________ a campaign to stop bombings and assassinations.

10. A: Your ex-girlfriend has just called. She wants to talk to you. B: It doesn’t ______________

what she has to say, I am over her. So, tell her I said no.

11. She's threatening to take me to __________________ for not paying the rent on time.

12. Go _____________________ along this road and turn left at the traffic lights.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

B) Match the Words! Pekiştir!

conduct straight court

matter passage (in) vain

relevant irrelevant

1) _________________: not useful or not relating to a particular situation, and therefore not


2) _________________: without success in spite of your efforts

3) _________________: the place where a trial is held, or the people there, especially the

judge and the jury who examine the evidence and decide whether someone is guilty or not


4) _________________: immediately, without delay, or without doing anything else first

5) _________________: to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get

information or prove facts

6) _________________: informal; someone who is straight is attracted to people of the

opposite sex

7) _________________: the movement of people or vehicles along a road or across an area of


8) _________________: a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with.

9) _________________: directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or


10) _________________: a problem

11) _________________: a short part of a book, poem, speech, piece of music etc.

12) _________________: in a line or direction that is not curved or bent

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

13) _________________: to be important, especially to be important to you, or to have an effect

on what happens

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

- Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha sonra bu
kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)

passage: ____________________________________________________________________.

(in) vain: ____________________________________________________________________.

matter: _____________________________________________________________________.

conduct: ____________________________________________________________________.

straight: ____________________________________________________________________.

court: ______________________________________________________________________.

irrelevant: ___________________________________________________________________.

relevant: ____________________________________________________________________.


A: straight, irrelevant, relevant, passage, matter, in vain, court, passage, conducting, matter, court,

B: irrelevant, in vain, court, straight, conduct, straight, passage, matter, relevant, matter, passage,
straight, matter

C: Kendi cümleleriniz + kelimelerin anlamlarını en üstten kontrol edebilirsiniz.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

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