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Name: Rae Jane B.

Date: 08/19/2022
YL/Course/Block #: BSBA Marketing Management 2-2

This sheet is allotted on your activities located on your hand out.

Lesson 1
Suppose no religions has ever existed. Is it ever possible for human beings to know
moral truths? Justify your answer.

I strongly believe that without religion it is possible for human beings to know moral
truths because religion is just a God’s instrument for the human to know that He exists,
still, God can communicate to someone who is not a member of any religion but without
God, I strongly disagree that it is ever possible for human beings to know moral truths.
Because without God people will never have the ability to identify what is right and
wrong or good and bad. In the first place, we are the product of Adan and Eve’s
punishment and even without human being, there is God already. If Adan and Eve did
not break God’s only rule then there will no moral truths, there no such thing as “bad
thing” only good and happiness in the Kingdom, but because Adan and Eve disobeyed
God, we became knowledgeable about what is bad and good. There start our beliefs
that if we do bad things we will be punished by God. Also, without God we will never
have wisdom and knowledge, without wisdom and knowledge we will never have the
ability to think, we don’t have to decide whether doing the things that come into our
minds or not, we will just do what we feel to do. What will be the use of moral truths if
there is no one sovereign to reward or punish our actions? If there is no God then no
need to know moral truths, because we, human beings do good because we believe
God sees us and He will be happy if we do good things, we do not do bad things
because we believe that God can see everything we do, and He will punish us for our
Lesson 2
Supose that you are fully convinced of a certain revelation of God, and this revelation is
asking you to deceive an innocent. Would you follow the command? Justify your

I will not follow the command, because if it is really from Him, this revelation shall not
contradict His commandments and deceiving an innocent one is contradict to God’s all-
loving nature. God Himself is good, He is good not because He follows His own
command but because His commands are commands that does not intend to harm
others. Also, by recognizing that God Himself is the source and locus of moral values,
then God cannot command something that is against His just and loving nature.

Lesson 3
Suppose that there is no afterlife. Provide the most plausible explanation why Good
Samaritan altruism would still be morally commendable in a purely naturalistic world.
Whether we admit it or not, the truth is, most of us are simply trying to live a moral life
not because we are altruistic individuals, but because we don't want to miss the
opportunity in the after life; we do good because according to the teachings of our
religion, there is a reward for the righteous, while eternal punishment awaits the wicked.
Nevertheless, what if there is no existing reality of life after death? What if life is just
here and now? Are we still be compelled to be moral?The thing is, regardless if there
really is an after life or not, living a moral life is morally commendable not. The good
Samaritan's altruism is grounded not in the thought of reward, but it is merely a
realization of his true nature as a human being.

Lesson 4
Do you think religious believers have access to moral truths that is not available to
nonbelievers? Justify your answer.
I think there is none, we, human beings have access to moral truths fairly whether you
are a religious believer or a nonbeliever. The only advantage of a religious believer in
access to moral truths is that believers are more sensitive and cautious in their
decisions and actions. Religious believers think many times before commiting such
actions even in the simplest decisions, they ask wisdom from God, and God’s wisdom
guide them on doing what is right. Me personally as a christian believer, before I commit
an action I ask myself first “if Jesus were in my situation, will He do the same?” and “If I
do this, will Jesus be happy?’’ and I believe through doing this I can do what is morally
right not just in the eyes of others but most importantly in the eyes of the Lord.
Nonbelievers are more prone in wrongdoings, because sometimes they believe in
YOLO moments such as”do what makes you happy as long as you don’t hurst others
cause you only live once”, but not because it makes you happy it means it is the right to
do, a lot of things that could make us happy is bad, such as love of money, pleasure,
lust and many more. Nonbelievers do not think long in making decisions that’s why they
always end up in regrets.

Lesson 5
Is faith relly bound to be close-minded? What are the ways by which faith precludes
open-mindedness on the one hand and ways which make faith conducive to open-
mindedness on the other?
No, I strongly disagree with that. I believe that our Faith makes us to be more open-
minded about everything around us such as good and bad things. It doesn’t mean that
faithful believers avoid things that could be wrong in the eyes of the Lord that in the
eyes of nonbelievers is being close-minded is they indeed close-minded. Isn’t it more
open-minded that you know what is good and what is bad? and doing what you believe
is right? Isn’t it more open-minded that you avoid the things that could make your soul in
danger? Nonbelievers think that believers who does not do secular things is not happy
and close-minded about things that is happy and enjoying to do, but little did they know,
believers have a lot ways to be happy without disobeying God’s commandments. Our
faith lead us in a spirit filled life, and living in spirit doesn’t mean being closeminded but
more like of being doing what is pleasing to God.

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