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Reading Interest Survey

Name: _________________________________________

1. Do you enjoy reading book?

Age: _________________

_____ Yes ______ No

2. What book are you currently reading? _________________________________________


3. What books do you like to select?

_____ Animal Books

_____ Sports Books

_____Science Books

_____Funny Books

_____Scary Books

_____History Books

_____ Mystery Books

_____ Poetry Books

_____ Fantasy Books

_____Biography Books

_____Chapter Books


4. Im likely to read a book if

_____parent suggests

_____ a friend suggests

_____teacher suggests

_____librarian suggests

_____it has won an award

5. If I went on vacation, I would take these three books:

A. ________________________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________________

6. I read: ____everyday

____1-2 days a week

____ 3-4 days a week

____5-6 days a week

7. My favorite spot to read is _____________________________________________________.

8. Do you have a public library card? _____ yes


9. How many books do you have at home? _____None




_____30-50 _____ more than 50

10. If I could meet a character from a book, it would be ________________________________
Because _________________________________________________________________
11. I would like to read about ____________________________________________________
Because __________________________________________________________________

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