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Name: Boyles, Mc Angelo P.

Narrative Essay Outline

Each essay you write will be slightly different content. No matter the format, you
can begin to formulate your ideas using the following structure. Refrain copying and pasting
from any sites. Your thought is valuable.

NARRATIVE Hook- a thing designed to catch people's attention

INTRODUCTION How the message relates to you
Thesis statement or moral of the story

Body Communicating an event timetable

Paragraphs Current challenges (what did you have to overcome)

NARRATIVE Moral of the story

CONCLUSION How the subject relates to anyone
Reader call to action
Do you sometimes get that feeling where you realize that everything is being
aligned by destiny? Well that’s what I felt while I and my group mates are gathering
information about our assigned report. I realized that things happen for a reason and the
process on how I apply what I learned is much clearer now. I understand now that what
is my capacity and how do I apply it in certain tasks. To expound on it, before handling
the assigned topic for our report, we learned how to gather accurate and credible
information, and a few days later we were assigned to get important data and
information about Central Asia. It’s a great thing that our adviser let us pick who we
want to group with, because I know that my group and I have the same understanding
on how to get an accurate and credible information as per discussed in our other
subject. So we searched about Central Asia, and there are plenty of countries that came
out, and we decided to focus on the main countries of Central Asia, which are the “5
Stans” but regardless if we choose to summarize it into the 5 Stants the important
information and data are still plenty so analysing sources to break it down is very helpful
for us. We have manage to create a very accurate, informative, semi-broad and semi-
summarized information of Central Asia, like what are the famous tourist spots, what are
their culture tradition, and a brief information about their history, and their tourism
status. Basically all the things that you need know about a certain country for knowledge
and information purposes.

In terms of our team work, every group member that I have is very cooperative,
we are able to do our individual tasks in time. I can say we are very productive because
from time to time we always meet through online. For clear communication especially
when at the time when our leader is assigning our tasks to us. Systematically speaking,
we first made a group chat to communicate with our group mates for the schedule of our
first meeting. Once we have confirmed everyone’s schedule we move on to
brainstorming on what is needed to be done for us to determine the task and assign it
separately with our group mates. Once that it’s all established we then consult it to
every member for everyone’s agreement. After that we always check our c for any
changes for us to adjust accordingly. We always update each other regarding our task
so that our leader can compile it. To be honest I didn’t experienced any major problems,
it’s just our time schedule since we have allot of tasks from other subjects and personal
matters, but at the end we have manage to make a great output and ppt.
Through our research and output I have learned that there so much to
know from about Central Asia specifically the 5 Stants. But as I have researched the
country is unappreciated and always at the bottom options when selecting a destination
to visit, but as I look at it if the tourist just gave the Central Asia a chance they would
definitely would want to comeback, and just like other countries they have so much to
offer and plans for future tears in their tourism industry

Morally what I have learned about our specific topic is that don’t be afraid to try
because regret is much worse that being afraid to try, so try to experience Central Asia.
Regarding to the journey of making our report, I have learned to respect each and
everyone’s time because aside from school works each of us has personal lives and
matters. And once again life proven to me that everything happens for a reason and in
able to effectively produce an output a group must have an effective planning and most
importantly everyone must be cooperative. And to end this, the Central Asia becomes
one because of the 5 stans just like us, we have produced a great output because all
our us became one.

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