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Aubrey Taeuffer

Manta Rays
Marlena Hirsch

Manta Rays

When watching the STEM film on “Manta Rays” I learned lots of new things. I
learned that manta rays come with different features, and there are lots of different
types of them. Some examples of different features are fingerprints, dots, and flares.
Even though all manta rays have different fingerprints, they all have their fingerprints
in the same spot. Their stomachs. I also learned that there are many different forms
of manta rays. One of them being the Chevron Form aka, “ Black form”. These manta
rays have an all black stomach while other manta rays have blue stomachs. The
presentation also mentioned sharks, the presenter mentioned how there are 500+
species of sharks, and the majority of them have been on earth for 480 million years.
During the Permian Period, (298.9 to 251.9 MYA) 95% of the ocean species died and became
extinct. During the Juraasic period, hybodont sharks were “new sharks' '. They were
Heterodontus which meant they have different teeth from other sharks. They ranged
from about 4 feet long and they live on the bottom of the ocean floor. They have horns
on their backs to prevent attacks and use for self defense

While watching this presentation, I found it interesting how they explained both
about sharks and manta rays in the presentation. Something that interested me was
they put 2 things in one presentation and kept it organzied. I learned alot of new things
in this presentation that I normally would’t have found out without watching the video,
taking notes, and writing a summary on it.

Gary Robbins
San Diego Union- Tribune
Scientists discover world’s first manta ray nursery

. This article was about a man named Steward from San Diego who found
“Juvenile oceanic manta r ays” Once he kept seeing more and more, he asked for help
from NOAA researchers, they came across a manta ray nursery. The researchers then
did more look at them, and they don’t have any research on how far they go, what they
eat, or any habitats they access. Steward also had said when seeing the adults they are
huge aand cam have a 21- foot wingspan. Theybare super friendly animals and you can
even touch them. He also mentioned how manta rays are very different from laarger
marine species, meaning theyre curious animals who want to see you, just ass much as
you want to see them.

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