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is the act of making unjustified distinctions between

people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or
are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis
of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other
categories. Discrimination especially occurs when individuals or groups are
unfairly treated in a way which is worse than other people are treated, on the
basis of their actual or perceived membership in certain groups or social
categories.It involves restricting members of one group from opportunities or
privileges that are available to members of another group.
Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices and laws exist in
many countries and institutions in all parts of the world, including territories
where discrimination is generally looked down upon. In some places, attempts
such as quotas have been used to benefit those who are believed to be current or
past victims of discrimination. These attempts have often been met with
controversy, and have sometimes been called reverse discrimination.

Forms of discrimination

Direct discrimination:

According to the National Council for Combating Discrimination ,direct

discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another
person who has been, could be in a comparable situation, and the difference.
treatment is based on any discrimination criteria provided for by the
legislation in force.
Indirect discrimination:

Indirect discrimination is a form of discrimination that is not obvious at

first glance. Although certain practices, rules or policies are seemingly fair
and neutral, they may conceal different and unfair treatment of people from
different social backgrounds and may infringe their rights. Indirect
discrimination occurs when the practices, policies or procedures of an
organization have the effect of disadvantaging people who share certain
protected characteristics, unless this is explicitly stated in the case of direct

Multiple discrimination:

According to the National Council for Combating Discrimination,

multiple discrimination occurs when a person or group of persons is treated
differently, in an equal situation, on the basis of two or more cumulative
discrimination criteria.
People have multiple identities and are part of several social groups at the
same time. Simultaneous membership of several groups may increase the
vulnerability of those individuals to discrimination.

Harassment is any behavior that leads to the creation of an intimidating,

hostile, degrading or offensive environment, based on race, nationality,
ethnicity, language, religion, social status, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation,
membership in a disadvantaged category, age, disability , refugee or asylum
status or any other criteria.


Victimization is any adverse treatment, in response to a complaint or

action in court or at the competent institutions, regarding the violation of the
principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination.

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