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Parental Please Photocopy - Do Not Tear Out

Permission Form:
Dear Parent or Guardian,

We are delighted your child has chosen to participate in People to People International’s Student Chapter Program. This rewarding
experience will enhance your child’s leadership and teamwork skills, acquaint him/her with other cultures and enable him/her to
take part in exciting, inspiring community projects and events.

People to People International (PTPI) was established by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower on September 11, 1956 to enhance
international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of
ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. Today, as a NGO with a U.S., not-for-profit,
[501(c) (3)] tax rating, PTPI has a presence in 135 countries with more than 80,000 families and individuals actively participating in
its programs for students and adults. Please visit for more information.

PTPI is proud of the contributions that your child makes to its Student Chapter Program. We wish to gain permission to feature
photographs of your child and his/her project work on PTPI's website and promotional materials, which are distributed to inform
the public about our organization. If we select a photograph that includes your child, we will list only his/her Student Chapter name
along with a description of the photograph; no personal names or other identifying information about your child will be used.

Photographs including your child or his/her project work for PTPI's Student Chapter Program will qualify for use only if he/she and
you as his/her parent or guardian have signed this parental permission form. If you have questions about PTPI's Student Chapter
Program and your child's contribution to it, please contact the program manager at or +1.816.531.4701.

President and Chief Executive Officer, People to People International

Yes, I grant People to People International the right to display 's photographic image or project work in
connection with PTPI's Student Chapter Program on People to People International's website or in its promotional materials.

No, I do not grant permission.

PTPI Roman Chapter

Student Chapter Name

Student Signature

Print Student Name

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Print

Parent/Guardian Email Date


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