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INGL 4021 M03

Date: October 5, 2022
To: Pier A. LeCompte Zambrana, Professor
From: Isaida C. Rivera Mercado, Biology Department Student
Subject: Conference report “Self-Care: The Art of Self-Love”

On Wednesday, October 5, 2022, I attend the conference “Self-care: The art of self-love”
presented by Mr. Carlos Marín García, who is a prevention navigator in the organization
Intercambios Puerto Rico. Intercambios Puerto Rico is a non-profit community-based
organization founded in 2008. In addition, the Vice President for Student Affairs of the
University of Puerto Rico in Ponce and AC Quality of Life participated in the talk. This was
done remotely by Microsoft Teams; the conference lasted an hour and a half. The audience for
this was different UPR campuses and people close to those organizations. In this talk, key points
were exposed that must undoubtedly be important in the life of every human being. We live in a
world where mental health is in decline, that's why we must take care of ourselves to help others.
Self-care and Emotional Self-regulation:
Self-care is a term that is described as the conscious act that a person does to support
their own physical, mental, and emotional health. There are different ways in which you can
support your self-care. We need to take the necessary steps to take care of the body and mind to
be better equipped to live the best life. So, without a doubt, how we take care of ourselves should
be evaluated. Having a personal care routine will benefit life in different aspects. Marín
presented an exercise that we must carry out in our lives, both personal and professional, since
we will find different problems everywhere, so with self-care we must know what emotional
self-regulation is to carry it out as well. PPA: I stop (I breathe, I see how I feel), I think (Why do
I feel like this? What should I do? and I act (I put into practice).
In conclusion, it was a conference that helped my personal and professional life, since I
have known certain margins that should be a priority in the life of every human being. In
addition, it gives us tips to improve the self-care routine, self-esteem, and self-love. You should
eat healthy, take time to exercise, be fully aware and, without a doubt, sleep well. I will put this
knowledge into practice to live a full life.


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