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Name : Kelsey Padilla Lara

Title : The Deepest Cave

Date : 10/27/22

The deepest cave in Mexico is the Cheve cave in Oaxaca. Cheve Cave is 7K
deep from the surface. Before entering the cave, the spelunkers run tests such as
making sure their harness works to make sure they are ready to discover. Spelunkers
bring a lot of supplies, sort of like a bindle, and it should last them for a while. The team
is separated into camp bases. Starting at the surface, camp 1 will be there. Camp 2, is
3K from the surface down. What is the worst thing to happen to a spelunker? The worst
thing to happen to them is one of the spelunkers is someone on the team dying. The
cave is so deep that when the spelunkers are deep down in the cave they can hear their
own echos; this is known as a sign of hope. When they sing it sounds like a harmony
put together. Since the spelunkers are in a dark cave, they’re eyes do not adjust, so it is
harder for them to see. The spelunkers described it as being in the cave as if it was
being on the moon. Camp 6 was able to go deeper into the cave than the rest of the
camp bases. When they had finished spelunking, every camp base was out of food, and
they’re clothes were ripped.

Reflection ~

I’ve always liked watching films about nature such as animals, natural disasters.
But I never watched a film about a cave. At first, the thought of hearing about caves
sounded boring, but the film shows the perspective of the spelunkers, it showed how the
spelunkers have troubles, for instance when they ran into a collapsed pathway with no
way out, I was shocked to see that they had techniques to find a way out. The film
showed us to not give up and to always find a solution to hard problems. As well as
entering a part of the cave where they had to be squished together. All I could think
about was “ If they’re squished together and the temperature of the cave is moist,
wouldn’t it be hard to breathe? “. Furthermore, I was thankful for the film because I can’t
imagine how troublesome it would've been to be there. What scared me the most was
when the spelunkers were running low on food, and supplies, like their rope because
Camp Base 6 had gotten too deep I thought it would've been hard to get back up. It
reminded me of when I played minecraft with my brother, and were in a cave, and we
always had to use our supplies to get out of the cave without any mobs approaching us.
Lastly, I was glad Mr. Kruger had shown this film because it encouraged me to not give
up so easily, since there is a way out.
Article :A Cool Job: Bringing Dark Secrets of Caves to Light
By: Stephen Ornes

Francisco Suaro, a speleologist that studies caves, has been trying to get into the
cave in Northern Venezuela called Tepuis. It has been said that the cave looks familiar
from Paradise Falls in the movie “Up”. Suaro has been trying to get in the cave, but is
unable to do so since he has to wait for the perfect weather, that is because usually
Tepuis is often blanketed in clouds and the winds are so fast it can whip them. Suaro’s
team wants to stay over for 40 days to explore a cave in tepuis. Inside the tepuis forms
quartzite to sandstone. Tepui caves are much older than limestone formations. Suaro is
interested in learning more about rocks, because living microbes live in the caves.
Furthermore, he studies the tepuis to get a better understanding of the shape of the
earth. Many of the microbes that have been formed have not been identified yet by
scientists. Mountains are a good place to look, because if the mountain does not
contain streams or rivers, that means there is water going through underground. The
good thing about caves is that there is no end to discovering. Many caves don’t have
access to the surface, that means it’s hidden and undisturbed.

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