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Lecture (8)

Writing white papers,

activity reports, and
incident reports
 White papers and briefings

White paper is one of the most common types of activity reports

and activity reports share one goal – to objectively inform
readers about:
1) what happened?
2) what is happening?
3) what will happen in the near future?
 1.Read the text and answer the questions
given below.
 Tom Weber, an electrical engineer, works in
Washington, D.C., as a technical advisor for
two government agencies within the U.S.
Department of Defense, says that in
Washington, D.C., engineers and scientists
often act as advisors to the executive and
legislative branches and play an important
role in briefing policymakers and
congressional staff on technical issues.
Because time for meetings is limited, these
briefings are usually accompanied by a
short technical document, or white paper,
that explains the issue in question.
Although meant to be an objective technical appraisal,
white papers will often influence a policy decision or
promote a specific program or research agenda. These
papers are short, usually four pages or fewer, and cover
the technical goals and benefits of a new policy or
program. For example, a white paper on power system
reliability, with a technical explanation of recent
problems and proposed solutions, might be given to
administrators at the Department of Energy considering
new regulatory policies for the electric power industry. A
white paper on the benefits of nanotechnology might be
given to congressional staff working on next year’s
budget priorities for federally funded research and
development programs.
In a white paper, the writer must clearly
explain, to a mostly nontechnical audience,
the relevant technical issues, and come to a
logical conclusion as to the best decision and
path forward within current political realities.
All this must be accomplished in just a few
pages. With the incredible information flow in
our nation’s capital, most government
decision makers will have only a few minutes
to review any one document.

 Who are writers and readers of white papers?

 What are the contents and language of white papers?
 Why are white papers written?
Writing activity reports (Basic Pattern for an Activity Report)
1. Read the model of the incident report in which management is notified of an
accident in the lab and answer the questions:
1- Who might read or use this report? 2- What information does the incident report
include? 3- What is the purpose of the report? 4- Where will this report be used?
write an incident report to explain a recent accident in your laboratory.
 SPEAKING Talking about general topics (Part 1)
Main prompt 1: Have scientific and technological developments changed our life?
• Do you think science and technology are closely related?
follow-up • Do many modern technologies depend on science andthe
prompts: application of scientific principles?
• Can you say that you live in an age of science and technology?
• How do modern technologies make people’s life easier?

Main prompt 2: How do modern technologies affect our lives?

• Do modern technologies turn you into “couch potatoes”?
prompts: • Do you think books will be replaced by the net?
• How have modern technologies influenced your leisure time?
• Do you have any reasons to hate these technologies?

Main prompt 3: Has the advance of technology brought only benefits?

• Do you think technology allows you to become lazier?
prompts: • Are you afraid of being replaced by robots at work?
• Can you live without solar power?
• Do the body scans and lasers help doctors to diagnoseaccurately?
 Monologue (Part 2)
 Talk for up to 4 minutes. Compare the pictures and say a few
words about the difference between inventions and innovations.

 1- Inventions and innovations

Can you live without it? Is this thing really making your life better?
 Talk for up to 4 minutes. Compare and contrast the pictures
and say what changes this invention has brought to engineers.

Why are laptops considered to become very popular today?

 Discussing in pairs (Part 3)
 Discuss which of these technologies will continue to dominate at
the end of the 21-st century?

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