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Name: Paola Zamora Ramos

Title: Wildlife Conservation and You

Presenter: –
Dec 6, 2022

This presentation was about wildlife conservation, and how us humans can ruin wildlife

without realizing that we do. In this presentation they talked about many topics such as the

California Bear, how many species of animals there are, Wildlife animals and whether they are

endangered or not + way more. An example can be like the California Bear on the flag. It's a

grizzly bear and now there are none left here in California. The last one was seen around 1922-

1930. These are problems created by us by doing things we normally would do and don’t know

we are creating the issue. Another example can also be like Rhinos, they come from every

continent, mostly from Africa. They have 2 types of rhinos (Black rhinos and white rhinos) The

most popular are the Northern white rhinos, there are only 2 left which are a mother and

daughter. They are always being watched to make sure they are safe and don't get poached.

People poach them for their horns/noses (worth $60,000) People also use them for Covid. There

were many pandemics over the years and they are all related to wildlife. There are 3 ways to help

with wildlife (eat less meat, vote with your money, Go places, meet new people, experiment,

travel, and treasure our world.


Overall I really enjoyed this presentation, it showed many ways why our wildlife is

struggling and to bring awareness about that. There are many species in the world (8.7M and

counting). Most of them are in Zoos and some are out in the wild. I really liked how it told us

that even most of the well known wild animals are endangered and need help. An Example can
be like the tigers, there's only 2,159- 3,159 and it keeps decreasing which is not a good thing. If

you look at it all of our wildlife animals are slowly dying and we need to fix this. Lastly, this

presentation is really good to show awareness to people about wildlife.

Paola Zamora Ramos

Dream Jobs: Wildlife Biologist
National Geographic
December 8, 2022
3pages, 838 word count, 950L

This article is about Wildlife and how Sergio Silva became a Wildlife Biologist. Sergio

Silva works to protect and restore native species and habitats in Southwestern United States and

in Northwestern Mexico. Silva was born and raised in Mexico Zacatecas, he always liked nature

since he was really young. Silva received a degree in biology from University of Aguascalientes.

He studies the area to protect wildlife, Silva learned about Tarahumara’s, they are master

trackers. They can track people, and they can tell the difference between footprints. They taught

Silva about the medicinal properties of specific plants. Silva soon got his masters degree from

the University of Baja California. Silva’s favorite part of his job is spotting or finding evidence

of wildlife. He likes to look at animals that are at risk, but he specifically likes when he gets

photographs of wildlife in an area in their region. He likes to see wildlife come back to the areas

that were once damaged once the area isn’t as bad anymore.
Silva likes to be very precise about wildlife, he asks himself a lot of questions, he also

likes to teach the younger generations about wildlife and why it's so important to us. He also

talks to farmers and different groups on both sides of the border. Silva is involved in a

conservation project in the Madrean Archipelago where he protects, preserves, and restores cats

in habitat. He also monitors the presence of mammals like big cats, mountain lions, lions, tigers,

ocelots and jaguars. To search these skins of animals you have to have good tracking skills, need

to know what paw prints belong to who, how far the animal travels, what preferred den or shelter

and to know if they're active during the day or at night.

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