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Name: Joanna Marie P.

Year and Section: 2 BS Accountancy - THEN101.N1
Date: November 18, 2022


A. Organized Account

“Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

After emphasizing the importance of loving God, Jesus emphasizes the

horizontal component that must accompany it. Loving individuals around you
demonstrates your love for God. The care that the great majority of us pay to our
personal needs puts this second commandment into perspective, making this
direction more clearer: "Love your neighbor as yourself" (v. 31 NIV). This
prevents us from substituting a passing interest in someone and assuming the
commandment has been met.

It is tempting to see loving our neighbor primarily in dramatic terms, such

as the Good Samaritan assisting the battered man on the road to Jericho (Luke
10), while ignoring basic deeds that are also part of expressing love to a
neighbor. The text's verse 10 serves as a forceful reminder. Godly love cannot be
shown if we engage in behaviors that are not in the best interests of our

Jesus concludes His response by stating that nothing is more essential

than these two commandments. This should have informed any Pharisees who
were listening or subsequently heard the talk that none of their other six
hundred-plus rules should ever be permitted to intrude on these two.

B. Purpose and Goal of the Principle

Redemption, propitiation, forgiveness, justification, and reconciliation must

all occur. They are an expression of affection. But the purpose of love that makes
those deeds loving is that we be with him and be amazed by his jaw-dropping
splendor. We forget ourselves in such moments as we behold and relish
everything that God is for us in him.

Some neighbors are a huge difficulty; but, as Christians, we do not have

the luxury of being picky. Loving our neighbors may necessitate self-sacrifice on
our side. To make a difference in their lives, we may have to set aside our
preferences and expectations.

So I urge everyone to push people to the goal of Christ's love via actions
of his love. If redemption, propitiation, forgiveness, justification, and reconciliation
do not lead us to Jesus himself, they are not love.Even when we use the word
love appropriately, it is far simpler to speak it than it is to put it into action with
real attitudes and deeds. This may provide an ethical dilemma for believers. The
law of love established by Christ is to be the driving basis for our actions. It
encompasses our relationships with the Lord, family members, coworkers,
friends, acquaintances, and the rare stranger who enters our day.

C. Realization and Experience

Undoubtedly, some people's personalities and behaviors make it harder to

demonstrate the love that God needs. Perhaps a coworker ignores his or her
obligations, making your job more challenging. It may be a neighbor's dog, or it
could be kids who are not only rowdy but also disregard your property and
privacy. The list of problematic locations may be broadened to include church,
shopping malls, the road, and everywhere else we come into contact with others.

Now comes the difficult part: loving our neighbors. We have sinned if we
are picky about the neighbors we love. We are not given the option of loving one
sort of neighbor while ignoring others.Genuine love shines through regardless of
look, personality, or economic status. Love is the result of our connection with
God via Christ. It then spreads to people around us, whether they are restaurant
waiters, janitors, company owners, teachers, or jobless. Nobody is worth less
because of the sort of employment they perform or do not do.
In verses 10 and 11, James expertly employs the commandments to
explain how violating even one of God's rules qualifies us as a lawbreaker. The
same is true when unconditional affection is not offered. Yes, we have the
freedom to select our views and consequent responses to people. With this
liberty comes the duty to obey God's rules.

Although displaying love in some situations might be challenging, let us

not lose sight of its potential influence for witnesses. Love pulls even when a
person appears to be opposed. Love slips around, over, and beneath some of
life's most formidable obstacles. Thus, Love is greater than the wonderful gifts of
languages, prophecy, insight, and faith. It is rated higher than the greatest
philanthropic act of donating one's entire estate to the needy. It is more important
than self-sacrifice of one's body to complete the difficulties of sharing the Gospel.
Nothing has been accomplished in the eyes of God unless love is a significant
component of each of these actions.

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