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How can a canned alcoholic beverage best convey flavor expectations?

First of all there is need to define the keyword that is:Alcohol ,can and flavor.
Alcoholic beverage:An alcoholic beverage (also called an alcoholic drink, adult beverage, or
simply a drink) is a drink that contains ethanol, a type of alcohol that acts as a drug and is
produced by fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar. The consumption of
alcoholic drinks, often referred to as "drinking", plays an important social role in many cultures.
Most countries have laws regulating the production, sale, and consumption of alcoholic

Can:A drink can (or beverage can) is a metal container designed to hold a fixed portion of liquid
such as carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, teas, herbal teas, energy drinks,
etc. Drink cans are made of aluminum (75% of worldwide production)[1] or tin-plated steel (25%
worldwide production). Worldwide production for all drink cans is approximately 370 billion cans

per year.
Flavor: The quality of something that affects the sense of taste.
Therefore for maximum results, decant into a glass designed for that style and serve the
beverage at the proper temperature (cold for lager, cool for ale, etc). (e.g. a pint glass).
Pint glass: the quality of something that affects the sense of taste.

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