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ame Bonjal Cnoual hasy

En Do. A2oHo 52.21124

SEM 3seN 3.TechCse)

instrucHon should perme

h i c h of he fllowing
in uses4 mode Y
instouthon 9uun only in wsHmode
HSThu olousing hat do
o f u a i n g 3dm on-privi .

indelupBs asu alão used hen changing

me (ade cmy
*h mode wom privileged
to mon-ptivileged i staqui red.
LbRea 4he clock
tap insrution
a issue a

h e othe nstsucHond suns omly in KeHna mode o

tha oparahe
opetading sysdem .To peuam Care c opetaions
4 *hesa inshrutin
Spem u n thex type oinshucioms.
hon it wiU not b Execuk
toie to un u mode in
Omd shaw a ileaal inlduchom.
a Setha value t ime
L b) Clea memoH
e ) Tus4n off inessuupts
L) Hodi entsie> in he device-s+atus
L Suitth fom U u to kestnel mode
LhAcce (o deuice

kohas ose he thvea main ppose an opeaking

And OS ies in Codegey o Systm sogkoare .
OS alucdion o satoae that manages Compuden
hasdhsane tubowius ¢ pTovide Cormmam Ses4 vices os
Con pukH Proge m mes

Some h e populas OS are Loindous Os

bLinux OS
)Onix Os, ett.
The opetaing sysdems has hea main Puopose>
Manage tha Compuler's s o u t tax [such o cPO mernodisk

oviveh & printo

b Establlsh a s e indesuhace
appicadim sdhsane ,ekt

e)Execuute and PTovide seuices Por

Wvik a shost noe on -

which a

aSusem CalA ts a programaic usayin8 e v i c e

PTogam agu est a m
A Ss m Ca is a
Keyne? oOS it is executd on .

miact itm hu os
o parama to
makes Sc h e n it makes a taqust to
H Cmputt pToq sam to
sesvice e OS u pooTam
Oss kexnel .SC provide a

via Afi (Applicaiom Psomom 4ntuacw.

S * provides an inuau blw a proces s
oS *o allas u l
*o saguet esviud to OS .Sys m
Calls ae amly
en pt. bKesHned 8ystm .HU proasames neadina
HAo HCR mu we Spkem calls .

Sysn call Can a qoupesl ino 5major Cataosies

d) Snto. Managment
bDevice Managemant Communi ati om
Pile Managemen+
bMemoy Managenent
ts me o ha major funchon
ocpestading 3dm
9t e o ha manaaemant oPrimasu
main mima
is made up a lage a y s kS
Main memoy or oord is
c tta
asigmed aa C oiin
Leords h e e each byk
addus. it Cam d u ey accese
Nain memo ast Shosog
by cPU b Heside in main memony

O s peuom olosina achivitics ss MM
a Keap ack on ptimasuy memo
b) Sn muliproqTam ming, os docida ha oTdau in uhich ps O s
aue rankdaccess to memayor hmo lmg
pwa aeques+ i to do
l o t a k memsy, shen
Dealoaks momay, shun a pwus tmi natd.
such as RHM , ROM Hadusk. ,ett
t m a n a g t prsimasuy mamos
cSypten Beograms Sysem PreqTaming Com b dakied aa act

Ouiling Sustm sshoase usina m prasomming

s. Ac. to Compsey hieasy one hih mks at loF
Hasdsae. The i+ is os, System proram,rally Appiadim
Porooma. stsream Deelapment f ereutiom Com bl done onvhienty
in Sadtm proma Some Syskm promd ae simpy u
unklace , othes aue Complex St traddtional lie u he u s

o, hee f Syadtm
h u
Com mu Vieo up-to -the yskm PTeTam

he Com
su Sysm alla
Cam ba dwided
indo thest Cadegsges
Spm 'staoram
) roqTo mming anguage sfos
Ale Monaqenent
3 Stotu nfosraion 5 Proasam Loading Enecutim
Aie Madikicakion 6) ommnunication
in OS ate.
Some Emamples s m pro rams
oindais lo 4Unix LDisR formatin
Mac OS X y Pndrsoid Gmpukt lanauagt analadors
Ubundu Ar-viTus
d Multi- Proumar Susem Most (ompudA Syodem asue oaingle
Cie hat haanH
proubor Sysdtm
os osea lll
hane ame pro wsbr) HoLoeveH,muli pro usor

in impodan ce noLadays. ThosR Sudems

slmd inuaing
in pasal0N hak shase t h
hone mulhple pTOLeoHs oskin tha
e e . Am image de mons tsating
p u A Clock, m e m o u
mlkpmoudor adhitchune ib a olsos in nent Poqe
CPu1 CPo2) CPU-- -CPO (

Multipoousing Arci ectuHe

The axe tuso type s mudiprowmoSUs

Symmesic MP
bAsummessic MP
Contain mulan
9 n Summetsic Mutiprocumor
3stem, Each proes2or
a l Commumicae u h êath otheH .AU thu
as and ty
Copy t h e no mabt-sae
procasoSS aHe in pe-to-p eladionshPCi.e
seulasionship Cxish blo dhem)
eack prous6T IS gien a
L Assmmetric Multiprowor Syam inshsuttian to all tha
masdo pTocmoYhas gives
Tas. Thees a
mableu-slave tlakionship.
poaosS.This Susden Carrtains

Advondtage MPSlem 0ee

Moe uaible System
Enhance Though pu
Mote Etonomic Susem
Disaduatoges d MPSystkn
Snuak expense
aded os saguised
Compli uines.
Main Memoy
lape belad uaing pramption
with an end mple qiven
STF alaorithm
without prtamphok |Pid AT|B:
A o r Prmpin
Gantt ha
Co-o) + (5-1)
> fov, P =

KOajding ime Pa= O

P 13-2= |l

avg. WT= t1t0 = 5 ms.

FO psuampim (non) fos, h= o
Ocutinq time »

Guant cha Pa 9-1= 8


Ps 13-2-
Btotl) 19 6.33 ms
avq T 3

Calaulak avg. LOaiting ime avg twnasunund tim d tolaoinq

pmoblen usi Pcfs gosuithm:-
nantt Chase A
B 3

s a s imitjalized to 9.
Then 6P(oait) opekaiony
ACoumking SermophoMes
uvexe Carnp eted on
this Sem aphore Lhat is ta .

and V tiqnal) opesaionb

Steulting vaue o Ho Semaphobt f 3gnal t )
udas oviginaly tomadP
f The ait () opexahm a 'V'(Ho in oument).
oab oDiginaly umed
when pestoTm o opeadion it decoase Semaphost
Valus o &omaphorr y m.
value by one ,4 V cpesodtion i n u a
So, A 4ridally umaphoe value= lo
N pa"harning 6 P opesations,
lo-6 = 4
value Semophove =

bRsst ming 4Vapexationa

value 4 Semaphaat = 4+H -8 Ay

valu anaphore = 8 A
Dta ho &tate diagsuam fon Bheduliry e PToCs and dine
the Bchedule.

As oddmittesd indeupt
ne Bchedul Eut teominadt)
(9um) HUming
time uarta
S/o oT kvent /4/o or Eent wait
tig Stak diagre
T h e s e s scheddes is a sdthoasre poaduch thot allnos an
Endetprise b schedule tsack Compudtu bateh taska.
The poocs3 scheulea Selacts an avaioble prous o poram
Enecsm on a Cae
LThee aue 3type o procas 3cheluleo
9 Lona m Schedulsu 2Job ScheduluHf
Hiortbn Shedulesy fcPU Schesulo
Mid-term Scheduls iRemoe prou ram memom
onsides ho stlaoing poocoses Uih preanpive SRTF
alaorsithm. tunataund time.
Hry Scheduling AlqovidchmSRTF PA3T AT
Gante host- 2 3

Gmpelekian THmeT I f r P,=20 alo Tunadnnd ime

P 20
P = lo-3=7
P 13 Ps= P =13-8-S

- 8-2S
Aug. Tuun ataund time= 20 +1 t t 5
Conatden hu holooing PTOCADAeS with mam-preempPtie pslaoHy
aodhm/ High numbeH AepTeRn+ ghe Poiitf.
Ans omtt Chasct- Ra67 P AT
15 3 3
Oaiding time fov,PP0
12 =|
5 3
I-2= 9 2 54
P 4-3= Colculart av TAT
Po 9-4-5 Ovg.wDT
av. WTE O+I+3HFS
N TAT > frA 4 B= 15-1=4 l-4= 7
9-3-6 E=
P= 12-2 =16 ; =

avg-TAT- 4+14tlot+ 6+7 - 4 8.2 D A

ohidh nehsosk onaukoion -LAN and -AN Loald kabtsuit
haouasing envisonments?
ocarions acwss a
Campu Stddent Onion. b) Seveal ompuws
Stak wide oniveai sys
)A neigh bauthaod
&ince LAN local axea Conmecs Cmpuden i i n
Any Pnd hOA hoide Area Oehesiks
a 9Hcom a building , or a Compus.
Gnka buillings iies os Cavntries
uaualy ,
Studend- Uniom.
bat sif tor Campus
So LAN ig f Seeal (ovmpus
OA is but suit lor nejghbouthaod
loadion acuass a state wde onivety Sq8kem.
envieonment,Sereeal wees
In a mullipsoqsammingHme shabng e s u l t in
3hae he suatem Simultaneousy . h i
Situai on Con

Vaskinus se u`u Po bic

ohat axe 2 such Problems? s e cuuy in a time -shake
b lan we Enswre the Same deqree auwe.
? Enplas'n yout
macine as in a delicaled machine
Any a n mulhipsoqpammig and time Shostinq wiomman
Bevexa we4 shase t ysdem gumultaneouly This situain
Com susult in uasias eusiy problems
Thne Com b ha ase
im vaicus problems . 5
d a t a twhich may suult
meams iaga acces in Someboedy
&yskm thicwing tha data is a pvedlem
) Anothes psobem "no pppeH accounting u a s a " , it ma
i Sonebedy is using tha susouH csithout mai n dainirg prepe
accsuntin data a &esi aus problem.
We ant asswre Same leve! dSeuuty as it is puzndd
in delicated macine. Bcoz in time Bhasuin Ewisonmant, uukipla
u s aHe accessing ho Bystem , So it ig 3o n e
Ldhat diiuIt+
to implement boz it we ae planning sto ue a tighlevel
thu Shaungenuronment+ than it wil dial
to implemen hat e unuy
Eack # eve Seusuty Syattm
brd ken by anehe4 huma
made by human Con b
cisCunstances a l d a use buttesH o4f osinx
Unden wha- than a Pc co a Single usey Lsas
timeshasirg ystem Loskinenvitonmentag
ThexaaTimeae tuao type o
shosin Envisomment
bDedicaco suouHo Enuisnment
ghasing he ysdenm $
S n TSE , multiple
useU aw
shen th tabks thidh
Ond h i s ype a envisanmend iz usepul JtusowrCLs asu ast
os lage G had8aHe.
to pet btmesl axe big
HesDut(0s Can bi Candumel r th
&icient. Thu ul pooe
UbUI Pcblems a»a o be
vonment iz usku when h tadk shich
DediCared Envi environment is poeees
pAs med anesmal leel .This uurs
handle thi pToblem
hardusasxe obouwi aHe suident to

Calcuate a g . oT uin Rvnd Robin scheuling i h time
9mtum i s ms WT- TA1-BT

Hhs Gonttcho Pd TAT

A S 0
D 3
Saihing Tmefr A=o-o)+ (a-5) ,
= 2 E
D .aug-OT=8+8+2+4+7
S-8 ms

hew oncorent pacesses ( e,R and B) E 3 lainay enaphores.

asue 3
The emaphases asHe initialized as So=l ,9,=01
Ho many
times wid the
Oupu ProLe Pro Ghous |
exeukn while Ctrue)i wait (SD5 waitlsa)1
o pribt if ta proCess oait (So)i Teleae (Sytelease(So);|
Ondes B>P B R - R ?
js Point (o)i
inaide Telease(SDi
s grikial ony Can go velensc (S1)
a So =1,`I =o, S,=0.
Cohile lanp when exeutd in Hus
is tuoice
Minimum mo. tme) 0'psin te
ondu PoPPoPP
ta es
methads tor passing paameksus
Descibe three
qeneoal to o9
r possma pasomadte)
gena mehads
Ans T tos
t a s pasameku tggs To
and &nds
block)table| memoy
84tote pasanelots n
addrs ablok to tho eaiato9. thoa a u
appoache. 4
inun ww a Combimaion d these h o u aHe
he used. ¥
ugisku 0He
teuseu patameo usRd.
block mehad ip
moe a n tive pasuomeos

u placuol pushed , anto a

sBa ck lay a
fascameou thso Can ,or
o Sack b aS. Some OS poekw
param amd ppped O
&ack mehod beozhase aPProaches da not
u block o%

imit th numb o4ongh d pakameles being


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