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Pa Mcqzil — Compurery ORGANIZATION. X we Umit 2 DiaitAL Fuwb4 NEWTALS. ‘ tn Number Syftems 57 Convewions - Bolten Adgesra 4, Uampliparion ~ Minmigation ef Boolean Funetions — Le fh tap, bepe gates — NAND NOR Drplomentatiar, Numpec Swtoms 4 Conversions DATA Fy Pes , ge Dipak computers WING Inhaty Cofeamatiion » Birsy tye. Ayored tn meme pt Prorertod eqnerer , * Registers conten olota / Lentsel informer ien Control. Trjermatin * a bit / géoup of bits Apeuty the sequent ape aa igs pradaol fre manipuleicion of data tp Ap tres Data pumps [Innate —Weled In}, aepre Reguisd computenioral sedrutes. Dota Categuates 1 a | S|; Numpess Larter lustrere AyYpmpols j Alt indo. xcept binary Nuynpess are Aequres tp Wiraty booted fern, 8th, Aegrtrens ore convAntred by = UY fupedions C4» two Free alew rte. able bo Ueprerent only o oet). opetated on to Atpueyenced 10 NunBerw SYSTEMS + Ss VK oe digits » — a. (ry ~e number S¥ytrem }- Bare / Racin Bf a a fymere thab uset obimines Approval fra te To dureenine the quantihy. thar phe umber Aefier6oesy by an Inbeges te is netersaty Power HY RK 4 theo dive sno. Numbet Synverr 4. Deetmet a. Binary 3. ected ie Hexack mal to mule ply each Rt fosrn the wm of all, Welyntet (Symes ) Racoli'g Quanrity bind, lo OyN)%) Bi 8 F TRS STE axle 4x WO? +4 Sx (pr! = ORAS), x ord ARs ahs Lap H9= Coie, = let oxdty é ‘ UP + 109% OF Ona! a \naP yas ze > &|S4-b 7-3 Exe ae =< (738 Ag te oie UAB EC axe, axel t-dxoy “OF 4x8) (4434, nlees 13 [payynemb esas ve se s Anp ener bord .t- Con vesn'on From ore pave ° Xo ecemat ss At Number Stem, Art number Sytem converte (FD UTOI, of Ae, , (HeTI0 166), (lore 017, 2 bare fo a elo (40 p. eae ze BS ee, yoon wy os Flecstac 4! | (ND po , (436), lc teoteces Par yy we pes » von yon l ve Ropeopsond F e oP h Ss sh aze ta) 'o10- © FF ix a x o® ox ga! org? Ix) oxy® Ts [ra (10.375), nnn DEO oss (10.375), Q Convere the Adtloun'ngs to oletmark , Caer, , G3. 5 CDI, 5 C964 x, 9 (680-4 )g a) 1m) 21 L- jye? s (i Rael 6 te a ¢ CISD 55. rat 2 57 2 By is) > (4310). 4 3 10 isl os oxeh 2 a (FID gy, AagS 2 cre ” sae oO 2 (f0 ) © i 5 Oo L px = 2 OT EF De, ae td (rae dix 14 6 9 jp sKiw = | qx 1° 108 (44%, }x oa altho 2boO ter 30-4), 630. 4 . exe® 408-0), ~ Seé) os ay : ° bxe% =384 FOR convere bre Aadlowingy bertiral numbers © me ty Bl» 612, 1998 , 0.687S y 11998 XL 299-0 & 2 (Ces Corar pH raterePred — UUagneye rite ernre \. Tre Fre teen 0.6875 yyy “3750 O-3TSOXR =~ 6 vs OTS Ky ! « ir Oe KE = t o A) tenvet — Doliowirys to nd tated a) (VEER), bo bane 6 a [tists NIAF KD (he blar, g[tie~) ne tnb b) (9362), to. bore I 14 [938 tyler a 192%, bao xu Coren, qo bwe & OBIS rs = 4.104 Glos me =O Bh C88R KE = bi bet Obsh XE = Si a4e O44s oe = Ir 985 bones. O.9EF KOSH. FY NO BID py (Fob TI... 2 octal and Mena ctectrnat E ug nen pekat Ur wo erfonds bo S-bimy clinics s ech hai yok aye Loired facets 10 Sour brary ots'pr' na 4 a4 ee, “ Ga fore HL 1ED LI boot} > Binary oul > we (ouvide gor cane To te crolll a Bes) | yor a yoo ol 3 jot Yona deta (divide fron ee en ° My pte ovll gone & Abs) pore INT“ ® a‘ e cy. do Core 09! te! weit 190 node oo! tb\ 1 & @ pu, Uy (22 P9P No 4 4 0 bX to Wo pera => (2 & to Woo ONO tesa <3, ¢ ‘6 BF Me torr Wt Ole Eqi (BT pad oe (re ott + 00! wip 100) A (aor or? oto s/t ny. Binary. oddest ‘peumar - sy Tre MU ziral computes Postoam @eethmerie opesabians ‘oliteceny ‘ng ° In Aeginwt uot douimol rane iy voring — infomrmattor Aroted in Segqinmis we Delma UU onrowd cn io the tom putes nade apuerenced ay — brett - tooled al pranuumtse Ohasaetets , C4artiesAg & :- Deximat Prnaray Birry todool 44 Irovolt Joo) 100! PPh 2 P22!” => Potion Aipha numete Poprryenration | > Te te ortal characreet dilowed we Agel! 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Fria | tls tomprement ef egae) yews nes we Or2sas Cur- Nd = (teh - pie2ee ya = (aaa ~ 012396) +1 =AStbo| +! = 9g TbON qr W'S womplement of 2384 (Ly wth = [et = anen} as = @aaq ~ 28a) +! = abn nary Ww FS 8300 Sydt- pole combument OF pelelep Cada At eq an a3 complement e¢ lpileo o ” eltorn ths 100/00} eye on ” Suprre vcion eoich comp twrnenrs pn Sbtrauver oF Numbers - > When ednerano? K in otal Lererul Kho. pole F tard /: Y Bultrae “ Bn obiene wvhigneal numbus MN co vont (Ms minuend , - oubbxahere> np Mt CrP ND j Ts puck tes me 4723 2 It MN 3 Produtes tang (can be hits tansled) Sy the Semarning ont - 3) TR m 4N 5 mee prootuces CAH equal ro ¥P- (Nam te. 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[ps (av ae + 0100100 Bb < wuuly- = (2) GBs) Mor Wey 0 |? 9 (bY 5 ey wv) by + is #2 mo tary, Ucrormplenat- — 2 add —ve BGn i) 9-8a = ty ans = 4 tee 4) 72534 — 4250 sp PDEs tar siggy aL t 04997999 ~ a O38 w sD D TF he¢ pe TA S32 Tb7144 4 cee ‘ 1 V7467 th yassy ay | Fb 14 gy ) dadoy ager BaED 807 as eT. ley. bande ko 49994 SS BoT1 7 ~b97ee Fixed Point Repyertntanin » Positive trragens , tnedudirg ro Can We Rep reatnled 45 “nhAeed — numbers. CO Us ured), Neganve tnteges, (4 % Und) , So oo lo Vepaerten me Hoo Teage Hen mk % 0, when te number ry dro gs bs “ve itm 4, Remaining Rote ray he represented Jn me OO 38- prstipte evens, 1 Bened — mognirude eprertnceurn i Sipnad ~ 'S Complerwent 7 We Spach — als » q &4 Ne alg 0000 INO, Sored th Pine Uepren San we tb. Neciwel Fixed Poine Roprerentat ron ‘- @ —— x A Aap deedmal tole eqns Ax Fdie-Ahors doa cach dectnanl dig. eg 4385 fo Bep vrwises 1b- flep—flons (worcnge oF vbrolngé Apne) el\ep oon tev blot ye Fo oF a decimal ny ie unually veptoneniced wim 4-Wiis topos with the A-tit (odo of douwal Ligts 4+ => fou 0% ~ bep epuvotene of 9 [rl] x Signed Complement ofS. Can we eter ale BA Sole Comp, me ls cee moar often wed. Ege (+875) + C~PGo) = 4138 o 3Ts 000 ooll ony viol q Tho foo} pil ollo GoD acd __ ee ee Genp—jote eee! oLpe—e+e+—eato 1D 1o 13 ests Hi 13S OOo 0001 Bol! lol) a's af LES. Briss Suprraut on Birnitar to by rm . “dourig — Point -Renserentarin * nes Q- Parrd. / ~ pnanessa ~ Signed Prowl. Pont yuumbor - poricion oF alexinted Pant: Bar Ponene Artenmere Suptyaction » Reder compulemone Matte (oa) * Comme tp addiinton Proters . (44) ~ (4a) = At (-B) (44) - (-e = (hartle> Overton - * When &- numbers o n-digts each ae added 4 the drum oemptes (NH) digits ¢ we aay ft an bverHow DUued | # Someleinnes 9 Te wilt we clorected by wing a Plipafiop e An presflo nay peter if the Qonumbers added are both tYe 08 both -ve . x Bink tog atvomepdetro binaay yakute form +127 Ho — be TH exteadty prorter mtetrrs. ‘ ° St +710 fo Foon flo -To d ? eltrore ee © !olores - 1 ol OdeD Ee | oelofie —s0 oe < Qtiorelo Ve go int . Meany. 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Gq WAU vpernces ar FEY = dhogte A erat = Noe ac py = deRe O- ” tne Wek of yaaniicrs, Ue pogrble b don'gn x» Wir enmple ohuraonic crauuths — Bou perform, wheyre op bs vuch a Anp, OR xoR % Nor, Use the rane coltad Gate Eq. f FQ dectmal mime: + bIpa leq Jhearing Print, + OLB aIeg Onponene > +04, ¥ Cre epeupios aueiial Posirim oF the Adettvwed Pola -pomrion to tte ekdghe of the Cnol'abed decimal Pole in Jeceruion) + o.bisa ted x10"7 m x xf ER Be Binary nuunbes => + lool. Sto | mares #( Lote) ex x77 is Frauton Pear = © LbolHO ~ Sole ly Posirive no 4% ters 4 i This @ reganve no, NOvmatigation > A fivaring Pane number 1 ata be be nod mole ped ie noamott € sa 4 «0350 5 nok gq where the pewtton mp cthe Kaden Paine irs + Regardless rivuned Yo be tn tre | Monelésa 4 rine Nuniber te RenterecLa eo. uy yf Us deemose be non- 30, Gye ooo ivo1o «1s net nora eel, iA novmerlixd by Shop ein the lero 00 Jrom Lee Couserdi fia Ehem tn the ReaD. The my 4 ay 5 Shajes Maleiply te nee Py rece wena: by vapwee 8 yymbo) Buyer —>— NAND <> Not+ AND * Nok. 5 <= NOTH OR A m canenve th Soe (ror) cer? enuivetene. exdurvenet — £—S\ SoA = (AlaaBlay’ oy Oo) lo e ' : : Atgeovate Truth Funerion Tale Al ~ aA Olo a= (AB) 9 xe tArBy a- Abe rv? ae AIBA AB , a &\% ac lame) ts = (Aap!) BTA) Alp!+ AB. 1 Some — Dekintrions t- Ay Gares are bioens a} hardioare that paodu te vingnal or Inresy A oR @ hen Inpur dogi « rauidements ax variofied , By TRauth tapes ts bee Tle pelowtonitip on shi biraty Yorrapes fon Onc fare Can be Onported int betoutas foam. » Argersatc Ee Exprerton ' Bach qeue has 0 elistinee Fraphic Arjrnbol and {rs oPpercriom tan be alesen'ped by reans af an ytbAatc — @rxprrertr’ on Name &raphd e A lyeprare TAUth Table. 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AB ee |- s, ayia ye te” fateh Ale . pe ay'y! yt xt) A-Vodraples tot, a pl ‘pep! pane’ FAB V='3 (0,2, \ ped t alpen tae 2D tl 1D) =" 4 ) pe alee! + Be Sy (012, 4, 6,8) 10,3, peony to oO] ” o. ; w wo Fe elo vals aes! ree ports ‘ 8) FCA B, C10) = BLO 234) Bb 8167, 7 " a 181074) f= AB 4 pld'4epy ep 7 rors it t ir . ae Babine fe tn um of miro, wy tos ||| : Soe Init. - | : oo} 1 o\{ Lie fo ! wh retfeo fof ae pee | Vl os = “pe ve - “| Tit wT Fa Sloe 218, 501 (Sl 19, 1, 10) = Abia cod slo/a gn Provlens *- DEA BO = Ala4 bad 2) FCA BrC) = 8 C012,4,56) re Fe Be + AC Bel Bic) Be (alee!s Abied4 Aaa! Ape = Be = Bc +ACCBtB)) + AlBlel4 ple) Be +Ac! C1) Be +A’ = Ab’ CBB) 4 Act Bap) 4 AB Cet ery All 4 Agha apy = tala) + ae! = c+ Ap! =) Staplity the buoluan fun. +) F aay yg! adfiedl® Fe ays + alga! 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For wee Ol Ayn (Mae 7 Fr wilt aepaenene an awa tha yes a teu Op N-Vortanle maby new Vrowls (074). wren nek , ,the enriAe crea (alone ty punucon af tho Map tornado Hive tne a as ee Sewtad noewesn fou ah ere vomilis B) FCUmrY, 8) & £01124, 51648, 9, 12, ‘ 13,14) vt Soo ol yy 1D yy 3) 24+ tt q actif] | 7) Fee ja] 4] we] fa st} y of fy” Hf) FCA Be CD) = B01 214, Sb, WS, toy 3,15) pOMop ot ys fo nett ol} | wl] 1 Ty EsAb'4an0¢elr' 9) Blo a A'Be’ + Ape + Apc’ eP ne Pe io {+ to ve ! 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