Relative Clauses 3

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1.R:Words: Read the text and fill in the blanks with any appropriate relative words (that,
which, who, whom, or whose).

Amnesty International is a human rights organisation _______ was founded in London. Its
work centres on the rights of “prisoners of conscience,” men and women ________
governments have imprisoned them for their beliefs, ethnic origin, language, or religion. A
program _____ Amnesty International has been well known for is its adoption program. This
involves a group of concerned citizens _________ select a prisoner of conscience and write to
the government __________ has imprisoned him or her, asking for the prisoner´s release.

Amnesty International has done a great deal to defend human rights, for __________ it was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977.

2.OBJ. of PREP: Combine the sentences.

1.I went to an island in the Pacific for vacation. My travel agent had told me about it.

2.My brother has a pen pal. He has been writing to him for 20 years.

3.The student wrote an outstanding paper. She was awarded a prize for it.

4.The bus boycott was in Montgomery, Alabama. Martin Luther King was jailed for it.


Identify these times and places by using an appropriate preposition and relative word.

Ex: December 25 is the day on which Christians celebrate Christmas.

1.February 14th

2.July 4th

3.10 Downing Street

4.Epcot Center


4. Combine the following sentences using relative clauses.

Mother Theresa

1.Mother Theresa was born into a family in Albania. Her family was very wealthy.

2.Her mother often took her daughter to visit the poor. Their miserable living conditions left a
lasting impression on Mother Theresa.
3.She left the convent and started her own congregation. She had to obtain approval from the
Vatican for it.

4.In 1954, Mother Theresa set up a home for the dying with 26 volunteers. The volunteers´ life
was austere: no possessions and a 16-hour work day.

5.In 1979, she received the Novel Prize. She was criticized by some people for this. These
people believed she had helped the poor but had not contributed to world peace. The Nobel
Prize was intended for world peace.

6.She has also received criticism in the United States. There, some feminists disagree with her
anti-abortion stance.

5.Adjective clause reduction of Restrictive & Non-restrictive Clauses.

1.Do you think that corporations that make a lot of money should sponsor charitable programs
to benefit the poor?

2.Do you think a child who is forced to do chores in the home develops more responsibility?

3.Do you think that animals which are endangered should be protected?

4.Do you think that foods that are harmful to the body should be regulated?

5.Do you think that teenagers who are under 18 should be allowed to drive?

6.Betty Friedan, who was the founder of the National Organization for Women, was one of the
first women to recognize the need for a women´s organization.

7.Gloria Steinem, who had been a key player in the women´s movement, has a number of
talents, which consist of brains, comic perception, and extremely good looks.

8.The woman who was given the first license to fly in the USA was Amelia Earhart.

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