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gy XC... Gaxs23 LL ook wayables rohichy art Significant Son ae al fe ae ke acest the degehdent a m is no aean ondamental dimensimg inuelted In fe Perea, P =P@, AF, N, Sy Ww. Noo we ale seeding wis —— FE * Bossi ore edn fey (~~, oni Nod, the ovder (sce selected) is LDR pay 7 Mit oo 4 o 4 ee To | Sa af nwert the mated, dangog enema teogh a thy Spine Multiply Ry by €1) 4 { a =o ' 2) | Deco or a . Now , Ry 3- Rete | pee fg boo ah eh | \ p ol 3 Le Now Ry dey the go faz P & Wa ay/i o 0 to ol Dio 2 Poetic Ga 4 dr +3 4) 1] i sAs called nfmalicaten ofthonatri of sige =grwmber \ ND 2 a “Th (9 == =% AL_-%G Wat SBR We are design sean nan dimensional. $o,we. won't, Consider Ty heve- Tr rough twrtulent ov, Reynold number, i ne Lonly relative. roughness. tn spath wrbolent $b, oly Reyroldls i Trbansitienas gee fled, bth Re and relative nee woke ele ie as noe sider these 3 gndecgringe ‘iF ae’ Tose’ i. Pnachtne —Jesigr Constares a We en en eee chery Ph ND dammeetulter _ ancl we elfen eye iF JAY ‘as unit speed newt ill get Onie panumeters for all the “ fen © chaos ral these numbers, = fe ae fo, NR - NYC Ou : fta= rh Tq a a hu -Onit speed 3 Nea, (F) P) He ee > Bs. 4). Hoid power This mustbe constant fr @ madel and — sip (ff ge gt frawe 3 etficences fra sie (sagt) oe Ofde, (ote Qe ans) I ee due to mac a, 1, Wyle Li Sfagi-eus ee ne | : My ~ Hp m Tah Hydeaulic effidienty ie power) h, ™ (machine pow) #eOuerall effitiency 1 = MyeTye i = Finns, 1, chs On Bop $1? yp auays) (Ere) igin berwee” 967-4 Ry, Codie to small side. of ee ine 6 around 937. Larger isthe FH the tube, logon is te efficamyy andes jaa ' an. a hee nO ge fi wing Pavamete ISA Toa ines 2 ’ pee < 2B arDN a -tarygencial velotity ‘apa “Jeg i of 2 H par | -gorhratio sagt I~ sprauting nee ‘foc 2y 1 (ol 02) i gpe> PN 7 "segs pow FPV= _N [lp pegs grt prpressuienmbes) NRG af >9upIy — Type number C —vred to detonuine che rysers, * Nv 1 (git #9n general, we ose warer for testing and prototype 40) (e0ue xprv a ee ea Ro and léase’g’ alo us Te 1s a speed of qeomartcally sna trbing wah, [ im Head: Thery Noe N | 4, AC Coren [tela Aleernatey —cbsblep — Genexate’y ~ dooelops DC convent. | ya rope —(08 t2(gene (gonevated oohtag) | Bub auptly voltage frequency 4 pat f _fequenty of ‘ort N- eK inchiondvs Spe = of hs andkolteras around SO*6Ot. S 04, WH bxUZ2H0-8S = ayia ak bys evens) — Nn pesint Vy = a3.0lP | Ge ey venti oswet) | tig rosmes | | Ve. (GAr POTS ave in ve) k= OS? De —— Lr. ’ sesatctesemtascene ee mime | > -04 O)0% pet a Us TN : 60 > y= 0. gos Myy= hie I'S: ra oe eanolicenergy 4) Wa We Pye |) apes WU + Vag Vy presse vain SM 2h BPG —2TIS AYSYS hy poner of -eauttion othe tentrribation of pressve A A. percentage, to the nour head i called degie of reaction. ‘ + pan turbine @mpllse wabine—> Dok # Fronds turbine. —7 DOR 30-60). : ot Noy 7M then we are in safezore- baad here , it doesn't happen S006 can'b design Agtotinu potth thic@ccading to the DOR weqord) Frases r must NOt he below WL OER Une ac ae eee ean Phenomena, hapeer mag it hapeev wont the designs roe are Consideving 1-200" Ne 200 xxi (Aso = 85: [dap Q Nook pules=g@ 30 if N= IPM 62. BAG Shook poled= thd We -08 SHO ag 232-SS mot D2 604 wh th 2 0-444 51x10 AGRA PAT 32.5 ! yg 243 WS mst iPr Gres sss | sre enniubvet (. “) cenbvifyyy press a 7 x100 Pe = $57. | Remaining VE aisy t$dve to 2 ee tae 2g = P Ue ae 35 Y oR ey eee (tees kuop 22>) 196 geri) = + (0 es)” lee tet Sa (01K wooo 774 ‘ Hyg (2 nehg ie 4 fp tn RSI f Petal Lyin MAL WAP, [ pal) mo) fA E ME {4 i BEEN hye oP gal GA 7 aa 1 ba AY , . y / Igy 0 ty Mey Me 2 ve f 44 Wty ya 4 net ovnyaaten at Wil, ab 34 40M seb, Vo ON ORO i af we, | Rayour <4 Kure | Ye hy | a “4 add aN (OH bo af the, ecu Uofens thin absirrpreane chr ah Des tscalleh SUCFLON- GUUSION On) ts fe quaniity) (| . 1s oboe obits 0 | WINE e) NeNee wae Oey n wniotle irr operation Pepe Pastime pee s-Guulov ; H—wead Ms = non-dimensional 56, { ecuswirasaory pavornebY fer cemtathygab machines @ Cow rh i thomas, cavitation, parameter | | (onset ~ 2 Wo AD Yes’ ty) : nits Gar pd an 3693 p-s -() a ds ‘| Ww ° a aya yahi022) ey 7 Des "py We assume prrayretess A nd fix dtmensions -» bésiary We itll take Actual porlve- of spavannciats Shoal PNOblem, q Design Of a v_pelteny tunbrre (smpulse tovbine Levangertial flon toy bine Wy tothe the totot i Sh Here we un the samelinehere. yet SghMolM i a iv Vie ys VEN a + Man 2 i 3g 29 aca ah ebay a pYCSsO lcoks lite ib Fina. pefien tunbine Vey u Tyan | 40> mee, a- ~ diameter 4 noeee. p—diamaeter rf voter a ijt abi Engg [ed slendesrer | | At Jee vatio defends or nook jer i Le Soyspecific speed depends on noob fe. a | @resgn wi _ propovtions of a pelton ‘turbine, ty ' develop so sy shaft pares at mak efficieney of gy, } working ageinst aheahof Tom. hen , tau LE Sef find dischaoge 6 ee Met in Me q 7 SOKO eG Ea soxie” lo | 8 fogy . a “049x5 Px. 81H ee- Q 266 rls BE BWW) (HKoB) v= Cob Gt vr = 0.99, fox9 VA%00 } iu SBESS4S mil Lets consider K= 08 oF =o Vey Kup. % UW 26M by mel N=00 ap alert ; . i eae : 20413, es | Wat = 0.9 ed : ; He 26124 (lo-%28) ( +099 dosBy) a fx ie oe ed ya} onemnaee” > sal ‘a ae a Entiy | Exit wo Fa nyssee| U= bY | uy = 6b l2bumel wyeote = B = 102% i Vv i. oud! wey COM 60 dnoaste= 9 hae, d= 60 = 2 BoM 2 dey = Diy eal iE Bi d oem = 7-561 SRR LAN a 1 ol Tr 4 Cospy—44 = oy Torbirespomrs will havea, Oy) = G-224mé) pide vane and thee, ty = Ore Mo nce Hp Cink, ov, 4 Wy, 219-006 ws 4 v= (Varo. 4g.os8 md Chora 29ashol2? the. yeh tiny mp eb) = : ; Hrs Gio Bowe Bo= whit wdodty ab g tn Head supplied by the Ompeller aeptthe ontey, piessvie cpt 1S [KS thaw tabm. > innpellerpow_ _ fG, mech, ‘Shape power en ote abstibed by any Floid +p a manometric efficiency @) [manometric ap daefivegprvalent a awrbing Ax cock pipe in, porop 4 Ponstock apualere of At%bing i& delivery rire AD, PORE irs ee re v . disthange dming Oot ft Te RD pen discharge in 5 the reac ee prren | Ln. eSoaly will be around 60-90F fo smalerignatiny cided Pipes- Pompei _-otscharge cower Muftistage Pomps ee Head vary f pumpsin fanallel “peas ae + olmastle hargs Bevery prem oe Smalley the sxe Retfiae neq and Pim leon (oie Werpr- Pesuie na pum Continuously irvcreases ction pipe has constant corps seltio U daft whe Bu © & apy energy ean ‘ Pw a ig ag Tt = b by iat hun. BtwOEG) Sh VE Ven M_ +2, a be we if, 4° 2g ea 84 +23-hm, RB 0 40 + as p, ar Be thud (aroma “hoe “SS AN RESEND, cr 4k ) Net atho ae Leh qharsthe ASCP Calin vere we covohsense Pesfatm that Pure as Suchor pipe KT, stagnation PEGE Head= 6 = Rae @ 4 SNRHSR Rap 3H Ss -g= 2 ] Lae J 7 : NDSH= 2 (Of Hee Ry t i ro =10.310-- | ' ' 3) (neg =Po(e On “Lev > one? > 105), a soenlse ONE int iil bk suotor §R “thal ew abaye the ners ENE UY Btw ODE) & (3) — oe Na pope P 2 fhm. Jy age ge? a ?yHileeee?) gS A thy p> + Hh mpeg > head developed by (ev) thefloid = P y a ae 2/P: \_SP, Cie) ag) ——C» Piezometric pressure Clags3.0 (24H 102) @) ranomesyc head 7 ott Phnananetvic + Pomp chanaaeristic ay inp Chasaltertstic come prove N=constant . 4 o-+ dnaaster ep Hehowkf aa 9 Bay efficien $Claserthe vahseton te mi —— 54 pm oe ma) G0, Hismax > Hew BoyoeS8G Ht =0 G0, efidenay =o fore, oe get discharge efficernychanctnss ean + Tost open the value. Now, soator th | f Oained previouply -So er lout pape With energy | a Sd, O-malg=o i he tore also Y=0 j " : . YET CYC aa | Ne ane very juiky ef B-4 hanndernn : the ys i NS axwhew flow cha nges from laminar +0 twrbokent, hysies | Cli Ofeer ged, 49n laminay hoa, h.« (tineaxly) | Ontovbulent flow, (he8) vary non —lineey. i doco Re gs ano opper niticll low HE Re. For Levine Ft Re bowen ovettival valde Re, Peay ened ayn ab OGD ao ye bh deliv) am oy ACh csanies ping t PEDO ee) -h, ae Hy PLO UP) = 2yA % thet ud C + | | Lethe 2 iG i [3 = 24 oe thusthyy | ee +\4 i +" ih ETAL pp Systerm chasers > arr =n Wt . My t hl 4 gue i Sails gt | 2% Fle ya ye ] p ae Sle Oe. = ith 4s & A y be Sa (a a 7 s (He) ‘pynamio Lift r rs Lepore - ated contin UNA T oith wana oe “7B ITS Bunbied, > Srp: ther ceutieetlon, stars hs p = m0 {to 24001)pm Na | Umps— 2000 to du0aNF } HP O=IrbyMy. D-enrt diamclor bi pom? “ De enbiy Alans’ Hep Ue pb dg yi (eee) Ny =n. een i yt = OT gece 6 Sofse, aw analy 4s problem $7 Punp fart of compos pe flew for tovbiry, es one 28)10)229 io ané,f motions fA v iscous laminar ffl ofan aad nis | an goaroty cm lao ofconenntion Aman 9 asc Ott _ PEAS 5 mys v " eg fp hGyh4 Fogo are Vota’ / oe le | Gotta fan PSG ee . cae S SiSyBS A tws=[2 tws)) Heasoomieinfio evap Ace Fe LW BP+ LM ao mores « were fA Gn Be) oO va 26 Max *° F Sor _ bhadion és said to crete : total rate, AE change adensity fervacixed ynassed Hotd neinoity emf andomypossibe, fo ae +225 4 Lan ¢ ob concenwntion af mvomenlenne Dotsson's epg on lyrics & af colle 4s) tive tpt: se Newey Stokes G11 fon flo’d ya! Ladeveloped equ's tn A848 ws a uy" q 7 f (ide daees) | 2g] Ay ay YS* i >» | TAY t : sy | ay uy Sy | I> i | | | (4g artery rq ion oy SAE +o Fy Qyudasy 42 e ise | 2 PSxrSyS 27 AV i “ (4 Jat Mh My ps “ 4 san M $y + a. i+ OF Wy. ° ay The Sy+ She a | All d nates ma aay uy—digp cements _ . SAME, ree es iy Solids fy =4 r mL 7 AL. -poisson’s 4 m~ Arttio Oe. a Ow > E z T Be Ete GD Adfall the tree Qe OE 4 WO _ (OHI + oy a (ET) &&) 2 b= THE ce ae ME =2¢ G+!) STitas = SRG Gs 2ggm) [rept > Ge eH | me a firm Ou. _ HR me ne * eH) 26 onde QB mem ‘OX yy-2- — +26 OW 2hae = 2AE OM) ie wi? : bm 2) Ge + WHE Gynt le Ob + ae 6 mt) - = 41h +248 (3 vn) OX yn Jee = OE wae [pot son's Opp, wy solits = } = BN ea it anv i do Hide oe a hn vos in Gh =- io 7 a ha Pte ae | e-em Quy S momentum ey 25. Rg lass=2? Gly) 4 os +o Oe (for inconyp re ssibD) Lay re momentom ey , w 2u aur Seera ts) 48-8) “Bee ae “ she ED ua bet +B (oo 2498) oe ara ub, nth. 2, wa ee); 13 (as) = Wwror Aer uDsoDb ys Gy FO rai | + Le. i se aT og +19 dys AO? oy i Hs 35 2)-g He 20_ 42 4900 4 a a eg eae eS ee ) N sean, ASUAGY ED 5 0= 126u5,20 Vous 3 p=p Guus) RY This 1S a * ways ; . Advective terms alwys A0se poblem, 17 linearity. | [ae felve tte vate brings ft af rarmineasity te the problem, | FO | @rbioung CG weg 4 ¢o Www = j-pereuedy Gi Conon or OV er 3 HELGE CHE hg [cond uiberrsadweation, diffusion an) Dacthermad diffusivity Hoe, mae 4 ae +2e ap a OL or ature Fie, Asthovion rf. pout in aynediow itn C8, —tdks hyn date gps a) te, afore. other teary gia « do this wrk “weg ier fee £7 POE :- ticas solotiors ; He ie nah : PRE iar yaking anpropyi jake Natid ate ao Iter! iS ana DvOximateet |y(cess Crdedarce, volatility [shoes nen-ercerde potability postion pavanetey nen e- diffosimparemetea, (jus 332s) kh ODE cary bec, ; That Mi Osified ini following types bared ory the af ow OXY os Bey nc =0 (Prcabolic i BUNK v0 (Hyperbohc iHtP) BYAczo are) 4 the Navier— eater auc-elliptial type onen-dinear _ ™ oxdey DDE{AS Bao, A Aanle axe of seme (gn) Lthese are tnnphiat . Affppes are wane eqimtions onky eG OW 5 and ps! fiad B09 =O 0/2 WG) we CON Say Ww iS independent our > | tomar ,. ae +46) TONY Gay) (2) 4 Lon = 4 oP » OP a J oy 4 | SP =P%2) /# | fioma® f 30) pally, \ . - a | a = Lap fi He ao, au} - flea . ot J Ox “oy ‘| if we assume wis vy abe: > (Olu lap j~aeady, ami ap db Pn | StLAdY, \Amnivan, Lb, [at = Pant OF povoltel ° in Case Avelouily At is @ Lyfe 04 U. ual bok ity Case of procs, Ub 16 Spf % P=PHpZ) eoabationy Techniques Leingula fetxcbation sechniauys, Complete ratte” | savabidation of 28pm | feionen and prinegle4 Nee) principle of similarity — Bifocal eqpations eee ay won'tbe fallowed. Quder of magninde, frecedue- | CWWS~3} Gl ylaoD Consider ie wate flow, so that ‘BY. =0 Lia bu ot ts ae where ae is excpliuitly revo. Te ts appheabe -fe\ negli all tide vapplte fer negigibly _gmaller mass po wy “Lent. oy : — OL OR Sy thin fly hydicdlyne mnie 4 ( Oy 1 Lobvicatin ety Vly Slow matty vey VY YMA . Learep pr ncnsion Navier-Stokes @n:— 7 aontino ity eqy Susu ¢ LS Ya =. jen: 3 Ue te | pede | shee oe diferent chavactevistie re Aeted vale We. sy os . =e 2 ypw,connnotty ey becomes Owe QUy OUDy | Ca ae + Oy O45. Ty ~ © 4 32D atte a peo a we at ag 5 av'it) 6 = wo EY tye tf Probasiuty lake, Feeney P—temporo freqpenty U__ sputial Frequeny Too damains tin which m6 calves a ,_puohlewn Is 4) tire domaly 0) ») freaplenay danatn Rb)=| 40) ete > = Lapla Eqw Af time dsinain camer woiiable Hs) —frpenty dorrain —frequeng Lass “shysical intevpretation S§istem' eee Ou _ 1 oP Oye War yo acl aot faba wi | | th yeopud es L+§0,(¢=0 ttyhadynarate ye bau Lubrictt SAL aPyevar [Trl meres) — i | 5, CB “th by “Ge 7 | tae de C2) CEH) ey Magy eV = L u(dythidnsy “Hava es - oy gt ay - Wes 4 #) e-£ | ba ‘op plate movirg weal = 20, W=9 440/Q=0 Yebjueu U> 1 ial Oy: 44d ! \ {tg ant? “4 fe zal (2b Ya f 4 U ! wor) ab Ee = be RPG He) tt lire Bearing —2 Lathe machine pikanbs ghafs, —>Joutnal bearing (Aaily Ve popes) oe rtcatng oil athe porpate ef bearing plate is pied fr transhex of ual ord (vp. otin journal beenngs, hotly axe concentric cylinders, thore theo no il no axl (oad ansfer: “ OA jpvinah r0emdvameter 20 teats, werden in & 30-S0Um beari Se rays boo artnad aed beer pte is filled with ov of vistas BopN er cen o - . ociety ef avtemobile enginecss Determine power ban th vohibing a: ead foee Searing af Garros Gh) b= 205-2 2 o35tm zusuy arpa velocity @(U)= TDN om = 60 g C0 OO eu fZ) when we assomne Iincaraeyy, OP On Non-dimension! pessure Gtffdent = aa fe He Flow Seperates wher 2 OP. ise [Ahierse frase gadient) Lfeads to epei de pressionan filo of at “Ae preswwe, dvop average velo dty, feabag Unseady parole parallel laminas woithy 26% 22% 0 pecane geet om “Aangential al res is the She only distorbance nee. fete Transition Stat Lethe worse than this, # ental a Le Sie 7 piinciple hexhastion a ae 7 : Fe near afeenizal egoation ns 3 (dupoe.) p= uf ybrut -ucd,B =U +ut)sin( eae T Gh g=augpment amplitude =H pu. Oult) : ob ae Sh) tg = wt) Bogmy) . w. Ve im ap ae Holey by 4 = YY) = 1 sing i aS) ult) uP 4 2 oe - = aa) ane I 7 > —o-Ult) ee + Rabwok doing onuis dit ee eae ot “ Popttional to ancont a |e — Phe primal Ferhat Ray ef bio temical, ger aemana (BoD) —— 4 Half life cP sae ive clement u Self ponification of Steams when polldank ep uy heay made} pt A-decay rate constant A i ue) _infifination capacity Ale 4 2 5 ule) —=popelatioy gronthy vate of anyspecies | Now, Bue) - 2 (B-s) ut) eens, Tales Soba flog gb 18 ar inegulat metitt physically we understand nothi * Tuiblene. is charaotesised ab ty dissipating ent thy pon-kinean 3D @ witicity- ar a Qe StDEASTIC prOlesS (& etnoply | | 6 | | vacninb| Petras, ~eShocansti component(chancoaeperted me stdent pi a preking | apmetio mean taken pen called ars temputh ! : : aon T W =F fu at Seo) weet . {u'—fforaatng ae g component] 4 2 © 4 (ude 7 Pera fees “a | Levavoage \ > | 4 & | | Aime LC5:- | | | vaiakion gb & paint tn space is called ttme serie ah D 18 acfundhon of tmesthen 11s called non-stationary gme cores i Bn conttant witty pace. CGA ity BBE MAE ees Furbolenz, norergedic, nonstate yy time Seis wWeu-W | Sap= Duc) f zwW-0 tt *Scalled Stationary tooulence ; tole kL sy - . aye tguy 4p i Ley Saat = variane an bulencerit 1S nabenea| Dp 2H Foe We = SUT. cijed ay co-variance PTALto Eee EEE EEE COWNANG _ ( 2 lai lags. eM ') “4 avto couasiane éf fhag 3 9 =(e- Me ra HDerivation ofequabisns fe Toapelen 3 flow + - i | Class- ‘ass-34-(upl 22) |. Heddlinget wwnbulene du oe a mw Oo |= Aw) +2 5 G+9)+Z(ard)=0 a take temporal mea str becomes andr tobi DG +s star g omnes woffa stationary torbolen] | Ww) i =u So ,itbeons 2 Ow o ats 24 ae =o wes Stk S on is | Ou Ou an Bop Gee | LoffeNlaaninas} [* oiler 00 Buy ort Poneto fortune torbulent Bulent: flow - G0 TOU wat -0 9 j a Ok Tag’ 97 “a 9 he Va be i 10400 ay aN Ot an ee te 2 ul Bult gro +25 oer = q, -LOP +a 4 24 +E es mamebnx > = a. ° ae as ee dd trea) Foctrstrg: be pw va compmentp wud LRenald’s additsoml to turbclent: stresses 1 fil 4-atontinalty momentom(a) nas 8 vria bles oe Tig y2 AReynotd’s Average Naver Stokes Ean (RANS) Se vil ud! Ko ke of mean Component wi model cea tuting apna FPP i hoo ofente model—Tb voeiks for closed convute. Sas torbulent: ffows Le TRO Een of Phy Mechanics) | > eso © Lr open channes faves aon 7 125) ly \—» Turbulent 4D posed boundary layer theory —by P APeanti(_ttxing lth hype foe oP? tke Homentum transfer ab molelar level gives Vices | Df» torbulene flow, mamentum banspat is roca meee Fewel bob it°S at fompsonbondles Dskear stresces in trbulent flaw AYe VOY ery large. | fidThe rotating pave any wrbolence called avseddy: Aor torbvlent flow smamentorn 18 transfened trp —suckdu yr {A : Se Lrntairg th Boyrowed fom ee mofecolar vransefit a theoy, (=ky [simplest relation 6 mrng feng thle and etree Utdu=uy Ou » WY | Whe velocity withy whic fomp moves 16 floctvakingomenet ivy trouncverbe di rection. ; i = arn AR) erangein rementcrs) =fawdu 2 ZE Lg Banda shea otrews= fi du ge eR et Se MNCAY ae A te assumed thal Jo 1S Came as fore. ‘haf wot Sofdu =W|-an assomptin medley ‘ vadiv= Ure iirdie = 04 3 Ky tk Le 3 %=8 (3s) > au. ky (4) by divrensions J we can call this shea velou ty =\k Ciypricion velociby Ow OAs My " | => After inkegialion SP sa logarithmic velocity digtriborion in. wrbrient Flow @) ower conve Clas5% (jlupor2) wt G not valid a5 gk y=0 (Tag nor > }> Ye i+ ae = Lint) +¢ on puso aks, Ve 4. C= hy “Below 44. Penis ot tworbulene: en) Lowe calli as (aminar ffo10- | S800 te ath) © | #2 4.(e , AL. »* | E-asetage ee, of boundary viscosity of rely “ag efow predeeding into ary explo? ped to do Aimengonal Analysis, wile Yo f we THIS 1¢ dimencm : ; asralysis by Inspector # fer Flys ("ty) » He = (2 y 7K apal-2 fond g@ we ar Sal a J Sete) Yo= Moyle), Fesinylt , 4,2 GE 4, ops) apse row Lan Y _@& fra). —_ = y oe ANE Kn GE a (oo) w_- lL fy Sal ye EO a OOP aitypers Reyneld’s ben t 4” avtual wall siedasl Reynold’s nomber hte! Repretds number 40° clenderness ratio gs ed rough wibulent foo pis called 0 Snooty turbulentsfor x pranctional pnvgulemn for — the igor ane went =0-ll (r7 2 fomn@ Aw Lin J = DSK2 WIG SIE One 2(>-t5tg, Sad aoe fom@ = w 7 Ng 5-41 Tae + BtS bs) >I & deserve Can yy “mee 77. “agony ; ? Ue 25 InPy,) se 3 Vey oa uda | Consider page vodio s+ td desis (AX) An=anedn Cpsinaned i Ve. 6th, )(eT8AR) | Then we “oil see ge “ie Vase) Ge yeaah wigs oO t amv = 65-151 (Jo.223) 23S 4 le % = 1 (ph) a. TE Gl 5 =o. +804 os Oi 5 = S154 (7328) 2 fF -2-052sca ig/o2228) + = 2.0829 fy Oe ena 2 2.0829 1% es aan0d5 (uffa) 7¢* 2-034 wend (Crs ga) Ae: “* zp) — _frementh vexgolene ee trgand grains CG =0" Cots 4h ummencial porpos gee! Pc wut HO? | prinditl's yay *) at ae ~ 79 LL veo Dt} S LL Yaka 2 tee 0 air CR CAD Wot = Duar [YY 0-8 A uth a = My ee i ; yl am = LM WOE (p. lies wn . antl _ LHW () WA : an New) Masa = 28 Umar _ pov As een) Y=0- Man, whe = 4 LSdew —@ oR od ve (ada) » Lav? -@ R ‘5° ap) = dnud — = (@ftinetic enerqyorierton fastry J measnieet sy manctry facie premnaelfe fe) (asrinay tk 7 ie Aad frgh pouoey fio Mouhol0403 # be flied Pend cl oatermela (ade Ri exact soln sf extrandy large Reyna flow & famine) nomboy Roundau Lauer Reed x10" \ Repgrust Frorbulent flea \__. proposed Prodill Origin fF for_reab 5 Hoids potential flo: ~ — — aborted : ts not aL stream (ines bob Q amnceptun nearer to the boundary. agstotl comple S00 eBoundary layer moder rpoal ftaid i considered very — 5s [x Z| en fila is constant but disturbed Fla estalisomen’ it 1s boundary - He upto i ed eploo ip Folly estar Slo Prondery Layes Thickneyy ae Dison fi fiom. foundary where velocity 1 came as Arstt free stream velocity, 4, 2+ OF 20 eontinvity errs lamina flow} a yo oto yz to & yo tO ie yo He He ae ae Ye =Bx Ws He ape = Ve 7 C88) ve ote + (as. 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