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Henn Asmeciy crein : SDGS/2022 upiay rein 2022 snar — IT sims BiAlpQionsss 5GASCsitay, (Ussmb agi smb) wgid Gungy sila, Gampouinas amb Ops Aen ysseid UGA - 9 (aLLMUS SPAMS SEAS Cottey — uUsSsmbd Gy sy) wyhgnd UGA-ay-Aloar (Gung) siflay - Asmppuu9HAS smd) o-cran_sAwWig) ane axeray : perp) wari Cp] [owngs wfc@uetraer : 300 HandagGee UPortegn war Spasan sflaoyemars sasmorsis ugssayb ju expand 1. Bis cams Oprecy, Cptay Aan wgaishe 15 GiB nade cperonpre aipRisiuOd 2. Bis coms Apne, 200 amascoars AsxcirGereng, 3. a cS ompbglis wPOudr 40% ogra 60 ofiGueen Qupis Cataract gees Srna cee ae <8 Oh pea See cesar gore cap al Tas ee eanase dumps. sapuautees! LOD praiflas ULKUBES TREE 4 ocuitss Gants ee paaeace ne ctor Senmksesd ahewuns Guid Quppenenant adnucopasb = ca@anid Game cauegeid epyb Beg Gencrerad. ry gant Gaon mation eaapes ug Orcs, Sa See ae Seesepegiien fh eeu Gomes Gc Gon ates Gor BB eke Oops. 5. eben dlamsa@gh Bo ucissayd. chon Sends snioner wPiGuersd Gand coey. 6 RRisseLw Usle) coroET OL UssBAE ang Cod aad spPAsor HeopgEe DEO Prssr ows CaaiiOib. Cag corpus HamEGengise auypdmungy 7. mfprer géiy Barsocr GALUGG sephsdraraiunaTd KG apksiUH. Bersmed GHiop Laake gaBud Garppor Commu aiplejanser Bor pprehipn Sprain. Sqft Feng SuptiBLLL Braver. 8. arisGaLu HemnsGpngiL4 eroiroran (Question Booklet Number) Bacfprofdr apd usspPio xbAsor smopgsie Bish eouecu uy ts CueBemd gSppseri. CucrO. GompIsneiy Soineneer cleo ppmchd flues ie STL Bey T Sng Giléss poPenCon ekisesoLw Bien pond: QedangpreacuOe. 9. gaan cBemayd (A), B), (C), D). E) cron 6) Proserer (cBaor sar) GancinGereng. Srusar (A) sxiigy B) sax (C) BHeoians Ben perch ePigtan' CorcinGid. aisserke, Ben CeSansann ext, Bunt, ©) recog seufiurd inca KeaselnGid. enix squrndgnsd Ge Cadreflkes Gy ge sentt. B) saM paw Aupp Aucsmum Yours |e werranG Lieafssresr. C) sah pad upp Quem Yweuts gs wenarwGd Leaf ibsen. DM) saM od Aupp QueiiMh Yoo Ge wererGid edflbsgs. (BE) Bor Agfucilaere 13, PGewes uranic: Denpuydp Bsmt orgs? (A) silpiacier amped Qas Apss Qsagu Cupp Gpser. B) silpisaier ampalld Qos Apis Qisos. GupsGpsent. WD sigiscten ampe Gow Oops Qipess AoAebsD. D) silpisaiicr ample Qas Apss Q_sagu GupPA Gis. E) Sear Asiuciioee 14, PGewr udrowes Dopuydp Asm orgs? (A) Qashus aged ceria w@psier GodSiLr Baflcny Cumeng roe Qosdwis egisdr crore wGpHer Good Beltny Gurerperas CO) Qasdu agisc crore wEpser Cod L Qafly Cunérper D) QosAu sags ceria wvGpSer CoSILL Bafltny Cumenpent (BE) Boor Agfuciioen SDGS/2022 6 15, Sey 866554 : (eG - of) (@G - Qt shuns siowbs Asn_engs CsibAsQss) (A) @@ seafla wiggle olen. B) at sane wysHeo qflar. VT ott sie wong Be ofugs. D) 96 safe wysfo o Dug. (E) flan. Asfluclaane 16, sfusrer Asn_ennds Canhas@ : Ascras Hume 1onwiners Adrenonsé smu wn@sdt Cumdosu@herper Qs - THES Asi? (A) SeomgsOsmrut (B) strmag Asm er QewssQgmr DM) cemsAgs Agri () Bar Asfuddsa 17, Sflunen Qsm_oons CorbAsOsss wuss. MT fandGos sudewwnt vepwee siy.safer wade oun. B) samdGas sdewwnt wae WOHWEOS S1y.H6T Sour. (C) vepnee s14scrnifer fombdGens -subenwowni war acum. D) ve pow sin.sarnfler weet sont fombiGens sbdenowmM. E) Bar Agusan 18, sfwren Osm_angs CoipOsOss. WT” uipaigyuient Quperscours Cunpgid eantcilenans sree Gp sent. B) . Qupasews Cunpgd cemidee upuGyvert QoGpsent Aenain®. (CC) UpmGywilent cemileoners AsnarG Qopsart Qupesous Cumpgr. D) cemrBasr upiiGy ert sre @Gssert Quposcwus Gummo. (E) fer Agfucéaae p 7 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 19. 20. 21. 22. sansAerd siflge : ESCALATOR (A) Dergnsé DH vsenmsse (C) Benangen @) Degro (E) aor Agfa app: $ 6 - gAu mysgiscr Bor cyssse BEd. Bayo ‘BLQUYysgIsa? cronayd spout. srjemd: 5. - QacAyan@~psgd srcler gal GCodamics ddd AMLUGAOUs AsrGagrd Apsdenpen. snp), Ememb — QyoinGib ef B) apy sf, snjembd sag (C) mpm seg, smyamb of (D) mpg. srqemnbd - QrenGw soupy (E) Ser Asfuddsa CHO Apyo wnpob sHlsg QungGer GaupuT® sflunerngsé seimHe. Slanw — Sena (A) geflund ~ aaron Dapacr PGai5ab - gash (C) wane - Gary (@) wap - Gag (BE) Aer QgAuciérsne QGQunesr 055 : Aruscr (A) splay, sp Ayer (B) sienf, ong ew Ploy, wngd QM) 214, flowy (B) . Bor Agflucidene SDGS/2022 8 23. 24. 25. 26. sflusmer Qoncerenuss Caits : I wage - App Il. Wenangsea - Search Engine TH. Gesu - Touch Screen IV. yoon - Whatsapp (A) IIT (B) II ©1 I Iv (E) er AgiiucAdoenre Ate Qerdow +OSA5W8) = earéeib (A) pened OT Conia, (C) emraw @) wuss (EB) cHleor Agfuseéene GsigQsygise : Gumissd + s1érgy cronigenens Catdgy psd Ase Gerd. ST Qumisoengy B) Aunmise sng ©) QurbisQecrg @) Gurmis.siengy (E) Ber Qs fueérene ‘Lg.OUpley crérgd Asrdeors Ass) TEQBs Sloss. (A) uy + sifley Ogu + siplay (©) uy + aypflay @) u_dy + aypley CE) Aer Agsfucédsna 9 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 27. 28. 29. 30. ‘Shuai’ Aerdcnws seine : (A) waiqil (B) swow aS Qosg @M) semen (BE) Boor AsAudosa BOs Aeros Coonan sips endows Cots : Agency @seureinenw B) yaar (©) sreflumsl D) seas (E) Bor AgAucsioene BWA AendgusG Qoamuron sMps Aendenw cups. gerenadn agnciGi (Online Shopping) (A) Derrergy cusaflewd Qeemuggser eenfleid (©) Berane MO) Qeamud (E) Seo Agfucéaene Bloor eiensadt : “s@LSGU Guncumun” cronp Cadre “CunGausr” cong ALE OS apd SD cpt eo. (B) gare Boo, (C) 2pmg) 2en7g5e cSlen @) «Qe (BE) lar Agfiucldsne ‘env mise’ eres) Up eaigns eSitecr (B) 286 Asus sAitscr (C) SanQeahs sSitscr QD) Gflws «Sitscr ) Ber Agfucdena SDGS/2022 10 32, TéMs eNdSud croné sa (QEIES : “swan Aeaciugisnmb sper” (A) (ppeieren eunéSund (B) ApBercr ansAusd WS Gidea Cain D) Aswtune@Aeoor ansAud ©) Aer asfucoeme 33, ApcAleens Aerh@pm_onqs senile : aI QAMut uTwd uQTndIssnt. B) glut umd Ugsgmt (C) gAfut umd u_ssngr? MO) gAfur UTLw u_sdomt. (BE) cleo Qgfuctoee 34, HMowseler QP UUssd cuadtyscr GedeuGs srw ASsefled apscrowuwnen lg - Hor sCapp Memos CombasOss : a STO Asse ~pscrenownen AH ogi? (B) sre Algisct wimencu? (C) sreow Af) crenpme croren? QD) srmasefier Qiouss AA wigs? (E) cleor Asfucdoena p pet SDGS/2022 [Turn over 35. ‘HaPle paz ced eatsQuusler wg;2 ogGeuens soim_Ms : (A) Aas (©) serpayt (B) Bloor Agfluciterere 36, fluor Agnes Cpibas@ Aflgsg - AMSs5 B) Cser eS Sereno Dap Guigerd, ySér Osp Aflssg), wild Cormaow Alissa. (B) wey Quigsre, yohler sp Afldsg,. wuld Corse alfssgs. (C) vmy Guuggred, yohler Qs Afigsg), wuld Crrmsau Aflbsg)- D) wmyp Guvggre, yoiler Qs Afigsg). vu Crrmacu Aflbsg). E) Ber Agfucdena 37, ApAomMps AonpsiesG Qwaruner sips Genpamaré aainO GurGss1s : 1. (a) Guild - (b) Patent - (©) Consulate (a) Territory — @ 0 © (@) 1 2 3 ® 2 4 1 WI 4 3 2 @) 3s 4 1 2. 3. 4, (E) Boor Agfuciioene SDGS/2022 (@) DH oR Haugs HOMSEIETED aemiyyfen arenas 59 12 38, Asmdsonar QEPMGLUGSA GenpApm_ons ese : Gempsoner GUIpUGUOSEIS. (A) sipéGam Luong Aeps Cam igeng wenenét Carin. crre wm. VT Beops Canigang ops CamLons womppuongy wererefLib Cousigernen. (C) wenencr simsGam_Luons wmihm AenpsCan __song Caueirgenner. (D) werener Goucirycnres spsGar__seng AopsGam wore wrpplemen. E) Ber Asfucdocna 39, 257 cuflmsciiig. Genpsoner Si Asiige. (A) GantiGum QumiGum Gur gGuir ewe gGur QumisiGwr ewGun QeuwGur (C) QumbGur gGun wun QasiGur @) GanwiGur eoGur gum QumiGur (BE) Bor Qgfuciioene 40, 257 alesis. Gempsener Si Asie. (A) sid sail sinsss 216by B) saGdy scp s1n555 orf C) saf s1n585 Sp 1G 1dy OSE GY s1eofl sep (E) Bor Agfucioene 41, S87 auflstiny, Genpaonar 8 Qiks. (A) Aaa say GFA Gameppsterr WT snip Alenor 688 GameppprenL. (C) Gsmepssreo GFA Bonar sony D) GFA sony Hover Ganegseren (BE) Bor Agfusciidsne p 13 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 42, ‘Quereub’ cremuger seupren Qungensrs CsigAshss. (A) appt (B) sea © «8 WS cas (E) er Qgfuchoreme 43, BraunsBler Domb wut aucnscow sng Gene org? A) spp DW gape © eoss () Bérener (B) Sear Qgiuseiterere 44, foams sheng Asrdaoé semis. (A) sits une ©) sae @) sae ) Bear Qpiuseiterene 45, aK8), auf, afl — gol Gaur eg Gunga B55. NT sau, spp. Op @) sippy, 260. ono © Op, snbpy, gid ©) sand, Opp, spp E) Bor Asfucidsa SDGS/2022 14 46. CIVILIZATION cremuger sSpréeib (A) Gaverraireow WD ona taw (C) usage @) epeiuc CE) Ber Agfucdsna 47, BmAws GendgéegG Cpyren sIpsAendera ays: SUBMARINE (A) ste B) samiseny Morse MF Bieppas stud ©) sapwsw ©) Bar agfucdoee |! 48, QeansédwgHa ocrar Denpoou S5G5. (A) cer wand Qsdpsnd Qpsgi Ang! a appara crot wand @ppgi Angy! (C) Orbs Ang cron wend Mayppsne CD) cer wand Oy pgud Dayppgi ngs () Alar Agfhuddosa 49, 86H Gonpurpp Asm orgs? MET waenents seonsiessr geneopss spp endrGaidr. (B) amsdncns smasepcr genenp sg) QandrtGoudr. (C) macilnars snasiencr gorenps sig) QancrGarer. D) msAocds smosencr gorap ahs QamdtGoucr. (BE) Ben Agfuciirere 18 SDGS/2022 (Turn over 50, Spsser_audmer orgy of? ers - QeoAueer. (A) (B) (©) @) = Qassomtiimgong MenshS sagy Gi) Qerenwi9d sd G) Aeros sinarss) GQ Gi) sheared song) Cams @ — Bd@ goseerd Uy, QD STaSeneT LUE F Gi) SE ti Qossomiun_song MersAS ong ©) Gi) Aeréms smamsgs AG Aor AgAuchders 51. BO - QeQerdgsG QGAurGsr 5qs. (A) (©) ®) B08 - ph ee Gunggég@ - wend Q@) p8- se Alen. Agfuseierere 52, AHOLUYSSEr ocrer Cerdaos 5665 QrsHed Coités : (wewllCwosme) (A) @) @) () SDGS/2022 TL OSASIOS Grdsafle geng Us_LUMTLAO Grose gergy QoAUGMEMIWMEEEd Geng) LUPGecrépssemsG Hrdscle Geng Hao AgAucdcra 16 53. 54. 55. 56. Qurgsswren Doers Qendgy_cn Agmeng sews : Lop pegs Quigg; ___ eriisorte oSlenarum apy.wiaflerenad. (A) wey pang Quusg. TOarepId crscrTd lonarum CpyweSiledone. ma Way pars Quigg). cones, criisorTd alenorum Qp_usaSldrene. (C) wey peng Quigg). Gogid ormiserte alenatum ap_wedldenc. DM) vamp peng Quigg). Tarai crsornad AlenatuiT apywasldencd. (E) Ben AgsAucacna Gung sporer Qeromiiys Qerdaros soins + SPOUSAL Dead epsSuiorengs sencrs Sper. csifley srémigy pmb BOCLNg) SASH YAidgId MAZAGLUAHGOIO wy sgcAOADg). (A) cara B) yesund © sigiuine OF sAarater (EB) Seor Qgfuederene shuren Aemné Aeneas CorbOs@ : SpApAsenpd UmLe@@ orpAweut (A) crauit (B) wreur ©) wngre I win (E) Ber Asfweédene sure Berns Cerdaos Coibas@ : QoaUGwEMGwrEsT (A) arérer @®) «gs WP uneoes ©) ungs (E) Ben Qgiuicdiérore 7 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 57. 58. 59. 61. Asnhsoa Qoanss usu Aerdom 2 Gansse : Anis sfluner Qene. (A) epigoe WS wopuee (C) Gafigw (@) ségv (E) Bar gfucidvene Qurgssoren wIYUs erdmas CsibAsipss : 28 __ agains. (A) stub Doses © Qaw @) Boy (E) ceo giusedtedrer Ganpscna Qeonsgs Uw end opeunsse : Yeuer Gerenocs Quusit upp B) eqgeer ©) seg O) 6e« (EB) lor Ag fuscieorsre Epagacrappsr Cuss apss, repsg pS Gendscrar sainGMy.. (A) agedwn? - aps? B) assms - agams eupSut — eupgmusn? DM) agdomi - agams CE) Bar Gg Auchesrn amide crérgyid Gendenars Guss apsded crear upg ACDmd. (A) ssa B) Hearing, O gepuo ap PT curse ©) Aer Agfucioce SDGS/2022 18 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. LsSHoOUWL UA sg) Aonrssors6 2flus sfuren Aocews CsisAs@ : (62-66) YSadr Aumbsd Apr Asrem_Ms srdse Su Gs Geenpran. 1G Gea carp snenet @QGsSEI. —1ssT@sTEOW pdowes Wsad IMWsGb. VISES Sued oautiug saeg apse. SUEY Gero odren Corr sso Qos srisflecr Uplsgis GenOSgs STSSTajsG esajaurer. seuen, snssr UT g Guo wAlpaunacs Gums Ayprencuds Garam nGainer. Awd wnt Sus Es Aseoprresr2 (A) omon DS srasr © ssn @) ass ) Aer Agfucdoea Bigs SCugudrar sronotuder ALiusit créer? (A) Qenpper B) wdacr © ocaa ET deaic00 ) Aer Asfucidasma YSad céichprnads Asnam_m sissT Sues Qecnpren? ) Gumied @) Surah (C) Aplergiweo @) usfs (BE) Boor Asfucdoma YAod Csr sSo QwHsgi cng uflSgHs GarGSg srssrajsG 2 sayouren? (A) upmiser (B) Saqadr VT smiss Hise @) yésdr (BE) Boor Asfuclloere ‘Ascrmer cenug corps GHSADEI? SOT ensner () us (© pms ©) yoo (BE) Ben Agiuciidoera 19 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 67. Gene — GungEr ~ Gung sge : @) 6Goa 1. wee (b) sa 2 Gly (C) view 3. awe @) Gey 4. aonb @ ® © @ () 2 4 1 3 CS aa 4 8 @M)2 1 od (E) Ble Agfweérane 68, Gene - unger - Gunes: (a) wo prarGgngub () eau : ungisns 5a (Cc) GueaA 3. syatey @) Asso Asso 4. ems @ © © @ A) 3 4 3 4 2 aL © 4 3 2 1 @) 4 3 1 2 (E) Ber sfluceoana 69, Gene — Qumger - Curae (a) sq@onr wan (b) wef a 20a © ysen 3. angi @) 6@oa 4. Qy&ebd @ ®© © @ (A) 1 3 4 2 @ 4 3) 2 oe @® 4 3 2 1 (BE) Aer Agfiucloea SDGS/2022 20 70, Gerugasoppcr efuner Jeremscers GILIGS. (a) Yo ca upsdr (3) Qene = Qsnaser (@) ob - Wyeaer (F) wag — wngéser (A) (20. (a) B) @.™ : DF con, Q) CD) (9%), () ©) Aer Asfucidree 71. Sitges QUUGEG THSHS5r 4 cnongs CoMASOSS : (A) wn (B) won MT srs @) snp (E) Ber Qsfuadene 72, s@@send ose : HERO STONE WO s080 @) Qunpicy (© seprisey (D) saQacique E) eo Qgfucidoee 73, snmsQened sified : MEDIA VT exis B) Qsfue ©) Avmpudue @) uga @sp (BE) Bor Agfucioene p 21. SDGS/2022 [Turn over 74, anges Gendobm Asm orgy? (A) eadule grows Camiggren. (B) sade grows Caniumen. ae eadule grows Cansgnan. D) ede grows Camissoomd. (E) ‘aor Asfucéene 75, Uap Aga orgs? (A) s1mgé Qsiisgy pier sion. (B) smgé Qaiisg) pret S10. IS sings Aeiigg pid Cod. |] DM) smss Asiisg Bren side. E) Boor Agfuchrsra 76. GuTG grr Qeomenus sme : (A) sfi- @Sor B) sige - snaer I Gorib — wenws gens @) wed ~ ysir CE) Ber sfucierere 77, Gungpsré Qendemd snoine : @ ew ®s (© wpp PI on (BE) Bor Qgfuciaene SDGS/2022 22 718, ‘um @ + Q@GsGw' - crorugenené Caisgs oT yss Hem sGb Gene. aS Um g. GSGD (B) unc QGsGn (CC) uguiGsed D) umguigsed (E) Seo. Agfuciaene 79, Gves3 ——— arenuger wge. A) GG () @deu NT Sousa OD) Gagseon CE) Ber Agfucsrencr 80, Seupran osrites QuusMer weeenas UPS = (A) egswer_oubd - 2508 eT ugisGeft - — Ugiens (CC) werent - Wwerenenr @) AGAsaCad - Apdo CE) Aer Agfucslaee 81, shuren cartriGuuiMer we5e sdsndams CoibAs@ : (A) Ugo - YgisGamLeo B) uses - — ygisGeft VT soos — — pratis igen @M) wie - wuleor@gienp (E) Ber Asfucddee p 23 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 83. 84. 85. 86. ‘srénounGeages cranigy Lequmed (B) sapgieoquma (C) Guage QM) sayuGusse E) Aer Agfuchasoa Geneveut (Philosopher) crenueurt (A) Uussisensusmarit QwowWuIweorent (C) apgarent ©) QpGunert E) Bar Agfucdsna ‘Bloay cungyid Cure’ - Qerajaien sag Guimapet eMlersawb : (A) Uetryeoceno (B) Lesayso_onio © GCapgew ve edge ) Bar @sfucidee sTecues ansAund crams seiOLipgisd “un@ sGoenme uTouLLg” (A) even @ amé&und B) gercfener cunrsAwid (CC) aSirwenp cure Aud PT Geurcsine Qefenen euréAuid (E) Ser AgMucMédeae sercllener unsAusos CorpsOss : (A) wremreuer wend A@sHenren. AT roncarsses wend AGpPerrar. (C) wremards wend App Hesmesn2 D) wresrcudr wand Sqbsé Qavssmesr. E) Her Agfudsa SDGS/2022 24 87, eWerigHed Grand siitucL GLb, solo, AmA, Curads, sciy Gurenp QasssqcAacr uucuGssUGAsper? Aa sCahp Homans CstssOes : (A) Quam sho obs Qossaqalsd UweiOssusog? QUOML EHO oO555 Qossagchlscr UWEUOSSUUGS|Dg)? (C) glam g§o ccanpren QaséaGeGAlacr UWEUOSsUUGS Dg? DO) gWanrgHe aspsrar QosssqBsdr UWEiOSsUGADS? (E) Ber Asfudome 88, Mer sCspp Manmaugs CoipAsHss. unpGumt wars crar sepssiu@Alpmit. (A) ungGwmt QupQuust wings? CB) waned ung Gur? ungGumt creueurpy SeopssuuOApnit? (D) wars wit? (©) lar Agfuddena 89, Ber sCspp Aorrnags CrthAsOss : QuGeASAreNT UNA crengy siompSssUUGApMi. A) QuGeAsAyernfler QupQuuit wings? (B) uneeGygy weir? ©) cer unary cron eopsauGApmirr eT QUGSASATAMTt cep BeOpsssUGApmt? B) Bor Asfuciaoene Pp 25 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 90, Aenpserar QupmGIUGSA QenpApm onsepse : Asnbdsonen QUpGUOSES. aS veiCwsma wehludoussollpes serprdr. B) vaiidaoagsallpGs Ascnpretr weGoseo. (©) weiGosae Aserprer vefudoaussalis,. D) vdmagsaildG won wenflGosaa Gsenprar. (BE) Ber Qgfuicdsoe 91, | Aendsmar QEpmIGLUGSA GenpApm_qns ese : Genpscnar GupUGUOsEIE. (A) (meniGa Beompd AsAuyd wut. Oo Henorujd wuIt qpaneruIGa AgsMAus. (C) wut Menoruyd apeneruIGa AgAuywd. DO) YoaniGa AgsAu lenarujd UUM. (E) Sar Qsfucisce 92, Ganpscor QupGLUGSA GenpApm ors ese : Genpscor GupGUosEIE- (A) @S6Gambd Qaoanew soanmweu. ve sdarcwew Bdorenw x6 Camb. ©) Qeonow 4s GGaumbd soarewew. D) Qeoaraw soonovew 36 6Geumbd. (BE) Bor Agflucioene SDGS/2022 26 93, eur-creny Cauns@endoeilen Aenerumarenemuyid ALiweng rungs : mI eupgeutt (B) aupgren © agse @) aps ©) Ber Agfucidere 94, Sieyp-crenp Gauté erdcer Asm Quwenys soil. (A) se@mpss B) sepss WS senps5o () sienpssien CE) Ber gfueioere 95, CartéAsrdma HoaQuésors wonpgs. o OT ausp (B) Guppac (©) Qupse @) Qupprer E) Bar Asfucidsa 96. UGS-CatsAsrdmngs 555. (A) ag B) agse WF aun ©) a5 (BE) Aen Agfweiidrers p 27 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 97. 2S Gagun® sg) sumer QumGencr creggis. (A) 90 - fag, ih = Qeuefésib ©) of - sp QD) sf - sss (E) Slo Asfucileere 98, sfuner onerous ConbasGes : I Gpit Meo - BOCauer - IL eppg cegso So - and aicled gee eflen - Cw Gew - 5L.@ Ben - see adédings Ww 1,11 ®) LIv © U1 @) ILIv (E) Ben Agiwcsidrere 99, Btdws AerdgisG Coonan sips Qerdaw shea : sbduycut (Computer) carp a tdlos Ganges 6 Coyrar silpsCena. (A) Berane ih saat (ee (D) Serongsec (E) Boor Ag fucilarene 100, Bidlos Aerdgise Cporor sOpsAsndaors GuMEsgIE. (a) Volunteer 1. eps &idossanh (b) Social Reformer 2. Qeuefigm Laut (c) Entrepreneur 3. geremmircuait (@) Foreigner 4, QsmpleoqponenGaunt @ ® © @ (A) 2 3 4 1 4 2 1 3 Wis 1 4 2 @) 1 4 2 3 (B) Boor Agfusioens SDGS/2022 28 UGH (Gung shley) (GsmPHuuIhHAS syd) Part-B (General Studies) (ITI Std) Mermésect : 101-200 Qurgs wWALGueMEdr : 150 Questions : 101-200 Total Marks : 150 101. —____— Foreign accounts called Muziri as the “First Emporium of India”. Natural History (B) Geography (C) The Periplus of the Erythrean sea (D) Buddhist chronicles (E) Answer not known YAPou “OpsAuncler esd Cugtsmg” ceng spud Gacfigr@ gd ———— 460. (A) Quides asangy (B) YyoAuduse (C) ‘ag Sfluen scSest Quufitiarety (D) Yds Ussuyser (prc EH usps) (E) Bar Agfuadona 102. Pick out the wrong pair : (A), V.O. Chidambaram - September 5, 1872 Subramaniya Bharathiyar - December 11, 1881 (C) C. Rajaji - December 10, 1878 (@) K. Kamarajar - duly 15, 1903 (E) Answer not known saprer Qocraus Agfa ews : (A) ane. Agbur = Qstiiburt 5, 1872 (B) si Aqwenflw Ung Sumit - qebur 11, 1881 (C) A. Qonggmah - — geibuft 10, 1878 (D) smognggt - gene 15, 1903 (E) Ber Agfuciiome e 29 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 103. Assertion [A]: Through the letter correspondence Velunachiyar-asked 5000 infantry and 5000 cavalry strength to Hyder Ali. Reason [R] : Velunachiyar conveyed her strong determination to (A) () ew @) fight the English. Both [A] and [R] are correct, but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] Both [A] and [R] are wrong Both [A] and [R] are correct and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] [A] is wrong and [R] is correct (E) Answer not known wm D [A] : Gag) préfumt mans siSuILtd 5000 sem ues@pld, 5000 GSlengt Us SEF SHLIY Uy. Sig Std erepslonmi. snjend [R] : Gag préAumt yidGouGor@ Gongiagie SAgons (A) ®) © @) («) SDGS/2022 QGtueass AsalauGsPonn. wo9 [A] wbgnd smpemd [R] Qyar Ow sf craflgyd snpemb [R] saspenp [A] sflurs Sleréscilevene sapp) [A] wpgd srpemd [R] a4 QranO@Gw geuprenenes epg [A] wig sajomd [R] Qrein@wd «f snyamb [R] mpop [A] sRunsGa: Serie 505) pp [A] seuprengy, snyemb [R] sfunengy len AgAuscAerenes 30 p 104. Name the Committee appointed by the British Government to enquire 105. about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. (A) Dar Committee WF Hunter Committee (C) Rai Committee (D) Simon Committee (E) Answer not known grduér aneruns UPsraa ups Aenfés Agcy semis Puss Gyr Guu (A) snt ew (B) apart Gy © mmm 6 @D) wswer Gy (BE) eo Agfuaéenc Which two districts of Tamilnadu are frequently affected by cyclonic storms? (A) Theni and Madurai Nagapattinam and Cuddalore (C) Villupuram and Perambalur (D) Kancheepuram and Ramanathapuram (E) Answer not known BOD prigdr os QrenG wre imser 4.5514 Send unslsscuGAerper? (A) Gsafl wpgd wgeny B) sretiutgend opp sent (C) Agouy7d wg Qugdugsit DM) sr@Ayrd ogg Qomoprsypd (E) lor Agfusslerene at SDGS/2022 [Turn over 106, Arrange the following Events in Chronological order. 1. Navajawan Bharat Sabha 2. Bhagat Singh joined Hindustan socialist Republican Association 3. Bhagat Singh hanged in Lahore Jail 4. Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt thrown bomb in the Legislative Assembly Hall (A) 1,3,4,2 ww, 1,4,3 ©) 3,1,4,2 (@) 4, 3, 2,1 (E) Answer not known SCp AanGsssuL Odrerahep sro alensiuOsgs. 1. pargeunén unos suum 2. Qsicrsnen Conagdls Guus sew0ide usséles Coiyegmit 8. uss nent Aeopude gnsAOA UCL 4. vagAuGw 9.05. ssgbd os$w s_Lwenpsslen Sg GanG SAennitsdr. (A) 1,3,4,2 @®) 2,1,4,3 (©) 3,1,4,2 @) 4,3,2,1 (E) Ba Asfuaesna 107. ‘Al-Hilal’, a weekly newspaper was started by (A) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (B) Rahmat Ali (C) Muhammad Iqbal Abul Kalam Azad (E) Answer not known ‘2 alors’ cronp ang ewAssre 7bASseuH _ yeurrit. (A) qpsings 2168) erent (B) sawgs 108 (C) ~rswgs Osuna MD) se somd sens (E) Sle Agflucéene SDGS/2022 32 p 108. Match the following : Rural welfare policy during plan periods (a) Bharat Nirman 1. Xplan (b) Ensuring basic needs for rural poor 2. XI plan (c) Providing new wage earning revenues to rural poor 3. IX plan (a) Creating new infrastructure in rural areas 4. VIII plan @ o® © @ (A) 1 2 3 4 ee 4s (C) 4 1 2 3 @) 3 1 2 4 (E) Answer not known Acragacrapenps QumGsgis : ACL snagGe eas pos Gancrossdr (a) umgg Blinorain 1. Xfcuw ) cays qonpsaflér 2114.6. Gsmasaa ons) ee 2. XI secu (©) age qonpsens eu Uj emdiuibd Gugid ‘She Bea 3. IX gcuw (ad) saa UGH sofa ysws 2 crs SLLE@WULY euenssona 2GansG5o 4, VIII sci» @ 6 © @ (A) 1 2 3 4 ®) 2 4 1 3 © 4 1 2 3 @ 3 1 2 4 (E) Ser Aguada 33 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 109. The taxes on properties are collected by (A) Central Government (B) State Government (© . Central and State government Local governments (B) Answer not known Asnsgss@éanen ull QsAuncle wagrd augedDssciuGsngi? (A) enw sigs (B) wpe sins (C) mow wig wife 296 (D) ecremdA sie ©) Aer Agiudedea 110. The tax’revenue from lotteries organised by the Union Government or the State Government goes to a Government (B) State Government (©) Both State and Central Government (D) None of the above (E) Answer not known wsAwu sijsTh sdag) WTGe sI7ETd SewssULL om & Gad epar A@OLSGH aul aGamis WMGsGS Asdgud? A) eAitu sede B) wnflo se (CC) wédw wpm wnflo s17556, D) Gopscin cgay Qdoerw (BE) ler Agfluctacne SDGS/2022 34 Pp 111. Which of the followings are the economic problems of poverty? I. Increasing unemployment II. Technological Development III. Capital deficiency IV. Inadequate economic Development (A) I, Mand Tl (B) Il, I and IV M1, III and IV @) I, Wand Iv (E) Answer not known Gerargucna cugenoer QumGarngny Ajsserenuimeid IL aifisléGb Caumardereno TL. Qsmflogeu euertés TIL. pagent uppréeep IV. Gung Qungenngag everiéulereno (A) I, I weg I @®) II, III wpgw IV (C) 1, U1 wige IV ©) I, I wg» IV (E) Ben AgiflueAérene 112. The country which hosts the BRICS meet for the year 2022 is (A) Brazil (B) Russia (© India I China (B) Answer not known 2022 ay yen paner BRICS wrpm_er pu sgn pr ————— BGo (A) Grae (B) Qysqum ©) @psur (D) Senn ) Aor AsAucddae Pp 35 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 113. Identify the personality : He played a pivotal role in spreading rational ideas and scientific perception into politics of Tamilnadu. He worked for the welfare of farmers, workers and spread socialist thinking into politics. He was appointed as a member of the Indian National Congress. (A) J.C. Kumarappa (B) E.V.R. Periyar om Singaravelar (@) Maraimalai Adigal (E) Answer not known BOHoOwew (puey) Seorwmend seins. Gat sips s7Aud Quéssfd ugsshla sqsgsecr oop sfAwd Umi@asee gpUOsswet; Ausmdscr wpgd AsmPoraisc pogésrs UT@uLLet; Pesu s7Awuded sogio sGsgissnens uUpIWet; QsGw Csdw srmdjlen ogiGengrsaid Huw rou. (A) Qg.8. Gwsiun (B) & Qufwat (C) AwangGaar @D) vwapow® si9serm B) Ber Agusta SDGS/2022 36 e 114. Assertion [A] : Article 312 of the Indian Constitution provides for All India Services. Reason [R] : The states wanted to have uniformity in Bureaucracy. 1D Als true but [Rj is false @) © @) «) Both [A] and [R] are true and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] [A] is false [R] is true Both [A] and [R] are true, but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] Answer not known eagpgy [A] > Qpdu sgsootny AS 312 ado @sSwo cesfsdr Qsm_tumengnew. sngemb ([R] : @Cy Syren scrooue.u sPenjauisad QGss CousinGid crov (A) @) © @) @) wonflentiser BgibSen. sop [A] eenoowngd. snjomd [R] spree. soppy [A] wigid sngeond [R] gAu QyanOw sung. Cogyd snyemb [R] carugy spp [A] Apsren sfluner HorsswmEb. aap [A] seugy. srgomb [R] sume. app [A] wip snjamd [R] edu Qram@d sflungb. QGudIed smear [R] crorugy sag [A] Apsren sumer Glorssb side. Heo. AgfucAérena 37 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 115. Jawless vertebrates are (A) Cephalochordates (B) Urochordates Cyclostomes (D) Amphibians (E) Answer not known SIOLUWUIGD HgGsgydGsct crersoney wanes? (A) sme EgG Aprenfledr B) ane egg Aqnenfladr (C) etramypnru 2uifedr DO) Qoamp ouIflenuscr (B) Blea. Qgfusedeoene 116. Choose the following pair which lack nucleus in the human blood. (A) Neutrophils and Eosinophils (B) Basophils and Lymphocytes (C). Monocytes and Eosinophils WI Matured erythrocytes and Thrombocytes (E) Answer not known wails Qrsss8 a 5G Qaoang Qoansenarg CoigAsHasad. (A) PycConGeosdr wogd FAGenTVsdr (B) CuGeneGesdr opgid SdGunestsct (C) GonGoransscr wppnd rAGerndesar DO) YAIEA seb aAECorns_Gadr wgid AnmbGurense Gar (E) Be Agfuchérsne SDGS/2022 38 117. 118. The left over slurry in biogas production is a good manure rich in (A) Carbon and hydrogen Nitrogen and phosphorus (C) Iodine and Antimony (D) Sodium and Calcium (E) Answer not known ah amy epugG@ vquud sPlesie ——————— sierey WesAGUUSTA Apss 2monEw. (A) smiuer ppb mamLgger B) e@pcogen wpprd uncvugeo (C) aGumger oppgnd aerg.0a QD) Cergub wp sndAund (E) Ser Agiiucieene Calculate the concentration of H,O* ion in a mixture of 0.08M CHsCOOH and 0.06M CHsCOONa at 298 K (Ka for acetic acid = 1.84 x 10°) 02.4533 x10° mol I” (B) 2.7613 x10* mol I* (C) 3.4533 x 10° mol? 1* () 2.7713 x10* mol I* (E) Answer not known 298 K Gaiuiflmardd, 0.08M CHsCOOH wpgw 0.06M CHsCOONa Qanar smonan%d 2dret H,O* swatlider Aeflilenerd sersAOs. (21Migs sos flor Ka = 1.84 x 10°) (A) 2.4533 x 10° mol I* (B) 2.7613 x10 mol I* (©) 3.4533 x 10° mol? 1? (@) 2.7713 x 10° mol I* ) Ber Agiucioera 2 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 119. If 75% of a number is added to 75, then the result is the number itself, Find the number. (A) 50 (B) 60 OF 300 (D) 400 (E) Answer not known git creineaflér 75% o1ér 75 g mLnennd Eye 21Gs cro. obs créneems san. (A) 50 () 60 (C) 300 () 400 (BE) Ber Agfucrene 120. What is 25% of 30% of 400? (A) 25 30 © 120 (@) 150 (E) Answer not known 400 esr 30% wAlenMer 25% rene? (A) 25 i @) 30 (C) 120 (@) 150 E) Aer Ashuddaa 121. Find the H.C.F. of 21x*y, 35xy* from the following. (A) 7x (B) Ty (©) Tx*y PF xy (E) Answer not known SGy ecrommasafio, 21x*y, 35xy*. a Sweyppler S.Qur.a. sirens. (A) 7 @®) Ty (C) Tx*y () Txy (B) Bor Qs fucose SDGS/2022 40 Pp 122. 123. What is the volume of a cube whose diagonal measures 4V3 cm? (A) 8cms () 16cm (©) 27 cms PF 64cm! (E) Answer not known 413 Qe.8 2 parade Luonsé Aenean sensgys Bien sensara créner? (A) 8 Qe..83 (B) 16 Qs.53 (C) 27 Gs.89 @) 64 dss E) Boor Agfucidera In tossing a fair coin twice, find the probability of getting atleast one head. ) ® i 3 © 1 (E) Answer not known 8G srox promud Qi ~ap ser_iuGdpss. Goopss EG soo Aeorss Hapssiecré sncins. Pai 1 1 ay 2 1 (A) 4 @®) 2 3 co = 1 ©) : @) CE) Ber Qgfuatdoee 41 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 124, The least number which is exactly divisible by 32, 36, 45, 60 and 80 is (A) 1444 1440 (©) 1404 () 1430 (BE) Answer not known 32, 36, 45, 60 wpgud 80 Sus cransonne, BBuIen DH gu Wes Aplus rar (A) 1444 (B) 1440 (©) 1404 ) 1430 E) Boor Qgtuctoae 125. 8 men can complete a work in 16 days. 4 days later, 8 more men joined them. Then the number of days required to complete the remaining work is a 4 Ms ©) 8 @) 10 (E) Answer not known 8 puitedr Camoou 16 prised Gaus curt, 4 pmLadt 6 Gog 8 purecr oie Gaidpriedr Soil, Saiamoccus @ewu eter can) prLedt (a) 4 @®) 6 (©) 8 @) 10 E) Ber Qsfudome 126. A car travels 360 km in 4 hrs. Find the distance it covers in 6 hrs 30 minutes at the same speed. (A) 400 km 90977585 kn (C) 600km @) 636 km (E) Answer not known 2G wAysg 360 A.5 sindms 4 weal CpysHad sr sAenpg. Cp Casssio WALES Gedgud Gungpg 6 wen 30 AMULmisafle crcvascray sITFOSs SLEG eran SITES. (A) 400 4.5 (B) 585 4.8 (C) 600 4.8 @) 636 4.5 (E) Boor pfu SDGS/2022 42 p 127. 128. 129. 6 pipes are required to fill a tank in 1 hour 20 minutes. How long will it take if 5 pipes of the same type are used? 96 minutes (B) 98 minutes (C) 94 minutes () 92 minutes (E) Answer not known OG BisAsregow 6 Gpmiswors GenanG HyGerrd 1 werh 20 AIL sso SSASTLG AlmdUwd cal 5 GprWserers Gerain® AyewGenned creveueray Coyssleo oSAgmig, Plybdyd? (A) 96 Giese B) 98 pSwecr (C) 94 siwser @) 92 siSLmecr (BE) Bloor Agfuciterene ‘#’ can do a piece of work in 10 days and ‘B’ can do it in 15 days. How much does each of them get if they - the work and earn ¢ 1,500? (A) © 800, = 700 = 900, « 600 (C) = 850, * 650 () =< 950, « 550 (E) Answer not known ‘A’ 9G Gawacu 10 priscfigns, ‘B’ 265 Cammcu 15 prisafignd wycut. QGaGw Ceitg, siCumomu Geigy) ¢ 1,500 g ryan, call aSAsrensenw caueungy sg Gendreut? (A) © 800, © 700 (B) © 900, « 600 (C) = 850, ¢ 650 (@) = 950, ¢ 550 (B) Bar Apfuciree On dividing 15968 by a certain number, the quotient is 89 and the remainder is 37. Find the divisor (A) 169 wn (©) 181 (@) 189 (BE) Answer not known 15968 g app crairemrrd cugsGw Gung) Fai 89 WppId BA 37 Bese?” (A) 169 (B) 179 (© 181 (D) 189 (E) Aer Ggfucdcdra 43 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 130. If certain sum of amount becomes doubled in 10 years. Then its rate of interest is (A). 5% 10% () 15% @) 20% (E) Answer not known BG GHUICLS Asrenswneng 10 YenOseld Ppntry aAlog called ose aly gid (A) 5% ®B) 10% (C) 15% @) 20% (BE) Blo Agflusedeoene 131. How much time will it take for an amount of ¢450 to yield ¢81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest? (A) 3.5 years 4 years (© 4.5 years @) 5years (E) Answer not known 7450 66 gern dG 4.5% ary cissho, sally apie, assoner BanOsefle 781 aryuts Jose? (A) 3.5 qenQadr B) 4 ganQacr (C) 4.5 speared @) 5 qom@acr E) eo AgAuchdrcra SDGS/2022 44 p 132. Reason and Assertion type : Assertion [A]: | We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist secular, Democratic, Republic. Reason [R] : The preamble reveals the source of authority of the @) constitution and nature of Indian State. [A] is true but [R] is false oe Both [A] and [R] are true and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] ©) @) [A] is false, [R] is true Both [A] and [R] are true, but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] (E) Answer not known apg [A]: @idw wésernfu priser QeSucnu gq Bapundanw Asam. svsin, VssriUdM, QepMUS, Gqujsns IOOUSHS, eg suren SioraflsgietGormbd. snjamd [R]: aqey OsAu s7Aud snsangSer sSany posed wppid @) @®) © @) ® Qpdw prcyér sernveOw GachiuGssdiog. [A] ef genre [R] sup [A] wpp [R] 24w Qoer@w of [R] crerigy [A] wer sfumer alorésid [A] sug serra [R] of [A] wdpw [R] g4u QoeinGw sfuneng gern [R] 4G sfumon oMarssid [A] Qowa Hao AgAudea 45 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 183. Assertion [A] : Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are described as ‘novel feature’ of Indian Constitution, according to B.R. Ambedkar. Reason [R] : DPSP.acts as a guideline for the state. (A) [A] is true but [R] is false OD Both [A] and [R] are true; and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] (C) [Al is false, [R] is true (@) Both [A] and [R] are true but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] (E) Answer not known spp [A]: 27% Apiiepapugsgd ComLunGacr Opsw ‘sipfumeocnAer Ygienwwren Apuubsw’ erent BR. swbdGugsgned Bases uGélpgy. sryemb [R]: 27% Applapepypsgid Camun@ser srg here ayer quins AswmeuPApgy. (A) [A] sft yarn [R] sap ®) [A] opp [R] Au Qran@w of [R] orérigy [A] wer sflusmesr Mersswd (©) [A] sup genre [R] of ©) [A] oppw RR] gw Qrar@w eflwnengy genre [R] &| sflunan ers. [A] Qaane (BE) Bw Agfluciidenes SDGS/2022 46 p 134. Which High Court is the biggest High Court in India? (A) Calcutta Wf Allahabad (E) Answer not known (B) Chennai (@) Delhi OpAuncler Ws Gulu aut FSwenpwd org? (A) sesger owt SHwerpbd (B) Ascrencr owt FHerpd ©) smanung owt SHwerpbd QD) GLa oust SAwerpd (BE) Aor Qgfucoae 135. Match the following : Country Name of the Parliament (a) USA 1. Diet (b) Japan 2. Parliament © Britain 3. Folketing (@) Denmark 4. Congress @ ®© © @ (Ajeceeceedaacisiaaad 42 (C) 2 3 4 1 M4 38 2 1 (E) Answer not known Gung seis : pr@escir (a) sGnflés géHw prOacr (b) guuren © Gfcrer (a) Quemomts @ ® © @ (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 4 1 2 3 © 2 3 4 1 @) 4 3 2 1 (E) Boor Ggfiucioera Br_m@swdrpgs ser Guus ee 2. umgme@swenpib 3. Cundst igs 4, sna 47 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 136. Match correctly the excavated things with the corresponding places : (a) Copper 1. Khetri (b) Gold 2. Kolar (©) Lapis Lazuli 3. Badakhshan (a) Cloth 4. Umma @3 4 1 ee ee O4 2 1 M1 4 8 @ ® © @ ooo AR wD (E) Answer not known SsHammisA GeWUUCL AunGL swag Asm Myoru @imuseser sflwnscs Gung ssa : (a) smiinb 1. Qsgf () stew 2. Gameonit (©) weslésa 3. Umgenqer @) gia 4. ewer @ ®© © @ (A) 3 4 1 2 (@) 1 2 3 4 (C) 4 2 1 3 @) 1 4 3 2 (E) Bor Agfuseieorenre SDGS/2022 48 p 137. Which reference says that the bankers work was done mostly by the Sarrofs, Sahukars and Mahajan's during the Mughal period? (A) Tazkirai — ul - wagiat of Jauhar (B) Razik Priya of kesh Das (C) Ain-i-Akbari of Abul fazl N@f Khulasat — ul — Twarikh of Sujan Rai (E) Answer not known Ysomut sragAe abAL vesflsd GuGbUTgID cgnnécsér, srgmratesd Lppb wengensernd GeiWOULLen cary 65s GANLYS myslgi? (A) sevAgmis-2.0-amSuing Aggeran fer (B) Gases sratlén AS GAwiT (C) a1 e Svicveiler gpen-gp-15uM D) sagner gruden Garsg-2 o- Sauls (E) Aer sifucioera 138. The greatest king of the Rashtrakuta dynasty was we Amogavarsha I (@) Krishna II (C) Indra III (@) Govinda IT (E) Answer not known Tidigg. ToL sstEahd sHoApyesautt (A) ysemd sGonseutagit (B) Qyermd Agegostir ©) warpmd OsAnt DO) Qyem mb CaneApgsit (E) Bar Asfucldoca p 49 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 189. According to census 2011, the percentage of tribals in total population of India is (A) 6.3% (B) 7.4% © 82% 02.6% (E) Answer not known 2011 abd aerrger wésdr Agsronss somsQsQUGeUy QsHuncler Gongs wésdt Asresule UiyprigGig wsscr Lo Gb ———— sgeSgib ecrarent. (A) 6.3% (B) 7.4% (C) 8.2% (@) 8.6% (E) Ben guerre 140. Consider the following statement and tick the correct answer: () ‘Secularism’ is the part of Indian Constitution (ii) One religious group dominate another (iii) The State permits the practice of any religion (iv) The state remains neutral in religious matters. (A) @ and (ii) only (B) Gi) and (iii) only (C) (iv) only eH Gii) and (iv) only (E) Answer not known sfluner spas Gpiey Qewe : G@) swwé sritGeroow cerug, QsHw sTAuomoider Qo siiswmgGd Gi) OG sound Frits GY UPApTG Gyciler Bg yslssb Aegsgsiso Gii) a6s sougsmguyd Derupp 29% SQoswellsso (iv) sow Basnpmschd 217% BOpleooav Ganeiny G55o (A) @), Gi) vc @o ®) (i), Gii) oc @v (C) Gv) ot @v (@) (, Gii) opp (iv) oo @w (E) Ber Asiflucserene SDGS/2022 50 p 141. Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below. List I Pass (a) Niti Pass (b) Pensila Pass (©) Burzail Pass (a) Rohtang Pass a) 6 © @ ws 1 3 4 @®) 2 3 4 1 © 2 3 1 4 @) 2 1 4 3 (©) Answer not known PE List IT Connecting two places Kashmir with Kargil Uttarkhand with Tibet Ladakh with China Lahul with Spiti ucywe Ig ucque IT over Gunggd, &Cyp GsnGssiucLGerer GHuS@senars Asren® Hees CsibAsO : utgwie I semoumis (a) Aly, samreumis (b) QuerAen sexreumis (©) Utes seareumis (a) Gongingmis semreumis @®@ ® © @ O23 13 @® 2 38 4 (Osc eeus aaa @ 2 1 4 (EB) Bear Ag fueron one fees eee uciqwe IT Qyan® Qrtserer Qeranséipgy smidgen sreig8it AQusgiier 2 ssyscir @Lné Gren Font ICG YLMr onan Oe SDGS/2022 [Turn over 142. In which year, Quick Mail Service is introduced in India? (A) 1955 (B) 1965 1975 () 1985 (E) Answer not known OQrduncld Mega G50 Come obs Berge MP pswuGSsvucrg? (A) 1955 (B) 1965 (©) 1975 () 1985 ) Aer @gfucioenn 143. Among the Union territories, which is the highest and lowest density of population in India? (A) . New Delhi, Puducherry New Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands (C) New Delhi, Goa (D) New Delhi ,Yanam (E) Answer not known DsAurchla o8s wopd Gaps wsseriigA Asnoim wellwcr IjGsetiscr wirenes? (A) Ugi@Leed, ygiéGah B) YBAOrocd, siss.oner HsCsnumt Sayscr (C) ysi@reed, Carer (DD) YysG*ALad, germ (E) Ber Asfuichdene SDGS/2022 52 Pp 144. Which of the following is incorrectly paired? 1. SBSE — State Board of School Examinations 2. BHSE - Board of Highly Secured Examination 3. TNBSE — Tamil Nadu Board of Schooling Education 4. TNBHSE— Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education (A) Land 2 are incorrect oe and 3 are incorrect (C) Sand 4 are incorrect (D) Land 3 are incorrect (E) Answer not known AeoraGgacaphe cg supts GHG Uc Herergs? 1. SBSE— nfl udrefé sof cunfud 2. BHSE - ew wSsQueim Cgirey eumfMund 3. TNBSE- siippr@ udrefé sel aunfund 4. TNBHSE- gsiibpr@ Coadfiaas sie aunflud (A) Luppd 2 sflumengy sida (B) 2 wpgwd 3 sfusrengy sda (C) 3 wig 4 sflureng side ©) Lupyw 3 sfluneng sio0 (BE) Sle Agfuclaena 145. Wildlife Protection Act was enacted in the year (A) . 1974 (B) 1980 1972 (@) 2002 (E) Answer not known aaAanigadr UngEniyé Lb Qu yeinG (A) 1974 (B) 1980 (© 1972 (D) 2002 CE) Ber AgAucildsns Pp 53 SDGS/2022 {Turn over 146. The Government of Tamil Nadu has instituted an award by Name to a person outstanding services to promote communal Harmony. E (A), Thiruvalluvar Award “Kottai Ameer Communal Harmony Award” (©) Perarignar Anna Award () Pavendar Bharathidasan Award (E) Answer not known Ls paSemsssos Cobudsgb ams Apis CsmaumHu QquGse BIDET 75 apie Ags A) S@audrepaut Aes (B) Canor snSt 0s padcdlom og) ©) Curpet s1irenn Gg (D) unrGagsgi ungi sneer Gg) (BE) Ser Asfiucdaae 147. Who are citizens, choose the wrong statement. @ Citizens enjoy full civil rights (ii) Citizens are members of the political community Gii) Citizens do not enjoy political rights (A) (i) and (ii) (B),@ alone (© Gi) alone (iii) alone (E) Answer not known Gerougid ge Guwsacr wnt cede saunrer snipes sm_Os. @) — Gywaser EY Ace 2flewaee sg IAEA nied Gi) sud sepas sien 2 giiGertadr Gil) Gquwsser sud 2Meowsenar sqQUALUAds@ (A) G@) wpguo Gi) @®) @ wow (C) Gi) vr@n () (iii) v6 @w (E) Ber. Agfucteoee : SDGS/2022 54 p 148. What is much tastier than the nectar from heaven in a family? (A) . Touch of Children Food messed up by the hand’s of one’s children (C) Music of the flute () Loving words of the beloved (E) Answer not known AUIpEsos AL Baflenounengy crengy aucrlazaut ageons sc HSerpwi? (A) wésdr Gos Sane (B) | sb wéser Ap ms SenTelus sp (C) YyoartuGypclen Baier @) srg Qer Coney (BE) Bar Agfucdaec 149. “Navil thorum Noolnayam; polum payilthorum Thotarbu” whose association gives great pleasure? (A) Association with innocence (Pethayar thodarbu) (B) Association with women (Arivaiyar Thodarbu) we Association with the genteel (Panbudaiyaalar Thodarbu) (D) Association with the learned (Arivudaiyaar Thodarbu) (E) Answer not known “pal Agro gid pub Cungnd UuISAspId AgsmAy” woGeLw Asm iy Qaruw sq? (A) Guanguint Qgmiy (B) siMle@awi Qgsminy (©) ueiryerument Agmiy @D) sPlajoo_weut Agmiry (E) Ber Agfucidene p 55 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 150. The National Human Right Commission was established in the year (A) © ®) 1990 1979 Answer not known (B) 1978 )) 1993 Csfu walls ofervadr qoamund Ayaruice ser@ (A) © () 1990 1979 Hen. ApifiueAedene 151. Choose the correct pair : Oe ®) © ©) ® Glass beads Shell wastes of Bangle Furnace Canoe Answer not known. shure Qeanows Corey Osis : (A) @) ©) @) @) SDGS/2022 seirearmg, weaflescr LOL bE stig, crmerud 2666 2ew 9Gr wrspranen ULdér UES) BAe AgAuchédrcne 56 (B) 1978 (@) 1993 Porunthal Keezhadi Kodumanal Auroville, Puducherry Gumg pga Sxpq AsrQ@wene UpeGothen 4 Gynoie 152. Choose the correct answer : @ Gi) Gi) (iv) (A) ©) ) Velu Nachiyar was a Queen of Sivagangai. Muthu Vaduganathar was killed in Kalaiyar Koil Battle, was the husband of Velu Nachiyar. Kuyili a commander of Velu Nachiyar was the first suicide attacker. With the help of Marudhu Brothers again Velu Nachiyar was crowned as Queen. @), Gi) and (iv) are correct ©) (@), Gii) and (iv) are correct (i) and (iii) are correct an are correct Answer not known sfluinen Be ows Agfa Qewe : @ Gi) Gi) Gv) (A) © ®) Aasticnsuler ‘@yren! Gougy prséSuimit ayourit. sroewit Carefle Cunfld Asrdotucr Hoss adsarst Oona Cagy préGusnflén semousreuntt. Cagy préduntier poiemssgfu ues sous Gud Oat oso BHASTEN@L LOL cfnt sour. WE g sCangrtscfér osAujer Cagy sréfumt BoirGd Oyreafluins apg Gy s Aameior mt. @), Gi) wpgw (iv) af ©) @, Gii) opp (iv) ef Gi) wg (ii) «ft (D) sienenggid ef Hen. AgAueAdere 57 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 153. —_—_—— showed his compassion and mercy on all living beings including plants. Ramalinga Adigal (B) Iyothee Thasar (C) Baba Ram Singh (@) Guru Nanak (E) Answer not known —— sdigeru sicrmuud Qysasesund Gey Gsmyscr ecu Dooarsg eMeriae. Bg amequeut. A) Qomodhiss oir @) sGungSeren (C) unum gmb As @) S@prené (E) Ber Asflucierere 154. Choose the correct statement : I. Periyar EV Ramasamy was the founder of the Self-Respect Movement. II. People hailed him as ‘Vaikom Veerar” (Hero of Vaikom). III. He frequently wrote columns in the magazine under the ‘pen name’ “Chitra Puttiran”. IV. He also supported B.R. Ambedkar's demand for separate electorates to scheduled castes. (A) . I and IV are correct (B) I and III are correct I, II and IV are correct (D) Il is correct (E) Answer not known sfluron aes Coie Asie. I. Guflumt r.QauQ@onosmi su wflumns Qusssangss Combpailssmit TL. wéser sieueny ‘noussib oft cron Ung wont TH. Quituint ASHy UsAyeer cred Yoon QuuMe s_Gengsoer crpsenmt IV. BR. swbGugent sautsafler e@sstuc wés@psaren gallsGstsa AsrESS Conhsosou GuAuUnGd ysMssmt. (A) Twp IV of (B) I wp III ef (CC) 1, TW wbgw IV et @) eft (BE) Blane AgAweAesne SDGS/2022 58 p 155. 156. was the first Quéen to fight against the British colonial power in India. (A) Kuyili WO Velu Nachiar (© Rani Mangammal (D) Rani Lakshmi Bai (E) Answer not known DsGuncde Dc gey snooh ysaporg «Pigg CuMA\LL Ego Queramyél (A) Gude (B) Gagy préAwinit (©) gremfl rusbiomer (D) gree Garis umis (BE) Sle Agfucleaena Assertion [A]: | Ambedkar wrote, Annihilation of caste Reason [R] : He criticised caste system and Hindu religious texts Both [A] and [R] are true and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] (B) Both [A] and [R] are true but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] (C) [A] is true, [R] is false (D) [A] is false, [R] is true (E) Answer not known oop [A] : an gy Ups sudGussit crepHuyctronmt. sogamd [R] : Qpg sow grdscid Bobs eH Yonmu chlotsomd Qewgnt. (A) mop [A] ppd sngemb [R] QranGw sf, wd sngombd [R] snphler [A] eflunen Bers. td (B) apg [A] wpgd sryemd [R] QyeinGw sf, gerd snyemd [R] sper [A] sfluren Hersam (©) mpg [A] 2A, snyomd [R] sug @) spp [A] sag. smyemd [R] of (BE) Sle Ogflucilerene 59 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 157. During the Loksabha Constituency Election in 1952 Kamarajar got elected from (A) Nagercoil (B) (Virudhu Nagar om: Srivilliputtur (D) Aruppukkottai (E) Answer not known 1952-Qd perGuip pmogweps CsigSd smognet CeipAsQseuuc Qgn68 ———— #60. (A) pretGancde B) Aggpst CC) SaAoAayssnt DM) s@uysCarceo (E) Slar Agflucildcra 158. Which one of the following is the family name of Nehru? (A) Rai @®) Kul (©). Sarkar Kaul (E) Answer not known Vorugamapper ag Cogcler EGU uu aE? (A) om B) 6 (C) siren @) Qsarw (BE) Sleor Asfucilerene SDGS/2022 60 p 159. ‘India will be a global player in the digital economy’ who said this? (A) {Amarthiyasen (B) Manmohan Singh Sunder Pitchai (D) Jawaharlal Nehru (E) Answer not known @oss wan Gurgamsm she OsAun gt aeserneiu Guncguneryngs’ arand sasSlusoutt (A) swig hun@sar (B) wenGuorsen Aru (C) spr Geos @) guantord Cog (B) Ber Qgfueierer 160. Choose the Right matches among type : I. . First five year plan - 1950 - 1955 IL Third Five year plan - — 1966-1969 Ill. Ninth Five year plan — — 1997-2002 IV. Twelfth five year plan - 2012-2017 (A)_ Land If correct HM III and IV correct (©) Iand III only correct (D) and IV correct (E) Answer not known shuren Qocrenus CrtpAsGssayid : Lose gisren@ Sub — 1950-1955 Tl. yerprag gbsran® AU - 1966 - 1969 TIL. geugraug gbsren@ Hou - 1997-2002 IV. usraf@yerrag gbsren® Sid —- 2012-2017 (A) Topp II of @) wpe IV «ft (©) Twppe Il «ft @) Twig IV ef (E) Boor Agfucidera p 61 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 161. Assertion [A]: Self help groups are linked with bank based on their performance Reason [R] : The main objective of this programme is to bring the beneficiaries above the poverty line. (A) [A] is true but [R] is false oO Both [A] and [R] are true. [R] is the correct explanation of [A] (C) [A] is false, and [R] is true (@) Both [A] and [R] are true, but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] (E) Answer not known app [A] : su egs Gysscfidr Aewdun@sma masg aml Qoantiug SL sAo CetssruGdpmisdr. sagemd [R] : ssi sher eséw Conésiorengs Uwenraflsaer auprenws Csr 4G Cod cpérCondpwar us ewaugne.d. A) [A] eft genre [R] saupi @) [A] wpgw [R] Qrea@w sf [R] crotugy [A] Aaron sfuren Horésomewd (©) [A] sag, opp [R] of @) [A] wppw [R] Qrar@w sf, syorre [R] crotugy [A] Asner sfMusnor Blerée.ea EB) Ber Agfuciacne SDGS/2022 62 p 162. The country which will host ASEAN 2022 is Cambodia (B) Italy (C) Rome (@) Sri Lanka (E) Answer not known 2022 Qe ASEAN arises a6 pr 5. sgs\pg17 (A) sbGumguim B) Bsns (©) 2Gymw D) Qanes () Sar Asfuclona 163. Who won the Miss Universe 2021? Harnaaz Sandhu (B) Nadia Ferreira (C) Lara Dutta (@) Nandita Banna (E) Answer not known 205 apd ULL Sslenan 2021-Qa Geuenpeuit wim? (A) apitenney apg CB) pmquin .GuCqAwe (C) angr séer ©) sp8sn verter E) Aer Asfucidcra p 63 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 164. Match the following : Name of the political party Strength in the 16 Assembly (a) PMK al 18 (b) VCK 2. 2 (©) CPIM) Sad (a) INC 4, 5 @ ®© © @ (A) 3 2 4 1 (@) 44 2 3 1 a iaceeeeg aaaee Queena @) 2 3 4 1 (E) Answer not known Qurgsgis. Sue 6A 16 ag sLLvenpshe sige UMbd (a) uréciefl wéscr sLA 1. 18 0) AQsao Agsosac oA 2. 2 (©) witsAedt. sdyeflere 5A 3. 4 @ QpAw CsAw snmdlgeiv 4.5 @® ®© © @ (A) 3 2 4 1 (B) 4 2 3 1 (©) 4 3. 2 1 @) 2 3 4 1 (BE) Ber Asiucierene SDGS/2022 64 165. The objective of Clean Energy Research Initiative (CERI) is to (A) Develop innovations Make it affordable and accessible (C) Develop research (D) All of the above (E) Answer not known sriscow 668 ygmissA CpuspA (CERD Wer @hsGener (A) Ygi@mwserer cuaritiug) (B) wdlaunrsa spssmywgsrsad AupsuGag (C) nmmsAuler paw aerttiugs D) Cope MUI Odor semonggud (E) Ber Agus 166. On November 28, 2021, a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struct at (A) Indonesia Peru (C) Pakisthan (D) New Zealand (E) Answer not known poubut 28, 2021 sien, 7.5 Ast soney Gena EG WTAUGD flapOssd gpuLL Qu (A) QpCsrGenafiuir (B) ug (C) undevgmesr ©) syAonigs CB) Ber Agiuseddee Pp 65 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 167. Which one of the following is root parasite plant? (A) Viscum (B) _Cuscuta (© Loranthus PA Rafflesia (E) Answer not known Epsscnap ha afs sraumd Cat gi Gaiman sraupomeib? (A) Seva (B) scveiom (C) Gangrengev @) gmserAwe (E) Bao AgfwaAédene 168. Answer the following questions using the data given below : Assertion [A]: Acetic acid is a weak acid. Reason [R] .: Acetic acid has four hydrogen atoms but only one can be replaced. (A) , [A] is correct [R] is wrong [A] and [R] are correct. [R] does not explain [A]. (C) [A] is wrong [R] is correct (D) [A] and [R] are correct. [R] explains [A] (E) Answer not known DeragGd Hennssener &pssean GAUYser epeow clen_weflssayd : app [A] : SAL gs sob adlow Ganss slew. sngambd [R] : sys sasha prone mani rger sgpdscr Qossrand, BSF BG San F_Qeer WL HCo QO QuwUsA Aeviw apyuyd. (A) =op [A] ef sryembd [R] sug (B) spp [A] auf even (C) spp [A] sug sngand [R] of (@) spp [A], sryemqpw [R] sf. sngomb [R] ponp [A] pong Acrs eng (BE) Boor Agiluailerenar smjengp [R] afl, yon smyamd [R] sag [A] @ SDGS/2022 66 p 169. 170. 171. When a force ‘F acts on a body for a period of time ‘?’, then the product of force and time is known as (A) Inertia (B) Moment of a force @ Impulse (D) Linear momentum (E) Answer not known F cenp Beng ‘t cenp sro sia EG Aungefier bg Gewoucitd gHuGwd wALY, Hers wopd sna soreAér AUGSEHUPMMPSS sOwIs QGSG. Qscnen ———_—< aranut. (A) flooow B) 265 Aes (CC) samgssns6, @) Cpfhue ops (EB) Ber Qpfusaterere Which of this is not an unit for viscous force? Newton (B) Poise (C) Kgm's7 (@) Nsm? (E) Answer not known Qapgsr ag ungew Aesden s106 Aeowngs? (A) Bycrer (B) univ (C) Kgm'st (D) Nsm~ (EB) Boor Agfusciiaene Which one of the following has the highest density? (A) Air Water (C) Kerosene (@) Wood (E) Answer not known Epsrenucudpicr 5. Gunga o-1FA De Susmongy? (A) snpp (B) gr (C) weir QenreirQerorits @) wp (BE) feo Qgfuschierene 67 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 172. Find the H.C.F. of x* - 2xy + y’ and x* - y*. (a1 ®) x+y SP x-y @) x*-y9 (E) Answer not known x? - xy + y* wom x* — y' gAwapiler BUQUG Gung aes seins. @ 1 (B) x+y (©) x-y @) -y (E) Aer Gg Aucierene 173. Find the area of triangle formed by the points (- 5, 0), (0, - 5) and (5, 0). (A) 0 Sq. units 5 Sq. units (©) 5 Sq. units (D) 125 Sq. units (E) Answer not known (—5, 0), (0, - 5) wigd (5, 0) du Ydtofscrmd snwssiUuGd EsCarengsien upty sree. (A) 06. sagaer B) 25 6. soescr (C) 54. swgedr (D) 125 6. simeacr (E) ler Asfiuchdere 174. The circumference of a circular park is 352 m. Find the area of the park. (A) 8956 m? (B) 448 m? (©) 1452 m2 a Ae m? (E) Answer not known 2G ALL aya YmETAer sera 352 B, call ymsmfler UTLLITEy srreiTs. (A) 8956 5? (B) 448.8? (C) 1452 8 (D) 9856 (BE) Aer Agiuaders SDGS/2022 68 p 175. 176. A wood cutter took 12 minutes to make 3 pieces of a block of wood. How much time would be needed to make 5 such pieces? (A) 12min : wes min (C) 30min (@) 36 min (E) Answer not known OG UWF Aa GuaisG EG wysgiiror 3 geinQsornsGagsoe 12 HMAmesdr BEd called sigan 5 geinOsamss créucueray Gpmd Canes? (A) 1268.0 B) 24 pL © 30 ss. ©) 36 pis» E) Aer Agfucdome The least number which when divided by 12, 16, 24 and 36 leaves a remainder 7 in each case is 151 @) 51 © 36 (@) 144 (E) Answer not known 12, 16, 24 wpgnd 36 ga aguOwGung, gaGang apy Tg Ssums syémigw WssApws wer. eror —————— -3j 6. (A) 151 @) 51 (C) 36 (D) 144 (EB) Aer AgAucloere 69 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 177. If 382 is written as 238, 473 as 347 and so on, then which of the following two numbers will have least difference between them (A) 473 and 382 (B) 629 and 728 (© 629 and 568 7728 and 847 (E) Answer not known 382 crerigy 238 cronay 473 crérugy 347, ....., crerayid orpsULLMd, Denougid QE cemsched a5 OG cerscher AgHunso, Has Gonaurangrs QGsEGw. (A) 473, 382 (B) 629, 728 (C) 629, 568 (@) 728, 847 (B) Ber Qsfucerere 178. If RED is coded as 6720. Then GREEN can be coded as (A) 1677199 1677209 (©) 16717209 (D) 9207716 (E) Answer not known RED o GuS@ 6720 cra GREEN or GSO (A) 1677199 (B) 1677209 (© 16717209 (D) 9207716 (B) Aer Agfiucldea 179. ABCD : OPQR : : WXYZ :? (A) EFGH 6 Kum (C) QRST (@) STUV (E) Answer not known : ABCD : OPQR: : WXYZ: ? (A) EFGH (B) KLMN (C) QRST (@) STUV ©) Ber Agiiucioee SDGS/2022 70 p 180. 181. A number consists of two digit whose sum is 9. If 27 is subtracted from the original number, its digits are interchanged. Find the original number. (A) 36 (B) 45 © 54 63 (E) Answer not known QranG Qessisners Gene gt cainaler Qossmsciier aOsd 9. 1s corel SN5pg1 27 gb aflds o1dGadnsafler Qossmuser Qwd wmplAGrw. crafler, 1dsGausisrancands srreiorss (A) 36 (B) 45 (©) 54 @) 63 (BE) Ben. Agfusefterene Simplify : 20 + [8x 2+ {63-10 +5}] (A) 40 (B) 57 52 @) 48 (B) Answer not known 5865 : 20+ [8x 2+ {6x3-10+5}] (A) 40 (B) 57 (© 52 ) 48 (B) Bloor. Agfuctdara n SDGS/2022 [Turn over 182. The rate of interest at which <640 amount to ¢774.40 in 2 years. Find the jpterest is compounded annually wh 10% (B) 12% (C) 12.5% @) 14% (E) Answer not known 2640 eng) Qocn® yeinGachd mc @sAstens *774.40 6b crail oO aucg, oAdlgid stair (A) 10% (@) 12% (C) 12.5% @) 14% CE) Sor Asifiucirera 183. The value of a motor cycle 2 years ago is ¢1,00,000. It depreciates at the rate of 5% p.a. Then the present value is (A) = 80,000 (B) © 80,250 = 90,250 (@) «95,000 (E) Answer not known Ot QE séa7 ansengSer Sow 2 wens e5sG pot *1,00,000 45 Bobs). Se VAL AeinG\Csrpid 5% fsb Gopspg calld sige spCurasu wAUYy (A) = 80,000 (B) = 80,250 (© © 90,250 () «95,000 (E) Ber Agfucidea SDGS/2022 R p 184. “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” are the slogans given importance in the preamble of our constitution. These were slogans of which Revolution? (A) American Revolution WH French Revolution © Russian Revolution (@) Chinese Revolution ©) Answer not known “sphAmbd, suggieubd, sCansrsgieb” comp eppsstiadr OsAu s7FuosnocIer Ysqoned HWsAUSgA STLUL Orang. Dena abs YT Auer appsstscr? A) @®) © @) ©) sAwAésc YA Agee YTLA Tews YpLA Sons yA Aen. AgsfluscSledensd 73 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 185. Assertion [A]: The council of Ministers is collectively responsible to ; the Lok Sabha. Reason [R] : Ministers are appointed by the president on the advice of the Prime Minister. (A) [A] is true but [R] is false (B) Both [A] and [R] are true and [R] is the correct explanation of [A] (C) [A] is false, [R] is true DO Both [A] and [R] are true but [R] is not the correct explanation of [A] (E) Answer not known opp [A] : sinoésisct GY BtO GAuwnssuTs wWéseTenaids, Qungytije_wautecr. emjemb [R] : Deowéssisoat Aggies s4Consmonder Gull G_wTE seoaut Pussépm. (A) [A] ef genre [R] sag (B) [A] wig [R] ef [A] saner sfusren corsa [R] eo (©) [Al sap. [R] «ft D) [A] wo pw [R] #f [A] aren eftunen cAerésw [R] yong (BE) Ben Agiwiciirene SDGS/2022 74 p 186. 187. Which of the following is considered as the Guardian of the constitution? (A) Legislature (B)_Executive (C) Cabinet Supreme Court (E) Answer not known Adragacraupger ag 7d seoiGer ungisraoennsé sGSUUOSEpg? (A) scLwepn B) a Assen (C) seowssqana (@) 246 §Swerpw (BE) Bar Asfucdesa Arrange the following in chronological order with respect to their establishment : 1. Central vigilance Commission 2. Central Bureau of Investigation 38. Central information commission 4. Lokpal and Lokayuktha Act (A) 1, 3, 2,4 (B) 2,4,3,1 2,1, 3,4 @) 3,2,1,4 (E) Answer not known Epsraruapap sige Corppcésiucr geirger sigtueiled sfums sre aflsciuGspeyd : 1. wéHw sererenfy —g,enemrust 2. wsHw yoormiiay GY 3. we Bw saad —genemund 4. Ganéuine wppid Coons gujegr 6Ld @) 13,24 ®) 2,4,3,1 © 2,1,3,4 @) 3,2,1,4 (E) Ber Asfuicldrene oT SDGS/2022 [Turn over 188. Which is the northern most settlement of Indus Valley civilization? (A) _Sutkagendor Shortugai (C) Alamgirpur (@) Daimabad (E) Answer not known Ag) soQaal prafasSer au sGany GqulGuy ogi? (A) sLanQggerGunit (B) Cagni@ens (CC) gqovdingit @M) @omung E) Aer Agsfuchdrera 189. Who was not the contemporary of Samudragupta? (A) Pushyavarman Bhaskarvarman (C) Vishnugopa @) Sri Meghavarman (E) Answer not known sUSATSUBH sragsorss snqngout (A) Yeiewauttioer (B) undvstreutioer (©) SieggnyGsmun (D) WB Cosautwer (E) Slo. Agfiuclédena SDGS/2022 76 190. Choose the correct statement : () The Indian heritage advocates hospitality, charity, friendship, love, humility, truth (ii) The paintings at Ajanta and Ellora are world famous. Gii) The Jain's celebrate Buddha Poornima. (iv) Bharathanatiyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak, Manipuri and Oddissi are @) @) © () some of the famous dances in India. @ and (ii) are correct Only (iv) is correct Only (iii) is correct (@ (i) and (iv) are correct Answer not known sflunanés exerp Cgitey Gaile : @ @ Gi) Gv) @ @) @) © QpHus UTpduflud AGPEsmbdud, Fars, PLY, Sid, GYSELD, BiTenI0, gAucupenns Aenean gy sIQisT Wd TdGongr Geurmsd aos Ys Aibpaas swamiadr USS yitenflorena Genin Serpent US prQub, Gssliyy, spéscH, waeloyM, wopprd gyé Gumérponcs QeSunchen ys Qupp porssmasenmgid i) wignd Gi) «ff (iv) wL@w aff Gii) we @w ef @), Gi) woop (iv) gAwee sf Alor. AgAueAeranes 7 SDGS/2022 [Turn over 191. Assertion [A] : Himalayas are called young fold mountains. Reason [R]_ : It was formed only few million years ago by the folding of the earth crust due to tectonic activity. (A) [A] is true [R] is false (B) [A] is false [R] is true O Both [A] and [R] are true (@) Both [A] and [R] are false (E) Answer not known app lA] + Qwuvee eG Gerd wacny vowed sme [R] : Gwunm sa adduicr yanGse5sq qperantgncn YeAGHCom@ Cufluss Aensadr snyamons 2 Geunduigy (A) [A] «A, [IR] sap () [A] sap. [R] ef (©) [A]. [R] yaw Qrangw oft ©) TA. RR] g4u Qoar@w sau (BE) Aer Agfueirere SDGS/2022 78 .

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