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Adolf Hitler 

(Nazi Dictator and Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945))
Birthday: April 20, 1889 (Taurus)
Born In: Braunau Am Inn, Austria
Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all’, said the head of the
Nazi Party and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler. He
was the Chancellor of Germany during the Third Reich and the chief mastermind
behind World War II. Known to the world as the indomitable ‘Fuhrer’, he was
responsible for the mass and systematic extermination of millions of Jews and
non-Aryans, whom he deemed unfit or inferior to the ideal ‘Aryan’ race. The
founder of Nazism and a staunch anti-Semite, he made efforts to build a
territorially larger and purer nation for German folk through his megalomaniac
ways which prompted and also ended the World War, leading his country to
abyss. He was also a prolific writer, artist and a militarist, known for his
exceptional leadership talents and his effervescent nature. This German leader
rose to prominence from the rank of a mere soldier owing to his exceptional
oratory skills and went on to become one of the most feared despots of his time.
His dream to establish ‘New Order’ in Germany was a culmination of his long and
tyrannical, yet fascinating dictatorship. He transformed the face of the-then
Weimar Republic into a single-party autocracy, based on the dictatorial ideology
of a total ‘Nazi German’ hegemony. Hitler’s early years with the Nazi Party and
his aggressive foreign policies were considered one of the main factors for the
outbreak of World War II, which ultimately led to his downfall and a mass
destruction around Central and Eastern Europe.
Died At Age: 56
Spouse/Ex-: Eva Braun (M. 1945–1945)
Father: Alois Hitler
Mother: Klara Hitler
Siblings: Gustav, Ida
Born Country: Austria
Height: 5'9" (175 cm), 5'9" Males
Political Ideology: National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921–1945)
Died On: April 30, 1945
Place Of Death: Führerbunker, Berlin, Germany
Ancestry: Austrian German
Cause Of Death: Suicide

Childhood & Early Life

Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl.
He was the fourth of the six children born to the couple and was only 3-years-old
when the family moved from Austria to Germany.
He was a very bright child and was very popular at school, but often clashed with
his father over his interest in fine arts. This led to Hitler’s detachment from his
family and he became a reclusive, discontented, resentful child, with an unstable
temperament towards his father.
He was deeply attached to his lenient, hard-working mother, whose battle against
cancer and consequent demise in December 1908 was a shattering blow to his
already upset life.
It is believed that young Hitler showed an early interest in German nationalism,
condemning the authority of Austro-Hungary. This nationalism would later play a
major role in Hitler’s policy formations.
Vienna & Early Anti-Semitic Views
After spending four years in Linz, a Jewish colony, he dropped out of school at
the age of 16, and moved to Vienna with dreams of becoming a painter. He
applied to the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts twice and his rejection both times
shaped his pathological hatred of Marxists and the cosmopolitan Habsburg
He was homeless for some years and sold his artworks to earn a little
wherewithal for sustenance. The prevalent racial and religious prejudice in
Vienna at the time is said to have sown the seeds of anti-Semitism in him.
Later, hawking sketches in low taverns, he lived from hand-to-mouth and
compensated for the frustrations of a solitary bachelor’s life in despondent
shelters and cheap cafes, listening to others discussing grandiose dreams of a
greater Germany.
It was during his years in Vienna that he was able to discern the ‘Eternal Jew’
symbol and started believing that Jews were the root cause of all chaos,
corruption and obliteration in ethos, politics and economy.

Role In World War I

In May 1913, Hitler left Vienna for Munich and joined the 16th Bavarian Infantry
Regiment when war broke out in August 1914, serving as a dispatch runner. He
proved to be a courageous, able soldier and was awarded his first Iron Cross for
Twice injured, he landed up in a hospital in Pomerania, temporarily blinded and
was driven to powerless rage owing to the 1918 German Revolution as well as
the country’s military defeat during World War I.
After recovery, he was convinced that fate had picked him to rescue a disgraced
nation from the manacles of the punitive Treaty of Versailles, which he
In the summer of 1919, Hitler observed the uprising of a small yet powerful
group, known as the German Workers’ Party. On September 16, 1919, he
entered the same party and soon changed its name to the Nationalist Socialist
German Workers’ Party. By July 1921, he had imposed himself as the party’s
Rise To Prominence & The Nazi Party
Hitler’s powerful oratory talent was discovered and he was made the chief
speaker of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. He also gave the
group its new symbol—the ‘swastika’, a Hindu symbol for prosperity. His fervent
conviction, boisterousness and theatrical quality of speeches, established him as
the ‘Fuhrer’ (leader in German) of the movement, with over 3,000 members in the
party as compared to the initial membership of 40.
He decided to organize his party on the basis of powerful squads such as the
storm-troopers called, the ‘Sturmabteilung’ (SA) and Hitler’s black-shirted
bodyguards, the ‘Schutzstaffel’ (SS).
He focused his propaganda against the ‘November Rogues’, the people he
considered as ‘internal enemies’, who signed the Treaty of Versailles and who,
according to him, were responsible for all of Germany’s domestic problems. His
views of the Versailles Treaty gave birth to socialistic ideas of the ‘Aryan’ race
supremacy and extreme-nationalist policies.
By 1923, the Weimar Republic was on the verge of collapse and Hitler sought to
overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich, by bursting into a beer hall in the
city. This eventually grew to become the infamous, ‘Beer Hall Putsch’, where
3,000 of Hitler’s men attempted to ‘putsch’ (or overthrow) the existing Munich
He was arrested and tried on February 26, 1924 and was sentenced to five years
of prison. However, he was released after nine months of prison term and
dedicated his only major work, ‘Mein Kampf’, to his loyalist, Rudolf Hess.
The failure of the Putsch, the ban on the Nazi Party and his jail term, made Hitler
stronger and he vowed to come back with the army and the police under his
In 1925, the ban on the Nazi Party was lifted and Hitler regained permission to
speak in public and established himself as the ultimate arbitrator.
In the 1928 elections, owing to the onset of the Great Depression and the
consequent threat to the German economy, people chose not to vote for Hitler’s
Nazi Party and he won a mere 12 seats.
Despite this defeat, the Nazis began to win over large industrial and army circles
and with the backing of the press, Adolf Hitler received tremendous nationwide
exposure. Cunning as he was, he played on the national sentiment of revolt and
of a desire for strong leadership, using all the modern techniques of mass
persuasion. He thus, presented himself as Germany’s sole knight in shining

Consequently, in the 1930 elections, the Nazis won majority votes, winning a
whopping 107 seats at the Reichstag. The same year, he officially acquired
German citizenship and ran for presidency on April 10, 1931, but was defeated
by von Hindenburg.
In 1932, after the Nazis emerged as the largest political party in Germany with
nearly fourteen million votes to their credit, he was appointed as Chancellor of
Germany on January 30, 1933.
Once in the saddle, Hitler moved swiftly, wiping out rivals, ousting free trade
unions and the Jews from any role whatsoever in the political and social workings
of the country. He even won a majority at the last ‘democratic’ elections in
Germany on March 5, 1933 with the help of nationalists and a generous use of
intimidation, terror and persuasion.
Hitler was considered the undisputed dictator of the Third Reich and by the
beginning of August 1934, and after the death of von Hindenburg, he had all the
powers of the state in his hands.
In the next four years, he enjoyed a dazzling string of domestic and international
successes, outwitting rival political leaders abroad just as he had defeated his
opposition at home.
In 1935, he abandoned the Treaty of Versailles and began building his army by
recruiting five times its permitted number. He built the ‘Luftwaffe’ and supplied
military aid to forces in Spain, which brought about the Spanish victory in 1939.
The German armament program led to full employment in Germany and an
uninhibited expansion of military production. This, reinforced by his foreign policy
successes like the ‘Rome-Berlin’ pact of 1936, the ‘Anschluss’ with Austria and
the liberation of the ‘Sudetan’ Germans, brought Hitler to the apex of his
Hitler’s tactics bludgeoned the British and the French into the humiliating Munich
Agreement of 1938 and the dismantlement of the Czechoslovakian state in 1939.
The next designated target for Hitler was Poland, an ally of Britain and France. In
order to deal with a possible two-front war, the Nazi dictator signed a friendship
and non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia; this he later breached.
World War II & War Crimes
On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland while their leader tried to
secure ‘Lebensraum’, or Germany’s ‘free living space’, by driving out the Polish
from their lands.
The first phase of World War II was dominated by German ‘Blitzkrieg’ tactics
which involved sudden attacks on airfields or other military installations, using
fast mobile armor and state-of-the-art bomber aircrafts. Poland was overrun in
less than a month and Holland, Belgium and France were taken down in six
weeks thereafter.
The fall of France left Britain helpless, but the British refused to bow down. The
Battle of Britain, where the RAF prevented the Luftwaffe from gaining control
over British skies, was Hitler’s first setback. He retreated and decided to
postpone his British attack for later and joined his Italian allies who were fighting
in North Africa. He annexed parts of Greece, Yugoslavia and the island of Crete,
with the help of the Italians.
Although he had signed a non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia, he invaded its
territories nonetheless on June 22, 1941, thinking that USSR’s destruction would
leave Britain without any potential support.
With the inclusion of America in the World War by the end of 1941, Britain
refused to accept Germany’s right over continental Europe. This led to the
implementation of Hitler’s ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’, which was
under deliberation since 1939.
The ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’ according to Hitler, was a complete
extermination of the Jewish race. The execution of this plan was expedited due
to British insubordination despite his explicit threat that any insubordination would
spell doom for the Jewish community across the world.
‘Jew-eradication’ measures were already taken in areas of Poland and Germany,
where the Jews were sent to concentration camps and exterminated in masses.
He also targeted Russian soldiers in an attempt to annihilate ‘Bolshevism’ from
its roots.
Over 100 camps were set up in Germany and a 100 more outside the country.
What followed was a series of gruesome events where thousands of Jews and
others ‘unsuited’ for the Aryan race, were herded together and systematically
killed. The grotesque killing methods included starvation, shooting and even,
lethal gas chambers disguised as shower chambers.

1941 onwards, Jews were even gassed in trucks and killed by firing squads.
Many large concentration camps like ‘Majdanek’ and ‘Auschwitz’ became highly
infamous and accounted for more than 1,00,000 victims per day.
Within a couple of months, Hitler extended his armies across the Baltic and the
Black Sea, but the Soviet Union did not collapse like Hitler had expected. Instead
of trying to seize the heart of Moscow, he ordered a pincer movement around
Kiev to seize Ukraine and proclaimed on October 1941, that the Soviet Union
had fallen due to the merciless Russian winter.
The failure of the Italians in the Middle East and the entry of the United States in
the War were visible signs of the coming German defeat, which became
apparent in 1942. However, Hitler was convinced that it was his military and
general staff that was weak and indecisive and he became more prone to
hysterical fury and brooding. His health too, began to decline at this point of time.
Fall Of The Third Reich
By the beginning of 1943, the Third Reich lacked the resources to fight off
impending doom. All that remained of Hitler’s Reich, was the mass Nazi
responsibility to exhume the dead from concentration camps, burn their bodies,
destroy all evidence of crime and plow concentration camps under.
Hitler’s generals grew increasingly frustrated by his refusal to trust them in their
respective fields and recognizing the inevitability of their defeat, they planned a
small anti-Nazi Resistance to assassinate the Fuhrer on July 20, 1944. The plot
failed and Hitler ruthlessly assassinated all the conspirators.
The gassing of the Jews, Poles and Soviets continued till November 1944, along
with numerous brutal medical experiments conducted on Jews in camps.
Towards the end of the war and his life, Hitler grew cynical and indulged in
endless, night-long monologues, gesturing over maps and suggesting that his
secret V-1 and V-2 rockets may turn the war for Germany.
As the Soviets approached Berlin and the Anglo-Americans, along with the Allies,
closed in on Hitler’s Germany, the Fuhrer ordered the destruction of various
industries, transport systems and communications, believing that if he did not
survive, Germany too should be destroyed.
The same ruthless nihilism and passion for destruction which led to the death of
over six million Jews in death camps for the so-called ‘biological cleansing’,
finally turned on his own people. The Third Reich was doomed.

Personal Life & Legacy

Researches and studies have suggested that Hitler suffered from a number of
health problems, such as skin lesions, coronary sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease,
syphilis and irritable bowel syndrome.
He met Eva Braun, his long-term mistress, in 1929, and married her on April 29,
1945. It is also rumored that he had an affair with his half-niece, Geli Raubal,
who committed suicide in her apartment in 1931, under mysterious
He was addicted to amphetamine after 1937 and became a regular user of the
drug in the fall of 1942.
As a result of the assassination attempt in 1944, he suffered ruptured eardrums
and over 200 wooden splinters had to be removed from his leg.
On April 30, 1945, he committed suicide, shooting his wife and himself in the
mouth with a pistol. Their bodies were carried to the gardens of the Reich
Chancellery, doused with petrol and burned.
This final, grisly act of self-destruction fittingly symbolized the career of a political
leader whose main legacy to Europe was the ruin of its civilization and the futile
sacrifice of precious human life for the sake of ‘race’ and power. Berlin fell on
May 2, 1945 and so did Hitler’s twelve years of tyrannical, totalitarian rule.
Almost immediately after the death of Hitler, the Nazi ideology was universally
regarded as diabolical and he came to be known as the ‘main author of the war
leaving over 50 million dead and millions more homeless and grieving’.
Many of his generals were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity
and were tried at court, some of whom were even put to death. The fall of Hitler’s
Germany led to the onset of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the
United States.
This European Dictator loved the circus, because he took pleasure in the idea
that underpaid performers risked their lives to please him. He even personally
remembered each of the performers’ names.

This infamous European leader was a vegetarian, hated smoking and drinking
and loved dogs immensely.
This Nazi German was fascinated by hands. His library contained a number of
sketches of hands belonging to famous people throughout history.
Top 10 Facts You Did Not Know About Adolf Hitler
Hitler is synonymous with his moustache but few people know that his preferred
style was that of handlebar variety. During World War I, he was ordered to trim
his moustache so that it would fit underneath gas masks.
He loved animals and upon coming to power in January 1933, proclaimed that “In
the new Reich, no more animal cruelty will be allowed”.
In 1937, Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung analyzed Hitler’s
handwriting and wrote that it included “typical characteristics of a man with
essentially feminine instinct”.
Adolf Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939! However, he
withdrew his nomination on February 1, 1939 and his name never appeared in a
He was staunchly opposed to smoking and launched what was probably the first
anti-smoking mass movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.
Hitler never visited a single concentration camp.
It was reported that he had only one testicle.
He regarded Henry Ford as his inspiration and kept Ford’s portrait behind his
Hitler was so paranoid that he employed food tasters in order to avoid an
assassination attempt by poisoning.
During the World War II, when Paris fell to German forces, the French
Resistance cut the elevator cables to the Eiffel Tower, in order to prevent Hitler
from visiting it. Faced with the daunting prospect of climbing over 1500 stairs,
Hitler opted out.

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