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Dredgeburg? What’s This?

Your Character
Using this Module Character Sheet
Page 2 Page 12-13

On Board the Bone Barge Playing the Game

Page 3 Page 14

City Overview Weapons and Armor

Districts and Navigation Equipment
Page 4 Page 15

District Map of Dredgeburg Mission and Idea Generator

Page 5 Page 16-17

The Gutter Names and Quirks for NPCs

Dawn/Dusk Market What do I find on the Body?
The Tomb Page 18

Judgement Sample Maps
Page 19
The Throne
Page 6-11 Monsters and Other NPCs
Page 20

Made by @skullfungus
twitter / instagram / patreon
This was made as an entry for the “Starter Village Jam” on which explains why it’s a bit rushed.
But at least I got it done in time!

Special Thanks to:

Linnéa, for your patience, love and support.
Playtesters. Kroken, Kribbe & Jonathan for exploring Dredgeburg with me.
Core Rule Mechanics. World of Dungeons by John Harper.
Expanded Rules. Offworlders by Chris P Wolf. Grab it here!
Deprivation Rules. Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall.
Poison Rules. Freebooters on the Frontiers by Lampblack and Brimstone.
“The 7-3-1 Technique” and “Painting the Scene” by Jason Cordova.

Dredgeburg? What’s this? Using this Module
You have died and woken up in the city of Dredgeburg, a dark oasis Start by looking through the parts you find the most interesting.
of sorts, wedged in between the many hells of the Underworld. To get a better idea about the city and setting, check out the city
Dredgeburg is a massive city, located deep within the Underworld overview (page 4) and the district section (page 6-11).
where it sits in the middle of a fetid swamp. It’s populated by lost
souls such as yourself, but also a myriad of creatures such as imps, If you want to throw the player characters into a pre written situation,
the undead, witches, warlocks and the occasional demon. It’s a check “On board the Bone Barge“ on the following page.
strange and often dangerous place where anything can happen and
where much adventure is to be had. I tend to run my games like this: I roll on some of the tables in the
back of the book for ideas and for help with coming up with exciting
Who are we? What are we doing here? situations I can throw the PCs into. During the first session of the
game, I ask the players questions about their PC’s fears, wants, needs,
Your Player Character (PC) has died and either retained their original
etc. After the first session, I look through my notes and expand on
form as a lost soul, or has been reincarnated as an imp. There aren’t
the players answers, questions and any unresolved events. It’s usually
any specific rules for being a human, imp or anything else, and only
enough for me to just keep one step ahead of the players and to play to
cosmetic differences between them, so feel free to come up with your
see what happens.
own description and character concept.

Alternatively, the player characters may have ended up in Dredgeburg A Note on the Entries of this Module
by other means, but that’s up to you to come up with. A lot of the entries in this text are based on two methods of preparing
and running games, called the “7-3-1 method” and “Paint the Scene“,
What’s the game about? respectively. Here’s how I interpret them:
Short answer: It’s about whatever you want it to be about.
Before you run a session, write down seven NPCs, Locations
and Events in any combination. For each of them, write a short
While Dredgeburg is far from the worst place in the Underworld,
motivation. Something they want, need or hunger for.
it’s not exactly pleasant either. Poverty and desperation reigns in the
lower districts of the city, and the upper class demons do terrible
Then write three short, descriptive sentences that highlight what they
things to increase their wealth and power.
look, smell, feel, sound like. Something that makes them come alive.
However, there are lots of opportunities and riches to be had, as long
as you’re willing to risk life and limb to get them. Just because you’ve
Then write one way to characterize them at the table. Perhaps a high
ended up in hell doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, right?
voice, a twitch or posture? Ham it up a little bit! Give them life.
This text is intended as a tool for running exciting and strange city
I’ve also added a question for the players for each entry that they can
based adventures, such as heists, , investigations, kidnappings, etc. In
answer. This paints the scene and opens up for more player buy-in.
the following pages you’ll be provided with tools, tables and ideas for
creating your own version of Dredgeburg, its inhabitants, stuff to do,
Most entries have been written in this way to quickly convey the
things to steal, people to kill. You’ll also be provided with a light rule-
theme and general vibe of a particular area or district and should help
set, so that you can start playing straight away.
with bringing the world to life. Use them for inspiration or as-is.

On board the Bone Barge Raided by Pirates!
An introductory starter situation for new players. HP: 3 Attack: Lowest of 2d6.
Read through the entries on this page before you start playing and Description: Gunshots ringing out in the distance, Small skiff pulled
think of ways to introduce the different NPCs and events. Start the by large catfish, a wild looking bunch leaning off the sides.
game by asking the players what their characters do and think. Then, Wants: To steal the smuggled goods and take for themselves.
when they least expect it - introduce the pirate threat! Manner: Searching for valuables through narrow eyes.
Ask: “How can you tell that this is their first time pirating?“
Short Introduction
The PCs find themselves on an old steam boat (the Bone Barge) slowly Swamp beast. Attracted by blood in the water.
inching its way through a thick swamp towards a large city. Apart HP: 8 Armor: 1 Attack: Highest of 2d6
from the PCs, there are a few other passengers on board the boat. Description: Dark shape causing waves on the water, something
Most of them are human looking, but some have monstrous features. bumps into the boat hard, circular mouth with too many teeth.
Wants: To tear someone apart and go on a feeding frenzy.
In the distance, a huge city reaches up from the swamp. Dredgeburg. Manner: BURSTS up through the surface after a long silence.
Ask: “Something about how it moves unnerves you. What?“
The Bone Barge
The Bone Barge. Dropping off lost souls.
Arriving at the Gutter
The Bone Barge will eventually reach The Gutter, which is the slum
Description: Made from huge bones and driftwood, strangely of the city. Here the PCs can get off and start exploring the city of
beautiful view of an endless swamp, the sound of an engine slowly Dredgeburg. That is unless they haven’t joined the pirates, sank the
chugging along and the smell of burnt coal. ship or ended up doing something completely different, but that’s
Wants: To safely and slowly carry the passengers to the Gutter. what the rest of this module is here for. Just go with it!
Manner: A rhythmic chug-chug-chug sound.
Ask: “What do you fear the most about the swamps inhabitants?“
“What’s the last thing you remember before waking up on the boat?“ The Gutter. Slums underneath the docks.
“The other player characters. How do you know them?” Description: Shanty houses and shacks built from driftwood, planks
and sheets of rusted metal, Rope-bridges and ladders connecting the
clusters of buildings, the mixed smells of food cooking, stale swamp
Some Passengers water and desperation.
Wants: To start the PCs off at the bottom.
Beldon. Seasick undercover agent. Manner: Emphasize how the people live too close to each other.
Description: Burlap sack over his head with a bowler hat on top, Ask: “What do you see in this place that shows you that you’re in the
wears a nice but dirty suit, holding on to the railing of the ship for his bottom of the barrel?”
dear life.
Wants: To bust undercover smuggling ring.
Manner: Glares suspiciously at the PCs while trying not to vomit.
Ask: “What’s something about him that makes you uneasy?“

Hazel. Imp, smuggler and on the run.

Description: Crows head with stubby horns, small bat wings, wears
cargo shorts and suspenders.
Wants: To continue her smuggling operation while avoiding both the
authorities and anyone else trying to steal her package goods.
Manner: Head twitches like a bird.
Ask: “Despite her monstrous appearance, what’s something truly
human about her?“
What happens after this?
After the first session of the game, look at the “Questions for later“-
Miriam. Recently dead, innocent bystander. section. If some of the questions were answered in play, great! Build
Description: Fancy hat, too much perfume, eyes red from crying. on the answers and flesh them out a little more until the next time
Wants: To figure out what she’s doing here. you play. If not, then now is a great opportunity to figure them out.
Manner: Scared, stuttering speech. Remember to play to find out what happens next.
Ask: “What makes her stand out from the rest of the passengers?“

Onyx, Pirate Leader

Questions for later
🌔🌔Who does Hazel work for?
HP: 6 Attack: 1d6.
🌔🌔What agency is Beldon working for? What do they do?
Description: Violently waves a rusty cutlass around, large
🌔🌔Who will the PCs help, if anyone?
blunderbuss slung over her back, stinks of gunpowder.
🌔🌔Will the Bone Barge reach Dredgeburg in one piece?
Wants: To defeat anyone who challenges her in 1-on-1 combat.
🌔🌔When will the Pirates attack?
Manner: Searching for valuables through narrow eyes.
🌔🌔What is Hazel smuggling that’s so valuable?
Ask: “What’s a thing she does that makes her crew respect her?”
🌔🌔How does the pirates know about the smuggling operation?
City Overview Districts and Navigation
While it’s totally up to you to make up with your own facts about
Dredgeburg (this setting is yours to do what you want with after all)
1. The Gutter (page 6)
The slums of Dredgeburg. Home to the poor, wretched and weak. A
here are some of the things that are true in the version of the setting:
good place to lay low and lick your wounds.

Some truths about Dredgeburg 2. Dawn / Dusk Market (page 7)

🌔🌔The city is gigantic and houses roughly 20.000 people.
A crowded marketplace where everything is for sale. Relatively safe
🌔🌔Poverty is widespread, especially in The Gutter.
during the day, dreamlike, foggy and dangerous during the night.
🌔🌔The Gutter stretches out under the entire city. Over half of the
population live there.
🌔🌔The map (opposing page) is only an abstraction of the city. 3. The Tomb (page 8)
🌔🌔There is no official church or religion, but there are many smaller A vault of unholy relics, forbidden texts and forgotten tomes, curated
shrines and temples dedicated to local demons and spirits. and looked after by undead archivists and scribes undead.
🌔🌔No one rules the city, although beings of great power and
influence live in The Throne, and the City Watch try their best to
4. Greenblight (page 9)
keep order, at least in the more well-off districts.
Come for the poisons, stay for the drugs. The residents are often more
🌔🌔Witches and Warlocks are abundant, their services expensive.
plant than people and the droning of insects is overwhelming.
🌔🌔The Dead Walk, although most of them spend their days
working in The Tomb as archivists, scholars and curators.
🌔🌔If you can think of something you want, there’s a big chance
5. Judgement (page 10)
someone in the city has it, or something just like it.
Headquarters of the corrupt The City Watch, and the location of
🌔🌔Everything is for sale, for the right price. Everything.
Dredgeburg’s notorious prison-arena.
🌔🌔Almost everyone is in a gang, guild or secret society.
🌔🌔A soul is the rarest commodity in Dredgeburg, and only a select
few demon barons are said to possess one. 6. The Throne (page 11)
🌔🌔Death in Dredgeburg is final, although some people claim to The immense tower district where the demon barons and opulent
have “remedies“ for just that. elite live and scheme. Heavily guarded and protected against the
rabble of the rest of the city.
Questions for the Player Characters
🌔🌔What happens to those that die their final deaths here? Are they Navigation
lost forever? Traveling through the maze-like districts of Dredgeburg is often a
🌔🌔Is there an end to the swamp? Can you travel to other cities? challenge in itself. Check tables below for inspiration on what might
🌔🌔What’s something you’ve heard of the Underworld that you hope happen when the PCs are in a hurry to find the nearest route to an
isn’t true, and what’s something you hope is? adjacent district. Chances are that the lower you are in the city, the
🌔🌔What makes it so hard to leave this city? more dangerous it will be to get around.
🌔🌔What causes the undead to rise? What makes them cling on to
their old memories? At what cost?
🌔🌔Are imps, humans and the undead treated differently?
🌔🌔Crowded, single file alleyway.
🌔🌔Why are demons so rare here? Why are there only a few around?
🌔🌔Rickety rope bridge.
🌔🌔Through someone’s home.
Local Color and Impressions 🌔🌔Jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
🌔🌔Buildings of all kinds, supported by rickety stilts. 🌔🌔Climbing up or down a level and moving through.
🌔🌔Thick strange vines snaking around wooden supports. 🌔🌔Sliding down/climbing up the stalk of a great plant.
🌔🌔Ladders, support structures, rope bridges all over. 🌔🌔Boat or Winch-driven Cable Car.
🌔🌔People: imps, humans, the undead milling around everywhere. 🌔🌔Sewer access. Risk of run in with sentient waste-creature.
🌔🌔The high buildings of The Throne overlooking everything. 🌔🌔Zip-line.
🌔🌔A street market, people haggling over wares, the smell of food. 🌔🌔Hole in the wall. Quite possibly still smoking.
🌔🌔A pub, “The Green Devil“. Sounds of drunks laughing. 🌔🌔Steam powered tram. (The Throne only)
🌔🌔An old, blind lady desperately asking for directions. Her crew of
thieving rat-imps hides in the many pockets of her long robes. Further Complications
🌔🌔Two unholy knights with rivalling beliefs are about to duke it out 🌔🌔Imminent collapse or other structural failure.
on the street. A small crowd has gathered around them to watch. 🌔🌔Overcrowded and slow.
🌔🌔A short imp, covered in moss and vines, handing out black seeds. 🌔🌔Local gang demanding protection money.
“If you want more, come by Kazad’s Palace in Greenblight!“ 🌔🌔Monster going on a rampage.
🌔🌔Street performers performing the play “A long night at the 🌔🌔Dangerous weather or natural Hazard.
Drunken Demon Inn“. During the pause they hand out fliers to 🌔🌔Travel tax collectors with hired muscle.
the aforementioned bar. 🌔🌔Open gang war or crackdown by the City Watch.
🌔🌔Newly recruited gangers ordered to break into hat shop as trial. 🌔🌔Parade or celebration.
🌔🌔A rare sight: a noble from The Throne is out shopping with their 🌔🌔Route quarantined because of strange fungal disease.
heavily armed bodyguards. 🌔🌔The route-version of a slow bridge-opening.
🌔🌔A deep hissing from a crack in the floor.
The Gutter Some Locations
Izzy’s Tavern. Bar of Ill Repute
This is the city slums, and in many ways the lowest part of the city. Description: The floor is sticky from spilled drinks, haggard regulars
Below the docks, the poor, sick and unfortunate try to make a living, occasionally looking up from their mugs, the smoke filled air makes
either by swamp fishing, scavenging or by doing jobs for any of the your eyes sting.
criminal gangs. The Inhabitants in the Gutter are regularly attacked Wants: To get the PCs drunk enough to agree to a bad deal or
by the creatures that lurk in the surrounding swamp and some have dangerous job.
made it their speciality to hunt the things that dwell therein. Manner: Someone’s laughs loudly, then starts coughing.
Ask: “What’s a game the regulars play to pass the time?“
Questions for the Player Characters
🌔🌔What do you see that shows how desperate people are to get by? The Shanties. Homes underneath the docks
🌔🌔What’s a clear sign of the dangers that lurk in the swamp? Description: Creaking and dripping, always something or someone
🌔🌔What’s the name of a local gang you’ve heard of? What do they in the way, surprisingly nice smell of grilled shellfish.
look like? Wants: To provide shelter for those in need.
🌔🌔What’s something you see that shows that people still have hope? Manner: People hunched over, scurrying past like rats.
🌔🌔When did you realize that the swamp gasses are hallucinogenic? Ask: “How do people get any personal space?“

Impressions Some Events

🌔🌔A claustrophobic maze of narrow alleys between shanty houses. Ambushed by the Rat-Gangers
🌔🌔Something strange from the swamp is being barbecued. HP: 6, Damage: d6. Never forgets a perceived injustice.
🌔🌔A fisherman standing on tall stilts far out in the swamp. Description: Rats running past the PCs, Gang members with facial
🌔🌔People sitting around a small fire inside a ruined shack. scars and matching jackets with gang logo, sharp knives glisten.
🌔🌔The glow of candle light from inside a shabby tavern. Wants: To intimidate the PCs into paying tribute.
🌔🌔A mad scream in the distance. Then a laugh. Manner: Gestures with a very sharp knife.
🌔🌔Children wrangling a strange eel, covered in mud. Ask: “What have you heard about their initiation ritual?“
🌔🌔Twisted shark-like jaws mounted on the wall of a small hut.
🌔🌔Fishing nets hanging between stilts crawling with pale crabs.
🌔🌔A hushed conversation that stops when the PCs gets too close. Afflicted by Spore-Cough
🌔🌔The shape of something large swimming in the waters below. Description: Someone coughs up a cloud of smoke. A dead body
🌔🌔Tattered clothes hanging on racks between the stilts. covered in mycelium. A body in the water starts to move.
🌔🌔An old, blind woman smoking a pipe in a rocking chair. Wants: To spread.
🌔🌔A narrow passage, covered in mushrooms and spores. Manner: Long coughing session. Mumbling to itself. Shambling gait.
🌔🌔A rope ladder leading up to “Swirble’s Curiosity Shoppe“. Ask: “What’s a measure the people take to get rid of the bodies, before
🌔🌔A beggar king whispering to his young disciples. they rise again and continue to spread the disease?“
🌔🌔A down-on-his-luck Imp sleeping behind a crate.

Some NPCs
Grik. Small Imp, Big Ambitions
Description: Wears oversized jumpsuit, breath stinks of smoke,
stubby tail waggles when excited.
Wants: Help with expanding his drug-running operation. “Just have
to get rid of the competition...“
Manner: Just as easily excited as a small dog.
Ask: “What’s something truly terrifying about him?“

Burrows. Swamp Monstrosity

HP: 10, Armor: 1, Damage: Higher of 2d6.
Description: Bulbous, unblinking eyes, barnacle covered, scaly skin,
toothy maw stinks of death.
Wants: To separate them, drag them down, take them to their lair,
then eat them slowly.
Manner: Hissing speech in a low, grumbling voice.
Ask: “What surprises you about their behaviour?“

Moor. Beast hunter

Description: Crooked posture, moves with surprising speed on her
stilts, smells of fish guts.
Wants: To catch the beast that ate her lover.
Manner: Keeps looking towards the swamp, as if expecting an attack.
Ask: “What does she carry that is an obvious memory of her lover?”
Dawn / Dusk Market
Thriving market during the day, place for shady deals and dark
activities during the night. Whenever you visit, you’ll find something
interesting. It’s said that anything can be found here, as long as you
know where to look. Just make sure to hold on to your purse.

Questions for the Player Characters

🌔🌔What smells so good?
🌔🌔What’s something for sale that you didn’t expect?
🌔🌔What measures do you take to keep your purse safe?
🌔🌔What do they do with thieves to set an example for everyone?
🌔🌔What’s something you’d like to buy that you can’t afford?
🌔🌔What is said about the Dusk market that makes it so dangerous?

Impressions, Dawn Market

🌔🌔So many shops, stands and people that it makes your head spin
🌔🌔The smell of a thousand spices and herbs.
🌔🌔Someone walking past with delicious food in their hands.
🌔🌔Loud and angry haggling.
🌔🌔Someone displaying impressive looking weapons and armor.
🌔🌔“You there! Care to try some delicious spikefruit? Only 3 coin!“
🌔🌔A large block of ice with a frozen imp inside.
🌔🌔A merchant selling fruit off the back of a wagon.
🌔🌔Strange animals on display next to a sign that reads “Get-a-Pet!“
🌔🌔“Hey thief! Stop!“
Sample Locations
Impressions, Dusk Market Runhilde’s Tonics. Small tonic shop. Dawn Market
🌔🌔A thick fog obscuring everything. You can only see a few feet. Description: Strong chemical smell, shelves filled to the brim with
🌔🌔People milling around, keeping a good distance from each other. strange brews, animals parts, small imps in jars.
🌔🌔Gang members whispering and nodding towards the PCs. Wants: To make the PCs curious and willing to spend money.
🌔🌔“Psst, hey you! Interested in a little pick-me-up, eh?“ Manner: Squinting behind thick glasses.
🌔🌔More and more street kids, watching the PCs from a distance. Ask: “What’s the strangest specimen in a jar you see in here?“
🌔🌔Black tent with sign that reads: “Fortune Teller”.
🌔🌔Imp selling poison in vials from a small cart. Big smile.
🌔🌔Street performers playing sombre music. An undead crying.
The Viper Pit. Animal fighting ring. Dusk Market
Typical Beast. HP: 8, Damage: Highest of 2d6.
🌔🌔Something scuttling past, just out of view.
Description: Sweaty hole-in-the-wall, busy looking bouncer, excited
screams echoing out on the street.
Some NPCs Wants: To show that there are no limits, as long as coin can be won.
Manner: The snarling of wild animals, whimpering.
Wolrick. Body builder and caravan guard Ask: “What do they do to keep the animals in check?“
HP: 10, Damage: Higher of 2d6.
Description: Bulging biceps, curled moustache, nostalgic smile.
Wants: To one day start his own trading company.
Sample Events
Manner: Large smile, booming voice. Wild animal on the loose.
Ask: “What about him shows you that he hates his job?“ Spine-Beast HP: 10, Damage: d6. Covered in long, nasty spines.
Description: Sudden crash and screaming, a body run through with
spines lying next to a broken cage, a wild beast trying to escape.
Flinky. Dirty child, hungry cutpurse Wants: To make the PCs sympathize with them and to be let free.
Description: Crawls on all fours under market stalls, hollow eyed and
Manner: The beast curls up when cornered, growling and scared.
starving, smells of vinegar.
Ask: “What are the signs that this beast has been mistreated?“
Wants: To steal enough food to sustain her sick brother.
Manner: Snarls like wild animal if confronted.
Ask: “Does she remind you of yourself? Why?“ Performance gone awry.
Description: Performer on small stage asking for volunteers, tries
to get a random PC up on stage to help in magic trick involving
Moluk. Spider-Merchant fake gun, blindfold and rigged melon, during the performance the
Description: Large selection of wares hanging in massive web, wears
performer is shot by someone in the crowd (jealous ex-partner).
a black top hat, the click-click-clicking of mandibles.
Wants: For the PCs to take the blame for dead/injured performer.
Wants: To please the customer.
Manner: Loud theatrical voice.
Manner: Suspiciously nice to the customer, always smiling.
Ask: “How do you feel about being on stage?”
Ask: “”
The Tomb
Dusty shelves, echoing hallways, ancient relics and twisted
specimens; The Tomb truly is the domain of the undead. Here they
work tirelessly on studying obscure tomes, forbidden scrolls and
maddening rites. Here they dwell, in their mausoleums and crypts.
If you’re after ancient wisdom or mighty artifacts, this is the place
to visit. Not all of the undead have been able to retain their human
intelligence and some are nothing more than shambling horrors.

Questions for the Player Characters

🌔🌔What do you find especially unnerving about the undead?
🌔🌔What’s a powerful relic that’s rumoured to be hidden somewhere
deep within The Tomb? What makes it so powerful?
🌔🌔What’s a method the undead use to keep grave robbers away?
🌔🌔Why do you think most people avoid The Tomb?
🌔🌔An extremely powerful undead creature lurks somewhere inside
The Tomb. What do you think it is?

🌔🌔Cracked, marble slabs covered in dust.
🌔🌔A scroll hanging in the middle of a titanic spider web.
🌔🌔Echoing sound of skittering.
🌔🌔A skeleton with a book in front of it. Suddenly it turns a page.
🌔🌔An old man with a long, white beard, closely studying an ancient
sword through the lens of a magnifying glass.
🌔🌔A spectral visage, floating above the ground. It fades out of
existence with a faint giggle.
Some Locations
🌔🌔The sounds of claws scraping against stone in the distance. The Main Archive. Gigantic Library
🌔🌔A couple of ghoul-slaves carrying a necromancer in a hammock. Description: Undead assistants sorting documents, piles of papers,
🌔🌔A small chamber filled with scrolls in long-dead languages. A scrolls and books everywhere, large fireflies provide illumination.
lone mummy translates and collects the text into a giant tome. Wants: To provide the PCs with information at a snails pace.
🌔🌔A ravenous ghoul being held at bay by two skeletal knights. Manner: “I think I saw that book in section 163... Or was it 276?“.
🌔🌔A chattering skull sitting in a dark nook: “Wanna help me find Ask: “What’s so special about their archive system?“
my body? I’ll help you find what you’re looking for!“
🌔🌔A nervous imp “Just here to drop of a package”.
🌔🌔A grave that leads to a subterranean tavern. Necropolis. Sprawling undead apartment complex.
Description: Hive-like network of low tunnels and rooms dug into the
Some NPCs earth, cold enough to make breath visible, too quiet for comfort.
Wants: To contrast against the otherwise vibrant city.
Elder Graus. Forgetful Necromancer Manner: Low, whispering voices in the distance. Very quiet.
Description: Black, torn robes, fat bundles of scrolls under their Ask: “What do you think lies buried at the bottom of this giant tomb?“
arms, smells of embalming fluids and spiced oils.
Wants: To find someone to try out their “Invincibility“ elixir on. Some Events
Manner: Grins with an open mouth. Says “Yeeees, YEEEES!“ a lot.
Ask: “What about them shows you how ancient they are?” Burrowing Grave Worm
HP: 10, Damage: Higher of 2d6. Retreats back to hatching chamber
with snatched victim.
Skitters. Ravenous but intelligent ghoul Description: A faint tremble getting stronger, a crack in the wall
HP: 6, Damage: Higher of 2d6. Paralysing touch. growing larger and larger, a huge, pink worm spills out.
Description: Black eyes, yellow fangs and teeth, smells like a grave. Wants: Attracted by the living, wants to gnaw and nibble.
Wants: To eat the warm flesh of the newly dead. Manner: Wet smacking with toothless gums.
Manner: Hissing speech in a low, grumbling voice. Ask: “What evidence of riches does it bring with it?“
Ask: “What surprises you about their behaviour?“

“Would you kindly read to us?“

Visirian Van Wrack. Head archivist and vampire Description: Pale ghoul-kids approach PCs, holding a large tome
Description: Emits cold vapour clouds, eyes glow faintly red, rare bound in what looks like human flesh, pointing to a specific chapter.
smiles show of sharp teeth. They beg the PCs to read them their favourite story.
Wants: Help with courting a noblewoman who lives in The Throne. Wants: To trick the PCs into reading a forbidden passage aloud,
Manner: Nervously avoids eye-contact. Has a slight stutter. summoning a dark trickster spirit.
Ask: “How can you tell that he has really low self esteem?” Manner: “Please-please-please“ followed by undead-puppy-eyes.
Ask: “What was your childhood like? Did you have a favourite story?“
Greenblight Some Locations
The Black Apiary. Boarded up and overgrown
Creeping vines, swaying leaves, thorny bushes and gnarled roots. The Description: Bees swarming around a giant hive suspended in the
ever-growing Greenblight is a strange and dangerous place, even by ceiling, the sweet smell in the air makes everything feel sticky, a lone
Dredgeburg standards. The winds that blow through here bring with bee-keeper carefully collecting honey into jars.
them clouds of mind-altering pollen. Strange insects, grown fat from Wants: To protect the giant hive queen, no matter the cost.
their steady diet of nectar, lazily fly from flower to flower. Manner: An angry, constant BZZZZZZZZZzzzzz.
Ask: “What do you think makes the bees so large?“
Questions for the Player Characters
🌔🌔What’s does the inhabitants do to keep the insect swarms at bay? The Stalk. Abandoned dwelling of elusive Warlock
🌔🌔What causes the inhabitants to turn into plants? Description: A tall tower completely covered in vines, thick plant-
🌔🌔Do the insects bother you at all? stalk snaking around the tower, a faint light flickering at the top.
🌔🌔What are the benefits of turning into a plant-person? Wants: To lure adventure seekers in.
🌔🌔What scares you the most about the encroaching growth? Manner: Wind tugging at the PCs clothes, as if trying to make them
🌔🌔That do you think lies at the core of the forest? fall. The higher they get, the more the building sways and creaks.
🌔🌔Have you started seeing things yet? Ask: “What treasures have you heard are located at the top?“
🌔🌔How do you know that you’re not tripping right now?
Some Events
Impressions A Message in the Noise. Insect Cult
🌔🌔Swollen plants covering everything. Description: A random PC starts hearing voices in the constant drone
🌔🌔Some of the trees have sad faces. of insects, they get directions to a secluded building located deep
🌔🌔The sweet smell of honey. within Greenblight, a cult of insect worshippers, all talking in unison
🌔🌔A giggling man with a small tree sprouting from his head. as one inside of their place of worship.
🌔🌔The constant droning of insect wings. Wants: To awaken the dormant hive-queen they all worship.
🌔🌔A bee-keeper tending to her bee hives. Manner: Talks with a buzzing undertone.
🌔🌔A small gathering of plant-folk praying to the life giving sun. Ask: “What are the voices promising you?“
🌔🌔A large carnivorous plant suddenly chomps down on a rat.
🌔🌔Spine covered vines completely covering a small house. The
bodies inside have been drained of all bodily fluids. The Jaws of Death. Carnivorous Plant
🌔🌔A large tree slowly stands up and walks away, revealing a hidden HP: 12, Damage: Higher of 2d6. Snapping jaws and sticky tendrils.
path deeper into the forest. I mean city. (Is this real?) Description: A scream for help coming from an overgrown alley, a
🌔🌔A warm wind filled with glittering pollen. small girl dragged away by a black tendril, suddenly massive jaws
🌔🌔A rope-bridge completely overgrown by vines and roots. open up all around the PCs.
🌔🌔A garden filled with sunflowers. They slowly turn to look at you. Wants: To lure prey into it’s deadly jaws.
🌔🌔A bumblebee the size of a pig slowly flies by above the PCs. Manner: The screaming seems to move deeper into the alley.
🌔🌔A mushroom man offering free samples of narcotic spores. Ask: “What’s so beautiful about this particular flower?“
🌔🌔City Watch patrol dressed in spore-proof armor. They are about
to torch a building completely covered in mushrooms.

Some NPCs
Grimleaf. Poison Merchant, half man/half tree
Description: Thick, black bark, legs turned into roots, reaches for
strange fruits from the branches above.
Wants: An extremely rare pollen to cross pollinate his coming flowers.
Manner: Talks with a very slow, monotonous voice.
Ask: “What sort of insects are crawling all around him?”

Monstera. Leaf-covered imp

Description: Vines instead of arms, grass-like fur, smells of herbs.
Wants: To make a non-plant friend and see the rest of the city.
Manner: Always smiling, very excited, naive.
Ask: “This imp reminds you of an old friend. Who and why?“

Shellrick. Beetle-steed merchant

Description: Armor reinforced with beetle carapace, feeler-like
moustache, sits mounted on top of a massive, purple beetle.
Wants: To convince the world that a beetle steed is the only way to
Manner: Holds a dog sized pillbug bug that he pets enthusiastically.
Ask: “Do you think that giant versions of other animals exist here?”
This is the part of the city where the City Watch is based. Like most
of Dredgeburg there are Residential buildings, shops, taverns and
the like here, but you’ll also find an abundance of barracks, jails and
armories. The two most prominent buildings are the High Court
and the Prison-Arena, both situated in the middle of the district,
where those who have been taken in by the City Watch are processed
and judged. Petty criminals are often let off with a stern warning or
a fine, but repeat criminals, murderers, kidnappers and the like are
most often than not sent straight to the Prison-Arena, where each
day is a fight for survival, much to the glee of the paying and betting

Questions for the Player Characters

🌔🌔What’s something illegal you’ve done and gotten away with?
🌔🌔What’s something about the City Watch that shows their
inherent corruption?
🌔🌔Have you ever been to prison?
🌔🌔What have you heard about the most notorious fighter in the
Prison-Arena? What’s so special about them?
🌔🌔Would you be willing to fight for coin and glory in the Arena?
🌔🌔What’s something that shows how understaffed the City Watch
are? How do they make up for it?

🌔🌔Ragged looking men and women “on display” in the stocks.
🌔🌔Scalper selling tickets to an upcoming fight in the Prison-Arena. Some Locations
🌔🌔Two City Watchmen carrying a badly beaten imp.
🌔🌔City Watch parade being led by Officer in pristine uniform. The High Court. Giant tower-like courthouse
🌔🌔Newsboy shouting about an upcoming trial-of-the-century. Description: Filled with detained criminals, tired City Watchmen
🌔🌔Two City Watchmen eating pastries bought from a local bakery. everywhere, like a police station in a 90’s buddy-cop movie.
🌔🌔Line of miserable looking people waiting to be processed. Wants: To show how strained the system is.
🌔🌔Escaped criminal desperately looking for help. Manner: A sudden shout as someone tries to break free, only to be
🌔🌔Bells ringing, followed by City Watchmen jogging towards area smashed into the ground by too many City Watchmen.
of reported crime. Ask: “Why is everything taking so long?“
🌔🌔New recruits being trained by no-nonsense drill instructor.
🌔🌔Poster that reads “Join the City Watch, for a Safer Tomorrow” The Prison-Arena. “Self sustained” prison
Description: A massive pulley-elevator leading down into a large
Some NPCs cistern-like area, a maze of corridors and cells, people howling for
incoming fresh meat.
Waester Gris. Undead City Watchman on patrol Wants: To punish the weak and celebrate the strong.
Description: Custodian helmet, spinning baton around finger, dusty Manner: The shrieking of“Fresh Meat! Prepare to fight!“.
wrinkled uniform. Ask: “What do they use as currency down here?“
Wants: To prove to his peers that he’s still got it, despite his age.
Manner: Always panting.
Ask: “What about him shows you that he takes his job seriously?“
Some Events
Prison Riot
Diggz. Private Detective Description: The gangs in temporary alliance, thick smoke in the air, a
Description: Smoking a cigar, smells of booze and sweat, face of a distant rumble of screams and voices growing stronger.
bloodhound. Wants: To cause as much chaos as possible.
Wants: To find clues helping him to find a missing person. Manner: The BANG of loud crashes and general violence.
Manner: Always squinting. Ask: “How do you think the City Watch will deal with this?“
Ask: “What about him defies the private detective stereotype?“
Jail Break-In
Vuulth. Prison-Arena gladiator Description: Someone needs to extract a valuable prisoner, a detailed
HP: 8, Damage: Higher of 2d6. Has a knack for choking victims. blueprint of the Prison-Arena is produced, a high reward is offered.
Description: Sharp horns, long, black teeth, reeks of blood. Wants: To get the an innocent prisoner out in one piece, so that they
Wants: To break out of this miserable place and get revenge! can help in the second stage of the plan...
Manner: Smiling just before they choke you out. Manner: High stakes, high reward, high tempo and pressure.
Ask: “What trophies do they keep from every defeated opponent?“ Ask: “What’s so valuable about the prisoner?“

The Throne Some Locations
The Purple Room. Decadent Nightclub
The Throne is the highest situated district in the whole city, where the Description: Dim lighting, everyone wears expensive masks, people
upper class can literally look down on the rest of the city. The district doing god-knows-what in secluded areas.
is relatively safe for the “finer“ folk, and strict measures are taken Wants: To push the limits of excess, flesh and spirit.
so that only those “deserving” are let in. Here the rich and powerful Manner: Smiling and whispering behind a mask.
scheme and mingle in their lavish residences, expensive ballrooms Ask: “What are the signs that this place is dangerous?“
and exotic gardens.
Papaver Gardens. Poisonous park
Questions for the Player Characters Description: Beautiful and well organized, rows upon rows of sweet
🌔🌔What have you heard about the Demon Barons that live here? smelling and deadly flowers, nobles out on strolls, laughing.
🌔🌔What measures do the City Watch take to make sure that Wants: To show off their power by exposing themselves to danger.
undesirables are prevented from entering? Manner: A mild breeze that brings an intoxicating scent.
🌔🌔What ridiculous fashion is the latest trend this week? Ask: “How do the gardeners protect themselves from the dangerous
🌔🌔Who is the richest person in The Throne? plants?“
🌔🌔What’s something that can only be bought here?
Some Events
Impressions Duel in the Streets. Duel-by-proxy
🌔🌔Nobles in a park, playing a game of croquet with golden balls. Description: Two young nobles in a heated argument, exaggerated
🌔🌔An imp couple out shopping with their many servants. offence, offering coin to anyone who’ll can fight in their place.
🌔🌔Someone is posing for an artist who is making a sketch for an Wants: To gain back lost honor by having their champion draw first
upcoming statue. blood in a street duel.
🌔🌔The sound of a steam-tram whistle in the distance. Manner: Arrogant tone implying that anyone can be bought.
🌔🌔Sunlight being reflected through beautifully colored glass panes. Ask: “How can you tell that neither of these two have been in a fight?“
🌔🌔A perfume merchant, offering two young women free samples.
🌔🌔Small imp walking their masters many dogs. The imp is about to
lose control of the dogs and the situation in general. Attempted assassination
🌔🌔A large demon baron being carried by lavishly dressed, undead Description: A person of power is the target of an assassination, this
slaves. A large crew of bodyguards are keeping people away. takes place during a public spectacle, a random PC sees suspicious
🌔🌔A large brass bell rings out in the distance. It makes a clear, activity just before the assassin strikes.
wondrous sound. Wants: To show that people here plot against each other.
🌔🌔A group of nobles cheering while betting on a winged-snake Manner: Someone looks around nervously, about to strike.
fight. The beautiful animals sorrowfully fight to the death. Ask: “What clue or evidence do they leave behind?“
🌔🌔Drunk people outside a trendy nightclub.
🌔🌔Gold painted chariot being pulled by skeletal horses.

Some NPCs
Claara Cicks. Rich adventure seeker
Description: Long brown braided hair, toned down but still very
expensive clothing, a flowery smell.
Wants: To be smuggled out of The Throne to be able to experience
something truly exciting (and dangerous) in the Gutter.
Manner: Unable to hide her excitement if they’re in a dangerous
Ask: “What about her shows you that she’s completely unafraid?“

Althazar. Eccentric inventor

Description: Scrawny build, messy hair, sleep deprived eyes.
Wants: To find a (new) crew willing to test drive the experimental
Golden Bat, a prototype flying vessel (and possible death-trap).
Manner: Never makes eye contact, but instead jots down notes and
calculations in an old notepad when in a conversation.
Ask: “What do you think happened to his former assistant?“

Igg-Vuurmax. Demon of the Sixth Order

Description: Surrounded by a thick cloud of flies, too many gold rings
on their claws, long, black tongue that flicks in and out.
Wants: To break the seal, escape into reality. To rule all.
Manner: Voice like a million flies crawling inside your head.
Ask: “When do you notice that your nose and eyes are bleeding?“
Your Character Background
Roll d6 two times, once for the top row and once for the left row, to
find your background, reflecting what the character used to do for a
Attributes living, before they died.
Roll 2d6 for each attribute, one by one. On a 2, assign -1 to an
attribute. On a 3-6, assign a 0. On a 7-9, assign +1. On a 10-11, assign a When you attempt something in game and have an applicable
+2. On a 12, assign a +3. You may swap the value of two attributes. background, you get to re-roll one of the dice.
BRAWN: Fighting, Fortitude, Raw Strength, Toughness. 1-2. 3-4. 5-6.
MOVE: Shooting, Athletics, Stealth, Reflexes. 1. Acrobat Cutpurse Herbalist
WEIRD: Using Magic, Perception, Personality, Discipline. 2. Charlatan Tinkerer Beggar
3. Hunter Diplomat Alchemist
Choose a Class 4. Tracker Performer Farmer
Gore. Violent and Mighty. HP: 10 + Brawn. Roll d6 for ability: 5. Athlete Street Urchin Cultist
1. Signature Weapon. You have a named weapon. Describe it.
6. Surgeon Navigator Noble
When you use this weapon, you always deal +2 damage.
2.Tis but a Scratch. Once per battle you may re-roll a damage roll.
Starting Coin
3. Underdog. When outnumbered in combat, you have advantage. You start the game with 2d6 x 10 Coins that you can use to buy
4. No Mercy. Once per battle, when you kill an opponent, you may equipment.
immediately attack another within reach.
5. Maniac. When you get into a dangerous situation without regard Name, Description and Death
of your personal safety, you have advantage and gain +1 armor. Give your character a name and short description and lastly tell the
6. Weak Spot. Once per session, in combat, you may ask the GM other players the last thing you remember before you died.
about an opponent’s weakness. They must answer truthfully.

Dreg. Crafty and Cunning. HP: 8 + Brawn. Roll d6 for ability:

1. Prepper. Once per session you may “remember“ that you have a
small but useful item packed away somewhere.
2. Pet. You have a useful and loyal pet. Name and describe it.
3. Reflexes. You may always act first, and can react when surprised.
4. Devil’s Luck. Once per session you may treat the result of a roll
as one higher.
5. Shadow. If you keep completely still in a hiding spot, no one will
be able to see you.
6. Slippery. If you can describe how, once per session you may slip
out of your bonds or escape from a dangerous situation.

Witch. Weird and Mysterious HP: 6 + Brawn. Roll d6 for domain.

You may optionally come up with your own domain, just ask the GM.
1. Fire & Shadow 4. Fear & Secrets
Self Improvement
At the end of each session, answer the following questions as a group.
2. Air & Illusions 5. Dreams & Portals For each question answered with a “yes”, get 1 XP.
3. Stone & Plants 6. Language & Death 🌔🌔Did we do something crazy that we all enjoyed?
🌔🌔Did we discover something new about this place?
A witch begins play with the ability to summon a familiar. It has a 🌔🌔Did we overcome a difficult challenge?
name, an appearance and a domain of power. A witch may command 🌔🌔Did we learn something new about who we are and how we got
the familiar to perform a single magical effect that falls within its here?
domain, but be careful! Familiar spirits are often mischievous and
cruel, and might ask for something in return. During downtime, XP can be spent to level up on the following:
A magic attack normally does 2d6+level damage, or 3d6+level damage (Each advancement may only be taken once.)
if particularly suited to a situation (using fire against ice, etc.)
Pick a new class ability
To use a spell you know, you require 1 hour of uninterrupted ritual ⬜ 10 XP ⬜ 10XP ⬜ 20 XP
or a dose of a mind altering substance. If used more than once a day
than your level, you risk addiction, poisoning or worse. Increase one of your attributes by 1 (Max +3)
⬜ 10 XP ⬜ 10XP ⬜ 20XP
Playing the Game Combat
When in a combat situations, the players roll dice either to attack or
avoid being attacked by their opponents, much like the rest of the
This text assumes that you have an understanding of role-playing
games and how to play them. A knack for improvisation and coming
up with interesting situations on the fly won’t hurt either. If you feel
When players deal damage, they inflict damage as indicated by the
like a rule is missing, make a ruling on the spot and keep the game
type of weapon they’re using. Enemies and hazards deal damage
against the PCs in the same way. Subtract the result from the PCs
You’ll also need a couple of six-sided dice (d6), papers, pencils and a

Hit Protection
few friends to play with. I’d recommend 3-4 people in total.

Rolling the Dice Hit Protection, or HP, is a measure of a characters ability to avoid
life threatening injury. When an NPC reaches 0 HP they are out of
When a PC tries to do something risky or wants to avoid something
action, either dead, critically wounded or unconscious.
dangerous, roll 2d6 and add the relevant attribute to the result to

Death and Dying

see what happens next. No matter what happens, a dice roll always
changes the situation. Nothing never happens.
When a PC reaches 0 HP, they must roll 2d6 without modifications on
On a 6- you miss! the table below to see how they fare.
You don’t get what you want, and things get worse. The GM will tell
you what happens. The player then Marks +1 XP for their character. 6: Horrifying, bloody death!
The PC gets to carry out one last action, then the player describes how
On a 7-9, you get what you want, but... their character dies once and for all. The more gruesome, the better!
You’ll also suffer an added complication, cost or trade-off. You draw
unwelcome attention to yourself, you put yourself in a bad spot, you’re 7-9: Injured, but still alive!
separated, you lose or destroy something valuable, you have to make a Permanently lower an attribute score by one, and describe the
difficult choice, etc. The GM will tell you what it is. resulting injury. You’ll at least have a cool scar.

On a 10+ you! You get what you want. 10+: Down, but not out!
Describe how! You are down for now, but after some rest, you’ll be back on your legs.

Advantage and Disadvantage Armor

If you are in an advantageous or disadvantageous situation add a d6 Armor subtracts its score from the damage rolled against the wearer.
to the roll and pick the highest or lowest two, respectively. No one can have more than 3 armor.

Ammo Dice
To keep track of ammunition for bows, guns, rifles, ammo dice are
used. Ammo Dice are an abstraction of the amount of ammunition
you currently have. After a combat where ammo has been used have
been resolved, roll all your damage dice. Each ammo die that shows a
result of 1-2 is considered spent, and is removed from play.
This method is used to illustrate the chaotic nature of combat, where
keeping track of every single arrow and bullet is hard to do, but is also
used to prevent bookkeeping.

For simplicity’s sake, different ranged weapons use the same ammo
dice, although some groups might prefer to have individual die pools
for arrows, bullets, cannon balls, etc.

A few minutes of rest and some chow or something to drink recovers
d6 lost HP. Resting wastes time and might attract danger, depending
on the situation.

A full nights rest in a safe and location recovers all lost HP.

Certain substances may recover more HP quicker, but these are

usually expensive, addictive or hard to come by.

Those deprived of a crucial need, such as water, food, an addictive

substance etc., can’t recover lost HP.
Weapons & Armor Equipment
Weapons 2 Coins Each
Unarmed attacks. Punches, kicks, head-butts. One ammo dice, 30 ft rope, Iron Spike, Bucket, Candle, Chalk, Nails,
Damage: Lower of 2d6. Parchment, Flint/Steel, Torches (5), Tent, Dice, Caltrops, Bag of
Marbles, Bandages, Rations, Waterskin, Wineskin, Mug of warm ale,
Light Weapons. 10 C. d6 damage. jar of sour wine, A night’s rest in a flea-ridden bed.
Daggers, Hand Axes, Short-swords.
Special: Easy to conceal. Can be wielded as secondary weapon,
allowing you to re-roll damage once per attack.
5 Coins Each
Crowbar, Hatchet, Animal Trap, Lockpicks, Pen & Ink, Fishing Pole,
Shovel, Grappling Hook, Pickaxe, Pole, Manacles,Backpack, Quiver.
Medium Weapons. 30 C. d6+1 damage.
Ice-cold ale, Fine wine, A night’s rest in a comfortable bed.
Swords, Axes, Hammers, Spears, Clubs, Maces, Rapiers
Special: Must be wielded in main hand.
20 Coins Each
Heavy Weapons. 40 C. d6+2 damage. Mirror, Lantern, Spyglass, Hourglass, Fancy Clothes, Fancy Shoes,
Zweihänders, Battleaxes, Pole-arms, Scythes. Fancy Cane, A night’s rest in a luxury suite, including room service.
Special: Two handed, heavy and cumbersome. Causes messy injuries
and often collateral damage.
Fire Oil
Shortbows. 10 C. d6 damage. 20 C per flask. Sets an area on fire, dealing d6+1 damage per round for
Also. Slings, Slingshots. 3 rounds unless extinguished. Fills a lantern 10 times.

Bows. 20 C. d6+1 damage. Boats and Rafts

Also. Crossbows, Rifles, Muskets, Pistols. Rowboats, Rafts, Canoes
Price: 50 C each.
Heavy Bows/Guns: 50 C. d6+2 damage.
Arbalests, Cannons.
Special: Two handed, loud as hell, fired from mounted position. Healing
10 C per dose or use. Crutch, Bandages (5), Antitoxin, Healer’s Kit,
A visit to the Butcher (per day)

Lotus Opium (Vivid Dreams), Hell-Cap (Strongly Hallucinogenic),
Bone Dust (Euphoria), Howling Witch (Laughing Fits), Spiderbite
(Sedative), Swamp Kush (Relaxation), Scarab (Adrenaline Rush)
Price: 5 times d6. It’s all about supply and demand.

A poison has an effect and a speed. Multiply the cost of the effect with
the speed to see how much 1 dose costs. Describe the effect.

Effect: Minor (10 C), Moderate (20 C), Major (30 C), Fatal (100 C)
Speed: Slow (x1), Fast (x2), Instant (x5)

Roll d6 on the table below to determine the form, application and

name of the poison. Or roll three times and combine the result for
something really wild.
Form Application Name
1. Dust Sprinkled on Devil Mist
2. Herb Ingested Snake’s Embrace
3. Liquid Injected Witch’s Cough
Armor 4. Smoke Breathed In Fire High
Shields. 10 C. +1 Armor
5. Pill Swallowed Lizard’s Feast
Light Armor. 30 C. Armor 1 6. Powder Snorted Demon’s Lament

Full Armor. 60 C. Armor 2

Special: Always has a helm. Makes it hard to run, climb, move silently, Please note: The above lists are in no way exhaustive. Feel free to
swim, jump etc. invent your own things for sale using the above prices as guidelines.
Mission and Idea Generator Mission Type
1-3 4-6
Use the following tables to generate clients, names, places, ideas, and 1 Steal Kidnap
jobs the PCs can do to earn some coin. Just roll on the tables and use
the results as inspiration for missions, adventures and events. 2 Deliver Escort
3 Sabotage Kill
Districts, Clients and Targets 4 Switch Out Disguise

1. The Gutter 5 Explore/Find Bribe

1. Slum-Lord 4. Squatter 6 Ally Intimidate

2. Smuggler 5. Swamp Cultist

3. Gang Leader 6. Beast Hunter
1-3 4-6

2. Dawn Market (1-3) or Dusk Market (4-6) 1 Crate or Barrel Magical Device or Object

1. Arms Dealer 4. Cut-purse 2 Magic Weapon Treasure

3 Drugs or Spices Plan, Blueprint or Map
2. Blacksmith 5. Foetid Ghoul
4 Disease Vector or Cure Monster Part or Specimen
3. Brewmeister 6. Whispering Shadow
5 Expensive Pet or Beast Weapon Shipment
3. The Tomb 6 Evidence or Ledger A Soul
1. Archivist 4. Curator of Relics
2. Translator 5. Scribe
3. Librarian 6. Aspiring Necromancer

4. Greenblight
1. Chemist 4. Herbalist
2. Fruit Merchant 5. Man/Plant Hybrid
3. Sentient Plant 6. Fungal Colony

5. Judgement
1. Corrupt Official 4. Judge
Motivations for Clients, targets or anyone else involved.
2. Torturer 5. Retired Pit Fighter
1-3 4-6
3. Guard Captain 6. Executioner
1 Wrath Jealousy
2 Feud Heritage
6. Throne
3 Desperation Hunger
1. Diplomat 4. Imp Tourist
4 Lust Greed
2. Dishonoured Royalty 5. Demonic Politician
5 Sloth Wrath
3. Upper class Imp 6. Demon Baron
6 Envy Pride

Things that can go wrong before, during, or after the mission.
1-3 4-6
1 Set-up/Framed Weather
2 Monster Disease
3 Witness Rival Agents
4 Environment Envy
5 Target/Client Missing Innocent Bystanders
Specific Locations Risk and Reward
Use the tables below for inspiration on rewards. The riskier a job is,
1. The Gutter the bigger the reward should be.
1. Shanty House 4. Small Island
2. Dingy Bar 5. Below the Docks 1. “I owe you one!“
3. Destroyed Building 6. Collection of Rafts

1-3. Low Risk

2. Free food and lodgings for a week
2. Dawn / Dusk Market
3. Stolen tools worth 100 C
1. Merchant Tent 4. Fortune Teller Wagon
4. Barrels of wine worth 150 C
2. Fountain 5. Tower Rooftop
3. Warehouse 6. Black Circus Tent 5. Small chest with drugs worth 200 C

3. The Tomb 6. Barrel of gunpowder worth 300 C

1. Hidden Passage 4. Damp Chamber
1. Rejuvenating elixirs worth 500 C

4-5. Medium Risk

2. Dusty Attic 5. Relic Display
2. Bag of valuable spices worth 600 C
3. Specimen Room 6. Occult Library
3. A fine instrument worth 750 C
4. Greenblight
1. Overgrown Plaza 4. Vine Choked Tower 4. The Mystery Box...

2. Spore-ridden Crypt 5. Fungal Garden 5. Occult Materials worth 1000 C

3. Plant-folk Colony 6. Spice Farm
6. Map with location of treasure hidden in the swamp
5. Judgement
1. Dangerous but powerful relic
1. Jail Cell 4. Judge’s Personal Quarters
2. An extremely rare caged animal. 2500 C
2. Torture Room 5. The Prison-Arena
6. High Risk

3. High Official’s Tower 6. Study for Ancient Rules 3. A powerful relic or spellbook

6. Throne 4. Audience with a Demon Baron

1. Lavish Quarters 4. Impressive Garden
5. Information on the whereabouts of a Soul
2. Exquisite Restaurant 5. Decadent Nightclub
6. An actual Soul.
3. Bathhouse and Spa 6. Demon Mansion

Idea Spark Table

Roll 2-3 dice on the table below and combine the words and
themes to spark your imagination.
1. Eye or Sphere 4. Fungi or Mold

2. Worm or Moth 5. Bell or Boat

3. Tentacle or Ink 6. Snake or Dragon
1. Dream or Sleep 4. Mist or Time

2. Abyss or Soul 5. Waterfall or Lake

3. Spire or Tower 6. Old warrior or Priest
1. Ancient Weapon or Tool 4. Portals or Doors

2. Maelstrom or Twister 5. Leeches or Vampires

3. Crimson Sky or Blood 6. Gnarled roots or Swamp
1. Corpse or Ice 4. Lovers or Mating

2. Fire or Smoke 5. An angel or Trumpet

3. Disease or Acid 6. Poison or Death
Names and Quirks for NPCs What do I find on the body?
Need an NPC in a pinch? Roll two d6 below for a quick name and First you kill them, now you’re going to loot their corpse? Roll 2d6:
quirk or description.
2-6. Nothing but pocket lint
Name Quirk or Description 7. d6 coins
8. 2d6 coins
1 Annabell Always tired 9. 3d6 coins
2 Davius Eager to please 10. d6 coins and a special item
1. Humans

11. 2d6 coins and a special item

3 Edgar Depressed and sad 12. 3d6 coins and a special item
4 Friede Slow moving, fast thinking
5 Bixter Keeps picking at scab
Special Items
Roll d66 on the table below. The first die indicate tens, the second
6 Wrank Scared, easily startled indicates units. For example, a result of 3 and 6 results in 36.
11. Expensive piece of cheese worth 100 coin.
1 Hana Muscular and scarred 12. Small, sleeping mouse. Transfers dreams with telepathy.
13. Smoke Bomb. Fills a room with thick smoke.
2. Humans

2 Andrik Nursing a hangover

14. An actual “Get out of jail“-card.
3 Hugust “Anyone for some tea?“ 15. Ticket to Madame Sneer’s Show with a special message written on
the back: “See you after the show, big guy!“
4 Iva Has a pet mouse
16. Vial with beverage that heals 2d6 HP and causes slight buzz
5 Antonin Soft voiced Ex-gladiator 21. Devil Mask. Wearer takes on the appearance of someone they
choose. 1-in-6 chance of permanent change of appearance.
6 Dobrek Drools a lot, doesn’t notice 22. Incense that puts those who inhale the smoke to sleep. 2 doses.
1 Barnabus Covered in dust 23. Map to hidden stash of valuables in random city district.
24. Crimson Sword Hilt. When activation rune is read aloud (on the
2 Sigwief Trembles
3. Undead

bottom) a black flame rises from the top, like a blade. 2d6 damage.
25. Animated Rope. Performs commands in an annoyed way.
3 Androniette Unblinking eyes
26. Monkey Paw Candle. Lighting one of the fingers will reveal the
4 Hughuster “That reminds me of when...“ deepest desire of everyone the light hits. 2 uses left.
31. Black Mirror. Anyone who looks into it will struggle to look away.
5 Vilk the 4th Easily distracted 32. Small bag of Sweetleaf. Causes Laughing Fits and mild paranoia.
6 Stanhild Hard of hearing 33. Handwritten directions to a secret book section in the Crypt.
34. Bottle of fermented Stinkslug. A true delicacy!
1 Hazel Always smoking something 35. Necklace of mini iron-maiden with finger inside. Worth 200 coin.
36. An urn containing a nest with spectral cockroaches.
2 Fern Calm in any situation
41. Bottle of Salamander Urine. Gives the drinker the ability to
4. Imps

3 Grix Grin reveals sharp teeth breathe fire for a minute. Damage like Fire Oil.
42. Small pug embroidered on a small rug. Worth 150 coin.
4 Broom “Wanna bet?“ 43. Assassin business card. Contact details and all.
5 Yug-yug Barks when excited 44. Small bell shaped like an crocodile. By ringing the bell, a loud,
crocodile like roar is heard.
6 Hariel Yellow, glowing eyes 45. Blood Apple Seed. Feeding it a drop of blood grows a large Blood
Apple tree overnight. It will wither and die if not regularly fed blood.
1 Bokkiraks Long black tongue hanging out
46. Small spirit in a bottle. Swears service in exchange for release.
5. Demons

2 Stygg Large eyes blink out of sync 51. Ring with Jewel that looks like an eye. Once per day you can have
one of your eyes float out of your skull and see what it sees.
3 Woe-is-Me Breath makes plants wither 52. Imp Whistle. Drives imps and gremlins absolutely nuts.
4 Verminux Makes you eyes tear up 53. Vamp-Straw. Sucking blood through this straw heals d6 damage,
but there’s a 1-in-6 chance of craving more blood after use.
5 Agg-Huth One big bulging eye, lidless 54. Incriminating love letter between slum dweller and rich noble.
55. Angler-fish Lure. User can make someone that sees the lure come
6 The Disease You start to itch like crazy to them. d6 charges left.
1 Gut-Drencher Slurps and hisses 56. Bolt-Gun. Shoots bolts of lightning. Damage: 3d6. d6 charges left.
61. Gravity Bong. Inhaling smoke from this bong gives the user the
6. Monsters

2 Soul-Spiller Screeches and tears ability to fly for 10 minutes. d6 doses left.
62. Small cage with messenger bat. It’s hungry but otherwise fine.
3 Death-Stinger Slops and squirms
63. Permanent Ink. It’s really permanent! 3 doses.
4 Shadow-Thirst Moans and laughs 64. Septum Ring. Wearer can burst through a wall without taking
damage, but will then go into an uncontrollable rage for 10 minutes.
5 Yellow-Fang Moves by phasing in and out 65. A small vial of extremely potent poison.
6 Lurks-Above Chitters endlessly 66. Scroll with instructions on how to summon a powerful spirit.
Sample Maps
Use the Mission Generator in combination with one of thee maps
to quickly come up with an adventure location, or use these maps
by themselves as inspiration for your own designs. Feel free to mix
and match, or even throw them together as larger and more complex
3. Infected
adventure location. Warehouse

3. Cult

1. Docks

2. Flooded
NPC Powers
Monsters and other NPCs By giving an NPCs special powers, you can make them more
challenging and memorable for the PCs. See below for inspiration.
Coming up with NPCs such as monsters, creatures, opponents and
allies is fairly easy. Often, the most important thing about an NPC is
Web-spinner. Catch them in a sticky web.
making them memorable. A name, short description and a drive will
Gaping Maw. Swallows someone whole.
make an NPC easier for everyone to remember and relate to.
Acid Blood. Splashes acid around when injured.
Voider. Phases in and out of existence.
There are already a few NPCs sprinkled throughout this text that you
Razor sharp claws/teeth. Successful attack cuts of limbs.
can use for whatever situation you see fit, but for inspiration on how
Horror-gaze. Causes someone to panic.
to make your own, use the guidelines below.
Swarmer. Swarms around and devours someone.
Camouflage. Blends into the environment.
Fire-breath. Spews forth flames.
NPC Templates Paralyse. Paralyses someone with a touch or bite.
Reality Breaker. Breaks the rules of reality.
Shopkeepers, Goons, Ordinary People, Vermin. Drown. Pulls someone down into the depths below.
HP: 1-3 Armor: 0 Damage: Lower of 2d6 Stone-Stare/Saliva. Turns someone to stone, limb by limb.
Mimic. Hides in plain sight, disguised as something else.
Hired Guards, Thugs, Wild Animals Parasite. Leeches off of someone’s life force.
HP: 3-6 Armor: 0 Damage: d6 Winged. Flying. Snatches someone up and drops them from above.
Magma Skin. Burns those who come too close.
Stalker. Skulks around without making a sound.
City Watchmen, Bouncers, Monstrous Creatures Ghost. Can’t be damaged by non-silver or non-magic weapons.
HP: 6-8 Armor: 1 Damage: d6+1 Infectious. Successful attack spreads disease.
Divider. Splits into two smaller versions when injured.
Elites Guards, Powerful Monstrosities Regeneration. Regenerates 1 or several lost HP after each minute.
HP: 8-15 Armor: 2 Damage: Higher of 2d6+2 Eldritch Powers. Can cast ancient, powerful spells.
Hive-Mind. Many creatures acts as one.
Weak Spot. Can only be injured when weak spot is revealed.
Huge Monsters, Demon Barons, Warp Spawn Explosive. Explodes upon death, causing damage to everyone close.
HP: 15-20 Armor: 3 Damage: 2d6-3d6 Mind-Control. Mental power forces someone to act against their will.


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