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12/1/21, 9:11 PM Print QP MindLogi_x

Enroll. No. -_____________________


Linux for Devices

Time :3.00   Hrs Maximum Marks :60

Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed.

Please answer the question in sequence.

Section - A : Attempt any Four questions out of Five . Each question

carries 06 marks.
[24 Marks]
Q1. How data Partition and swap partition can be created in Linux? Discuss the Layout of Linux file system.

Q2. Give the command for the following i) Partitioning disk ii) Enabling the swap area iii) Creation of a filesystem iv)
Displaying the system space V) Forcefully kill the process Vi) Name 1000 directories in one go with a pattern like
Photo-1-OfMyBirthday, Photo-2-OfMyBirthday, Photo-3-OfMyBirthday ....... Photo-1000-OfMyBirthday

Q3. Discuss the fundamental component of Docker. Compare the Docker container with the virtual machine.

Q4. Give different services work to share or mount NFS. Discuss the two methods for mounting the remote file system
automatically at boot time.

Q5. (a)
Discuss the HAL daemon, HAL device manager and HAL configuration. (3)

(b) Give the steps to set up DHCP in a Linux server.

Section – B : Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question
carries 10marks.
[20 Marks]
Q6. (a)

Give the timekeeping architecture in Linux. Discuss the use of jiffy. (5)

(b) Present the USB subsystem in Linux. Discuss the different types of USB endpoints.

Q7. (a)
Write a Linux shell script to create and manage an employee data file (i) Create a new entry for the new employees. (5)
(ii) Delete a record of an existing employee. (iii) Update the record of an existing employee (Entries in the employee
data file are separated with ';' sign Note: All the entries should be taken from the user at run time.

(b) Discuss how files are accessed from the secondary memory in Linux?

Q8. (a)
Give the steps to configure the DNS server and client. (5)

(b) Discuss the use of the FTP service in Linux. Give the steps to configure and secure the FTP server. 1/2
12/1/21, 9:11 PM Print QP MindLogi_x
Section - C : Compulsory question
[16 Marks]
Q9. (a)
Consider an organization with more than 10,000 employees. One of the common system problems is about hard disk (5)
getting full, which may result in larger system-related problems. What if the system administrator gets an automated
alert if any of the employee's hard disk capacity goes more than 90% occupation? Upon getting such an alert, the
system administrator can inspect the system and advise the employee by cleaning up / freeing up some space in the
hard disk. Write the shell script so that the pro-active alert system can be set up.

(b) Trace the route being taken to connect to Turn off and disable Network Manager and start the network

(c) Write a simple driver and explain what happens when an insmod is done on the module.

(6) 2/2

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