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11/15/22, 10:48 AM Amizone

Enroll. No. -_____________________


Linux for Devices

Time :3.00   Hrs Maximum Marks :60

Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed.

Calculator is not allowed.

Section - A : Attempt any Four questions out of Five . Each question

carries 06 marks. [24 Marks]

Q1. Write down the important characteristics of Linux. Highlight the points through which Linux is different from another

operating system

Q2. From the NFS server, copy some files to the /var/mystuff directory. From the NFS client, make sure you can see the
files just added to that directory and make sure you can't write files to that directory from the client

Q3. Create a script called myos that asks the user, “What is your favourite operating system?” Output an insulting
sentence if the user types Windows or Mac. Respond “Great choice!” if the user types Linux. For anything else say
“Is <what is typed in> an operating system?”

Q4. Find all files under the /home directory that belong to aset. Are there any files owned by aset that you didn’t expect
to see?

Q5. In how many ways we can allocate device number? Discuss each one of them

Section – B : Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question
carries 10marks. [20 Marks]

Q6. (a)

Explain different commands for searching a file & directory with all options. (5)

(b) What is OPENIL and explain its features.

Q7. How can we define containers and Images on dockers. Explain in detail.

Q8. (a)
Add three partitions to the USB flash drive: 100MB Linux partition, 200MB swap partition, and 500MB LVM partition. (5)
Save the changes

(b) What init daemon is sshd using on your Linux server?

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11/15/22, 10:48 AM Amizone

Section - C : Compulsory question [16 Marks]

Q9. (a)
List all processes running on the system and sort those processes by the name of the user running each process. (3)
Start the gedit process from your desktop. Make sure you run it as the user you are logged in as. Use the System
Monitor window to kill that process

(b) Use the du command to determine the largest directory structures under /usr/share, sort them from largest to
smallest, and list the top ten of those directories in terms of size. Use the df command to show the space that is
used and available from all the filesystems currently attached to the local system but exclude any tmpfs or devtmpfs

(c) Write a simple character driver and explain what happens when an insmod is done on the module.

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