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TCP/IP Concepts Review

TCP/IP Concepts Review
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. UDP is a connectionless protocol.
TCP is suited for applications that require UDP is suitable for applications that need
high reliability, and transmission time is fast, efficient transmission, such as
relatively less critical. games. UDP's stateless nature is also
useful for servers that answer small
queries from huge numbers of clients.
TCP rearranges data packets in the UDP has no inherent order as all
order specified. packets are independent of each
TCP does Flow Control. TCP handles UDP does not have an option for
reliability and congestion control. flow control
There is absolute guarantee that There is no guarantee that the
the data transferred remains intact messages or packets sent would
and arrives in the same order in reach at all.
which it was sent.
IPV6 and IPV4
No. of bits on 32 128
IP Address
Format decimal hexadecimal
Capable of 4.3 billion infinite number
How to ping ping ping6

Advantages of IPv6 over IPv4:

1. IPv6 simplified the router’s task compared to IPv4.
2. IPv6 is more compatible to mobile networks than IPv4.
3. IPv6 allows for bigger payloads than what is allowed in IPv4.
4. IPv6 is used by less than 1% of the networks, while IPv4 is
still in use by the remaining 99%.
Network Topology

Draw the following network topologies and give an example where each type is used. Ensure that they
are properly labelled.
1. Bus
2. Star
3. Ring
4. Mesh
5. Fully-connected Mesh
Describe in detail the following network types and where are they used?
1. Packet-switch
2. Circuit-switch
3. Virtual circuit
Review Questions
This part of the question is with regard to TCP/IP.
• Explain TCP.
• Explain UDP.
• Compare TCP and UDP in terms of their properties and operation.
• Explain the following terms in relation to networking.
• Datagram
• Packet
• Segment
• Fragments
• Socket
• Stream
• Byte stream
• Bit stream
• Traffic flow
• What does it mean by TCP is stream-oriented and UDP is message oriented?
Review Questions
1. What is the major function of the network access layer?
2. What tasks are performed by the transport layer?
3. What is a protocol?
4. What is a protocol data unit (PDU)?
5. What is a protocol architecture?
6. What is TCP/IP?
7. What are some advantages to layering as seen in the TCP/IP architecture?
8. What is a router?
9. Which version of IP is the most prevalent today?
10. Does all traffic running on the Internet use TCP?
11. Compare the address space between IPv4 and IPv6. How many bits are used in each?

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