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DATE: September 30, 2022

TO: Pier LeCompte, professor of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
FROM: Jaylis Colón Coronado, student of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
SUBJECT: Trip Report

On September 1st, 2022, I attended a conference at the theater of the University of

Puerto Rico at Ponce. The conference, Patents, what are they and what role do they play
in the career of a scientist? was provided by Reinaldo Franqui Machín and sponsored by
Tribeta Zeta Kappa Biological Honorary Biological Honorary Society.

Patents are titles of property that provided by the government to the creations or
inventions a scientist makes. This is an important document because it gives you the
rights of property of the creation. Nonetheless, the purpose of the patents is not to enrich
the inventor it is the promotion of the progression of science.

This legal document contains a title, a description, visuals, who created the invention,
who collaborated, etc.

The cost of the patents is high, it could go up to $1500 or more. The process of
obtaining one can go up to years. Nevertheless, patents have an expiration date, which
reaches it limit when 20 years passed since the beginning of the application, and it
cannot be renewed.

Patents are only valid in the region or territory you obtained it from.

For the invention to qualify it needs to be able to do at least one function.

Patents are a big part of the career of a scientist. It shows the development of the
scientific world. It gives you the rights to own the creation and no one can use it. If the
case of violating the patent the person or company can be sued, which will affect it

Additional documents: Certification of Attendance
Attendance Certificate

I, Rafael Maldonado Hernandez, professor of the General Microbioy course (BIOL 3705).
Certify that the student Jaylis M. Colón Coronado, attended the conference “Patents, what are
they and what role do they play in the career of a scientist?” offered by Reinaldo Franqui Machín
and sponsored by the Tribeta Zeta Kappa Biological Honorary Society. The conference was held
at the general theater of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce on September 1st, 2022.
Convened at 12:00 p.m. and adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Finally I sing this certificate on September 30th, 2022 to record for the appropriate purposes ,
and the request for the person interested.


Rafael Maldonado Hernández, Ph.D.

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