Rubric4 FlippedClass

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TEACHER’S NAME: _________________________________ GROUP: _______ STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________

Category Excellent Good Adequate Weak Points

Meets standard Nearly meets standard Does not meet standard No evidence earned

8.0-10 6.0-7.9 3.0-5.9 0-2.9

COMPLETION The entire assignment was 90 % - 80% of the assignment was At least 70% - 50% of the Less than 49% of the
How much of the completed. completed. assignment was completed. assignment was
assignment was completed.
ACCURACY 80-100 % of assignment is 60-79% of assignment is correct 30 -59 % of assignment is 0-29 % of assignment is
The quality of correct. correct correct
the assignment

DIRECTIONS The assignment was done The assignment was done The assignment was done The assignment was
Did you follow showing lots of work neatly showing most of the work. showing some work. answers only or wasn’t
directions? Was and easily followed. answered.
the assignment
showing all
TIME The assignment was turned in The assignment was turned in The assignment was turned in The assignment was
MANAGEMENT on time. one day late. two days late. turned in more than two
Was the assignment days late.
turned in on

FC score /40=

 Your final grade will be the grade point average (GPA) of the flipped activities and its corresponding assessment.
 The teacher keeps a grades dosage to track the progress in every flipped class.
 The flipped class days as well as the due dates for each activity will be given by the teacher.

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