FX Trends December 2022

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2 December 2022 Currencies ● Global

2 December 2022

FX Trends Nov-Dec 2022 Currencies


USD cheery, then bleary

 Recent USD decline seems excessive, given a still hawkish Fed, global growth concerns, and
reasons for caution elsewhere
 As such, we look for the USD to strengthen into the holiday season…
 …however, 2023 is likely to be a more challenging year for the USD
Our tactical view Short-term Current Previous
While we expect a weaker USD over the medium term, the sharp recent decline in the currency appears to be overdone
and the short-term risks are skewed towards a correction stronger in the USD into year-end 2022. For the 13-14 December
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, 51bp of tightening is priced in (Bloomberg, 30 November). But the
risk at that meeting may be for a greater emphasis of why rates may have to stay higher for longer, if only to push back on
market pricing for rate cuts during 2H23. It will also be interesting to see where the “dots” rate projections (i.e., interest rate
USD projections – although they are not a policy commitment, rather they reflect the personal views of policy makers) for year- DXY^  
end 2023 land. If it moves much above 5.00%, it might see further USD strength, given the market is eyeing a terminal rate
around 4.60%. However, the FX market remains dominated by risk appetite, rather than rates. Data will remain key to risk
appetite and the USD with US inflation top of the list. Another lower-than-expected reading for US CPI (due 13 December)
could provide further impetus to the “risk on” USD weakness, for example, contrary to our view. Overall, consolidation
rather than an extension of further USD weakeness now seems more likely, in our view.
A key factor supporting the EUR since the start of October is simply that it is not the USD, given that the safe-haven
demand for the USD was unwound. It means that in the absence of USD weakness, EUR-USD could be vulnerable to a
downside correction. The fact that we look for a sideways move in the EUR over the near term therefore reflects some
local support. The European Central Bank (ECB) President, Christine Lagarde, recently said she would be surprised if
EUR inflation has peaked (Bloomberg, 28 November). The tone of doing whatever is necessary to contain inflation is likely to
EUR-USD  
remain prominent at the 15 December ECB meeting; however, with much priced in, it is hard to see rates adding to the
EUR rally. A still hawkish ECB alongside economic data, which is no longer undershooting consensus by such a margin
may allow the EUR to hold its own against the USD over the near term, in our view.
We look for some near-term downside for the GBP, amid vulerable risk appetite and a dovish 50bp hike by the Bank of
England (BoE) at its 15 December meeting. While the BoE is expected to match the hiking pace of the Fed and the ECB,
the tone surrounding that hike is likely to feel very different. Meanwhile, the structural concerns which drove October’s lurch
GBP lower in GBP-USD are less evident. The UK’s fiscal confidence has been regained with the Autumn budget, and the UK’s
GBP-USD  
external imbalance is also showing some signs of improvement, notably for visible trade. With all factors being considered,
we are looking at a correction lower in GBP-USD, rather than a fresh collapse, over the near term.
The Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) 20 December meeting should be as uneventful as those that have already played out in
2022. The markets may position for a tail-risk outcome of a shift in guidance on policy which has thus far emphasized a
JPY commitment to accommodative monetary policy for the coming years. So, the JPY is unlikely to be impacted by Japanese USD-JPY  
developments, with its performance still largely dictated by shifts in US Treasury yields and risk appetite. With intervention
risks in abeyance, USD-JPY could move higher alongside a hawkish Fed, should US yields move higher, in our view.
The ‘safe haven’ allure of the CHF may start to wane, as many of the Eurocentric risks – most notably around periphery
debt – appear to have topped out alongside the bottoming out of European data and a potential turn in European
inflationary pressures. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is expected to deliver a 50bp hike bringing the rate to 1.00%
CHF at its 15 December meeting. But inflation has never gotten as excessive in Switzerland as elsewhere, and our economists USD-CHF  
think that the SNB will leave rates flat at 1.00% after the December meeting. Any signal that the hiking cycle is close to its
end will come as a disappointment to the rates market, which currently expects steady rate hikes over the years ahead
towards 2% (Bloomberg, 29 November). As such, we expect the CHF to weaken against the USD over the near term.
The market is finely balanced between whether the Bank of Canada (BoC) will hike by 25bp or 50bp at its 7 December
meeting; however, the CAD may not care. Our analysis result suggests that changes in the S&P500 (a proxy for risk
CAD appetite) account for roughly half of the movement in USD-CAD, far ahead of commodity markets in second place, and with USD-CAD  
rate differentials languishing at the bottom. If, as we suspect, the coming weeks bring a fresh bout of risk aversion,
then the rise in USD-CAD since mid-November is likely to extend higher.
Beyond risk sentiment challenges, the AUD could also face headwinds from softer domestic economic data and overly
hawkish market pricing. We think near-term risks are skewed towards a mild correction in the currency pair.
The lagged economic impact of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) rate hikes may become more apparent over the
AUD near term, as 65% of Australia’s outstanding housing credit is on variable rates. Meanwhilie, the downside surprise in the AUD-USD  
October monthly inflation prints (6.9% y-o-y vs consensus of 7.6%, Bloomberg, 30 November) suggested a high bar for
inflation to break above the RBA’s expected peak levels and induce hawkish policy reactions. The RBA is set to meet on
6 December, with the rates market pricing in 15bp of tightening (Bloomberg, 30 November).
When compared with the AUD, the NZD is less vulnerable on the housing market front amid healthy saving buffers, income
growth, and a slow rise in effective rates on the outstanding credit. However, the NZD is still exposed to slower growth. The
NZD Reserve Bank of New Zealand is forecasting four consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth starting in 2Q23. NZD-USD  
We think the NZD’s cyclical tailwind, its high yields, could lose momentum, once growth slowdown becomes clearer.
However, the timing could be later than we originally expected.
Note: ^DXY = US Dollar Index, is an index (or measure) of the value of the USD against major global currencies, including the EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, SEK and CHF. Source: HSBC

Currencies ● Global
2 December 2022

FX Data Snapshot (from close on 2 November to 2 December*) HSBC Positioning Indices

1-month % HSBC Positioning HSBC Positioning (1 month ago)
FX Spot 200 dma Support Resistance
change* 10
8 8
DXY 104.79 105.56 -5.88% 103.50 108.00
6 6
EUR-USD 1.0509 1.0367 7.04% 1.0225 1.0750 4 4
GBP-USD 1.2235 1.2149 7.40% 1.1770 1.2500 2 2
USD-JPY 135.18 134.52 -8.60% 135.00 141.25 0 0
-2 -2
USD-CHF 0.9383 0.9641 -6.47% 0.9200 0.9720
-4 -4
USD CAD 1.3448 1.3029 -1.92% 1.3300 1.3655 -6 -6
AUD-USD 0.6804 0.6924 7.13% 0.6580 0.6900 -8 -8

NZD-USD 0.6369 0.6289 9.43% 0.6150 0.6460 -10 -10

Note: * as at 10:30 HKT on 2 December 2022
Source: HSBC, Bloomberg Note: Priced as of market close 25 November 2022
Source: HSBC, Bloomberg

Dovish Dovish refers to an economic outlook which generally supports low interest rates as a means of encouraging
growth within the economy.
Hawkish Hawkish is typically used to describe monetary policy which favours higher interest rates, and tighter monetary
controls to keep inflation in check.
MoM / YoY Month on month / Year on year
PMI Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an indicator of economic health of the manufacturing sector (>50 represents
expansion vs. the previous month).
IMM data International Monetary Market (IMM) is a division of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) that deals with the
trading of currencies and interest rate futures and options and the IMM data is part of the Commitments of
Traders (COT) reports published by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The IMM data
provides a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open futures positions on the IMM. Speculative positions are a trader’s
non-commercial positions (i.e. not for hedging purposes).
G10 G10 refers to the most heavily traded, liquid currencies in the world: USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, NZD,
CAD, NOK, and SEK.
Fed / FOMC Federal Reserve System (US’s Central Bank) / Federal Open Market Committee.
ECB European Central Bank (Eurozone’s Central Bank).
BOE Bank of England (UK’s Central Bank).
BOJ Bank of Japan (Japan’s Central Bank).
BOC Bank of Canada (Canada’s Central Bank).
RBA Reserve Bank of Australia (Australia’s Central Bank).
RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand (New Zealand’s Central Bank).
SNB Swiss National Bank (Switzerland’s Central Bank).
Lagarde Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB).
Powell Jerome Powell, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Fed).
Bailey Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England (BOE).
Kuroda Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan (BOJ).

Spot: Spot refers to the current market price of a currency pair that is important for immediate transactions.
200 dma: 200-day simple moving average number represents the average price of an index or a currency pair over
the past 200 days.
Support (S), Resistance (R): Support and resistance are significant previous lows and highs plus retracement levels,
based on historical price patterns of an index or a currency pair. Support is a historical price level where a downtrend
of a currency pair paused due to demand for the first currency quoted in the pair increasing, while resistance is a
historical price level where an uptrend of a currency pair reversed amid demand for the second currency quoted in the
pair increasing.
Explanation HSBC Positioning Indices: The indicators have been devised to track the net position of momentum traders, looking
of terms at hundreds of strategies, operating over many different time horizons. It considers time horizons of 5 days up to 260
days. An indicator level of +10 would indicate that the hundreds of different strategies have all lined up and gone long
(i.e., buy the first currency quoted in the pair). Similarly, an indicator level of -10 indicates that all strategies are short
(i.e., sell the first currency quoted in the pair).
Table of tactical views where a currency pair is referenced (e.g. USD/JPY): An up () / down () /
sideways () arrow indicates that the first currency quoted in the pair is expected by HSBC Global Research to
appreciate/depreciate/track sideways against the second currency quoted over the coming weeks. For example,
an up arrow against EUR/USD means that the EUR is expected to appreciate against the USD over the coming
weeks. The arrows under the “current” represent our current views, while those under “previous” represent our
views in the last month’s report.

Currencies ● Global
2 December 2022

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Additional disclosures
1 This report is dated as at 02 December 2022.
2 All market data included in this report are dated as at close 01 December 2022, unless a different date and/or a specific
time of day is indicated in the report.
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Currencies ● Global
2 December 2022

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