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(j) Co-ordination and Response

01. What is homeostasis? Give four examples.

02. Define the term stimulus, response.

01. Using a flow chart show that a coordinated response requires a stimulus, a receptor and an
02. Defining the terms receptors and effectors with examples.
03. Knowing the functions/ uses of sense organs in our body.
04. Differences between hormonal communication and nervous communication.
05. What makes the nervous system? Write with flow chart.
06. What is neurone?
07. Write down the different kinds of neurones with functions.
08. Draw and label sensory neurone, motor neurone and relay neurone.
09. What is synapse? Describe how information is transferred from one neurone to another
(role of neurotransmitters).
10. Draw and label section through a spinal cord.
11. What is a reflex action? Give some examples of reflex actions including advantages for
12. What is reflex arc? Show the reflex arc during the withdrawal of finger from a hot
13. Describe the iris reflex in human.
14. Label the structures of a brain and also show which part of it respond to smell, vision,
taste, and hearing.
15. Write down the main parts of brain with functions.
16. Draw and label the front view and structures of section through an eye.
17. Learn the functions of different structures of eyes.
18. What is accommodation? Describe how the structures of eyes changes in focusing on near
and distant object.
19. Describe how the structures of eyes respond to changes in light intensity (bright and dim).

20. Label a section through a skin.
21. Write down the functions of skin.
22. Describe the role of skin in regulating the body temperature (vasodilatation,
vasoconstriction, sweating, hair erector muscles and shivering).
23. Understanding the terms endocrine and exocrine gland. Draw and label the position of
different endocrine glands in human.
24. What is a hormone? Write down the sources and functions of the following hormones
(i) ADH (ii) Adrenaline (iii) Insulin (iv) Testosterone
(v) Oestrogen (vi) Progesterone (vii) FSH (viii) LH

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