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Teacher Philosophy Statement

My teaching philosophy has been shaped by my personal experiences in education

as a child, as well as my experience as an undergraduate. As a student I have watched

teachers who practiced negative reinforcements and positive reinforcements. When

observing classrooms, all teachers have different teaching strategies that emphasize

critical thinking and reasoning. Science and mathematics were always first pick over the

other subjects, especially the arts that were often overlooked. I believe that teachers

should teach with positive reinforcement, develop critical thinking skills, and encourage

students to do their very best.

For my philosophy statement, I like to have good connections with my students

and their parents. I think that having a good contact system is very important as a

music/band teacher. When you are a music teacher, nothing hardly ever sticks with the

schedule most of the time. When/if I become a music/band teacher I plan to be

well-organized, dress accordingly, and treat my students fairly. I want all my students to

have fun in my class while learning.

When/if I become a music/band teacher, I hope to expect all of my students to

participate in everything that we do. If students don’t participate, it shows a sign of

disrespect and it makes the teacher feel like they have failed them. I feel like that students

are in band/choir because they wanna be, and they should be participating because it

should be a fun class to be in. All I ask is for my students to be loyal, trustworthy,

motivated, passionate, and to follow the rules.

My teaching philosophy statement seeks to have a good positive reinforcement to

the environment of the music program. I don’t want my students to be in a negative

environment, I want my students to be excited about learning music. I want my students

to be comfortable in my classroom and not have to feel insecure about themselves while

in class. A good positive environment is key to having a good band/choir, you have to

want to be there in order to get things done during the class hour.

I believe teachers in general should have good connections with their students and

their parents in case they need to get a hold of them or something. All students should

respect their teachers and also be loyal and follow the rules that they have. I want my kids

to feel like they're in a good positive reinforcement environment while learning and

having fun at the same time. A good positive environment is key to having a good

band/choir in order to sound good.

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