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A/B Testing of Get It Quick

Veronica Ryan
Hypothesis and Assumptions
● If we give access to the cart from all pages, then more users will
complete their purchases.

● If we put the option to “Stay As a Guest” when checking out, then

users will skip a step and finish their purchase quicker.

● If we add a “Buy Now” button, then the abandonment rate will be

Hypothesis Statement

We believe that adding the cart button to the top of the pages for
users to access their carts at all times will complete their
purchases. We will know we are successful when after testing the
variant and the abandonment rate is lower than 76.9%.
A/B test
Here we can see the original variant, where
there is a flow designed in a way where in
order to access your card, the user needs to
select at least one item and add it to the
cart. After that, the user will be taken to their
cart and have the option to checkout.
A/B test
Variant 1 (Adding cart button)

In this variant we can observe a button added to the top right corner that will connect all the
pages to the cart page. This gives the user access to the cart page in situations as:
- Verifying what's already there.
- Keep shopping.
- Coming back to the website and have access to what was left there from homepage.
- Start the check out process at any point.

After the team successfully competed the A/B test, these were our results:
● There was a total of 785 shopping carts initiated.
● There was a total of 167 completed transactions with the new variation.
● The abandonment rate after the test is 78.7%
The abandonment rate before the testing was 76.9% and the goal was to be 70%,
based on the benchmarks in the industry.
The control version is the conclusive winner. Our hypothesis was disproved.
Did the rate increase, decrease, or remain the same? The abandon rate
List four reasons you think may have caused this new abandonment rate for
the variable wireframe.
● Users are not used to the feature
● Users prefer the old process
● Users are used to the old process
● The efforts to introduce the future weren't enough.
If you had more time, what would you do differently, if anything?
Introduce other futures to make the user journey more user friendly, run a A/B/n test
with multi variants including this features.
What are five recommendations to stakeholders, moving forward?
What are five recommendations to stakeholders, moving forward?
Creation of more hypothesis
Focus in the testing of other hypothesis until we get closer to the goal results
Collect feedback from the users
Enhance the user experience to encourage a fast and complete checkout process
Introduce express checkout options with integrations from other platforms such as

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