After The Revolution

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There are dangers to just camping around the foundation of grace without
building on it.
Things will start feeling old, stale, confusing, not right like something is missing.
It leads to people getting disillusioned and bored. They may probably will start
straying off into some strange doctrine. Some will end up in sin, rebellion,
independent and isolation. This is a wave and the people who will catch up with
this wave are going to come into a greater level of their destiny and calling and
more into high level fruitfulness.
The greater rising of the sons of God who are not motivated by fear, insecurity,
unbelief, and other wrong motives but rather by faith, the love of God, eternity
kingdom, vision and spirit of God.
These people are going to come into a greater effectiveness and demonstration in
prayer, warfare, evangelism, prosperity, generosity, character, overcoming sin,
manifest glory, maturity, miracle encounter and greater exploits in impacting the
world around them.
Point learnt from the chapter
i. The need for sound doctrine is very key and that the foundation of our
life is called grace.
ii. The believer need to build on this foundation of grace through theology.
This is what is called what the believer believes.
iii. There is the administrational theology as part of believer’s building on
the foundation.
iv. We are motivated by the new covenant law which is love, faith and

Applying what was learnt in my Christian life.

i. It is my responsibility to give attention to second doctrine.
Which makes me free from the old-covenant law based system earning
God’s blessing and avoiding punishment through performance.
ii. I must watch out and be careful. So called Christians with deceitful
doctrine which will carry me away from sound doctrine
iii. I must resist sin
iv. I must seek God
v. I must watch and pray
vi. I must tell people about my Jesus (Evangelism)
Scripture Reference
Acts 20:29
Ephesians 5:3-6


Quote from Ryan Rufus
“if you’re a leader of a church or ministry and you come to the revelation of
grace, you need to make sure you’re prepared to nail your colors to the most
and be bold with your convictions”
Don’t give into the political spirit and try to keep everyone happy. You
won’t be able to.
The political spirit will want you to keep everyone happy because it knows the
chaos it will cause.
The factions, the splintering, the constant locking of the stress and wear and tear
it will have on the leaders and the people.
Transition your church or Ministry fully into grace: A little advice,
 Be prepared for oppositions and persecutions.
 You need to develop a deep conviction of grace and preach the Gospel with
 You need to get grace mentors and coaches in your life.
 Don’t throw out divine order, strong leadership and purpose of church in
seeing people saved and disciple while transitioning through.
The political Spirit is “Crowed Pleasing Spirit”. To please everyone,
you have to come to compromise and water down truth so that no one gets
Scripture Reference:
Gal 2:11-14,
1 Thess 1:4-8

Points learnt from the chapter
 As a leader you must not try to keep everyone happy because I won’t be
able to do that.
 As a leader you must be prepared to nail your colors to the most and be
bold about your convictions
 As a leader I must get grace coaches and mentors in the process of
Hoe I must apply what I’ve learnt into my Christian life.
 I must embrace change and not to oppose changes
 I must be bold in my conviction and preach the Gospel to others
 I must be careful with political spirit and not to try to please everyone
around me.


Are you satisfied with the measure of success you’re having in your life? If
you’re not satisfied, them what are you doing to achieve success?

I’m not satisfied! I personally want to become a better preacher, writer, see
more people being saved through my life, see more miracles and move much
higher level of the gift of the spirit.
It is time for Christians to get a little more unsatisfied and discontent and
stop accepting the ceilings over their lives that are hindering them from walking in
the fullness of their calling and fulfilling all the dreams that God has put in their
If you have a little tree growing in a small pot eventually the roots are going
to fill the soil and the tree will never able to grow anymore. The tree is being
frustrated. It’s not supposed to accept limitations, it supposed to grow. You have
to take it out of the pot and put it in a bigger one. You may have been enjoying
growth and increase for a season but then you stopped because you hit a ceiling
perhaps you’ve been frustrated about this for a while.

The Key to fulfilling your Dreams

A young child proclaims they wont to be a super star, one day a great
athlete, a world champion! But no matter how passionate or talented that child
may be, unless that child develop great discipline and work really hard he will
never become a super star.

Why be Disciplined?
1. For God
 So you can bring glory to him through the great things you do for
2. For yourself
 For personal achievement as you fulfill the dreams in your heart.
3. For Others
 So you can reach people for God through your talents and passions
Scripture Reference
1 timothy 4:8-9(MSB)
Proverbs 12:24(NIV)
Proverbs 13:4(NLT)

 As a leader I must be decline for God, so that I will bring glory to Him
through the great things I do for him.
 As a leader I must be discipline for myself to achieve personal targets and
goals in fulfilling my dreams.
 As a leader I must be discipline for others, so I can reach for God through
talents and passions.
 As a leader I must work extra harder through discipline to achieve my


There are so many Christians today that are frustrated and disillusioned
because they know the calling on their lives and he potentials they have but are
not seeing it come out. You look around and see others having success in areas of
their lives and wonder how you can too.
If you look at all the great sports stars around the world you’ll notice one
thing in common, they’ all have coaches. Even those that are at the best in what
they do all of these people have coaches. All these successful people have
coaches and trainers that trains there to achieve success.
The world in turn has agencies where people, public relations agencies,
coaching agencies, public relations agencies, public relations agencies, image
consultant agencies to help people become their best and reach their full
One way or the other many Christians think they don’t need a coach in their
Christian life.
Grace should never be an excuse not to push ourselves but rather it’s like a
performance enhancing drug that gives us supernatural and unfair advantage in

 As a leader it is very important to have a coach and mentor who will help
you achieve your potentials
 As a leader I must be disciple so I can also disciple other.

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