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power of information: news-internet-computer

-power of past
-social power: imagination p62 "constrains her"
-isolation (shanty-self isolation), changes his name (also with dishonesty)
-parental love/power with miranda

conjoining them into themes:

- power transforms into isolation=transformative nature of isolation
-the effect of loss and its contribution to development- powerful loss when ignored can be
-destructive revenge emptiers life of purpose

What ironies do we find?

p.61"Im not going it for the money...I never did...miranda nods because she knows that to be
true:noble people don't do things for the money, they simply have money..."
- obsessiveness over getting revenge-stalking Tony over the years
p.49- his cover letter, why he's going to get back to the community (is he giving back to the
community? no, but revenge he will-give them back what they deserve"
"but felt the need to give back to the community, since he had been given so much in life


Shoveling the snow off his car, Felix feels his advancing age. However, eventually he gets it
going and drives out of the driveway, feeling more prepared than he has all morning.Age is
another transformation that Felix hopes to forestall; he meets with estelle she tells him his
play is great. His grief keeps him sane so he doesnt start a thing with her. She tells him Tony
is coming, it is his time for revenge. Nobody likes the idea of the tempest play.

which smells like “unloved food eaten in boredom,” “dejection,” and “motherless years.” The
atmosphere of the prison is like an “enchantment,” one that only Felix is able to lift. He is
feinds with the guards, they don't think of him as a smuggler, they also don't like the tempest.

He doesn't interact with priester or teachers in the common space they believe he is a bad
influence. In the classrooms where Felix conducts his classes, there are no video
cameras—he’s insisted that the actors must feel secure and not spied upon. He’s never had
any serious problems with discipline, and never used his pager.

He gives everybody their roles but none of them are really happy about them or the play

The prisoners are allowed to say the bad words and shit is not allowed, he announces a
spelling quiz

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