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Grammar Quiz 2

Download this document and type your answers using a bulleted list (first bullet
provided). When completed, save as a PDF and submit to the Grammar Quiz 2
Assignment folder on D2L by Monday, November 25 11:59 PM. 115 points.

1. Name, define, and provide 3 examples each of the 8 parts of speech. (24 points) 
 Noun refers to person place or thing ex. Dog, house and pencil
pronoun: refers to the words used instead of a noun or noun phrase in a sentence
ex. He, I and its
Verb: refers to the words or group of words that describe a action ex. Run, sit and go
Adjective: describes a noun or pronoun ex. Beautiful, cute and small
Adverb: describes a verb ex. She carefully took care of his shoes, he never ate his
food, we usually don’t eat Chinese food
Preposition: used before a noun, pronoun or to show time and place in s sentence, on, about
Interjection: word used to express strong feelings ex. Hi! Oh! Gosh!
Conjuction: connects words, phrases or clauses in a sentence ex. And, however, still

2. Demonstrate how to use a semicolon using complete sentences. (10 points)

My friend always eats hot dogs: he might turn into one if he doesn’t stop

3. Demonstrate how to use a colon in two (2) ways using complete sentences. (10 points)
 There are three ways you can score a football: touchdown, field goal and extra
Listen we have two option: we can either stay here and fight, or run away

4. Integrate the following quotation into original writing demonstrating 2 different ways of
quotation integration, one using the entire quotation and one using only part(s) of the
quotation (16 points):

“You have to practice success. Success doesn't just show up. If you aren't practicing
success today, you won't wake up in 20 years and be successful, because you won't
have developed the habits of success, which are small things like finishing what you
start, putting a lot of effort into everything you do, being on time, treating people
well." -- Michelle Obama 

Nothing comes overnight, as Michelle Obama once said: “You have to practice success.
Success doesn't just show up. If you aren't practicing success today, you won't wake
up in 20 years and be successful, because you won't have developed the habits of
success, which are small things like finishing what you start, putting a lot of effort into
everything you do, being on time, treating people well."

If you are getting impatient on not getting better at something remember: “You have to practice

5. Name and define 4 rhetorical modes that we have practiced writing so far. (10 points)
 Narration: the purpose is to tell a story or relate to an event
 Description: its purpose is to recreate, invent or visually present a person place or
 Example: carries one or more examples into great detail
 Definition: deeply defines and examines a word or concept as we actually use and
understand it.

6. Write a complete sentence demonstrating two (2) ways apostrophes are used. (10
 The planet’s atmosphere is quickly getting weak.
 Charles Dickens’s novel spoke to me

7. Rewrite/correct the following comma splice using all three strategies (10 points):

Karen didn’t pay attention to her driving on the way to the meeting, she made a wrong
turn and ended up arriving late.
 Karen, didn’t pay attention to her driving on the way to the meeting, she made a
wrong turn and ended up arriving late.
 Karen didn’t pay attention to her driving ,on the way to the meeting she made a
wrong turn and ended up arriving late.
 Karen didn’t pay attention to her driving on the way to the meeting, she made a
wrong turn and ended up arriving late.

8. Write 5 complete sentences starting with 5 different subordinating conjunctions. (10
 When I finish eating, lets go home.
 Wherever I go, they treat me like a king
 As you know, I’m turning in my two-week notice.
 Until I find it, I’m not leaving.
 Since I turned 20, I’ve become more responsible.

9. Write 2 or 3 complete sentences demonstrates how to use commas pertaining to

introductory phrases and compound sentences. (10 points)
 While getting ready for bed, my mom came in.
 During the game, the qb almost fainted.

10. Add commas (6 total) to the following sentences. (5 points)

Before we left that appointment, the midwife reminded us of the practices policies on test
results. No news is good news unless, tests showed something negative no one would
call us. No one did. Until Dudley was diagnosed, we did not know the nature of my
results. Somewhere between the hospital that processed the results and the midwives
who handled my care, something went awry and the answer to the question we’d asked
was never delivered. I saw the midwives at least once a month for the rest of my
pregnancy. At every appointment we were told how well everything was going. 

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