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Studiju programma 42345 Uzņēmējdarbības vadība tūrismā

Vadības katedra

Gulshana Tursunova

Pilnveidos personāla motivācijas sistēmu kafejnīcā

SIA “CPS Baltic” Rīgā

Vārds, uzvārds Paraksts Datums
s (-te)
Darba vadītājs (-a),
amats, zinātniskais Y.Galkina, dr.oec.

RĪGA 2022
Study programme 42345 Business Administration in tourism

Department of Management

Gulshana Tursunova
Improving the system of staff motivation at the
coffee shop SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga


Name, Surname Signature Date

Student G.Tursunova

Supervisor (position,
Y.Galkina, dr.oec.
scientific degree)

RIGA 2022

Bakalaura darba „Personāla motivācijas sistēmas pilnveidošana kafejnīcā SIA „CPS Baltic”
Rīgā” galvenais mērķis ir veikt kafejnīcas personāla motivācijas sistēmas analīzi un izstrādāt
pasākumus tās uzlabošanai.

Bakalaura darba saturs ir sadalīts trīs daļās.

Pirmajā daļā tiek atklātas personāla motivācijas teorētiskās pieejas un personāla motivācijas

Otrajā daļā sniegta vispārīga specializēto ēstuvju nozares un Latvijas ekonomikas analīze.

Trešajā daļā sniegta informācija par uzņēmumu, tā finansiālo stāvokli un darbinieku motivācijas
sistēmas analīze, kā arī izstrādāti pasākumi motivācijas sistēmas uzlabošanai.

Pētījuma metodiskā bāze ir zinātniskā literatūra, kā arī statistikas dati, uzņēmuma iekšējie
dokumenti un darbinieku aptauja. Metodoloģiskās bāzes ietvaros tiek izmantotas salīdzinošās
analīzes metodes, pētīta zinātniskā literatūra par tēmu, veikta primāro un sekundāro statistikas
datu analīze un uzņēmuma iekšējā dokumentācija, finanšu pārskatu analīze un aptaujas rezultātu

Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts 68 lappusēs, un tajā ir 41 attēls, 2 pielikumi un 34 nosaukumi

literatūras sarakstā.

Pilns bakalaura darba saturs ir pieejams elektroniskajā datu nesējā


The main goal of the bachelor paper “Improving the system of staff motivation at the coffee shop
SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga” is to perform an analysis of the staff motivation system of the coffee
shop and to develop measures for its improvement.

The content of the bachelor paper is divided into three parts.

The first part reveals theoretical approaches to staff motivation and staff motivation methods.

The second part provides a general analysis of the specialty eatery industry and the Latvian

The third part provides information about the company, their financial situation and analysis of
its staff motivation system, as well as develops measures to improve the motivation system.

The methodological basis of the research is scientific literature, as well as statistical data, internal
documents of the company and a staff survey. Within the methodological base, methods of
comparative analysis are used, scientific literature on the topic is studied, analysis of primary and
secondary statistical data is performed and internal documentation of the company, analysis of
financial statements and analysis of survey results are studied.

The Bachelor Paper is written in 68 pages, and contains 41 figures, 2 annexes, and 34 names in
the list of references.

Основной целью бакалаврской работы «Улучшение системы мотивации персонала в

кофейне SIA «CPS Baltic» в Риге» является проведение анализа системы мотивации
персонала кофейни и разработка мероприятий по ее совершенствованию.

Содержание бакалаврской работы разделено на три части.

В первой части раскрываются теоретические подходы к мотивации персонала и методы

мотивации персонала.

Во второй части представлен общий анализ отрасли специализированного питания и

экономики Латвии.

В третьей части представлена информация о компании, их финансовом положении и

анализ ее системы мотивации персонала, а также разработаны мероприятия по
совершенствованию системы мотивации.

Методологической основой исследования является научная литература, а также

статистические данные, внутренние документы компании и опрос персонала. В рамках
методологической базы используются методы сравнительного анализа, изучается научная
литература по теме, выполняется анализ первичных и вторичных статистических данных
и изучается внутренняя документация компании, анализ финансовой отчетности и анализ
результатов обследований.

Бакалаврская работа написана на 68 страницах и содержит 41 рисунок, 2 приложения и 34

имени в списке литературы.

Полное содержание бакалаврской работы доступно на электронном носителе

Key words

Key words Noteicošie vārdi Ключевые слова

Personnel motivation Personāla motivācija Мотивация персонала

Motivation to work Motivācija strādāt Мотивация к работе

Staff motivation system Personāla motivācijas Система мотивации


Tourism industry Tūrisma nozare Индустрия туризма

Motivation personnel Motivācijas personāls Мотивация персонала

Personnel management Personāla vadība Кадровый менеджмент

Human Resource Cilvekresursu vadība Управление

management человеческими ресурсами

Staff performance Personāla sniegums Производительность

Key words
1. Theoretical aspect of staff motivation
1.1 Main definitions of staff motivation
1.2 Staff motivation theories
1.3 Definition of Performance
1.4 Analyze employee engagement and working conditions and their impact on the
organization's overall performance
1.5 The importance of job security and employee training and their impact on growing the
business and limiting the risks of high turnover
1.6 Competence in communication skills, service and the performance of the staff of the
coffee shop
1.7 Covid-19 impact on Latvian specialty eatery industry
1.8 Conclusion to chapter

2. Analysis of activity and motivation of employees of SIA "CPS Baltic"

2.1 Information about the company
2.2 Organizational structure and personnel of SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga
2.3 Company financial performance data
2.4 Analysis of the existing employee motivation and management system at SIA "CPS
Baltic" in Riga
2.5 Personnel of SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga
2.6 Conclusion to chapter 2
3. Development of recommendations to increase employee motivation and job satisfaction
at SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga
Conclusions and recommendations

Aim of the thesis: To To analyse the staff motivation system at the coffee shop and develop
techniques and recommendations to improve staff productivity

Research object: Entrepreneurial-business activity of SIA "CPS Baltic" in Riga

Research subject: The High staff turnover at SIA “CPS Baltic” is causing issues that actually
reflecting on service provision, growth and profit (income) of the company. Therefore the
motivation system to keep their employees happy and satisfied with the work, bonus system
(Financial motivation) should be improved and worked on to retain the employees.

Hypothesis: The Employees of SIA "CPS Baltic" coffee shop are not satisfied with salary,
personal growth and work-life balance, but because these are the three motivating factors that
affect employees the most. Employee motivation is important because it can influence people in
a certain way and ultimately determine whether a company succeeds or fails. Motivating
employees and understanding their needs and helping them achieve results is a big job that will
force companies to reduce high employee turnover and start developing concrete ways to retain
employees for the long term.

Tasks of the thesis:

1) To Provide an analysis of the coffee shop and its services

2) Analysis of the organizational structure of the coffee shop "CPS Baltic" and its staff
3) Study the existing situation in Europe and Latvia, taking into account the impact of
4) Analysis of coffee shop reward systems, their impact and results
5) To Conduct a questionnaire to employees to find out if they are satisfied with the staff
motivation system
6) Perceive the motivation system at the SIA “CPS Baltic”.
7) To analyse the different factors to motivate staff in the SIA “CPS Baltic” coffee shop,
provide surveys and questionnaires.
Methodological basis

Observation, survey methods (questioning), theoretical analysis, statistical, and line and bar chart

Practical significance

The practical significance of this analysis will be explained by the requirement of Latvian
coffeeshop retailers to boost motivation of their employees so as to realize lower staff turnover,
higher staff loyalty and higher service provision.

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