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Civil Engineering

What is civil engineering?

Civil engineering is everything you see that’s been built around us. It’s about roads and railways,
schools, offices, hospitals, water and power supply and much more. The kinds of things we take for
granted but would find life very hard to live without. Civil engineering touches us throughout our
Think of a civil engineer when you:
 Turn on your tap to take a shower or drink clean water
 Every time you open a water faucet, you expect water to come out, without thinking that civil
engineers made it possible.
 Drive to work on roads and bridges through synchronized traffic lights
 Take mass transit or take a flight for a vacation
 when you are shopping in to the multi-storey building or when you watch game on stadium. As
they are the most conspicuous creations of structural engineering.
What do Civil Engineers do?
Civil engineers design, build, and maintain the foundation for our modern society – our roads and
bridges, drinking water and energy systems, sea ports and airports, and the infrastructure for a
cleaner environment .They help make our villages, towns and cities work for the people that live
Careers in civil engineering
Where do civil engineers work?
Government infrastructure projects
Private industry
Construction and mining
Roads and traffic industries
Property and land development
Consulting firms.
Your future career options
Civil engineer graduates work in a various area, including designing, building and managing just
about everything from a major freeway or railway, to a water storage reservoir, or environmentally
friendly structure.
As a Civil engineer you could:
 Investigate, design and manage the construction of multi-story buildings.
 Design a water supply and sewerage systems for a new city.
 Design a road, freeway or tunnels and manage their construction.
 Design systems to control erosion in rivers and protect people from the devastation of floods
 Provide smart mobility solutions underpinned by technological advances to traffic congestion
 Manage the maintenance of the large bridges that link most cities’ major arterials.
 Provide alternatives to relieve traffic congestion and solve transport problems.
 Prevent contamination of soil and ground water from industrial activities.
 Interpret and organize drawings, plans, construction methods and procedures for innovative
foundation systems for unstable soils.
 Develop ways of treating and reusing stormwater and wastewater to preserve precious
 Work with consortiums to design eco-tourism resorts.
 Work in mining extraction and processing of ores from the earth.
Why join ILIAUNI's School of Engineering?
Study with the best in Georgia
ერთი ორი სიტყვით, ილიას რეიტინგებზე

 Academic staff
 Research staff
 Adjunct staff
Flexible course options
Our engineering degrees provide a common first year to help you get your bearings in this very
diverse field. From the second year onwards, you can start to specialise, selecting from the widest
range of choice in engineering courses. And you can broaden your career options further with
elective courses.
What you’ll study in your undergraduate degree
Geotechnical Engineering
design and analysis of foundations and support structures, slopes, waste containment facilities, dams
and tunnels, as well as engineering of geomaterials for infrastructure projects.
Transport Engineering
learn how to plan for the future travel needs of cities and rural areas. Investigate alternative transport
technologies to make existing road and traffic systems safer, more efficient, and user focused.
Water Engineering
plan and manage water supply and drainage systems for communities, agriculture, and industry.
Develop projects to control flood waters, design dams, spillways, and pipe networks. Manage rivers
and develop systems to collect and treat wastewater and develop urban water systems.
Structural Engineering
design and oversee construction of buildings, bridges, airports, railways, commercial complexes,
towers, offshore platforms, and tunnels. How to ensure structures remain sound under extreme
conditions such as heavy traffic, high winds and earthquakes.
Professional Accreditation
The program is based upon the San Diego State University program and is positioned for international
accreditation according to the American Board of Engineering and Technology standards.
Your pathway to success
Great engineers are so much more than just their skills. At ILIAUNI, our engineering courses aim to
produce highly skilled engineers who are ready for life, ready for work, ready for the world. From
your first day to your final lecture, you’ll have everything you need to be prepared for a successful
There's a range of extracurricular activities and programs to support you to pursue your passions and
get the most from your unit experience. Develop hands-on skills, build friendships and networks,
undertake opportunities to think and work globally, plus get a head start on your career through
work-based learning.
Join a student team
You can join one of the many student teams like The Ilia State University Civil and Construction
Engineering Club, created in partnership with SDSU Georgia, represents one of many student
chapters established under the guidance of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE):
"[America's] oldest engineering society". The ASCE represents a profession that designs and
constructs "society's economic and social engine - the built environment".
Find out more about all the student teams and clubs
Learn in world-leading facilities
Some of the facilities and research centers that will enhance your learning experience include the
Technological building of Ilia State University (ISU) and San Diego State University, FABLAB
ILIAUNI – Laboratory of Future Innovation, Zoomout – Iliauni Pre-accelerator, Unilab and
Technology Comemrcialization Office at ISU
We work with industry to carry out pioneering research and deliver …………..

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Professional development opportunities
You’ll have access to extracurricular programs that will unlock your potential and prepare you for
work and a successful career...........................................
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Apply for a scholarship
Scholarships available to help unlock your engineering talents and contribute to a better future. (თუ
არ ვცდები საინჟინრო საგნებს, სახელმწიფო აფინანსებს, ხოდა ეს პროგრამაც თუ ხვდებე
დაფინანსებაში აუცილებლად უნდა ვთქვათ)
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Graduate study options
Whether you want to gain a professional edge, or are looking to explore your specialisation at an
advanced level or pursue research interests, graduate study will take your qualification to the next
Civil Engineering videos

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