The Passive Voice

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The passive voice, as its name implies, appears with the patient subject.

complement is the grammatical element that executes the action of the verb, while
the subject receives it.
For example: "The tower in the city center was designed by my father." In this case,
“the tower in the center” is the taxpayer who receives the action (“it was designed”)
carried out by the agent complement (“my father”).
Thanks to the use of the passive voice we can emphasize the action or the state that
a sentence indicates; Contrary to what happens in the active voice, the subject is not
relevant, it is anonymous or we assume that all interlocutors know it well and that is
why we omit it. Here is a small situation where all types of passive voice are used.

Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + past participle

When it 's used?

Little relevant subject. The passive voice is used when the subject is not very
relevant to what is to be transmitted, or when the receiver of the message is aware
of who carried out the action. For example: America was colonized in 1492 (Active
prayer would be: Columbus invaded America in 1492). In some cases, the agent is
added last. For example: America was colonized in 1492 by Columbus.
Non-specific subject. The passive voice is also used when there is no specified
subject. In these cases, the pronoun "se" is used followed by the verb in the third
person, whether it is plural or singular. For example: Cars are repaired / The
representative's resignation is expected.


1. The boys organized a dance for the end of the year.

● An end of the year dance was organized by the boys.

2. The teacher erased what was written on the board.

● What was written on the board was erased by the teacher.

3. A group of criminals robbed the bank on the corner of my house.

● The bank on the corner of my house was robbed by a group of criminals.

Adriana Beatriz Martin Castellanos “5to L”

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