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The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the SARS-CoV-2

coronavirus, responsible for the Covid-19 disease, as a pandemic.

Going from epidemic to pandemic does not mean that the disease is more serious, but that
it spreads rapidly in different countries and at the same time. As a result, it is more
difficult to fight the disease because there are several sources to control.

Until now, China was the main source of infection for the virus, which had spread to
other countries in isolated cases. But in recent weeks the number of infections in Chinese
territory has been reduced and the government
ensures that the epidemic is controlled.

Instead, the contagion has skyrocketed on other

continents. According to the Johns Hopkins
University real-time tracking map, more than a
million cases have already been detected worldwide.

The Covid-19 epidemic has spread to more than 100 countries and now the great focus
of infection is in Europe, especially in Italy and Spain (which already exceed the number
of deaths in China), and in the United States.

Stopping the virus is everyone's business

One of the biggest concerns is that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is spreading at high
speed. Therefore, since a vaccine to prevent infection has not yet been discovered, the
most important thing is to take steps to stop its spread.

One of the most effective measures is social distancing: the fewer contacts there are
between people, the less chance of contagion.
To achieve this, in the most affected countries, schools, institutes and universities have
been closed, as well as public buildings and museums. Big events have been banned
and concerts and sports competitions have been suspended.

The countries with the least contagions have canceled flights to the most affected
areas. For example, many European countries have closed their borders, while several
American countries have suspended the arrival of flights from Europe.

When a person is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it can take several days for
them to show the first symptoms and, during this
time, they can infect other people.

That is why authorities recommend that people stay

home and avoid gathering in groups to reduce the
risk of infection.

This does not mean being locked up at home for two weeks, but rather it is about going
out solely out of necessity, to buy food or medicine, take care of dependents or go to
work (if it cannot be done from home).

Reducing the number of infections will also allow health systems to have more
resources to care for infected people and other patients in need. It is a question of
collective responsibility.

A viral pandemic

News about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the Covid-19 epidemic has been spreading
through the internet, social networks and the media for weeks.

The amount of information can be overwhelming and confusing, so it is important to find

out through official sources (governments and local authorities, institutions such as
WHO) or proven media.

Fake news and misinformation abound in these

situations. Therefore, to avoid social alarm and act
correctly in the face of the epidemic, it is best to
inform yourself and share only truthful information.
Adriana Beatriz Martin Castellanos 5ªL

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